49 research outputs found

    Survivability of copper projectiles during hypervelocity impacts in porous ice: A laboratory investigation of the survivability of projectiles impacting comets or other bodies

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    AbstractDuring hypervelocity impact (>a few kms−1) the resulting cratering and/or disruption of the target body often outweighs interest on the outcome of the projectile material, with the majority of projectiles assumed to be vaporised. However, on Earth, fragments, often metallic, have been recovered from impact sites, meaning that metallic projectile fragments may survive a hypervelocity impact and still exist within the wall, floor and/or ejecta of the impact crater post-impact. The discovery of the remnant impactor composition within the craters of asteroids, planets and comets could provide further information regarding the impact history of a body. Accordingly, we study in the laboratory the survivability of 1 and 2mm diameter copper projectiles fired onto ice at speeds between 1.00 and 7.05kms−1. The projectile was recovered intact at speeds up to 1.50kms−1, with no ductile deformation, but some surface pitting was observed. At 2.39kms−1, the projectile showed increasing ductile deformation and broke into two parts. Above velocities of 2.60kms−1 increasing numbers of projectile fragments were identified post impact, with the mean size of the fragments decreasing with increasing impact velocity. The decrease in size also corresponds with an increase in the number of projectile fragments recovered, as with increasing shock pressure the projectile material is more intensely disrupted, producing smaller and more numerous fragments. The damage to the projectile is divided into four classes with increasing speed and shock pressure: (1) minimal damage, (2) ductile deformation, start of break up, (3) increasing fragmentation, and (4) complete fragmentation. The implications of such behaviour is considered for specific examples of impacts of metallic impactors onto Solar System bodies, including LCROSS impacting the Moon, iron meteorites onto Mars and NASA’s “Deep Impact” mission where a spacecraft impacted a comet

    Characterizing organic particle impacts on inert metal surfaces: Foundations for capturing organic molecules during hypervelocity transits of Enceladus plumes

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    The presence and accessibility of a sub‐ice‐surface saline ocean at Enceladus, together with geothermal activity and a rocky core, make it a compelling location to conduct further, in‐depth, astrobiological investigations to probe for organic molecules indicative of extraterrestrial life. Cryovolcanic plumes in the south polar region of Enceladus enable the use of remote in situ sampling and analysis techniques. However, efficient plume sampling and the transportation of captured organic materials to an organic analyzer present unique challenges for an Enceladus mission. A systematic study, accelerating organic ice‐particle simulants into soft inert metal targets at velocities ranging 0.5–3.0 km s−1, was carried out using a light gas gun to explore the efficacy of a plume capture instrument. Capture efficiency varied for different metal targets as a function of impact velocity and particle size. Importantly, organic chemical compounds remained chemically intact in particles captured at speeds up to ~2 km s−1. Calibration plots relating the velocity, crater, and particle diameter were established to facilitate future ice‐particle impact experiments where the size of individual ice particles is unknown

    The spiritual organization: critical reflections on the instrumentality of workplace spirituality

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    Authors' draft of article. Final version published by Routledge in Journal of Management, Spirituality and Religion available online at: http://www.tandf.co.uk/journals/titles/14766086.aspThis paper offers a theoretical contribution to the current debate on workplace spirituality by: (a) providing a selective critical review of scholarship, research and corporate practices which treat workplace spirituality in performative terms, that is, as a resource or means to be manipulated instrumentally and appropriated for economic ends; (b) extending Ezioni’s analysis of complex organizations and proposing a new category, the ‘spiritual organization’, and; (c) positing three alternative positions with respect to workplace spirituality that follow from the preceding critique. The spiritual organization can be taken to represent the development of a trajectory of social technologies that have sought, incrementally, to control the bodies, minds, emotions and souls of employees. Alternatively, it might be employed to conceptualize the way in which employees use the workplace as a site for pursuing their own spiritualities (a reverse instrumentalism). Finally, we consider the possible incommensurability of ‘work organization’ and ‘spirituality’ discourses

    A cosmic dust detection suite for the deep space Gateway

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    The decade of the 2020s promises to be when humanity returns to space beyond Earth orbit, with several nations trying to place astronauts on the Moon, before going further into deep space. As part of such a programme, NASA and partner organisations, propose to build a Deep Space Gateway in lunar orbit by the mid-2020s. This would be visited regularly and offer a platform for science as well as for human activity. Payloads that can be mounted externally on the Gateway offer the chance to, amongst other scientific goals, monitor and observe the dust flux in the vicinity of the Moon. This paper looks at relevant technologies to measure dust which will impact the exposed surface at high speed. Flux estimates and a model payload of detectors are described. It is predicted that the flux is sufficient to permit studies of cometary vs. asteroidal dust and their composition, and to sample interstellar dust streams. This may also be the last opportunity to measure the natural dust flux near the Moon before the current, relatively pristine environment, is contaminated by debris, as humanity’s interest in the Moon generates increased activity in that vicinity in coming decades

    DISC - the dust impact sensor and counter on-board Comet Interceptor: Characterization of the dust coma of a dynamically new comet

