9 research outputs found

    Psychological Distress of High School Graduates During Social Distancing in Croatia

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    Introduction: The COVID-19 pandemic has influenced the whole world, thus also affecting the high school graduates in Croatia. Aims: The purpose of the study was to examine the psychological distress high school graduates experienced during the COVID-19 social distancing measures, more precisely to investigate gender and school type differences and to examine the relationship between psychological distress and self-regulated learning. Methods: In this cross-sectional study, an online questionnaire was administered to 13,037 high school graduates across Croatia. Results: The results show that girls exhibit higher levels of psychological distress compared to the boys, while the art school graduates show the highest distress, followed by gymnasium (i.e., secondary grammar school, prep school) graduates, and lastly vocational school graduates. Furthermore, a moderate negative correlation was found between self-efficacy and psychological distress, and significant, but small correlations were found between regulation of effort, management of work, time and environment, self-handicapping as well as elaboration and psychological distress. These results show that higher levels of self-regulation are connected to lower levels of psychological distress. Conclusions: These findings demonstrate that a need exists for greater accessibility of mental health care for adolescents

    Ispitivanje parametara kvaliteta hibridnog semena suncokreta posle dorade na grubom čistaču

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    In the conditions of market economy and fierce market competition, a priority for oilcrops seed producers and processors is meeting the high requirements of seed quality. Production of sunflower seed, of the required quality, has to be completed in a short period of time, in order to leave sufficient time for a country-wide advertizing campaign and shipment of the entire seed production to end customers. In addition to these time constraints, seed processing has been simultaneously required to keep improving the quality of processed seed. The paper discusses the tests of several seed quality parameters (test weight, thousand seeds weight, pure seeds, germination energy and germination), for four sunflower hybrids (Duško, NS Gricko, NS-H-111, Rimi PR). The policy of the plant is to process hybrid sunflower seed in lots (a maximum weight of 20,000 kg), each lot originating from a single location. The studied period involved one production year. Quality parameters were observed per hybrids for one machine (precleaning maschine). The results of testing showed that the seed of better quality after passage through the precleaning machine, that are better seed quality parameters at the exit of the machine.U tržišnim uslovima privređivanja i ambijentu oštre konkurencije, prioritetan zadatak proizvođača semena uljanih kultura je proizvodnja semenskog materijala koja zadovoljava visoke zahteve kvaliteta proizvoda. Proizvodnju kvalitetnog semena hibridnog suncokreta je potrebno realizovati u veoma kratkom vremenskom periodu, kako bi se na vreme marketinški pokrilo tržište i kompletna proizvodnja semena plasirala do krajnjeg kupca. Pored vremenskog ograničenja dorade, postavljeni su paralelno i zahtevi poboljšanja kvaliteta dorađenog semena. Radom su obuhvaćena ispitivanja više parametara kvaliteta (hektolitarska masa, masa 1000 semena, čistoća, energija klijanja i klijavost semena), za četiri hibrida semena suncokreta (Duško, NS Gricko, NS-H-111 i Rimi PR). Seme hibridnog suncokreta je dorađivano po partijama (max. 20.000 kg) i lokalitetima (mestima proizvodnje). Istraživanje se odnosilo na period u godini proizvodnje, za izabrane hibride. Parametri kvaliteta su posmatrani po hibridima za jednu mašinu (grubi čistač). Rezultati ispitivanja su pokazali da je seme boljeg kvaliteta posle prolaza preko grubog čistača, odnosno da su parametri kvaliteta semena bolji na izlazu iz mašine

