38 research outputs found

    Actuality of colloid chemistry in chemical education of students of medical and pharmaceutical faculty

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    The article is dedicated to the one of the modern medical chemistry section named colloidal chemistry. It is not only component of basic chemical equation of future doctors and pharmacist, subject of medical and pharmacephtical scientific and experiment investigations but colloidal chemistry is the base of a modern and more promising direction of medicine called nanomedicine

    In Vivo Analysis of Conserved C. elegans Tomosyn Domains

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    Neurosecretion is critically dependent on the assembly of a macromolecular complex between the SNARE proteins syntaxin, SNAP-25 and synaptobrevin. Evidence indicates that the binding of tomosyn to syntaxin and SNAP-25 interferes with this assembly, thereby negatively regulating both synaptic transmission and peptide release. Tomosyn has two conserved domains: an N-terminal encompassing multiple WD40 repeats predicted to form two β-propeller structures and a C-terminal SNARE-binding motif. To assess the function of each domain, we performed an in vivo analysis of the N- and C- terminal domains of C. elegans tomosyn (TOM-1) in a tom-1 mutant background. We verified that both truncated TOM-1 constructs were transcribed at levels comparable to rescuing full-length TOM-1, were of the predicted size, and localized to synapses. Unlike full-length TOM-1, expression of the N- or C-terminal domains alone was unable to restore inhibitory control of synaptic transmission in tom-1 mutants. Similarly, co-expression of both domains failed to restore TOM-1 function. In addition, neither the N- nor C-terminal domain inhibited release when expressed in a wild-type background. Based on these results, we conclude that the ability of tomosyn to regulate neurotransmitter release in vivo depends on the physical integrity of the protein, indicating that both N- and C-terminal domains are necessary but not sufficient for effective inhibition of release in vivo

    Management of complex economic security of enterprises: empirical test in Russia

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    There is a new meaningful interpretation of the concept of "integrated economic security of industrial enterprise"; the problems of analyzing complex economic security are substantiated. Based on the study of the regulatory and legal and methodological support of the process of managing economic security in modern economic and political conditions, generalizations and analysis of existing practice in Russia and abroad, the main shortcomings in approaches to assessing the integrated economic security of industrial enterprises have been identified. The article examines the methods for assessing economic security: matrix, product, operational, dynamic one and methods of assessment based on the market value of the company. The parameters of the integrated economic security of industrial enterprise are classified: financial and economic security, information, technological, material and technical, personnel, epidemiological security, conceptual model for assessing financial and economic and integrated security of enterprise has been developed. The practical implementation of the proposed developments has been carried out. It is recommended to use the developed model of economic security management as enterprise resource planning (ERP) module of the enterprise system

    Clinical and microbiology studies of the oral cavity under periodontal inflammation and its treatment with new hygienic means

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    Violation of microbiocenosis of the oral cavity leads to the development of inflammatory periodontal diseases that presents medical and social problem. Purpose of research: clinical and microbiological ground for local application of developed apigel for oral cavity care in the complex treatment of chronic generalized periodontitis. Material and methods: 42 patients with chronic generalized catarrhal gingivitis and chronic generalized periodontitis of 1st degree and 14 healthy people were conducted clinical studies. All patients were divided into 3 groups: 1 – the control group (healthy patients), 2 – the basic group, patients with inflammatory diseases of periodontium having complex therapy with a local treatment with the new apigel, 3 – the comparison group, patients having a traditional therapy with local use of the dental gel with chamomile. Efficiency of treatment was estimated with clinical, laboratory, microbiological methods of examination. Results: Local application of the new apigel based on propolis (bee glue) in the complex treatment of patients with chronic generalized catarrhal gingivitis and ChGP of the 1st degree favourably affects the clinical symptoms of inflammation in the oral mucous membrane and periodontium, that was manifested in the decline of hygienic and periodontal index figures. As compared with patients who had traditional anti-inflammation therapy with the local use to the dental gel with chamomile, the recovery terms in patients treated with local application of new apigel reduced by 2–8 days. Microbiological studies on background of changed normal microflora in the oral fluid and contents of periodontal pockets in patients with inflammatory diseases of oral mucous membrane and periodontium revealed increase of anaerobic bacteroids, Fusiformis and Prevotellas. In case of local treatment by the “Apisan” gel on the 10-14-th day after the beginning of medical treatment the considerable decline of pathogenic microflora in researched biotopes of patients with inflammatory diseases of the oral cavity, that testifies to the antibacterial action of preparation. Conclusions: the local application of the “Apisan” gel in the complex therapy of inflammatory diseases of oral mucous membrane and periodontium promotes efficiency of medical treatment and reduces terms of renewal of structural-functional integrity of oral mucosa, improves the hygienic state of oral cavity, having bacteriostatic action, lowering the number of pathogenic microorganisms in the oral cavity, removing violations of microbiocenosis of the sulcus

