163 research outputs found

    Physical comparision and social physique anxiety: gender differences

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    La importancia de trabajar la autoestima y el desarrollo de una imagen corporal positiva se vislumbra con gran interés desde edades tempranas, debido a las consecuencias desadaptativas derivadas. El objetivo primario de este estudio fue analizar las posibles diferencias entre géneros en cuanto a la comparación hacia la apariencia física y la ansiedad física. Un segundo objetivo pretendió analizar la relación predictiva de la comparación hacia la apariencia física (hacia arriba y hacia abajo) sobre la ansiedad físico social. Participaron 347 universitarios (188 hombres y 159 mujeres) con edades entre 18 y 24 años (Medad = 20.42; DTedad = 1.54). Los resultados derivados de la prueba t de estudiante mostró diferencias estadísticamente significativas en comparación hacia arriba, comparación hacia abajo y ansiedad físico social a favor de la mujer. Los resultados emergidos del análisis de regresión lineal reflejaron que tanto la comparación hacia arriba como la comparación hacia abajo predijeron la ansiedad físico social, después de controlar el modelo por el género. Como conclusión, este estudio subraya que una excesivamente comparación hacia la apariencia física podría conducir a la ansiedad físico social tanto en hombres como en mujeres.The importance of working on self-esteem y the development of a positive body image is glimpsed with a great interest from an early age, due to the maladaptive consequences derived from them. The primary objective of this research was to analyze the possible difference among gender in appearance comparison y social physique anxiety. The secondary objective aimed to analyzing the predictive relationship of physical (upward y downward) appearance comparison on social physique anxiety. There were 347 university students (188 men y 159 women), aged between 18 y 24 (Mage = 20.42; SDage = 1.54). The results derived from the t-Student tests showed statistically significant difference in upward comparison, downward comparison y social physique anxiety in favor of women. The results emerged from the linear regression analysis reflected that both upward comparison y downward comparison predicted social physical anxiety positively y significantly, after controlling the model for gender. In its conclusion, this research underlines that an excessive body-image comparison may lead to social physique anxiety in men y women

    Academic motivation in physical education teacher education

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    La regulación integrada se ha mostrado como la regulación motivacional con mayor poder predictivo sobre las conductas adaptativas en diferentes ámbitos de la vida, sin embargo, aún no ha sido estudiada en el contexto educativo. El objetivo de este estudio fue incorporar la medida de la regulación integrada a la Escala de Motivación Educativa y observar las propiedades psicométricas de este instrumento. Participaron en el estudio 333 universitarios del área de Educación Física de la Universidad Federal do Espirito Santo/ Brasil. El análisis factorial confirmatorio mostró índices de ajuste aceptables para el modelo de ocho factores correlacionados. Los resultados del análisis de regresión mostraron que la regulación integrada fue la variable que mejor predijo la intención de ser profesor. Este instrumento podría contribuir a una mayor comprensión de los procesos motivacionales involucrados en el ámbito de la formación inicial en Educación Física en BrasilIntegrated regulation has been showed as the motivational regulation with the highest predictive power on adaptive behaviours in different life domains; however, it has not been examined in the educational context yet. The purpose of this study was to incorporate the assessment of integrated regulation to the Academic Motivation Scale in the initial training of Physical Education teachers in Brazil and examine the psychometric properties of this instrument. There were 333 undergraduate participants from the bachelor degree of Physical Education, Federal University of Espirito Santo/ Brazil. Confirmatory factor analysis showed acceptable fit indices for the eight-factor correlated structure. The results of the regression analysis showed that the variable integrated regulation was the strongest predictor of the intention to become a teacher. This new instrument may contribute to a deeper understanding of the motivational processes involved in the initial training of Physical Education teacherEsta investigación ha sido realizada gracias a la ayuda recibida por parte de la Fundación Carolin

    Palatability of Alfalfa (\u3cem\u3eMedicago sativa\u3c/em\u3e L.) and Orchard Grass (\u3cem\u3eDactylis glomerata\u3c/em\u3e L.) Silages

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    The objective was to compare palatability with different methodologies for characterizing silages at Chapingo Autonomous University, México. Eight silages were used resulting from an experiment which evaluated effects of cutting time (08:00 and 14:00), time of wilting (0, 1 and 2 h) and use of lactic bacteria inoculant on properties of alfalfa (Medicago sativa L.) and orchard grass (Dactylis glomerata L.) silages. Organoleptic properties (odor, color, texture, moisture) were assessed by trained observers, using as categories: excellent, good, fair and poor. Dry matter content, CO2 rate of production and pH were also measured. For the evaluation of palatability with ewes, the experiment encompassed 18 days of adaptation and 14 days of measurement. In each of the 14 days of evaluation, four combinations of silages were evaluated (three silages per combination), each one assigned to experimental units formed by three ewes allotted by means of ratified random; each experimental unit was housed during 2.5 h in a pen with three feeders. The silages to be evaluated daily by each experimental unit were allotted randomly to these feeders. Silages harvested at 14:00 achieved highest scores in organoleptic, preference and intake evaluations. Results of preference and intake were similar and the results of PCA ordering of treatments resembled those of odor and texture and were opposite to those of pH and in a lesser extent also to those of aerobic deterioration. The organoleptic evaluation resulted an easy and cheap method to characterize silages, which results were reliable predictors of preference and intake (and hence quality) of alfalfa and orchard grass silages