    Karakterizacija zemljišta u priobalju Borske reke

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    Production process of copper obtaining in the Mining and Smelting Company (RTB) Bor directly affects the environmental pollution in Bor and surrounding area. Harmful elements present in the air are deposited on the surface and due to the effects of atmospheric precipitation penetrate into deeper layers of soil. On the other hand, in the area of RTB Bor activity, the significant pollution of rivers and soil are present in coastal area due to the increased concentrations of present heavy metals. The Bor River is particularly endangered where the waste industrial and mining waste water flew for many years. The Bor River has become on time one of the most polluted rivers in Europe. This paper presents the results of physico-chemical characterization of soil samples from the coastal areas of the Bor River. The following parameters were analyzed: moisture content, pH value, bulk density, specific gravity, grain size distribution, chemical composition, toxic characteristics-TCLP Method and leaching test - Method for characterization of waste leaching. The obtained results indicate that the soil is contaminated with heavy metals and that a significant deviation from the permissible concentrations was found in particular for the following elements: Cu, As, and Pb. The soil in the coastal area of the Bor River belongs to the category of hazardous waste and the preventive measures are necessary in accordance with defined regulations.Proizvodni proces dobijanja bakra u Rudarsko topioničarskom basenu (RTB) Bor direktno utiče na zagađenje životne sredine u Boru i okolini. Štetni elementi prisutni u vazduhu se talože na površini i usled dejstva atmosferskih padavina prodiru u dublje slojeve zemljišta. Sa druge strane u području dejstva RTB Bor prisutna su značajna zagađenja reka I zemljišta u priobalnom prostoru usled povećanja koncentracije prisutnih teških metala. Posebno je ugrožena Borska reka u kojoj su se godinama ulivale otpadne industrijske I rudničke vode. Borska reka je vremenom postala jedna od najzagađenijih reka u Evropi. U radu su dati rezultati fizičko hemijske karakterizacije uzoraka zemljišta iz priobalja Borske reke. Ispitivani su sledeći parametri zemljišta: sadržaj vlage, pH vrednost, nasipna masa, specifična masa, granulometrijski sastav, hemijski sastav, toksične karakteristike-TCLP metoda i test izluženja-metoda za karakterizaciju izluženja otpada. Dobijeni rezultati ukazuju da je zemljište kontaminirano teškim metalima i da je utvrđeno značajno odstupanje od dozvoljenih koncentracija posebno kod sledećih elemenata Cu, As, i Pb. Zemljište u priobalju Borske reke pripada kategoriji opasnog otpada I neophodne su mere prevencije u skladu sa definisanom zakonskom regulativom

    Mediation Role of Study-Related Flow in the Relationship between Need for Cognition and Academic Success

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    Poznato je da je potreba za kognicijom prediktor akademskog uspjeha, no mehanizmi u pozadini tog odnosa još nisu u potpunosti objašnjeni. Moguće je da potreba za kognicijom na akademski uspjeh djeluje preko zanesenosti u studiranju. No, za istraživanje bilo kojeg konstrukta, pa tako i potrebe za kognicijom, važno je imati validirani instrument. Potreba za kognicijom često se mjeri Kratkom skalom potrebe za kognicijom, no na hrvatskim uzorcima manjka podataka o njezinoj valjanosti. Cilj istraživanja je ispitati medijaciju zanesenosti u studiranju na povezanost potrebe za kognicijom i akademskog uspjeha, kao i validirati hrvatsku verziju Kratke skale potrebe za kognicijom. U istraživanju je korištena online anketa kojom je ispitana potreba za kognicijom, zanesenost u studiranju, osobine ličnosti te nekoliko pokazatelja akademskog uspjeha. Anketu je u potpunosti ispunilo 545 studenata s područja cijele Hrvatske. Konfirmatornom faktorskom analizom utvrđeno je da strukturu hrvatske verzije Kratke skale potrebe za kognicijom najbolje opisuje generalni faktor potrebe za kognicijom i faktor metode za čestice negativnog smjera. Ova struktura pokazala je mjernu invarijantnost, odnosno jednaku strukturu i faktorska zasićenja, na odvojenim uzorcima muškaraca i žena. Osim toga, utvrđeni odnosi ove skale s osobinama ličnosti i rodom djelomično su u skladu s očekivanjima temeljenim na prijašnjim istraživanjima, s iznimkom neočekivane povezanosti s ekstraverzijom i ugodnošću te nedostatka povezanosti sa savjesnošću. Također, dokazana je potpuna medijacija zanesenosti u studiranju na povezanost potrebe za kognicijom i akademskog uspjeha. Zaključno, hrvatska verzija Kratke skale potrebe za kognicijom pokazuje dobre psihometrijske karakteristike i može se primjenjivati u hrvatskom kontekstu. Osim toga, ovo je istraživanje pokazalo važnu ulogu zanesenosti i potrebe za kognicijom u akademskom kontekstu te dalo poticaja za buduća istraživanja koja bi dodatno osnažila spoznaje o potrebi za kognicijom u akademskom okružju.The need for cognition has consistently been proven to be correlated to academic success, but the mechanisms of that relationship are not fully explained yet. One possibility is that the need for cognition affects academic success via study-related flow. However, an important factor in any research, including the need for cognition, are valid instruments. The need for cognition is often assessed with the Short Need for Cognition Scale, but there is a lack of data on its validity in Croatian samples. The aim of this research is to test whether study-related flow mediates the relationship between the need for cognition and academic success and to validate the Croatian version of the Short Need for Cognition Scale. Research was conducted via an online survey that gathered information about participants’ need for cognition, study-related flow, personality traits, and several indicators of academic success. The survey was fully filled out by 545 students from all over Croatia. Confirmatory factor analysis determined that the factor structure of the Short Need for Cognition Scale is best described by the general factor of the need for cognition and the method factor for reverse scored items. The Scale demonstrated metric invariance - identical factor structure and factor saturations across gender. The established relationships of the Scale with personality traits and gender are partially in line with expectations based on previous research, apart from the unexpected association with extraversion and agreeableness and the lack of association with conscientiousness. Lastly, full mediation of study-related flow on the relationship between the need for cognition and academic success was established. In conclusion, the Croatian version of the Short Scale of Need for Cognition shows good psychometric characteristics and can be used in the Croatian context. In addition, this research demonstrates the importance of study-related flow and the need for cognition in the academic context and encourages future research that would further strengthen the knowledge about the need for cognition in the academic setting

