43 research outputs found

    A call for benchmarking transposable element annotation methods.

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    International audienceDNA derived from transposable elements (TEs) constitutes large parts of the genomes of complex eukaryotes, with major impacts not only on genomic research but also on how organisms evolve and function. Although a variety of methods and tools have been developed to detect and annotate TEs, there are as yet no standard benchmarks-that is, no standard way to measure or compare their accuracy. This lack of accuracy assessment calls into question conclusions from a wide range of research that depends explicitly or implicitly on TE annotation. In the absence of standard benchmarks, toolmakers are impeded in improving their tools, annotators cannot properly assess which tools might best suit their needs, and downstream researchers cannot judge how accuracy limitations might impact their studies. We therefore propose that the TE research community create and adopt standard TE annotation benchmarks, and we call for other researchers to join the authors in making this long-overdue effort a success

    Abdominal Surgery in Patients With Idiopathic Noncirrhotic Portal Hypertension: A Multicenter Retrospective Study

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    In patients with idiopathic noncirrhotic portal hypertension (INCPH), data on morbidity and mortality of abdominal surgery are scarce. We retrospectively analyzed the charts of patients with INCPH undergoing abdominal surgery within the Vascular Liver Disease Interest Group network. Forty‐four patients with biopsy‐proven INCPH were included. Twenty‐five (57%) patients had one or more extrahepatic conditions related to INCPH, and 16 (36%) had a history of ascites. Forty‐five procedures were performed, including 30 that were minor and 15 major. Nine (20%) patients had one or more Dindo‐Clavien grade ≄ 3 complication within 1 month after surgery. Sixteen (33%) patients had one or more portal hypertension–related complication within 3 months after surgery. Extrahepatic conditions related to INCPH (P = 0.03) and history of ascites (P = 0.02) were associated with portal hypertension–related complications within 3 months after surgery. Splenectomy was associated with development of portal vein thrombosis after surgery (P = 0.01). Four (9%) patients died within 6 months after surgery. Six‐month cumulative risk of death was higher in patients with serum creatinine ≄ 100 ÎŒmol/L at surgery (33% versus 0%, P < 0.001). An unfavorable outcome (i.e., either liver or surgical complication or death) occurred in 22 (50%) patients and was associated with the presence of extrahepatic conditions related to INCPH, history of ascites, and serum creatinine ≄ 100 ÎŒmol/L: 5% of the patients with none of these features had an unfavorable outcome versus 32% and 64% when one or two or more features were present, respectively. Portal decompression procedures prior to surgery (n = 10) were not associated with postoperative outcome. Conclusion: Patients with INCPH are at high risk of major surgical and portal hypertension–related complications when they harbor extrahepatic conditions related to INCPH, history of ascites, or increased serum creatinine

    Pour un dĂ©veloppement rĂ©flĂ©chi des contenus relatifs Ă  la littĂ©racie numĂ©rique dans le secondaire supĂ©rieur. Comparaison des systĂšmes scolaires belge francophone et Ă©tats-unien sous l’angle de la didactique de l’écrit :apports thĂ©oriques, pratiques de terrain et analyse de dispositifs didactiques

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    La prĂ©sente recherche doctorale porte sur une comparaison des systĂšmes scolaires belge francophone et Ă©tats-unien sous l’angle de la didactique de l’écrit. Elle vise au dĂ©veloppement rĂ©flĂ©chi des contenus relatifs Ă  la littĂ©racie numĂ©rique dans le secondaire supĂ©rieur. La premiĂšre partie est consacrĂ©e Ă  l’analyse des contextes sociohistoriques et politiques des deux pays Ă©tudiĂ©s. La seconde partie Ă©tablit les cadrages thĂ©oriques et modĂšles d’analyse mobilisĂ©s. La troisiĂšme partie Ă©tudie les prĂ©conisations internationales et les prescrits nationaux. Elle cible plus particuliĂšrement l’État du Massachusetts et la FĂ©dĂ©ration Wallonie-Bruxelles. La quatriĂšme partie dresse un Ă©tat des lieux des pratiques des Ă©lĂšves sur la base d’enquĂȘtes existantes menĂ©es Ă  grande Ă©chelle ainsi que d’un recueil de donnĂ©es au sein de nos classes. Une posture de praticienne-chercheuse est adoptĂ©e au fil du l’étude. Elle prend ensuite en compte les perceptions et pratiques des enseignants. Enfin, aprĂšs un inventaire non exhaustif des ressources existantes, quelques dispositifs didactiques sont observĂ©s et discutĂ©s en vue de soutenir une intĂ©gration rĂ©flĂ©chie des technologies en classe et le travail des savoirs et compĂ©tences littĂ©raciques des apprenants.Doctorat en Langues, lettres et traductologieinfo:eu-repo/semantics/nonPublishe

    Acculturation nécessaire à la littéracie numérique : quels accompagnements fournir sur la base des profils des élÚves ?

