39 research outputs found

    Anemia among indigenous women in Brazil:findings from the First National Survey of Indigenous People's Health and Nutrition

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    BACKGROUND: Anemia is recognized as a major public health problem that disproportionately affects vulnerable populations. Indigenous women of reproductive age in Brazil are thought to be at high risk, but lack of nationwide data limits knowledge about the burden of disease and its main determinants. This study aimed to assess the prevalence of anemia and associated factors in this population using data from The First National Survey of Indigenous People’s Health and Nutrition in Brazil. METHODS: Data were collected from Indigenous women between 15 and 49 years old based on a nationwide sample of villages. The outcomes of interest were hemoglobin levels (g/dL) and anemia (< 12 g/dL for nonpregnant and < 11 g/dL for pregnant women). Multilevel models were used to explore associations with contextual (village) and individual (household/woman) level variables. RESULTS: Based on data for 6692 Indigenous women, the nationwide mean hemoglobin level was 12.39 g/dL (95 % CI: 12.29–12.50). Anemia prevalence was high (33.0 %; 95 % CI: 30.40–35.61 %) and showed pronounced regional disparities. No village-level characteristics were associated with anemia or hemoglobin levels in the multilevel model. Even after controlling for upper level variables, socioeconomic status, parity, body mass index, and having been treated for malaria were associated with anemia and hemoglobin levels. CONCLUSION: The prevalence of anemia in Brazilian Indigenous women was 12 % greater than the national estimates for women of reproductive age. Anemia prevalence and mean hemoglobin levels among Indigenous women appear to be partly explained by some previously recognized risk factors, such as socioeconomic status, body mass index, and malaria; however, part of the variability in these outcomes remains unexplained. Knowledge of health status and its potential determinants is essential to guide public policies aimed at controlling anemia burden in Indigenous communities

    Efecto del manejo y del temperamento animal sobre indicadores de calidad de la carne bovina

