496 research outputs found

    Work-in-Progress: Introduction for Flipping the Classroom Techniques to Improve Instruction of Software-Specific Techniques and Methods

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    One specific objective of engineering graphics courses is to teach how to communicate engineering design. An observation is that a significant amount of class time is spent teaching students how to use CATIA in order for them to develop the necessary skills before they can begin to learn design and modeling techniques. This work is an effort to use videos as short, specific reference for particularly challenging techniques to students. The goal is to shift the software-learning time away from the classroom in order to be able to focus the class on design and design expression

    Development & Validation of the Acoustic Analogy Code for Jet Noise Predictions

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    In this thesis, the numerical code for predicting the far-field sound radiated from a localized sound source is developed based on Lighthill\u27s acoustic analogy theory. The acoustic analogy equation allows calculating the sound intensity in terms of the integral over the volume with distributed Lighthill tensor of unsteady flow fluctuations. A FORTRAN code is written to perform the integration using Simpson\u27s numeric technique. The procedure for validating the code against the test case for the sound source in the form of a Gaussian pulse is examined. Future application of the code to predict acoustic radiation from turbulent jets is briefly discussed

    Use of Machine Learning for Automated Convergence of Numerical Iterative Schemes

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    Convergence of a numerical solution scheme occurs when a sequence of increasingly refined iterative solutions approaches a value consistent with the modeled phenomenon. Approximations using iterative schemes need to satisfy convergence criteria, such as reaching a specific error tolerance or number of iterations. The schemes often bypass the criteria or prematurely converge because of oscillations that may be inherent to the solution. Using a Support Vector Machines (SVM) machine learning approach, an algorithm is designed to use the source data to train a model to predict convergence in the solution process and stop unnecessary iterations. The discretization of the Navier Stokes (NS) equations for a transient local hemodynamics case requires determining a pressure correction term from a Poisson-like equation at every time-step. The pressure correction solution must fully converge to avoid introducing a mass imbalance. Considering time, frequency, and time-frequency domain features of its residual’s behavior, the algorithm trains an SVM model to predict the convergence of the Poisson equation iterative solver so that the time-marching process can move forward efficiently and effectively. The fluid flow model integrates peripheral circulation using a lumped-parameter model (LPM) to capture the field pressures and flows across various circulatory compartments. Machine learning opens the doors to an intelligent approach for iterative solutions by replacing prescribed criteria with an algorithm that uses the data set itself to predict convergence

    A Coupled Localized RBF Meshless/DRBEM Formulation for Accurate Modeling of Incompressible Fluid Flows

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    Velocity-pressure coupling schemes for the solution of incompressible fluid flow problems in Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) rely on the formulation of Poisson-like equations through projection methods. The solution of these Poisson-like equations represent the pressure correction and the velocity correction to ensure proper satisfaction of the conservation of mass equation at each step of a time-marching scheme or at each level of an iteration process. Inaccurate solutions of these Poisson-like equations result in meaningless instantaneous or intermediate approximations that do not represent the proper time-accurate behavior of the flow. The fact that these equations must be solved to convergence at every step of the overall solution process introduces a major bottleneck for the efficiency of the method. We present a formulation that achieves high levels of accuracy and efficiency by properly solving the Poisson equations at each step of the solution process by formulating a Localized RBF Collocation Meshless Method (LRC-MM) solution approach for the approximation of the diffusive and convective derivatives while employing the same framework to implement a Dual-Reciprocity Boundary Element Method (DR-BEM) for the solution of the ensuing Poisson equations. The same boundary discretization and point distribution employed in the LRC-MM is used for the DR-BEM. The methodology is implemented and tested in the solution of a backward-facing step problem

    Levels of processing: the evolution of a framework

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    Although the levels of processing framework have evolved over its nearly 40 years of existence, the essence of the idea has not changed from the original. The original article published in 1972 suggests that in the encoding stage of a stimulus, there is a series of processing hierarchies ranging from the shallowest level (perceptual processing-the subject initially perceives the physical and sensory characteristics of the stimulus) to the deepest level (semantic processing-related to pattern recognition and extraction of meaning). The depth processing is associated with high levels of retention and long-term memory traces. After extensive research and criticism, the authors added several concepts that aided in a better understanding of levels of processing framework and the items that subjects can recall such as transfer-appropriate processing and robust encoding. However, there are still some gaps in this framework that call for new scientific investigations, ranging from experimental paradigms with lists of words with healthy or pathological conditions subject to neuroimaging studies to confirm, refute or improve the framework. The aim of this article is to review the publications (articles and book chapters) dating from the original article to the present day to better understand the mnemonic process in terms of levels of processing and to highlight some of its contributions.Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP)UNIFESPSciEL