    Tomosyn inhibits synaptic vesicle priming in Caenorhabditis elegans

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    Caenorhabditis elegans TOM-1 is orthologous to vertebrate tomosyn, a cytosolic syntaxin-binding protein implicated in the modulation of both constitutive and regulated exocytosis. To investigate how TOM-1 regulates exocytosis of synaptic vesicles in vivo, we analyzed C. elegans tom-1 mutants. Our electrophysiological analysis indicates that evoked postsynaptic responses at tom-1 mutant synapses are prolonged leading to a two-fold increase in total charge transfer. The enhanced response in tom-1 mutants is not associated with any detectable changes in postsynaptic response kinetics, neuronal outgrowth, or synaptogenesis. However, at the ultrastructural level, we observe a concomitant increase in the number of plasma membrane-contacting vesicles in tom-1 mutant synapses, a phenotype reversed by neuronal expression of TOM-1. Priming defective unc-13 mutants show a dramatic reduction in plasma membrane-contacting vesicles, suggesting these vesicles largely represent the primed vesicle pool at the C. elegans neuromuscular junction. Consistent with this conclusion, hyperosmotic responses in tom-1 mutants are enhanced, indicating the primed vesicle pool is enhanced. Furthermore, the synaptic defects of unc-13 mutants are partially suppressed in tom-1 unc-13 double mutants. These data indicate that in the intact nervous system, TOM-1 negatively regulates synaptic vesicle priming. © 2006 Gracheva et al

    Актуальність колоїдної хімії у хімічнiї освітi студентів медичного та фармацевтичного факультетiв

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    The article is dedicated to the one of the modern medical chemistry section named colloidal chemistry. It is not only component of basic chemical equation of future doctors and pharmacist, subject of medical and pharmacephtical scientific and experiment investigations but colloidal chemistry is the base of a modern and more promising direction of medicine called nanomedicine.Стаття присвячується одному з розділів сучасної медичної хімії – колоїдної хімії, яка є не лише складовою частиною базової хімічної освіти майбутніх лікарів і провізорів, напрямком наукових і експериментальних досліджень в медицині та фармації, але стає основою найбільш перспективного напряму медицини – наномедицині

    Modified Desolvation Method Enables Simple One-Step Synthesis of Gelatin Nanoparticles from Different Gelatin Types with Any Bloom Values

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    Gelatin nanoparticles found numerous applications in drug delivery, bioimaging, immunotherapy, and vaccine development as well as in biotechnology and food science. Synthesis of gelatin nanoparticles is usually made by a two-step desolvation method, which, despite providing stable and homogeneous nanoparticles, has many limitations, namely complex procedure, low yields, and poor reproducibility of the first desolvation step. Herein, we present a modified one-step desolvation method, which enables the quick, simple, and reproducible synthesis of gelatin nanoparticles. Using the proposed method one can prepare gelatin nanoparticles from any type of gelatin with any bloom number, even with the lowest ones, which remains unattainable for the traditional two-step technique. The method relies on quick one-time addition of poor solvent (preferably isopropyl alcohol) to gelatin solution in the absence of stirring. We applied the modified desolvation method to synthesize nanoparticles from porcine, bovine, and fish gelatin with bloom values from 62 to 225 on the hundreds-of-milligram scale. Synthesized nanoparticles had average diameters between 130 and 190 nm and narrow size distribution. Yields of synthesis were 62–82% and can be further increased. Gelatin nanoparticles have good colloidal stability and withstand autoclaving. Moreover, they were non-toxic to human immune cells. © 2021 by the authors. Licensee MDPI, Basel, Switzerland.Funding: The reported study was funded by RFBR and Kaliningrad Oblast according to the research project № 19-415-393005 (preparation of fluorescence gelatin nanoparticles and study of their fluorescent properties), by RFBR research project 19-015-00408 (preparation of gelatin nanoparticles by the desolvation method), and by Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Russian Federation within the framework of the Russian State Assignment under contract No. AAAA-А19-119112290010-7 (assessment of nanoparticles cytotoxicity)

    Biliary sludge: solved and unresolved issues

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    The article presents international materials on studying the issue of biliary sludge (BS). The authors also share their own data resulting from conducted studies, where the first group included 1107 patients with BS; the second – 208 patients with different forms of BS; the third group – 40 patients with regular course of BS, in the absence of pharmacological influence; the fourth group – 60 patients (20 patients for each type of BS) with UDCA Exhol 500 mg No. 50 and antispasmodic agent Sparex 200 mg No 30. Intake of Exhol at an initial dose of 15 mg/kg/day was effective in 97% of cases and BS elimination was achieved in 12 weeks. The BS elimination rate depended on its type (1st – 4 weeks, 2–3rd types – 8–12 weeks)