    Mediation Role of Study-Related Flow in the Relationship between Need for Cognition and Academic Success

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    Poznato je da je potreba za kognicijom prediktor akademskog uspjeha, no mehanizmi u pozadini tog odnosa još nisu u potpunosti objašnjeni. Moguće je da potreba za kognicijom na akademski uspjeh djeluje preko zanesenosti u studiranju. No, za istraživanje bilo kojeg konstrukta, pa tako i potrebe za kognicijom, važno je imati validirani instrument. Potreba za kognicijom često se mjeri Kratkom skalom potrebe za kognicijom, no na hrvatskim uzorcima manjka podataka o njezinoj valjanosti. Cilj istraživanja je ispitati medijaciju zanesenosti u studiranju na povezanost potrebe za kognicijom i akademskog uspjeha, kao i validirati hrvatsku verziju Kratke skale potrebe za kognicijom. U istraživanju je korištena online anketa kojom je ispitana potreba za kognicijom, zanesenost u studiranju, osobine ličnosti te nekoliko pokazatelja akademskog uspjeha. Anketu je u potpunosti ispunilo 545 studenata s područja cijele Hrvatske. Konfirmatornom faktorskom analizom utvrđeno je da strukturu hrvatske verzije Kratke skale potrebe za kognicijom najbolje opisuje generalni faktor potrebe za kognicijom i faktor metode za čestice negativnog smjera. Ova struktura pokazala je mjernu invarijantnost, odnosno jednaku strukturu i faktorska zasićenja, na odvojenim uzorcima muškaraca i žena. Osim toga, utvrđeni odnosi ove skale s osobinama ličnosti i rodom djelomično su u skladu s očekivanjima temeljenim na prijašnjim istraživanjima, s iznimkom neočekivane povezanosti s ekstraverzijom i ugodnošću te nedostatka povezanosti sa savjesnošću. Također, dokazana je potpuna medijacija zanesenosti u studiranju na povezanost potrebe za kognicijom i akademskog uspjeha. Zaključno, hrvatska verzija Kratke skale potrebe za kognicijom pokazuje dobre psihometrijske karakteristike i može se primjenjivati u hrvatskom kontekstu. Osim toga, ovo je istraživanje pokazalo važnu ulogu zanesenosti i potrebe za kognicijom u akademskom kontekstu te dalo poticaja za buduća istraživanja koja bi dodatno osnažila spoznaje o potrebi za kognicijom u akademskom okružju.The need for cognition has consistently been proven to be correlated to academic success, but the mechanisms of that relationship are not fully explained yet. One possibility is that the need for cognition affects academic success via study-related flow. However, an important factor in any research, including the need for cognition, are valid instruments. The need for cognition is often assessed with the Short Need for Cognition Scale, but there is a lack of data on its validity in Croatian samples. The aim of this research is to test whether study-related flow mediates the relationship between the need for cognition and academic success and to validate the Croatian version of the Short Need for Cognition Scale. Research was conducted via an online survey that gathered information about participants’ need for cognition, study-related flow, personality traits, and several indicators of academic success. The survey was fully filled out by 545 students from all over Croatia. Confirmatory factor analysis determined that the factor structure of the Short Need for Cognition Scale is best described by the general factor of the need for cognition and the method factor for reverse scored items. The Scale demonstrated metric invariance - identical factor structure and factor saturations across gender. The established relationships of the Scale with personality traits and gender are partially in line with expectations based on previous research, apart from the unexpected association with extraversion and agreeableness and the lack of association with conscientiousness. Lastly, full mediation of study-related flow on the relationship between the need for cognition and academic success was established. In conclusion, the Croatian version of the Short Scale of Need for Cognition shows good psychometric characteristics and can be used in the Croatian context. In addition, this research demonstrates the importance of study-related flow and the need for cognition in the academic context and encourages future research that would further strengthen the knowledge about the need for cognition in the academic setting