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    The aim of this research was to study the effect of different handling conditions on physiological stress indicators and meat quality of beef cattle by studying animals with different temperaments. Forty animals classified by their temperament (calm and disturbed) were used. They were fed on pastures and finished with a mixed diet of corn grain and pasture. Biochemical indicators of animal stress were measured at slaughter (packed cell volume -PCV-, proteins, glucose, creatinine, alkaline phosphatase -APactivity, cortisol, insulin, glycogen). Also, ultimate pH and instrumental colour were chosen as meat quality markers. Animal temperament showed a significantly increase (p<0.05) on PCV levels and a significantly (p<0.05) decrease on muscle glycogen. Besides, levels of plasma glucose and total proteins showed significant (p<0.05) differences associated to management applied. Meat quality markers (pH and colour) did not show significant differences according to handling conditions or temperament. Mean cortisol levels at the exsanguination time were significantly higher (p<0.05) than the values obtained one week prior to slaughter, which suggests an important effect of stress associated to slaughter procedures. It would be interesting to focus attention on the assessment of acute stress at abattoir, in order to improve handling protocols, and therefore to assure meat quality in Argentinean beef production systems.El objetivo del presente trabajo fue estudiar el efecto de diferentes condiciones de manejo sobre indicadores fisiológicos de estrés y de calidad de carne en bovinos con temperamentos contrastantes. Se utilizaron cuarenta animales clasificados como calmos y excitables. Los mismos fueron alimentados inicialmente a base de pasturas y terminados con una dieta mixta de grano de maíz y pasturas. Se dosaron indicadores bioquímicos de estrés (hematocrito, proteínas plasmáticas, glucosa, creatinina, actividad fosfatasa alcalina, cortisol, insulina, contenido muscular de glucógeno). Como indicadores de calidad de carne se midieron el pH de 24 h y color instrumental. El temperamento animal demostró un incremento significativo (p<0,05) en los niveles de hematocrito y con una disminución significativa (p<0,05) del glucógeno muscular. Los niveles de glucemia y de proteínas totales mostraron modificaciones significativas (p<0,05) asociadas con el manejo. El incremento (p<0,05) en los niveles plasmáticos de cortisol durante la faena, independientemente del tratamiento o el temperamento animal, sugiere un importante efecto estresor por parte del proceso de faena. Sería interesante centrar la atención en el estudio del estrés agudo, a fin de mejorar protocolos de manejo animal, y consecuentemente, optimizar la calidad de la carne asociada en los sistemas de producción de Argentina.Fil: Pighin, D. G.. Instituto Nacional de Tecnología Agropecuaria. Centro Nacional de Investigaciones Agropecuarias. Centro de Investigación de Agroindustrias. Instituto de Tecnología de Alimentos; Argentina. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas; Argentina. Universidad de Moron; ArgentinaFil: Davies, P.. Instituto Nacional de Tecnología Agropecuaria; ArgentinaFil: Grigioni, Gabriela Maria. Instituto Nacional de Tecnología Agropecuaria. Centro Nacional de Investigaciones Agropecuarias. Centro de Investigación de Agroindustrias. Instituto de Tecnología de Alimentos; Argentina. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas; Argentina. Universidad de Moron; ArgentinaFil: Pazos, A. A.. Instituto Nacional de Tecnología Agropecuaria. Centro Nacional de Investigaciones Agropecuarias. Centro de Investigación de Agroindustrias. Instituto de Tecnología de Alimentos; Argentina. Universidad de Moron; ArgentinaFil: Ceconi, I.. Instituto Nacional de Tecnología Agropecuaria; ArgentinaFil: Mendez, Diego Eduardo. Instituto Nacional de Tecnología Agropecuaria; ArgentinaFil: Buffarini, M.. Instituto Nacional de Tecnología Agropecuaria; ArgentinaFil: Sancho, A.. Instituto Nacional de Tecnología Agropecuaria. Centro Nacional de Investigaciones Agropecuarias. Centro de Investigación de Agroindustrias. Instituto de Tecnología de Alimentos; Argentina. Universidad de Moron; ArgentinaFil: Gonzalez, Claudia Beatriz. Instituto Nacional de Tecnología Agropecuaria. Centro Nacional de Investigaciones Agropecuarias. Centro de Investigación de Agroindustrias. Instituto de Tecnología de Alimentos; Argentina. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas; Argentina. Universidad Nacional de San Martín. Escuela de Ciencia y Tecnología; Argentin

    Push ‘o ver: in situ pushover tests on as built and strengthened existing brickwork constructions

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    In the last decades several experimental tests were performed to analyse the seismic capacity of unreinforced masonry, mostly involving small size structural elements or small-scale building models, not accounting for the actual complexity of existing constructions. This paper illustrates experimental pushover tests on two very similar portions of an existing masonry building. The first portion was tested as built, while the second one was tested after a strengthening intervention with Composite Reinforced Mortar (CRM) system with Glass Fiber Reinforced Polymer (GFRP) components. The retrofit consisted in the application of a reinforced plaster on both sides of the walls of the first storey and on the external side only of the second storey, a solution that preserves the continuity of use. Comparisons between the experimental response of the two portions as well as the observed behaviour of the intervention at the first storey (both wall sides) and second storey (only outer side) provide very interesting insights and preliminary information on the degree of upgrading, essential steps to support the assessment of seismic vulnerability reduction

    Incidencias en Trichostrongylídeos en relación con los patrones de remolinos frontales en bovinos

