34,331 research outputs found

    Effect of frozen storage on texture and color of fish burgers produced from Sarm surimi

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    Surimi is a high quality myofibrillar protein concentrate that is obtained from cheap and underutilized fish species. In this research, surimi burger was prepared from Sarm (Scomberiodes commersonnianus) surimi (60%) and other ingredients. Some quality attributes of surimi burger were investigated during 3 months of frozen storage at -20°C. Fat value was determined in fresh raw surimi and surimi burger. Physical properties such as color stability (L, a and b values) and textural hardness before and after cooking were determined for surimi burgers during frozen storage at -20°C. Results showed that the hardness of surimi burgers and cooked samples were 768gf and 204gf, respectively at-the beginning of storage, and it was increased at the end of storage (921gf for surimi burger and 462gf for the cooked sample). Hardness showed significant difference through storage (P0.05)

    A finitely presented torsion-free simple group

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    We construct a finitely presented torsion-free simple group Σ0, acting cocompactly on a product of two regular trees. An infinite family of such groups was introduced by Burger and Mozes [M. Burger and S. Mozes. Finitely presented simple groups and products of trees. C. R. Acad. Sci. Paris Sér. I Math. 324 (1997), 747-752.], [M. Burger and S. Mozes. Lattices in product of trees. Inst. Hautes Études Sci. Publ. Math. 92 (2001), 151-194.]. We refine their methods and construct Σ0 as an index 4 subgroup of a group presented by 10 generators and 24 short relations. For comparison, the smallest virtually simple group of [M. Burger and S. Mozes. Lattices in product of trees. Inst. Hautes Études Sci. Publ. Math. 92 (2001), 151-194., Theorem 6.4] needs more than 18000 relations, and the smallest simple group constructed in [M. Burger and S. Mozes. Lattices in product of trees. Inst. Hautes Études Sci. Publ. Math. 92 (2001), 151-194., §6.5] needs even more than 360000 relations in any finite presentatio

    BUSINESS PLAN BURGER RAMEN (Perencanaan Pendirian Usaha Modifikasi Makanan)

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    Burger ramen is a burger culinary innovation with slightly different material on the coating section. In the coating section is usually only use bread as a coating. But in we use ramen / noodles as top and bottom coating for the burger. Burger promotion can be done in Instagram, BBM, Whatsapp, Line, Brochure and Poster as advertising media

    Analisis SWOT Usaha May Burger Batam

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui analisis swot usaha May Burger Batam, untuk mengetahui kekuatan, kelemahan, peluang dan tantangan dalam pengembangan usaha May burger Batam. Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa  analisis swot usaha may burger batam memiliki kekuatan cita rasa yang khas serta memiliki banyak pilihan daging dan memiliki pelanggan tetap, sedangkan hambatan promosi yang kurang berjalan dan menggunakan manajemen yang masih sederhana. Peluangan usaha may burger peminat burger yang banyak dari berbagai kalangan dan peluang pasar yang sangat menjanjikan, tantangan dalam usaha may burger batam munculnya pesaing baru dan selera konsumen yang berubah-rubah Sehingga dari analisis swot yang dilakukan dengan melihat kekuatan, hambatan, peluangan dan tantangan maka usaha may burger batam melakukan promosi melalaui media sosial, diskon, promo serta melakukan direct marketing

    Penentuan Adulterasi Daging Babi pada Sampel Burger Sapi Menggunakan Metode NIR dan Kemometrik (Determination of Pork Adulteration in Beef Burger Samples Using NIR and Chemometrics Method)

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    Burger is one of the favorite processed meat products. The adulteration of pork in halal-labeled beef burger becoming problem for the Muslim community. Therefore, it is necessary to develop some rapid and reliable methods for detection of pork in beef burger samples. NIR method combined with chemometrics were choosen because those methods are rapid, easy and reliable. The purpose of this study was to determine of pork adulteration in beef burger samples using NIR method combined with multivariate statistical methods such as Linear Discriminant Analysis (LDA), Soft Independent of Class Analogies (SIMCA), and Support Vector Machines (SVM). The NIR method and the best classification models of chemometric were applied in the beef burger samples. The result of NIR and Chemometrics is compared to the pork strip test. The results shows that the NIR-chemometrics method in good agreement with pork strip test toward pork adulteration in the beef burger samples tested. Keywords: pork, beef burger, NIR, chemometrics, pork tes

    Marketing Strategy Of Fast-Food Restaurants In Indonesia - Sosial Network Analysis On Twitter

