8 research outputs found


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    Introduction. According to WHO data, COPD is the 4th cause of death in the world. The important problems of COPD are frequent exacerbations, comorbid conditions and late diagnosis. One of the most important factors in the formation of COPD is smoking. Recently, special attention is paid to the peculiarities of the course of COPD in women.The objective of this study was to reveal the peculiarities of smoking status in people of different sexes with different severity of respiratory symptoms in order to further creating the groups of patients on tobacco cessation.Material and methods. 108 smoking patients aged 20 to 60 years were examined in real outpatient practice. Besides the questionnaire, all examined underwent spirometry and CO determination (ppm) in exhaled air.Results. Analysis of the results of the study showed that women started smoking later than men. The number of day-today smoked cigarettes, the smoking index, and the degree of nicotine addiction in women were significantly less that was naturally accompanied by a significantly lower content of CO in the exhaled air. Broncho obstructive syndrome was found in 56% of men and 44% of women; the degree of nicotine addiction and respiratory symptoms were interrelated only in women (r=0.50, p<0.01). The period of withdrawal from tobacco smoking was significantly longer in women despite of the almost equal motivation to smoking cessation and the number of attempts of getting rid of tobacco addiction.Conclusions. Significant gender peculiarities of smoking status the degree of motivation to smoking cessation, their relationship with respiratory symptoms were revealed which requires the introduction of different approaches to the programs of healthy lifestyle in people of different sexes. Введение. По данным ВОЗ, хроническая обструктивная болезнь легких (ХОБЛ) является 4-й причиной смерти в мире. Важными проблемами ХОБЛ являются частые обострения, коморбидные состояния и поздняя диагностика. Одним из наиболее значимых факторов формирования ХОБЛ является курение. В последнее время обращается особое внимание на особенности течения ХОБЛ у женщин. Цель исследования – выявление особенностей курительного статуса у лиц разного пола с разной выраженностью респираторной симптоматики с целью дальнейшего формирования групп пациентов по отказу от табакокурения. Материал и методы. В реальной амбулаторной практике были обследованы 108 курящих пациентов в возрасте от 20 до 60 лет. Помимо анкетирования, всем обследуемым проводилась спирометрия и определение СО (ppm) в выдыхаемом воздухе. Результаты исследования. Анализ результатов проведенного исследования показал, что женщины начинали курить позже мужчин. Количество выкуриваемых в день сигарет, индекс курения, степень никотиновой зависимости у женщин были существенно меньше, что закономерно сопровождалось значительно меньшим содержанием СО в выдыхаемом воздухе. Бронхообструктивный синдром был выявлен у 56 % мужчин и 44 % женщин; степень никотиновой зависимости и респираторные симптомы были взаимосвязаны только у женщин (r=0,50, p<0,01). При практически идентичных по выраженности мотивации к отказу от курения и количества попыток избавиться от табачной зависимости длительность воздержания от курения у женщин оказалась достоверно более длительной. Заключение. Выявлены значительные гендерные особенности курительного статуса, степени мотивации к отказу от курения, их взаимосвязи с респираторной симптоматикой, что требует внедрения разных подходов к программам формирования здорового образа жизни у лиц разного пола.

    Application of self-organization theory to evaluation and management of overall risks of innovational projects

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    В статье предлагается метод прогнозной оценки рисков инновационного проекта, состоящий из трех этапов. На первом проводится предварительная оценка конкурентоспособности инновационного продукта, на втором - комплексная оценка рисков, на третьем - определяется наиболее целесообразный момент выведения инновационного продукта на рынок.The method of forecast evaluation of risks consisting of three stages is suggested in the article. Preliminary evaluation of innovational project competitiveness is conducted at the first stage; the second stage is about complex risk assessment; and the third stage defines the most appropriate moment to take the innovational product to the market


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    Introduction. According to WHO data, COPD is the 4th cause of death in the world. The important problems of COPD are frequent exacerbations, comorbid conditions and late diagnosis. One of the most important factors in the formation of COPD is smoking. Recently, special attention is paid to the peculiarities of the course of COPD in women.The objective of this study was to reveal the peculiarities of smoking status in people of different sexes with different severity of respiratory symptoms in order to further creating the groups of patients on tobacco cessation.Material and methods. 108 smoking patients aged 20 to 60 years were examined in real outpatient practice. Besides the questionnaire, all examined underwent spirometry and CO determination (ppm) in exhaled air.Results. Analysis of the results of the study showed that women started smoking later than men. The number of day-today smoked cigarettes, the smoking index, and the degree of nicotine addiction in women were significantly less that was naturally accompanied by a significantly lower content of CO in the exhaled air. Broncho obstructive syndrome was found in 56% of men and 44% of women; the degree of nicotine addiction and respiratory symptoms were interrelated only in women (r=0.50, p<0.01). The period of withdrawal from tobacco smoking was significantly longer in women despite of the almost equal motivation to smoking cessation and the number of attempts of getting rid of tobacco addiction.Conclusions. Significant gender peculiarities of smoking status the degree of motivation to smoking cessation, their relationship with respiratory symptoms were revealed which requires the introduction of different approaches to the programs of healthy lifestyle in people of different sexes

    Nonlinear filtering for map-aided navigation. Part 1. An overview of algorithms

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    Animal-derived medicinal products in Russia: Current nomenclature and specific aspects of quality control

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