1,558 research outputs found
Situaciones estresantes y vulnerabilidad a las lesiones deportivas : un estudio con deportistas de equipo
El objetivo de este estudio es analizar la influencia de sucesos vitales y circunstancias deportivas estresantes en el riesgo de lesiones de deportistas practicantes de deportes colectivos con oposición directa. Ciento sesenta y ocho deportistas participaron en la investigación. Al comienzo de la temporada deportiva los sujetos cumplimentaron un cuestionario de sucesos vitales y un informe de lesiones sufridas durante la última temporada deportiva. Posteriormente, a lo largo de todo el período de competición se recogió información sobre la presencia de diversas circunstancias deportivas potencialmente estresantes y se registraron las lesiones padecidas por los sujetos participantes. Los resultados indican la influencia de acontecimientos vitales y circunstancias estresantes deportivas en el aumento de la vulnerabilidad a las lesiones, especialmente cuando ambas variables son medidas en relación al mismo período temporal.The aim of this study is to analyse the effects of life events and stressful sport situations on the risk of sport injuries in athletes practising team sports against other teams. One hundred and sixty-eight athletes took part in the investigation. The subjects completed a questionnaire on life events and a report on injuries sustained during the previous sport season at the beginning of the sports season. Subsequently, information on potentially stressful sport situations and injuries sustained by the participants was gathered throughout the entire competition period. Results indicate the effects of life events and stressful sport situations on increased vulnerability to injuries, especially when both variables are related to the same temporary period
Role of microRNA in epithelial to mesenchymal transition and metastasis and clinical perspectives
The microRNAs (miRNAs) are a class of small, 20–22 nucleotides in length, endogenously expressed noncoding RNAs that regulate multiple targets posttranscriptionally. Interestingly, miRNAs have emerged as regulators of most physiological and pathological processes, including metastatic tumor progression, in part by controlling a reversible process called epithelial-to-mesenchymal transition (EMT). The activation of EMT increases the migratory and invasive properties fundamental for tumor cell spread while activation of the reverse mesenchymal-to-epithelial transition is required for metastasis outgrowth. The EMT
triggering leads to the activation of a core of transcription factors (EMT-TFs) – SNAIL1/SNAIL2, bHLH (E47, E2-2, and TWIST1/TWIST2), and ZEB1/ZEB2 – that act as E-cadherin repressors and, ultimately, coordinate EMT. Recent evidence indicates that several miRNAs regulate the expression of EMT-TFs or EMT-activating signaling pathways. Interestingly, some miRNAs and EMT-TFs form tightly interconnected negative feedback loops that control epithelial cell plasticity, providing self-reinforcing signals and robustness to maintain the epithelial or mesenchymal cell status. Among the most significant feedback loops, we focus on the ZEB/miR-200 and the SNAIL1/miR-34 networks that hold a clear impact in the regulation of the epithelial-mesenchymal state. Recent insights into the p53 modulation of the EMT-TF/miRNA loops and epigenetic regulatory mechanisms in the context of metastasis dissemination will also
be discussed. Understanding the regulation of EMT by miRNAs opens new avenues for the diagnosis and prognosis of tumors and identifies potential therapeutic targets that might help to negatively impact on metastasis dissemination and increasing patient survivalAC is funded by grants of the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness, formerly Innovation and Sciences, (SAF2010-21143; Consolider-Ingenio CSD2007-00017) and Association for International Cancer Research (grant 12-1057). GMB is funded by SAF2010-20175, AECC-2011 and Instituto de Salud Carlos III (ISCIII) PI13/00132. GMB and AC are funded by the Community of Madrid (S2010/BMD-2303) and the Instituto de Salud Carlos III (RETIC-RD12/0036/0007). ADL is a postdoctoral researcher funded by the Sara Borrell program (ISCIII)
Proteínas de almacén de la semilla: perspectivas moleculares e inmunológicas de la alergia a alimentos de origen vegetal
Tesis inédita de la Universidad Complutense de Madrid, Facultad de Ciencias Químicas, leída el 27/05/2021. Tesis formato europeo (compendio de artículos)Incidence of type I hypersensitivity reactions, also known as allergies, has increased in the last decades, affecting nearly 30% of the population in developed countries.This pathology is characterized by an exacerbated immune response against innocuous protein components called allergens promoting diverse symptoms with different severity degree, from rhinitis or local eczema to anaphylactic reactions. One of the greatest antigenic loads that immune system faces comes from food, being the tolerance the common physiological behaviour. Particularly, allergic reactions to food are of clinical interest due to the great impact on health and lifestyle, as they affect approximately 10% of the world’s population. Usually food allergies appear in early life of individuals and, while some are solved during childhood and adolescence (e.g. egg or milk allergy), others persist during the whole life displaying severe reactions that compromise patients’ safety...La incidencia de las reacciones de hipersensibilidad de tipo I, también conocidas como alergias, ha aumentado en las últimas décadas, afectando a casi un 30% de la población en los países desarrollados. Esta patología se caracteriza por una respuesta inmunitaria exacerbada frente a componentes proteicos inocuos, denominados alérgenos, que promueven diversos síntomas con diferentes grados de gravedad, desde rinitis o eczemas locales hasta reacciones anafilácticas. Una de las mayores cargas antigénicas a las que se enfrenta el sistema inmune proviene de los alimentos, siendo la tolerancia la respuesta fisiológica más común. En particular, las reacciones alérgicas a los alimentos son de interés clínico debido al gran impacto en la salud y el estilo de vida de los pacientes, ya que se estima que afectan aproximadamente al 10% de la población mundial. Por lo general, las alergias alimentarias aparecen en los primeros años de vida de los individuos y, mientras que algunas se resuelven durante la infancia y la adolescencia (por ejemplo, la alergia al huevo o a la leche), otras persisten durante toda la vida presentando reacciones graves que comprometen la seguridad de los pacientes...Fac. de Ciencias QuímicasTRUEunpu
Synthesis and Structure-Activity Relationships of Novel Antimalarial 5-Pyridinyl-4(1H)-Pyridones.