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    Du point de vue d'une praticienne chercheuse, cette recherche questionne l'inclusion du numĂ©rique en classe de français lors des deux derniĂšres annĂ©es du cycle secondaire et interroge l'accompagnement des apprenants au, pour et avec le numĂ©rique en comparant les systĂšmes scolaires Ă©tats-unien et belge francophone dont les prescrits Ă©tablissent dĂ©sormais explicitement les objectifs et compĂ©tences visĂ©s. Plusieurs points Ă©mergent quant Ă  l'utilisation du numĂ©rique et son accompagnement en classe. Tout d'abord, la nĂ©cessitĂ© de formation des enseignants au numĂ©rique et son utilisation pĂ©dagogique. Cela implique une posture orientĂ©e vers l'autonomie et la curiositĂ©, notamment vis-Ă -vis des ressources existantes et de leur utilisation. L'enseignant doit en outre se dĂ©gager des prĂ©jugĂ©s associĂ©s au concept de Digital Natives, car si les jeunes sont hyperconnectĂ©s, cela n'empĂȘche pas un besoin d'accompagnement pour parvenir Ă  une utilisation efficace des ressources existantes en ligne. Enfin, la premiĂšre Ă©tape Ă  envisager serait de s'intĂ©resser au profil des apprenants dans leurs usages numĂ©riques pour aiguiller l'enseignant sur les enjeux, problĂ©matiques et besoins que soulĂšvent l'inclusion des technologies pour parvenir aux objectifs attendus dans les prescrits tout en Ă©tablissant un suivi adaptĂ©.By comparing the US and the French-speaking Belgian school systems whose prescriptions now explicitly set out the objectives and skills targeted for digital literacy, our research examines the digital inclusion in English Language and Art (ELA)/French classes during the last two years of high school (respectively named the fifth and sixth secondary grade in Belgium and K11 and K12 in the US), and questions the support of learners in, for and with digital media. Several points emerge regarding the use of digital technology and how it should be introduced and accompanied in the classroom. First of all rises the need for professional development from the teachers. This implies a teaching attitude autonomy- and curiosity- oriented, especially with regards to the existing online resources and their use. The teachers must also try to avoid the prejudices resulting from the concept of "Digital Natives", because even though teenagers might be hyper-connected, there is still a need to guide them with digital support to ensure the most efficient and intelligent use of online resources. Finally, the first step to consider would be to look at the profile of learners in their digital uses to guide teachers on issues, possibilities and needs raised by the inclusion of technologies to achieve the objectives expected while establishing adapted follow-up

    MĂ©decines alternatives et syndrome du cĂŽlon irritable (intĂ©rĂȘt de la phyto-aromathĂ©rapie et de la supplĂ©mentation nutritionnelle)

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    Le syndrome de l'intestin irritable (SII) est l'une des pathologies gastro-intestinales les plus frĂ©quentes. MĂȘme si l'origine du SII n'est pas encore entiĂšrement Ă©lucidĂ©e, on sait d'ores et dĂ©jĂ  que plusieurs facteurs sont en cause. Les symptĂŽmes sont multiples et varient selon les individus. Ce polymorphisme rend le traitement bien difficile. A ce jour, les traitements allopathiques ne sont pas rĂ©ellement efficaces, ils visent essentiellement Ă  soulager les symptĂŽmes et non pas traiter les causes. Les mĂ©decines alternatives, quant Ă  elles, tentent davantage de cibler les causes du SII. Vu le nombre de donnĂ©es disponibles sur le sujet, il serait intĂ©ressant de les mettre Ă  profit afin que la phyto-aromathĂ©rapie et la supplĂ©mentation nutritionnelle trouvent leur place dans l'arsenal thĂ©rapeutique du SII.Irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) is one of the most common gastro-intestinal disorders. Although the origin of IBS is not yet fully known, we are aware that several factors are involved. The symptoms are numerous and vary among individuals. This polymorphism makes treatment difficult. To date, the allopathic treatments are not extremely effective, they are essentially aimed at relieving symptoms rather than treating the cause. Alternative medicine more attempts to target the causes of IBS. Considering the amount of available data on the subject, the phyto-aromatherapy and nutritional supplementation could find a place in the treatment of IBS.LYON1-BU SantĂ© (693882101) / SudocRENNES1-BU SantĂ© (352382103) / SudocSudocFranceF

    Solving genetic heterogeneity in extended families by identifying sub-types of complex diseases

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    Familial dependence, Pedigree peeling, Triplet-transmission probability, Latent class model,