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    La transmisión de los nematodes gastrointestinales trichostrongylideos de los rumiantes en pastoreo está asociada con la ingestión de sus larvas infectivas distribuidas en las pasturas. Con el objetivo de analizar si la incidencia de estas parasitosis en bovinos podría estar influenciada por la posición de los remolinos pilosos de la cabeza, fueron evaluadas las intensidades medias e Intervalos de confianza 95 % de los recuentos de huevos de nematodes por gramo de materia fecal (hpg) de 126 muestras pertenecientes a tres rodeos de bovinos Aberdeen Angus de 8 a 10 meses de edad. Los valores hallados para los animales con remolinos-altos fueron de 203.7 (155.6-259.3), 300.1 (200-440.1) y 360 (200-520), para animales con los remolinos-medios de 253.4 (173.3-360.1), 417 (216.6-600.7) y 416.7 (341.67-500) y para los animales con remolinos-bajos de 250 (186.4-318.2), 362.8 (212.5-525.5) y 433.6 (350.06-522.6) en los rodeos denominados Villegas, Zavalla y Tierra. En los tres rodeos, los bovinos con remolinos medios y bajos presentaron tendencias mayores en sus incidencias medias, mientras que en los animales con remolinos pilosos altos, las incidencias medias tendieron a ser más bajas. Otros factores, además del comportamiento, pueden influir en las intensidades del parasitismo por nematodes trichostrongylideos según los tipos de remolinos. Entender las diferencias probablemente esté asociado a explicar cómo se conforma el estilo de pastoreo en los grupos de animales en relación a cada subtipo en la zona de ingesta.Transmission of gastrointestinal nematodes from grazing ruminants is associated with the ingestion of their infective larvae distributed in pastures. In order to analyze if the incidence of parasitism in cattle could be influenced by associated to hair whorl position of the head, the mean intensities and 95% confidence intervals of nematode egg counts were evaluated by gram of fecal material (epg) of 126 samples cattle of 8 to 10 months old in three ranchs of Aberdeen Angus. The values were for animals with high whorl 203.7 (155.6-259.3), 300.1 (200-440.1) and 360 (200-520), for animals with middle whorl 253.4 (173.3-360.1), 417 (216.6)-600.7) and 416.7 (341.67-500), and for animals with low whorl 250 (186.4-318.2), 362.8 (212.5-525.5) and 433.6 (350.06-522.6) in the herds Villegas, Zavalla and Tierra. In the three rodeos, the animals with medium and low whorl presented higher trends in their mean incidences, while in animals with high hair whorl, the average incidences tended to be lower. Other factors, besides behavior, can influence the intensities of parasitism by trichostrongylid nematodes according to the types of swirls. Understanding the differences is probably associated with explaining how the grazing style is conformed in the groups of animals in relation to each subtype in the intake zone.EEA General VillegasFil: Ardusso, Gerardo L. Universidad Nacional de Rosario. Facultad de Ciencias Veterinarias; ArgentinaFil: Lacovara, Martin Andres. Becario INTA-AUDEAS CONADEV; ArgentinaFil: Graziati, Georgina. Universidad Nacional de Rosario. Facultad de Ciencias Veterinarias; ArgentinaFil: Angulo Lewille, M. Universidad Nacional de Rosario. Facultad de Ciencias Veterinarias; ArgentinaFil: Kleinerman, Gabriela. The Hebrew University of Jerusalem. Koret School of Veterinary Medicine; IsraelFil: Buffarini, Miguel. Instituto Nacional de Tecnología Agropecuaria (INTA). Estación Experimental Agropecuaria General Villegas; ArgentinaFil: Giudici, Claudio. Universidad Nacional de Rosario. Facultad de Ciencias Veterinarias; Argentina. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas; Argentin

    Parent-Related Normative Perceptions of Adolescents and Later Weight Control Behavior: Longitudinal Analysis of Cohort Data From Brazil

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    Purpose Body image-related norms can be imposed by parents and can shape adolescents' body satisfaction in consequential ways, yet evidence on long-term effects is scarce. Longitudinal data from a country with strong body image focus provided a unique opportunity to investigate long-term influences of normative parent-related perceptions. Methods Multinomial logistic regression was used on data from a 1993 birth cohort in Brazil to investigate the association of normal-body mass index (BMI) adolescents' perception of their parent's opinion of their weight at age 11 years with their weight control attempts at 18 years, testing a mediating role for body dissatisfaction at age 15 years. All models controlled for body dissatisfaction at age 11 years and BMI change between ages 11 and 15 years. Results A total of 1150 boys and 1336 girls were included. Girls were more likely than boys to diet without nutritionist advice to lose weight (51.5% vs. 34.3% among boys) and use medication to gain weight (12.7% vs. 4.2%). Normal-BMI adolescents who reported at age 11 years that their parents thought they were thin had higher odds of feeling thinner than ideal at age 15 years (odds ratio 2.8, 95% confidence interval 1.8-3.2; and odds ratio 2.0, 95% confidence interval 1.5-2.7) among boys and girls, respectively). Feeling thinner than ideal at age 15 years was associated among girls with higher odds of weight gain attempts at age 18 years. Similar patterns appeared among girls reporting that their parents thought they were fat at age 11 years, feeling fatter than ideal at age 15 years and having higher odds of weight loss attempts at age 18 years. Body dissatisfaction was a statistically significant mediator among girls but not boys. Conclusions A long-term influence of parent-related perceptions via a likely trajectory of body dissatisfaction is evident among girls

