Using Performance Measures to Improve Signal System Performance


Recent emphasis on improving signal system performance has prompted research on the collection of enhanced quantitative data for making operational decisions, the development of a systematic method for monitoring and recording system performance and the definition of quantitative performance measures to identify opportunities to improve corridor traffic operations. This document summarizes the highlights from several publications which document the motivation, theory and application of traffic signal performance measures. Topics discussed include the advantages of monitoring signal system performance without labor intensive field observations. The benefits of real time monitoring and evaluation of signal system performance as well as system troubleshooting. The performance measures identified are capable of revealing the accuracy of equipment installation, green time allocation to adequately serve vehicle demand and quality of arterial progression. They allow agencies the opportunity to more efficiently manage their infrastructure which in turn provides benefits to the local agencies, the traveling public and the overall signal system performance. The document closes by discussing the equipment requirements, provides an overview of the performance measures and has a brief discussion of funding used for signal system infrastructure improvement

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