Malaria is still one of the most prevalent parasitic infections in the world, with half of the world’s population at risk for malaria. The effectiveness of current antimalarial therapies, even that of the most recent class of antimalarial drugs (artemisinin-combination therapies, ACTs), is under continuous threat by the spread of resistant Plasmodium strains. As a consequence, there is still an urgent requirement for new antimalarial drugs. We previously reported the identification of 4(1H)-pyridones as a novel series with potent antimalarial activities. The low solubility was identified as an issue to address. In this paper, we describe the synthesis and biological evaluation of 4(1H)-pyridones with potent antimalarial activities in vitro and in vivo and improved pharmacokinetic profiles. Their main structural novelties are the presence of polar moieties, such as hydroxyl groups, and the replacement of the lipophilic phenyl rings with pyridines on their lipophilic side chains.pre-print154 K
5-year survival analysis of patients with kaposi sarcoma in the metropolitan area of Bucaramanga between the years 2000-2015
El sarcoma de Kaposi es un tumor angioproliferativo poco frecuente etiológicamente vinculado al virus herpes humano tipo 8 y asociado a inmunosupresión. Clínicamente se reconocen 4 subtipos, en los cuales observamos que pueden presentar compromiso a nivel cutáneo y/o visceral. Algunos de ellos pueden tener un crecimiento lento, localizado o indolente, pero pueden llegar a diseminarse y/o crecer rápidamente y causar morbilidad y mortalidad significativa.
Desde su primer reporte en 1872, observamos que el sarcoma de Kaposi presentó un aumento las tasas de incidencia asociado a la epidemia del VIH hacia los años 80´s, con posterior descenso con el advenimiento de la terapia antirretroviral(1,2). Actualmente se reconocen tasas de supervivencia a 5 años que van desde el 38% al 72% de acuerdo a si el compromiso es extenso o localizado, respectivamente(2). Sin embargo, en Colombia, y específicamente en Santander, no se ha encontrado hasta la fecha ningún estudio que aporte datos locales sobre el comportamiento de este tumor en nuestra población.
Por lo anterior, teniendo en cuenta la importancia de esta patología, la falta de estudios a nivel nacional que caractericen o demuestren una asociación entre las variables clínicas con la sobrevida y el impacto de la obtención de estos datos y su aplicabilidad en los modelos de atención, promoción y prevención de tumores malignos, se decide realizar este estudio retrospectivo tomando los datos del registro poblacional de cáncer del área metropolitana de Bucaramanga de los años, con el objetivo de determinar las variables sociodemográficas que impactan en la sobrevida del paciente, obteniendo datos importantes como la incidencia del sarcoma de Kaposi en el área metropolitana, la tasa de sobrevida de esta población, el grado de asociación con las diferentes variables entre otros.1. RESUMEN DEL PROYECTO: ......................................................................... 7 2. DESCRIPCIÓN DEL PROYECTO ...................................................................... 9 2.1 Planteamiento del problema y justificación .............................................. 9 2.2 Marco teórico.............................................................................................. 10 2.2.1 Definición ............................................................................................... 10 2.2.2 Epidemiología ........................................................................................ 10 2.2.3 Fisiopatogenia ....................................................................................... 13 2.2.4 Características clínicas .......................................................................... 14 2.2.5 Diagnóstico ............................................................................................ 16 2.2.6 Pronóstico y prevención ......................................................................... 17 2.2.7 Tratamiento ............................................................................................ 19 2.3 Estado del arte ........................................................................................... 20 2.4 Objetivos del estudio ................................................................................. 23 2.4.1 Objetivo general ..................................................................................... 23 2.4.2 Objetivos específicos ............................................................................. 23 2.5 Metodología ................................................................................................ 23 2.5.1. Criterios de inclusión ............................................................................. 23 2.5.2. Criterios de exclusión: ........................................................................... 23 2.5.3. Cálculo de tamaño de muestra y muestreo: ......................................... 23 2.5.4. Mecanismo de recolección de la información ....................................... 23 2.5.6 Definición de variables ........................................................................... 24 2.6 Plan de análisis de datos: ......................................................................... 26 2.7 Consideraciones éticas: ............................................................................ 27 3. RESULTADOS ............................................................................................... 28 3.1 Descripción de la cohorte ......................................................................... 28 3.2 Desenlaces ................................................................................................. 31 3.3 Análisis de supervivencia ......................................................................... 32 4. DISCUSIÓN .................................................................................................... 39 5. CONCLUSIONES ........................................................................................... 41 6. BIBLIOGRAFÍA .............................................................................................. 42EspecializaciónKaposi's sarcoma is a rare angioproliferative tumor etiologically linked to human herpes virus type 8 and associated with immunosuppression. Clinically, 4 subtypes are recognized, in which we observe that they may present skin and / or visceral involvement. Some of them may be slow, localized or indolent growth, but they can spread and / or grow rapidly and cause significant morbidity and mortality.