    A qualidade da liderança: um estudo da teoria weberiana

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    TCC (graduação) - Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina, Centro de Filosofia e Ciências Humanas, Curso de Ciências Sociais.A questão da liderança política em Max Weber é de extrema importância para o entendimento de toda a obra deste autor. Este trabalho de conclusão de curso (TCC) propõe-se examinar as formas como o pensamento weberiano qualifica a liderança política. Primeiramente cotejando a qualidade da liderança política nas classes sociais. Num segundo momento averiguar a qualificação institucional para tal liderança. Por último, o presente trabalho objetiva verificar no indivíduo as qualidades enumeradas por Max Weber. Tendo, principalmente em seus textos militantes os conceitos de “ética dos fins últimos” (ou ética da convicção) (Gesinnungsethik) e "ética da responsabilidade" (Verantwortungsethik) como sendo os principais tipos ideais na ética profissional como espírito do capitalismo ocidental. Max Weber entende que é a herança política e, consequentemente a educação política os principais referenciais para a compreensão do tema em questão.The issue of political leadership in Max Weber got the paramount importance for the understanding of all the work by this author. This study aims at examining this issue from the perspective of the weberian concept of qualified political leadership. Primarily aims at comparing the quality of political leadership in social classes. Secondly ascertain the institutional qualification for political leadership. Finally, this study aims to verify the individual qualities listed by Max Weber. Having mainly in his militant’s works the concepts of ethics of conviction (Gesinnungsethik) and ethics of responsibility (Verantwortungsethik) as the main ideal types in professional ethics as the spirit of Western capitalism. Max Weber believes that is the political heritage and consequently leading education policy the frameworks for understanding the topic in question

    Caracterização da Iticofauna Recifal do Arquipélago das Graças, São Francisco do Sul, Santa Catarina, Brasil

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    Resumo: Neste trabalho estudou-se a ictiofauna pelágica, demersal e críptica associada ao substrato recifal do Arquipélago das Graças, localizado na entrada da Baia da Babitonga, Santa Catarina (Brasil). O arquipélago foi divido em 8 setores com características diferenciadas em relação ao nível de exposição, complexidade estrutural e profundidade. Para obtenção dos dados utilizou-se o método de censo visual através de transecção em faixa. As variáveis ambientais mensuradas em cada setor foram: temperatura, profundidade e visibilidade da água, grau de exposição do costão rochoso ao batimento de ondas, rugosidade, quantidade e tamanho de tocas, porcentagem de cobertura do substrato, porcentagem de rocha, areia e cascalho, profundidade máxima do costão e declividade. A análise de componentes principais mostrou que os setores, a priori classificados como expostos e abrigados ao batimento de ondas e ventos, ficaram separados. A única exceção foi o setor 3, que apesar de estar voltado a Leste demonstrou características de áreas protegidas. Durante os meses de amostragens foram registradas 63 espécies de peixes, pertencentes a 33 famílias, as quais apresentaram maior riqueza de Serranidae e Haemulidae. As espécies mais abundantes foram Stegastes fuscus, Malacoctenus delalandii e Abudefduf saxatilis. Predominaram os exemplares com comprimento menores que 10 cm, seguidos pelos peixes com comprimentos entre 11 e 20 cm, verificando-se reduzido número de peixes com mais de 20 cm. Diferenças significativas foram observadas entre os setores amostrados quanto ao número de indivíduos, número de espécies, diversidade de Shannon-Wiene, equitabilidade de Pielou e para a abundância das 10 espécies dominantes. As análises evidenciaram diferenças ictiofaunísticas entre grupos de setores, porém não identificaram assembléias de peixes diferentes nas áreas protegida e exposta do Arquipélago das Graças. Os resultados obtidos no levantamento efetuado permitiram concluir que a ictiofauna recifal do Arquipélago das Graças é rica quando comparada a áreas recifais próximas, incluindo espécies ameaçadas de extinção e outras de grande interesse comercial. Acredita-se que a riqueza constatada possa ser ainda maior, sugerindo-se a realização de outros estudos abrangendo diferentes formas de amostragem, maior amplitude temporal e de profundidade. Políticas de manejo para amenizar o impacto sobre a ictiofauna local deveriam ser discutidas pois, devido sua localização na desembocadura de grande estuário, pode desempenhar importante papel na conectividade e parte do ciclo de vida de muitas espécies