    Fístula arteriovenosa postraumática: tratamiento endovascular. Revisión de la literatura y presentación de un caso clínico

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    ResumenLas fístulas arteriovenosas en la cabeza y el cuello son entidades poco frecuentes. La mayoría es secundaria a heridas penetrantes por arma blanca. Se describe el tratamiento exitoso mediante cirugía endovascular de una fístula postraumática tras una herida penetrante entre la arteria maxilar interna izquierda y la vena yugular externa. A través de este caso clínico y la revisión de la literatura se ilustran las causas, manifestaciones, estudio radiológico y tratamiento de una fístula postraumática entre la arteria maxilar interna y la vena yugular externa. A través de este caso clínico se demuestra la utilidad de los procedimientos endovasculares en el tratamiento de estas complicaciones.AbstractTraumatic arteriovenous fistulas of the head and neck region are uncommon. The majority are due to penetration of blunt injury. We describe a successful endovascular treatment of a posttraumatic fistula between the left maxillary artery and the external jugular vein due to a penetration injury. This case and a review of the literature illustrate the causes, manifestations, image studies and treatment for a posttraumatic fistula between the maxillary artery and the external jugular vein. This case demonstrate the utility of endovascular treatment of head and neck injuries complications

    On the performance of SQL scalable systems on Kubernetes: a comparative study

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    The popularization of Hadoop as the the-facto standard platform for data analytics in the context of Big Data applications has led to the upsurge of SQL-on-Hadoop systems, which provide scalable query execution engines allowing the use of SQL queries on data stored in HDFS. In this context, Kubernetes appears as the leading choice to simplify the deployment and scaling of containerized applications; however, there is a lack of studies about the performance of SQL-on-Hadoop systems deployed on Kubernetes, and this is the gap we intend to fill in this paper. We present an experimental study involving four representative SQL scalable platforms: Apache Drill, Apache Hive, Apache Spark SQL and Trino. Concretely, we analyze the performance of these systems when they are deployed on a Hadoop cluster with Kubernetes by using the TPC-H benchmark. The results of our study can help practitioners and users about what they can expect in terms of performance if they plan to use the advantages of Kubernetes to deploy applications using the analyzed SQL scalable platforms.Open Access funding provided thanks to the CRUE-CSIC agreement with Springer Nature. Funding for open access charge: Universidad de Málaga / CBUA. This work has been partially funded by the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation via Grant PID2020-112540RB-C41 (AEI/FEDER, UE), Andalusian PAIDI program with grant P18-RT-2799, and by project ”Evolución y desarrollo de la plataforma DOP de Big Data” (702C2000044) under Andalusian “Programa de Apoyo a la I+D+i Empresarial”

    Distributed Model-to-Model Transformation with ATL on MapReduce

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    International audienceEfficient processing of very large models is a key requirement for the adoption of Model-Driven Engineering (MDE) in some industrial contexts. One of the central operations in MDE is rule-based model transformation (MT). It is used to specify manipulation operations over structured data coming in the form of model graphs. However, being based on com-putationally expensive operations like subgraph isomorphism, MT tools are facing issues on both memory occupancy and execution time while dealing with the increasing model size and complexity. One way to overcome these issues is to exploit the wide availability of distributed clusters in the Cloud for the distributed execution of MT. In this paper, we propose an approach to automatically distribute the execution of model transformations written in a popular MT language, ATL, on top of a well-known distributed programming model, MapReduce. We show how the execution semantics of ATL can be aligned with the MapReduce computation model. We describe the extensions to the ATL transformation engine to enable distribution, and we experimentally demonstrate the scalability of this solution in a reverse-engineering scenario

    La necesidad de medir la motivación situacional en el contexto español de la educación física: Psicometría de la Situational Motivation Scale