    L’indagine macrosismica: metodologia, parametri del terremoto, questioni aperte

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    Subito dopo l’evento del 6 aprile 2009, come di consueto è stata realizzata una lunga e complessa indagine macrosismica, promossa dal gruppo operativo QUEST, che ha avuto inizialmente l’obiettivo di delimitare l’area di danneggiamento, a supporto delle attività di pronto intervento della Protezione Civile, e successivamente quello di classificare nel modo più accurato e capillare possibile, gli effetti prodotti dall’evento, particolarmente nelle aree danneggiate. A questo scopo è stata prodotta una stima utilizzando la scala MCS (Sieberg, 1930); in un secondo momento è stata rifinita l’indagine per una cinquantina di località dell’area maggiormente danneggiata (Is MCS>VII), raccogliendo ed elaborando i dati in termini di scala macrosismica EMS98 (Grünthal, 1998). Per la complessità e la dimensione dei problemi affrontati, questo terremoto ha costituito un banco di prova di grande importanza per la macrosismologia italiana. In questo testo viene descritto il lavoro realizzato, discutendo in particolare alcuni aspetti che hanno messo alla prova le metodologie di indagine tradizionali (sistematiche irregolarità degli insediamenti monitorati, forti divergenze degli scenari di danno rispetto a quelli previsti dalle scale, difficile comparabilità con scenari storici, ecc.) e presentandone i risultati, in relazione ai parametri epicentrali che ne risultano e il loro contributo più diretto alla comprensione complessiva della sismicità dell’area

    L’indagine macrosismica: metodologia, parametri del terremoto, questioni aperte

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    Subito dopo l’evento del 6 aprile 2009, come di consueto è stata realizzata una lunga e complessa indagine macrosismica, promossa dal gruppo operativo QUEST, che ha avuto inizialmente l’obiettivo di delimitare l’area di danneggiamento, a supporto delle attività di pronto intervento della Protezione Civile, e successivamente quello di classificare nel modo più accurato e capillare possibile, gli effetti prodotti dall’evento, particolarmente nelle aree danneggiate. A questo scopo è stata prodotta una stima utilizzando la scala MCS (Sieberg, 1930); in un secondo momento è stata rifinita l’indagine per una cinquantina di località dell’area maggiormente danneggiata (Is MCS>VII), raccogliendo ed elaborando i dati in termini di scala macrosismica EMS98 (Grünthal, 1998). Per la complessità e la dimensione dei problemi affrontati, questo terremoto ha costituito un banco di prova di grande importanza per la macrosismologia italiana. In questo testo viene descritto il lavoro realizzato, discutendo in particolare alcuni aspetti che hanno messo alla prova le metodologie di indagine tradizionali (sistematiche irregolarità degli insediamenti monitorati, forti divergenze degli scenari di danno rispetto a quelli previsti dalle scale, difficile comparabilità con scenari storici, ecc.) e presentandone i risultati, in relazione ai parametri epicentrali che ne risultano e il loro contributo più diretto alla comprensione complessiva della sismicità dell’area.Published49-551.11. TTC - Osservazioni e monitoraggio macrosismico del territorio nazionaleN/A or not JCRope

    Vulnerable newborn types: analysis of subnational, population-based birth cohorts for 541 285 live births in 23 countries, 2000–2021

