277 research outputs found

    Traffic Signal Performance Measures Workshop

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    Interactive Traffic Signal System Laboratory at Purdue

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    Operation of Closed Loop Signal Systems

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    Coordinated-Actuated Traffic Signal Control

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    Opportunities for Enhancing Construction Inspections and Evaluations Using Time Lapse Photography

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    Construction documentation and inspection is a critical portion of every major building project. This presentation outlines a cost-effective and efficient method to document construction activity using timelapse photography. The examples used in this presentation include building demolition, MSE wall construction, bridge repaving, and roadway reconstruction

    A Real-Time Offset Transitioning Algorithm for Coordinating Traffic Signals

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    This report introduces an adaptive real-time offset transitioning algorithm that can be viewed as an integrated optimization approach designed to work with traditional coordinated-actuated systems. The Purdue Real-Time Offset Transitioning Algorithm for Coordinating Traffic Signals (PRO-TRACTS) adds to the controllers the ability to adaptively change their offsets in response to changes in traffic pattern, providing an intermediate solution between traditional coordinated-actuated control systems and adaptive control systems. To facilitate implementation, a new National Transportation Communication for ITS Protocol (NTCIP) object for capturing detector actuation at the controller’s level is defined in this report. The unique cycle-based tabulation of volume and occupancy profiles at upstream detectors is used by a newly defined metric to examine the existence of shockwaves generated due to a poor offset downstream. The procedure is modeled after the analysis of variance testing. This procedure is performed on cycle-by-cycle basis to evaluate the offset performance and adjust it accordingly. Simulations of two case studies revealed 0-16% savings in total travel time and up to 44% saving in total number of stops for the coordinated movement when applied to systems with poor offsets. The algorithm is best suited for arterials with primarily through traffic. Heavy movements from the side streets onto the arterial make it difficult for the algorithm to determine which movement should be favored. PRO-TRACTS mitigates problems such as early-return-to-green, waiting queues, and improperly designed offsets using current setups of traffic signals/detectors in the US. The algorithm capitalizes on the existing knowledge and familiarity of traffic engineers and personnel with the current actuated control system to provide a cost-effective solution to improving signal coordination. Future research is needed to improve the stability of the algorithm with highly dispersed platoons and oscillatory traffic patterns caused by situations such as controllers skipping phases due to light traffic volume. It is also recommended that the algorithm should be extended to improve two-way signal progression instead of one-way progression

    Time-Lapse Photography of Runway Reconstruction For Education and Training

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    Field Evaluation of Red Light Running Evaluation Methods

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    A new methodology is proposed to identify intersections with high numbers of red light-running vehicles. An overview of the field performance of this methodology, based on high-resolution signal controller data, is presented

    Using Performance Measures to Improve Signal System Performance

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    Recent emphasis on improving signal system performance has prompted research on the collection of enhanced quantitative data for making operational decisions, the development of a systematic method for monitoring and recording system performance and the definition of quantitative performance measures to identify opportunities to improve corridor traffic operations. This document summarizes the highlights from several publications which document the motivation, theory and application of traffic signal performance measures. Topics discussed include the advantages of monitoring signal system performance without labor intensive field observations. The benefits of real time monitoring and evaluation of signal system performance as well as system troubleshooting. The performance measures identified are capable of revealing the accuracy of equipment installation, green time allocation to adequately serve vehicle demand and quality of arterial progression. They allow agencies the opportunity to more efficiently manage their infrastructure which in turn provides benefits to the local agencies, the traveling public and the overall signal system performance. The document closes by discussing the equipment requirements, provides an overview of the performance measures and has a brief discussion of funding used for signal system infrastructure improvement

    Recommendations For Improvement Of Collegiate Flight Training Operational Efficiency Through Guided-Inquiry Inductive Learning

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    Efficiency in higher education has increasingly come under scrutiny as student debt levels continue to increase and the quantification of the value provided to students by colleges remains elusive. Collegiate flight training operations are especially subject to such scrutiny, due to their expense and to continued below-average entry-level salaries in the airline industry. This research examines an inductive learning approach combined with a flipped classroom, whereby aviation management students in a large Midwestern collegiate aviation program analyzed the operational efficiency of their primary flight training operation and recommend potential solutions and means of implementation. Such an approach provides multiple benefits. The resulting improvement in scheduling efficiency results in better use of existing capacity, and can be utilized to allow additional students to matriculate in the program, subsequently reducing student fees for all enrolled students by spreading fixed costs over a wider customer base. In addition, the management students participated in the development and implementation planning of empirical solutions to the problem, thereby addressing a call from industry to incorporate practical projects in the classroom to achieve greater comprehension and retention of subject matter. A number of alternative assessment methods (Frank & Barzilai, 2004), including semi-structured student interviews, surveys, peer evaluations, and analysis of deliverables, were utilized, and these indicated that classroom engagement and subject matter retention was improved by the delivery methods that were employed
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