    La paciente embarazada: repercusión en la cavidad bucal y consideraciones respecto al tratamiento odontológico

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    El embarazo conlleva una serie de cambios orgánicos, fisiológicos (del sistema cardiovascular y gastrointestinal, de la función pulmonar, hematológicos...) y de conducta que pueden repercutir en la cavidad bucal. El granuloma gravídico se considera una entidad patológica propia del embarazo. Podremos observar también en las pacientes gestantes un aumento en la incidencia de caries, asociado fundamentalmente a un incremento de Jos factores locales cariogénicos (descuido de la higiene bucal, cambio de Jos hábitos dietéticos y horarios...), y un posible empeoramiento de la patología gingival y periodontal asociado a las variaciones hormonales que acompañan al embarazo y a factores locales irritativos. El segundo trimestre de gestación será el momento ideal para llevar a cabo cualquier tratamiento dental rutinario. Deberemos ir con sumo cuidado en lo que se refiere a la administración de fármacos (penicilina, eritromicina, cefalosporinas de primera generación, paracetamol y lidocaína con vasoconstrictor se consideran fármacos de prescripción segura durante el embarazo) y la realización de radiografías dentales (es imprescindible colocar un delantal plomado a la paciente)

    Estrategias para garantizar el derecho universal y oportuno a la identidad y el registro de nacimiento universal en México. Reporte de experiencias profesionales entre 2014 a 2018

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    El reporte de experiencia profesional analiza el alcance del derecho a la identidad y su materialización, principalmente, a través del registro de nacimiento. Se identifican las barreras legislativas, económicas, administrativas, culturales y geográficas que obstaculizan que las personas ejerzan el derecho a la identidad en igualdad de condiciones, con el propósito de plantear algunas soluciones para superarlas en el ámbito legislativo y de política pública. El reporte hace un análisis del impacto que tiene la reforma constitucional en materia de derecho a la identidad y las reformas a las leyes estatales que acaecieron para su armonización, pero también de las omisiones legales que impedían garantizar el principio de gratuidad del registro de nacimiento, reflexionando sobre las estrategias jurídicas emprendidas para establecer estándares jurisprudenciales sobre el alcance de este principio. Posteriormente, se describen las estrategias que se emprendieron para modernizar el registro civil en el ámbito nacional, como: la integración de una base común de información, el acta de nacimiento en línea, la consulta de información en Estados Unidos para mexicoamericanos y el desarrollo del Sistema de Registro de Acontecimientos Basado en Individuos. Al finalizar, se presenta un modelo de intervención local construido con evidencia sobre su eficacia, eficiencia y pertinencia para abatir el subregistro en las comunidades más alejadas y recónditas del país, donde no sólo se concentra el porcentaje de población que no tiene registro, sino quienes más lo necesitan por sus condiciones de marginación y pobreza. El modelo de intervención integra componentes tecnológicos, mejoras administrativas y un proceso metodológico para el desarrollo de brigadas móviles del registro de nacimiento.ITESO, A.C

    Multi-Scale Cardiovascular Flow Analysis by an Integrated Meshless-Lumped Parameter Model

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    A computational tool that integrates a Radial basis function (RBF)-based Meshless solver with a Lumped Parameter model (LPM) is developed to analyze the multi-scale and multi-physics interaction between the cardiovascular flow hemodynamics, the cardiac function, and the peripheral circulation. The Meshless solver is based on localized RBF collocations at scattered data points which allows for automation of the model generation via CAD integration. The time-accurate incompressible flow hemodynamics are addressed via a pressure-velocity correction scheme where the ensuing Poisson equations are accurately and efficiently solved at each time step by a Dual-Reciprocity Boundary Element method (DRBEM) formulation that takes advantage of the integrated surface discretization and automated point distribution used for the Meshless collocation. The local hemodynamics are integrated with the peripheral circulation via compartments that account for branch viscous resistance (R), flow inertia (L), and vessel compliance (C), namely RLC electric circuit analogies. The cardiac function is modeled via time-varying capacitors simulating the ventricles and constant capacitors simulating the atria, connected by diodes and resistors simulating the atrioventricular and ventricular-arterial valves. This multi-scale integration in an in-house developed computational tool opens the possibility for model automation of patient-specific anatomies from medical imaging, elastodynamics analysis of vessel wall deformation for fluid-structure interaction, automated model refinement, and inverse analysis for parameter estimation