55 research outputs found

    Mecanismos de reproducción del cuerpo en jóvenes del barrio Altos de San Lorenzo

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    El trabajo que presento pretende mostrar algunas reflexiones sobre una investigación llevada adelante con un grupo de jóvenes de un barrio de la ciudad de La Plata llamado Altos de San Lorenzo, integrado por jóvenes que tienen entre 14 y 17 años y conformado por 18 personas, 11 de ellas mujeres y el resto varones. Además de estos 18 integrantes, hay otros jóvenes en el barrio que interactúan diariamente con ellos pero que no se definen como parte de ese ?grupo?. El interés se centra entonces en pensar las concepciones que estos jóvenes tienen de su cuerpo, su transmisión, su educación, las prácticas sociales que realizan y la manera en que ellos vuelven palabra la inefabilidad del cuerpo. La pregunta que orienta esta ponencia es ¿cuáles son los mecanismos por los cuáles este grupo de jóvenes construye un cuerpo que reproduce ciertas condiciones sociales?Fil: Buktenica, Emiliana. Universidad Nacional de La Plata. Facultad de Humanidades y Ciencias de la Educación; Argentina

    An Analysis of the Relationship Between Personality Characteristics of Social Work Students and Choice of Social Work Practice Area

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    Due to curiosity about the individual vs. social intervention argument in the profession of social work, the authors of this study attempted to answer the question, “Do personality characteristics of Social Work Graduate Students influence their choice of social work practice? Our hypothesis was that Introverts would be more inclined to focus on the individual in social work practice as opposed to Extraverts who would see societal change as a more pressing practice issue. Although our study identified no correlation between Introversion and Extraversion and social work practice orientation, there were some suggestions for further study. There appeared to be some indication that Intuition and Feeling might be more important variables. The idea was also raised that the conflict among social workers might be more a result of the nature of their personality type than a real dichotomy in the field


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    Pojam glavne skupštine nije određen Zakonom o trgovačkim društvima, no prema stručnoj literaturi glavna skupština je organ dioničkog društva u kojem dioničari izražavaju svoju volju i ostvaruju svoja prava i koja se sastaje jednom godišnje. Odluke koje se donose na glavnoj skupštini mogu biti pozitivne i negativne s obzirom na ishod glasovanja. S obzirom na materijalnopravna i formalnopravna pravila razlikujemo prividne odluke, odluke bez pravnog učinka, ništetne odluke i pobojne odluke. U slučaju prividne odluke, radi se o prividu da odluka postoji iako ta odluka nije donesena. Odluke bez pravnog učinka su odluke koje su po svemu u skladu sa zakonom, ali ih je potrebno valjano donijeti kako bi imala pravni učinak. Ništetne odluke su odluke glavne skupštine koje nisu priznate od strane pravnog poretka zato što imaju teški pravni nedostatak u obliku formalne ili materijalne mane. Pobojne odluke su odluke koje su protupravne ali nisu ništetne po zakonu. Kod ništetnosti odluke, razlozi su suženi na one koji se odnose na povredu propisa koji dovode do pravnih posljedica. Te razloge donosi Zakon o trgovačkim društvima. U slučaju pobojnosti odluka, razlozi za pobijanje su povreda postupka ili sadržaj odluke koji je protivan zakonu ili statutu. Razlika između pobojnih i ništetnih odluka je u tome što se ništetne odluke karakteriziraju kao iznimke dok se pobojne odluke karakteriziraju kao praviloThe term of the general assembly is not defined by the companies act, but according to professional literature, the general assembly is a shareholding body in which shareholders express their will and exercise their rights, which meets annually. Decisions made at the general assembly may be positive and negative with regard to the voting outcome. With regard to substantive law and formal law, we differentiate between apparent decisions, decisions without legal effect, undue decisions, and judgmental decisions. In the case of an arbitrary decision, it is an illusion that the decision exists even though that decision was not adopted. Decisions without legal effect are decisions that are in all accordance with the law, but they need to be valid in order to have a legal effect. Necessary decisions are decisions of the general assembly which are not recognized by the legal order because they have a serious legal disadvantage in the form of a formal or material defect. Challenging decisions are decisions that are unlawful but are not legally enforceable. In the case of nullity of the decision, the reasons are narrowed to those relating to the violation of regulations that lead to legal consequences. These reasons are passed by the companies act. In the case of conviction of the decision, the reasons for the rejection are a breach of the procedure or content of a decision that is contrary to the law or statute. The difference between ridiculous and negligent decisions is that abnormal decisions are characterized as exceptions while decisive decisions are characterized as a rule