    Mediation Role of Study-Related Flow in the Relationship between Need for Cognition and Academic Success

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    Poznato je da je potreba za kognicijom prediktor akademskog uspjeha, no mehanizmi u pozadini tog odnosa još nisu u potpunosti objašnjeni. Moguće je da potreba za kognicijom na akademski uspjeh djeluje preko zanesenosti u studiranju. No, za istraživanje bilo kojeg konstrukta, pa tako i potrebe za kognicijom, važno je imati validirani instrument. Potreba za kognicijom često se mjeri Kratkom skalom potrebe za kognicijom, no na hrvatskim uzorcima manjka podataka o njezinoj valjanosti. Cilj istraživanja je ispitati medijaciju zanesenosti u studiranju na povezanost potrebe za kognicijom i akademskog uspjeha, kao i validirati hrvatsku verziju Kratke skale potrebe za kognicijom. U istraživanju je korištena online anketa kojom je ispitana potreba za kognicijom, zanesenost u studiranju, osobine ličnosti te nekoliko pokazatelja akademskog uspjeha. Anketu je u potpunosti ispunilo 545 studenata s područja cijele Hrvatske. Konfirmatornom faktorskom analizom utvrđeno je da strukturu hrvatske verzije Kratke skale potrebe za kognicijom najbolje opisuje generalni faktor potrebe za kognicijom i faktor metode za čestice negativnog smjera. Ova struktura pokazala je mjernu invarijantnost, odnosno jednaku strukturu i faktorska zasićenja, na odvojenim uzorcima muškaraca i žena. Osim toga, utvrđeni odnosi ove skale s osobinama ličnosti i rodom djelomično su u skladu s očekivanjima temeljenim na prijašnjim istraživanjima, s iznimkom neočekivane povezanosti s ekstraverzijom i ugodnošću te nedostatka povezanosti sa savjesnošću. Također, dokazana je potpuna medijacija zanesenosti u studiranju na povezanost potrebe za kognicijom i akademskog uspjeha. Zaključno, hrvatska verzija Kratke skale potrebe za kognicijom pokazuje dobre psihometrijske karakteristike i može se primjenjivati u hrvatskom kontekstu. Osim toga, ovo je istraživanje pokazalo važnu ulogu zanesenosti i potrebe za kognicijom u akademskom kontekstu te dalo poticaja za buduća istraživanja koja bi dodatno osnažila spoznaje o potrebi za kognicijom u akademskom okružju.The need for cognition has consistently been proven to be correlated to academic success, but the mechanisms of that relationship are not fully explained yet. One possibility is that the need for cognition affects academic success via study-related flow. However, an important factor in any research, including the need for cognition, are valid instruments. The need for cognition is often assessed with the Short Need for Cognition Scale, but there is a lack of data on its validity in Croatian samples. The aim of this research is to test whether study-related flow mediates the relationship between the need for cognition and academic success and to validate the Croatian version of the Short Need for Cognition Scale. Research was conducted via an online survey that gathered information about participants’ need for cognition, study-related flow, personality traits, and several indicators of academic success. The survey was fully filled out by 545 students from all over Croatia. Confirmatory factor analysis determined that the factor structure of the Short Need for Cognition Scale is best described by the general factor of the need for cognition and the method factor for reverse scored items. The Scale demonstrated metric invariance - identical factor structure and factor saturations across gender. The established relationships of the Scale with personality traits and gender are partially in line with expectations based on previous research, apart from the unexpected association with extraversion and agreeableness and the lack of association with conscientiousness. Lastly, full mediation of study-related flow on the relationship between the need for cognition and academic success was established. In conclusion, the Croatian version of the Short Scale of Need for Cognition shows good psychometric characteristics and can be used in the Croatian context. In addition, this research demonstrates the importance of study-related flow and the need for cognition in the academic context and encourages future research that would further strengthen the knowledge about the need for cognition in the academic setting