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    El objetivo primario de este trabajo fue comparar la estructura factorial de las diversas versiones propuestas (SIMS-16, SIMS-15, SIMS-14 y SIMS-13), así como de explorar la posible sostenibilidad de una nueva estructura para la Situational Motivation Scale (SIMS) en el contexto español de la Educación Física. El objetivo secundario fue aportar evidencias que respalden la invariancia factorial, consistencia interna y validez externa de la mejor estructura factorial identificada. Participaron 644 estudiantes (344 hombres y 300 mujeres; Medad = 15,04, DT = 1,58) de educación secundaria obligatoria y bachillerato en clase de EF. El análisis factorial confirmatorio no respaldó psicométricamente las diferentes versiones (SIMS-16, SIMS-15, SIMS-14 y SIMS-13) identificadas por la investigación previa para la SIMS. No obstante, los hallazgos sustentaron psicométricamente un modelo factorial de cuatro factores correlacionados y 12 ítems, que permaneció invariante respecto al género y nivel educativo. El análisis correlacional apoyó la validez discriminante del instrumento y, a su vez, respaldó el continuum de auto-determinación. El análisis de consistencia interna reflejó adecuados valores para cada factor. Los resultados del modelo de ecuaciones estructurales respaldaron los asertos del Modelo Jerárquico de Motivación Intrínseca/ Extrínseca. Como conclusión, se recomienda la utilización de una nueva estructura factorial para la Situational Motivation Scale (modelo de cuatro factores correlacionados y 12 ítems) para el alumnado de EF de secundaria obligatoria y bachillerato en el contexto español

    Psychometric assessment of the leadership scale for physical education with Spanish Secondary School students

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    Objetivos: La presente investigación tuvo como objetivo adaptar y analizar de manera preliminar las propiedades psicométricas de la Leadership Scale for Physical Education en el contexto español de la educación física. Material y métodos: Los participantes fueron 478 (220 chicos y 258 chicas; Medad = 14,15, DTedad = 1,06) estudiantes de secundaria quienes recibían dos clases semanales de educación física obligatoria. Resultados: Los resultados del análisis factorial confirmatorio apoyaron psicométricamente un modelo correlacionado de 4 factores de 12 ítems, el cual fue invariante por género. El análisis de fiabilidad mostró valores adecuados para cada factor. El análisis de regresión lineal mostró que el estilo democrático, enseñanza e instrucción y consideración situacional predijeron positivamente la motivación autónoma; mientras que el estilo autocrático predijo positivamente la motivación controlada y desmotivación. Conclusiones: Se ofrecen evidencias para considerar a la Leadership Scale for Physical Education como una medida válida y fiable de los comportamientos de liderazgo adoptados por el profesorado de educación física durante el proceso de enseñanza-aprendizaje en educación física.Objective: The current research aimed to adapt and preliminary analyse the psychometric properties of the Leadership Scale for Physical Education in the Spanish Physical Education context. Material and methods: The participants were 478 (220 boys and 258 girls; Mage = 14,15, SDage = 1,06) secondary school students who received two weekly compulsory-Physical Education classes. Results: The results from the confirmatory factor analysis psychometrically supported a 12-item four-factor correlated model, which was invariant across gender. The reliability analysis respectively showed adequate values for each factor. The linear regression analysis displayed that democratic style, teaching and instruction and situational consideration positively predicted autonomous motivation, while autocratic style positively predicted controlled motivation and amotivation. Conclusions: Evidence is provided to consider the Leadership Scale for Physical Education as a valid and reliable instrument to measure leadership behaviour adopted by physical education teachers during the teaching and learning process in Physical Education

    Genomic prediction models for grain yield of spring bread wheat in diverse agro-ecological zones

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    Genomic and pedigree predictions for grain yield and agronomic traits were carried out using high density molecular data on a set of 803 spring wheat lines that were evaluated in 5 sites characterized by several environmental co-variables. Seven statistical models were tested using two random cross-validations schemes. Two other prediction problems were studied, namely predicting the lines’ performance at one site with another (pairwise-site) and at untested sites (leave-one-site-out). Grain yield ranged from 3.7 to 9.0 t ha−1 across sites. The best predictability was observed when genotypic and pedigree data were included in the models and their interaction with sites and the environmental co-variables. The leave-one-site-out increased average prediction accuracy over pairwise-site for all the traits, specifically from 0.27 to 0.36 for grain yield. Days to anthesis, maturity, and plant height predictions had high heritability and gave the highest accuracy for prediction models. Genomic and pedigree models coupled with environmental co-variables gave high prediction accuracy due to high genetic correlation between sites. This study provides an example of model prediction considering climate data along-with genomic and pedigree information. Such comprehensive models can be used to achieve rapid enhancement of wheat yield enhancement in current and future climate change scenario

    Interpretación de las curvas del respirador en pacientes con insuficiencia respiratoria aguda

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    La ventilación mecánica es una intervención terapéutica de sustitución temporal de la función ventilatoria enfocada a mejorar los síntomas en los pacientes que sufren insuficiencia respiratoria aguda. Los avances tecnológicos han facilitado el desarrollo de ventiladores sofisticados que permiten visualizar y registrar las ondas respiratorias, lo que constituye una fuente de información muy valiosa para el clínico. La correcta interpretación de los trazados es de vital importancia tanto para el correcto diagnóstico como para la detección precoz de anomalías y para comprender aspectos de la fisiología relacionados con la ventilación mecánica y con la interacción paciente-ventilador. El presente trabajo da una orientación de cómo interpretar las curvas del ventilador mediante el análisis de trazados de presión en la vía aérea, flujo aéreo y volumen en distintas situaciones clínicas.Facultad de Ciencias Médica