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    The Comet Interceptor space mission, selected by ESA in June 2019 as the first F-Class mission, will study a dynamically new comet or an interstellar object by a unique multi-point 'snapshot' measurement. The mission design will allow to complement previous single spacecraft's fly-by cometary observations. The Dust Impact Sensor and Counter (DISC), devoted to the dust coma characterization, is part of the payload selected for Comet Interceptor. It will be mounted on-board two of the three spacecraft, as part of the Dust-Fields -Plasma (DFP) suite, dedicated to understand further: 1) dust in the coma; 2) magnetic field; 3) plasma and energetic neutral atoms. DISC architecture originates from the Impact Sensor subsystems, part of the Grain Impact Analyzer and Dust Accumulator (GIADA) that successfully flew on-board the ESA/Rosetta spacecraft. DISC main scientific objectives are: 1) to define the dust mass distribution for particles in the mass range 10-15 -10-8 kg ejected from the cometary nucleus; 2) to count dust particles with mass > 10-15 kg; 3) to constrain dust particle density/structure. In this paper, we describe DISC design, aims, methods, feasibility and performances evaluations, carried out by real and simulated dust impacts and by retrieving the number of particles, and their corresponding momentum, using the Comet Interceptor's Engineering Dust Coma Model

    Labour power and labour process : contesting the marginality of the sociology of work

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    This article opens by suggesting that the decline in the sociology of work in the UK has been overstated; research continues, but in locations such as business schools. The continued vitality of the field corresponds with material changes in an increasingly globalized capitalism, with more workers in the world, higher employment participation rates of women, transnational shifts in manufacturing, global expansion of services and temporal and spatial stretching of work with advanced information communication technologies. The article demonstrates that Labour Process Theory (LPT) has been a crucial resource in the sociology of work, especially in the UK; core propositions of LPT provide it with resources for resilience (to counter claims of rival perspectives) and innovation (to expand the scope and explanatory power of the sociology of work). The article argues that the concept of the labour power has been critical to underpinning the sustained influence of labour process analysis

    Association of Immunosuppression and Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) Viremia with Anal Cancer Risk in Persons Living with HIV in the United States and Canada

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    Background: People living with human immunodeficiency virus (HIV; PLWH) have a markedly elevated anal cancer risk, largely due to loss of immunoregulatory control of oncogenic human papillomavirus infection. To better understand anal cancer development and prevention, we determined whether recent, past, cumulative, or nadir/peak CD4+ T-cell count (CD4) and/or HIV-1 RNA level (HIV RNA) best predict anal cancer risk. Methods: We studied 102 777 PLWH during 1996-2014 from 21 cohorts participating in the North American AIDS Cohort Collaboration on Research and Design. Using demographics-adjusted, cohort-stratified Cox models, we assessed associations between anal cancer risk and various time-updated CD4 and HIV RNA measures, including cumulative and nadir/peak measures during prespecified moving time windows. We compared models using the Akaike information criterion. Results: Cumulative and nadir/peak CD4 or HIV RNA measures from approximately 8.5 to 4.5 years in the past were generally better predictors for anal cancer risk than their corresponding more recent measures. However, the best model included CD4 nadir (ie, the lowest CD4) from approximately 8.5 years to 6 months in the past (hazard ratio [HR] for <50 vs ≥500 cells/μL, 13.4; 95% confidence interval [CI], 3.5-51.0) and proportion of time CD4 <200 cells/μL from approximately 8.5 to 4.5 years in the past (a cumulative measure; HR for 100% vs 0%, 3.1; 95% CI, 1.5-6.6). Conclusions: Our results are consistent with anal cancer promotion by severe, prolonged HIV-induced immunosuppression. Nadir and cumulative CD4 may represent useful markers for identifying PLWH at higher anal cancer risk

    Microstructure of calcite in the CM2 carbonaceous chondrite LON 94101: implications for deformation history during and/or after aqueous alteration

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    The microstructure of calcite in the CM2 carbonaceous chondrite LON 94101 has been characterized using electron backscatter diffraction (EBSD) analysis, to reconstruct the parent body deformation history during and/or after aqueous alteration. The results suggest that at least two events of calcite crystallization have taken place during aqueous alteration, and at least three episodes of deformation are recorded by the calcite. The first event of calcite crystallization produced calcite grains scattered throughout the matrix, and the second event formed a calcite vein via localized fluid flow. The first episode of deformation is recorded in the crystallographic preferred orientations of the calcite grains and occurred via a directed stress probably induced by compaction in shallow crustal levels of the parent body. The second episode of deformation is recorded in an e-twin microstructure and it suggests a deformation induced via directed stress by impact processing, also in shallow crustal levels. The third episode of deformation generated subgrains in the calcite vein and in some calcite grains, and fragmented and disrupted the calcite vein. This could have been a result of a relatively forceful deformation event, perhaps when the meteorite was released from its parent body. This study shows that carbonate microstructures in carbonaceous chondrites is a powerful and versatile tool for reconstructing the history of deformation during and/or after aqueous alteration