Since its first report in 1872, we observed that Kaposi's sarcoma presented an increase in the incidence rates associated with the HIV epidemic towards the 1980s, with a subsequent decrease with the advent of antiretroviral therapy (1,2). Currently, 5-year survival rates ranging from 38% to 72% are recognized according to whether the involvement is extensive or localized, respectively (2). However, in Colombia, and specifically in Santander, no study has been found to date that provides local data on the behavior of this tumor in our population.
Therefore, taking into account the importance of this pathology, the lack of studies at the national level that characterize or demonstrate an association between clinical variables with survival and the impact of obtaining these data and their applicability in care models , promotion and prevention of malignant tumors, it was decided to carry out this retrospective study taking data from the population registry of cancer of the metropolitan area of Bucaramanga of the years, with the aim of determining the sociodemographic variables that impact on the survival of the patient, obtaining important data such as the incidence of Kaposi's sarcoma in the metropolitan area, the survival rate of this population, the degree of association with the different variables, among others.Modalidad Presencia
Síndrome de Burnout en docentes de educación inicial en la modalidad no presencial del distrito de Casa Grande, 2020, en el contexto del covid-19
La presente investigación tuvo como objetivo determinar el nivel del síndrome de
Burnout en los docentes de educación inicial en la modalidad no presencial del
distrito de Casa Grande, 2020, en el contexto del COVID-19. El tipo de
investigación es básica y de nivel descriptivo, de corte transversal. El instrumento
mediante el cual se recogió los datos fue el cuestionario Maslach Burnout
Inventory (MBI), aplicado a 44 docentes. Los resultados alcanzados luego de
procesar y analizar los datos nos refieren que 28 docentes, quienes representan
al 63.64% de la población docente se encuentran en el nivel Alto de desgaste
emocional. 32 docentes, quienes representan al 72.73% de la población docente
se encuentran en el nivel Bajo de despersonalización. 56.82% de la población
docente (25) se encuentran en el nivel bajo de realización personal Llegando a
la conclusión principal que el 61.36% de la población total presenta un nivel alto
de Síndrome de Burnout en los docentes de educación inicial en la modalidad no
presencial del distrito de Casa Grande, 2020, en el contexto del COVID-19, por
lo tanto, se acepta la hipótesis de estudio.The present research aimed to determine the level of Burnout syndrome in initial
education teachers in the non-face-to-face modality of the Casa Grande district,
2020, in the context of COVID-19. The type of research is basic and descriptive
level, cross-sectional. The instrument by which the data was collected was the
Maslach Burnout Inventory (MBI) questionnaire, applied to 44 teachers. The
results achieved after processing and analyzing the data tell us that 28 teachers,
who represent 63.64% of the teaching population, are at the High level of
emotional exhaustion. 32 teachers, who represent 72.73% of the teaching
population, are at the Low level of depersonalization. 56.82% of the teaching
population are at the low level of personal fulfillment Reaching the main
conclusion that 61.36% of the total population has a high level of Burnout
Syndrome in initial education teachers in the non-face mode of the district of Casa
Grande, 2020, in the context of COVID-19, therefore, the study hypothesis is
High-order well-balanced methods for systems of balance laws: a control-based approach
In some previous works, two of the authors have introduced a strategy to develop high-order numerical methods for systems of balance laws that preserve all the stationary solutions of the system. The key ingredient of these methods is a well-balanced reconstruction operator. A strategy has been also introduced to modify any standard reconstruction operator like MUSCL, ENO, CWENO, etc. in order to be well-balanced. This strategy involves a non-linear problem at every cell at every time step that consists in finding the stationary solution whose average is the given cell value. So far this strategy has been only applied to systems whose stationary solution are known either in explicit or implicit form. The goal of this paper is to present a general implementation of this technique that can be applied to any system of balance laws. To do this, the nonlinear problems to be solved in the reconstruction procedure are interpreted as control problems: they consist in finding a solution of an ODE system whose average at the computation interval is given. These problems are written in functional form and the gradient of the functional is computed on the basis of the adjoint problem. Newton’s method is applied then to solve the problems. Special care is put to analyze the effects of computing the averages and the source terms using quadrature formulas. To test their efficiency and well-balancedness, the methods are applied to a number of systems of balance laws, ranging from easy academic systems consisting of Burgers equation with some nonlinear source terms to the shallow water equations or Euler equations of gas dynamics with gravity effects
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