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    Background – Fast food restaurants are a culinary business where competition is quite tight, especially in the Covid-19 era. To face competition between restaurants which is quite close, companies must have many strategies, one of which is related to the promotion strategy. Aim – This study aims to compare the marketing strategy content between Mcdonald's and Burger King and identify the focus of discussion of Twitter users on fast food restaurants. Design/ Methodology/ Approach – This research uses a social network analysis (SNA) approach with a qualitative descriptive research type. SNA is a form of social computing that extracts large amounts of data. This research uses secondary data sources from tweets with discussions of McDonal's and Burger King in 2017-2022 with data collection. Findings – The study results show that the marketing strategy related to promos carried out by Mcdonald's is Free Shipping, while Burger King's is Cashback. While on the menu, Mcdonald's innovates on the ice cream menu, and Burger King innovates on the burger menu. The marketing strategy related to taste at Mcdonald's and Burger King showed that the two restaurants had a delicious and delicious taste of the products produced by the two companies on the tongues of consumers Conclusion - Burger King's marketing strategy carried out via Twitter social media is superior to McDonlads' marketing strategy. Research implication –The research results show that Burger King is famous for the promos it provides, namely cashback where the promo can be used again when making subsequent purchases by consumers. Apart from that, the menu at Burger King is also very varied, starting from different colors and shapes of burgers, therefore Burger King can attract other consumers to buy their products. This strategy can be maintained to improve and maintain products at Burger King restaurants. McDonald's is famous for its delicious burgers, so this can increase consumer purchases, this strategy must also be maintained. Limitations – This study focuses on two company brands, namely Mcdonald's and Burger King, in this analysis using three marketing strategy criteria as keywords for data collection. The first keyword is a promo, the second is a menu, and the third is taste

    Quality assessment of local and franchise beef and chicken burgers

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    Six brands of local beef and chicken burgers, three brands of franchise beef and two brands of franchise chicken burgers were evaluated for proximate composition, myoglobin and meat content, colour (L, a, b values) and microbiology composition i.e. Total Plate Count (CFU/gm), Coliform and Escherichia coli Counts (MPN/gm), Staphylococus aureus Count (CFU/gm) and presence of Salmonella sp. All franchise beef burgers had higher protein and moisture contents (except burger C) and lower carbohydrate content than the local brands. No significant differences (p > 0.05) in fat, ash and crude fibre contents were observed between local brands and franchise beef burgers. Most local brands of chicken burgers had lower levels of protein and moisture and higher levels of fat, fibre and carbohydrate than the franchises. No significant differences (p > 0.05) in ash content was observed between the local brands and franchise chicken burgers. All beef burgers had low myoglobin and meat contents «65%) with the exception of AI, FI and GI burgers. Chicken burgers, EI, FI and franchise burger B had higher meat content (>65%) than the others. All beef and chicken burgers had higher 'L' values which ranged between 45.13 % to 53.68% and 62.75 % to 72.48% respectively except FI which was darker. Local brands of beef burgers had a higher 'a' value compared to the franchises and all chicken burgers had a low 'a" value except FI which was redder. Low Total Plate Count, Coliform and E. coli counts were detected in all burger samples. S. aureus counts in most local brands of beefand chicken burger samples were higher than the franchises which ranged from 2 to 11 CFU/gm sample and 6 to 22 CFU/gm sample respectively. Salmonella sp was not present in all burger samples

    Promise and ontological ambiguity in the In Vitro Meat imagescape: From laboratory myotubes to the cultured burger

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    In vitro meat, also known as cultured meat, involves growing cells into muscle tissue to be eaten as food. The technology had its most high profile moment in 2013 when a cultured burger was cooked and tasted in a press conference. Images of the burger featured in the international media and were circulated across the internet. These images – literally marks on a two-dimension surface - do important work in establishing what in vitro meat is and what it can do. A combination of visual semiotics and narrative analysis shows that images of in vitro meat afford readings of their story that are co-created by the viewer. Before the cultured burger, during 2011, images of in vitro meat fell into four distinct categories: cell images, tissue images, flowcharts, and meat in a dish images. The narrative infrastructure of each image type affords different interpretations of what in vitro meat can accomplish and what it is. The 2013 cultured burger images both draw upon and depart from these images types in an attempt to present in vitro meat as a normal food stuff, and as ‘matter in place’ when placed on the plate. The analysis of individual images and the collection of images about a certain object or subject – known as the imagescape – is a productive approach to understanding the ontology and promise of in vitro meat and is applicable to other areas of social life

    Customer Satisfaction

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    The purpose of this research is to find out on customers satisfaction from the Burger King customers of different age groups. The researcher main aim is to find out the information on the different age group of customers and if these customers are satisfied with the service and quality of food. To carry out this research primary method was used. In this research close – ended were used to collect data from the customers. In this method 100 participants of different age groups were selected for answering the close – ended questionnaires survey. The close ended questionnaires were created to find out which age groups of customers are frequent users of Burger King, which gender prefers Burger King the most, and what are these customers view points on customer satisfaction at Burger King. During the research all the ethics procedures were taken into consideration. Finally, when all the results were out then a final complied using all the customers feedback which were given by the customers of Burger King. In this report, some of the key points are also suggested for Burger King which can help solve problems and also these suggestions could be added to the future goals