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    Pojam glavne skupštine nije određen Zakonom o trgovačkim društvima, no prema stručnoj literaturi glavna skupština je organ dioničkog društva u kojem dioničari izražavaju svoju volju i ostvaruju svoja prava i koja se sastaje jednom godišnje. Odluke koje se donose na glavnoj skupštini mogu biti pozitivne i negativne s obzirom na ishod glasovanja. S obzirom na materijalnopravna i formalnopravna pravila razlikujemo prividne odluke, odluke bez pravnog učinka, ništetne odluke i pobojne odluke. U slučaju prividne odluke, radi se o prividu da odluka postoji iako ta odluka nije donesena. Odluke bez pravnog učinka su odluke koje su po svemu u skladu sa zakonom, ali ih je potrebno valjano donijeti kako bi imala pravni učinak. Ništetne odluke su odluke glavne skupštine koje nisu priznate od strane pravnog poretka zato što imaju teški pravni nedostatak u obliku formalne ili materijalne mane. Pobojne odluke su odluke koje su protupravne ali nisu ništetne po zakonu. Kod ništetnosti odluke, razlozi su suženi na one koji se odnose na povredu propisa koji dovode do pravnih posljedica. Te razloge donosi Zakon o trgovačkim društvima. U slučaju pobojnosti odluka, razlozi za pobijanje su povreda postupka ili sadržaj odluke koji je protivan zakonu ili statutu. Razlika između pobojnih i ništetnih odluka je u tome što se ništetne odluke karakteriziraju kao iznimke dok se pobojne odluke karakteriziraju kao praviloThe term of the general assembly is not defined by the companies act, but according to professional literature, the general assembly is a shareholding body in which shareholders express their will and exercise their rights, which meets annually. Decisions made at the general assembly may be positive and negative with regard to the voting outcome. With regard to substantive law and formal law, we differentiate between apparent decisions, decisions without legal effect, undue decisions, and judgmental decisions. In the case of an arbitrary decision, it is an illusion that the decision exists even though that decision was not adopted. Decisions without legal effect are decisions that are in all accordance with the law, but they need to be valid in order to have a legal effect. Necessary decisions are decisions of the general assembly which are not recognized by the legal order because they have a serious legal disadvantage in the form of a formal or material defect. Challenging decisions are decisions that are unlawful but are not legally enforceable. In the case of nullity of the decision, the reasons are narrowed to those relating to the violation of regulations that lead to legal consequences. These reasons are passed by the companies act. In the case of conviction of the decision, the reasons for the rejection are a breach of the procedure or content of a decision that is contrary to the law or statute. The difference between ridiculous and negligent decisions is that abnormal decisions are characterized as exceptions while decisive decisions are characterized as a rule

    Proteomic analysis of the action of the Mycobacterium ulcerans toxin mycolactone: targeting host cells cytoskeleton and collagen

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    Buruli ulcer (BU) is a neglected tropical disease caused by Mycobacterium ulcerans. The tissue damage characteristic of BU lesions is known to be driven by the secretion of the potent lipidic exotoxin mycolactone. However, the molecular action of mycolactone on host cell biology mediating cytopathogenesis is not fully understood. Here we applied two-dimensional electrophoresis (2-DE) to identify the mechanisms of mycolactone's cellular action in the L929 mouse fibroblast proteome. This revealed 20 changed spots corresponding to 18 proteins which were clustered mainly into cytoskeleton-related proteins (Dync1i2, Cfl1, Crmp2, Actg1, Stmn1) and collagen biosynthesis enzymes (Plod1, Plod3, P4ha1). In line with cytoskeleton conformational disarrangements that are observed by immunofluorescence, we found several regulators and constituents of both actin- and tubulin-cytoskeleton affected upon exposure to the toxin, providing a novel molecular basis for the effect of mycolactone. Consistent with these cytoskeleton-related alterations, accumulation of autophagosomes as well as an increased protein ubiquitination were observed in mycolactone-treated cells. In vivo analyses in a BU mouse model revealed mycolactone-dependent structural changes in collagen upon infection with M. ulcerans, associated with the reduction of dermal collagen content, which is in line with our proteomic finding of mycolactone-induced down-regulation of several collagen biosynthesis enzymes. Our results unveil the mechanisms of mycolactone-induced molecular cytopathogenesis on exposed host cells, with the toxin compromising cell structure and homeostasis by inducing cytoskeleton alterations, as well as disrupting tissue structure, by impairing the extracellular matrix biosynthesis.The research leading to these results has received funding from the European Community's Seventh Framework Program (FP7/2007-2013) under grant agreement Nu 241500 (BuruliVac), from Fundacao Calouste Gulbenkian and from Projeto Estrategico - LA 26 - 2013-2014 (PEst-C/SAU/LA0026/2013). JBG, TGM and AGF had a personal grant from the Portuguese Science and Technology Foundation (FCT) (SFRH/BD/33573/2009, SFRH/BD/41598/2007 and SFRH/BPD/68547/2010, respectively). The funders had no role in study design, data collection and analysis, decision to publish, or preparation of the manuscript

    Evaluation of an Unsuccessful Brook Trout Electrofishing Removal Project in a Small Rocky Mountain Stream.