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    Objective: To examine prevalence of novel newborn types among 541 285 live births in 23 countries from 2000 to 2021. Design: Descriptive multi-country secondary data analysis. Setting: Subnational, population-based birth cohort studies (n = 45) in 23 low- and middle-income countries (LMICs) spanning 2000–2021. Population: Liveborn infants. Methods: Subnational, population-based studies with high-quality birth outcome data from LMICs were invited to join the Vulnerable Newborn Measurement Collaboration. We defined distinct newborn types using gestational age (preterm [PT], term [T]), birthweight for gestational age using INTERGROWTH-21st standards (small for gestational age [SGA], appropriate for gestational age [AGA] or large for gestational age [LGA]), and birthweight (low birthweight, LBW [<2500 g], nonLBW) as ten types (using all three outcomes), six types (by excluding the birthweight categorisation), and four types (by collapsing the AGA and LGA categories). We defined small types as those with at least one classification of LBW, PT or SGA. We presented study characteristics, participant characteristics, data missingness, and prevalence of newborn types by region and study. Results: Among 541 285 live births, 476 939 (88.1%) had non-missing and plausible values for gestational age, birthweight and sex required to construct the newborn types. The median prevalences of ten types across studies were T+AGA+nonLBW (58.0%), T+LGA+nonLBW (3.3%), T+AGA+LBW (0.5%), T+SGA+nonLBW (14.2%), T+SGA+LBW (7.1%), PT+LGA+nonLBW (1.6%), PT+LGA+LBW (0.2%), PT+AGA+nonLBW (3.7%), PT+AGA+LBW (3.6%) and PT+SGA+LBW (1.0%). The median prevalence of small types (six types, 37.6%) varied across studies and within regions and was higher in Southern Asia (52.4%) than in Sub-Saharan Africa (34.9%). Conclusions: Further investigation is needed to describe the mortality risks associated with newborn types and understand the implications of this framework for local targeting of interventions to prevent adverse pregnancy outcomes in LMICs.The Children's Investment Fund Foundation, grant 2004-04670. The funders had no role in the study design, data collection, analysis or interpretation of the paper

    Vulnerable newborn types: analysis of subnational, population-based birth cohorts for 541 285 live births in 23 countries, 2000-2021.

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    OBJECTIVE: To examine prevalence of novel newborn types among 541 285 live births in 23 countries from 2000 to 2021. DESIGN: Descriptive multi-country secondary data analysis. SETTING: Subnational, population-based birth cohort studies (n = 45) in 23 low- and middle-income countries (LMICs) spanning 2000-2021. POPULATION: Liveborn infants. METHODS: Subnational, population-based studies with high-quality birth outcome data from LMICs were invited to join the Vulnerable Newborn Measurement Collaboration. We defined distinct newborn types using gestational age (preterm [PT], term [T]), birthweight for gestational age using INTERGROWTH-21st standards (small for gestational age [SGA], appropriate for gestational age [AGA] or large for gestational age [LGA]), and birthweight (low birthweight, LBW [<2500 g], nonLBW) as ten types (using all three outcomes), six types (by excluding the birthweight categorisation), and four types (by collapsing the AGA and LGA categories). We defined small types as those with at least one classification of LBW, PT or SGA. We presented study characteristics, participant characteristics, data missingness, and prevalence of newborn types by region and study. RESULTS: Among 541 285 live births, 476 939 (88.1%) had non-missing and plausible values for gestational age, birthweight and sex required to construct the newborn types. The median prevalences of ten types across studies were T+AGA+nonLBW (58.0%), T+LGA+nonLBW (3.3%), T+AGA+LBW (0.5%), T+SGA+nonLBW (14.2%), T+SGA+LBW (7.1%), PT+LGA+nonLBW (1.6%), PT+LGA+LBW (0.2%), PT+AGA+nonLBW (3.7%), PT+AGA+LBW (3.6%) and PT+SGA+LBW (1.0%). The median prevalence of small types (six types, 37.6%) varied across studies and within regions and was higher in Southern Asia (52.4%) than in Sub-Saharan Africa (34.9%). CONCLUSIONS: Further investigation is needed to describe the mortality risks associated with newborn types and understand the implications of this framework for local targeting of interventions to prevent adverse pregnancy outcomes in LMICs