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    In the western United States, exotic brook trout Salvelinus fontinalis frequently have a deleterious effect on native salmonids, and biologists often attempt to remove brook trout from streams by means of electrofishing. Although the success of such projects typically is low, few studies have assessed the underlying mechanisms of failure, especially in terms of compensatory responses. A multiagency watershed advisory group (WAG) conducted a 3-year removal project to reduce brook trout and enhance native salmonids in 7.8 km of a southwestern Idaho stream. We evaluated the costs and success of their project in suppressing brook trout and looked for brook trout compensatory responses, such as decreased natural mortality, increased growth, increased fecundity at length, and earlier maturation. The total number of brook trout removed was 1,401 in 1998, 1,241 in 1999, and 890 in 2000; removal constituted an estimated 88% of the total number of brook trout in the stream in 1999 and 79% in 2000. Although abundance of age-1 and older brook trout declined slightly during and after the removals, abundance of age-0 brook trout increased 789% in the entire stream 2 years after the removals ceased. Total annual survival rate for age-2 and older brook trout did not decrease during the removals, and the removals failed to produce an increase in the abundance of native redband trout Oncorhynchus mykiss gairdneri. Lack of a meaningful decline and unchanged total mortality for older brook trout during the removals suggest that a compensatory response occurred in the brook trout population via reduced natural mortality, which offset the removal of large numbers of brook trout. Although we applaud WAG personnel for their goal of enhancing native salmonids by suppressing brook trout via electrofishing removal, we conclude that their efforts were unsuccessful and suggest that similar future projects elsewhere over such large stream lengths would be costly, quixotic enterprises

    Uloga eksternih revizora u korporativnim prijevarama : završni rad

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    Predmet je rada uloga eksternih revizora u korporativnim prijevarama. Cilj je rada bio teorijski problematizirati važnost revizijske profesije u sprječavanju i otkrivanju korporativnih prijevara te analizirati ulogu revizijske profesije u najvećim svjetskim korporativnim prijevarama. Pod revizijom se podrazumijeva naknadno pregledavanje i provjera financijskih izvještaja i cjelokupnog poslovanja u određenom poduzeću kako bi se utvrdilo je li prikazano poslovno stanje fer i istinito te jesu li se pritom uvažavale računovodstvene politike kojima se štiti interes vlasnika kapitala. Razlikuju se prijevare koje su rezultat lažnog financijskog izvještavanja, prijevare koje su posljedica protupravnog prisvajanja sredstava ili otuđenja imovine te korupcija. Eksterni revizori koji pretežno pregledavaju temeljne financijske izvještaje nemaju prvenstveno zadaću tražiti nepravilnosti u poslovanju, rizičnu poslovnu praksu i znakove koji upućuju na kriminalne radnje, ali navedeno trebaju prijaviti ako to uoče. Međutim, pregled šest najvećih korporativnih prijevara (analizirane su korporacijske prijevare vezane za korporacije Enron, Parmalat S.p.A., Maxwell Communication, Polly Peck International, WorldCom Inc. te Lehman Brothers) pokazao je da su revizorska poduzeća koja su u tim korporacijama godinama, a ponekad čak i desetljećima provodila eksternu reviziju zakazala te da su izbjegavala uočiti znakove kreativnog računovodstva, a ponekad su čak i uništavala dokaza korporativne prijevare kako bi zadržala klijente koji su im donosili značajne financijske prihode za usluge koje su im pružali. Posljedice analiziranih korporativnih prijevara bile su katastrofalne za njezine dionike. Prijava kriminalnih radnji i provođenja kreativnog računovodstva u velikim korporacijama mogla je ublažiti razmjere prijevare i njezinih posljedica, a revizorskim poduzećima sačuvati ugled. Analizirane korporativne prijevare dovela su u pitanje neovisnih eksternih revizora s obzirom na značajne financijske naknade koje su primali od svojih klijenata za koje su provodili reviziju koja je trebala biti neovisna i objektivna.The subject of this paper is the role of external auditors in corporate fraud. The aim of this paper was to theoretically problematize the importance of the audit profession in preventing and detecting corporate fraud and to analyze the role of the audit profession in the world's largest corporate fraud. An audit involves examining, on a test basis, evidence supporting the amounts and disclosures in the financial statements. There is a distinction between fraud resulting from false financial reporting, fraud resulting from misappropriation of funds or theft of property, and corruption. External auditors who predominantly review the underlying financial statements are not primarily tasked with looking for irregularities in business, risky business practices and signs of criminal activity, but should report this if they notice it. However, a review of the six largest corporate fraud (corporate fraud related to Enron, Parmalat SpA, Maxwell Communication, Polly Peck International, WorldCom Inc. and Lehman Brothers were analyzed) showed that audit firms that have been with these corporations for years and sometimes even and conducted decades of external audit failures and avoided noticing signs of creative accounting, and sometimes even destroyed evidence of corporate fraud to retain clients who brought them significant financial revenue for the services they provided. The consequences of the analyzed corporate fraud were catastrophic for its stakeholders. Reporting criminal activity and conducting creative accounting in large corporations could mitigate the scale of fraud and its consequences, and preserve the reputation of audit firms. The analyzed corporate fraud brought into question independent external auditors given the significant financial compensation they received from their clients for whom they conducted an audit that was supposed to be independent and objective