2,206 research outputs found

    Penerapan Media Gambar Seri Sebagai Upaya Meningkatkan Kemampuan Mengarang Pada Pembelajaran Bahasa Indonesia Kelas V Semester I di SDN Kuwawur 02 Kabupaten Pati

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk meningkatkan kemampuan mengarang siswa melalui penerapan media gambar seri. Subyek penelitian adalah guru dan siswa kelas V SD Negeri Kuwawur 02 yang berjumlah 31 siswa. Sumber data dalam penelitian ini adalah siswa dan guru. Bentuk penelitian ini adalah Penelitian Tindakan Kelas (PTK). Teknik pengumpulan data yang digunakan melalui wawancara, observasi, dokumentasi, dan tes. Teknik uji validitas data menggunakan bentuk trianggulasi sumber dan trianggulasi waktu. Teknik analisis data menggunakan teknik analisis interaktif yang terdiri dari 3 komponen, yaitu: reduksi data, penyajian data, dan penarikan kesimpulan. Prosedur penelitian meliputi tahap: identifikasi masalah, persiapan, penyusunan rencana tindakan, implementasi tindakan, pengamatan, dan penyusunan rencana. Proses penelitian ini dilaksanakan dalam dua siklus, masing – masing siklus terdiri dari empat tahap, yaitu: perencanaan, tindakan, pengamatan, dan refleksi. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan adanya peningkatan dalam kemampuan mengarang siswa. Adapun peningkatan hasil pembelajaran dapat dilihat dari perolehan nilai siswa dalam menulis paragraf narasi yang meningkat dari siklus I dan siklus II. Pada siklus I persentase ketuntasan hasil belajar siswa dalam keterampilan menulis sebesar 75% atau 24 siswa dan pada siklus II sebesar 87,5% atau 28 siswa. Hal ini membuktikan bahwa dengan penerapan metode Penggunaan Gambar Seri mampu meningkatkan kemampuan mengarang siswa

    Criminal Law Policy Enforcement Against the Perpetrators of Forcibly Picking up the Covid-19 Infected Patient Corpse on This Pandemic at Hospital

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    This research aims to cover the strategic forms of criminal law policy enforcement to prevent and overcome the covid-19 corpses who were forced picked up in this pandemic at a hospital and its obstacle. The method used in this research is a normative juridical and empirical juridical approach. This research shows that the strategic form of criminal law policy enforcement prioritize more and apply the persuasive approach with negotiation and not using the criminal law policy against the family of the deceased person who forcibly picked and the society which refused to bury the covid1-19 patient. The obstacle faced are: from law substance which not done well on its application; limitation of the security, helplessness of the health officer on facing the pressure and threat, limitation of officer; limitation of facilities and infrastructure which owned by the hospital, police officer, and covid-19 officer (Satgas), the minimum knowledge of the society about the danger of covid-19, minimum of socialization; and the existence of people's habits which not following the strict health protocol, not using a medical mask, and keep a distance


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    Classroom action research was conducted on students of science education State University of Surabaya by applying an electric motor of media on learning materials Physical Interactions Between Factors Lorentz force that aims to improve student learning outcomes-oriented model of type STAD Cooperative learning, and research procedures performed four stages of planning, observation / action, reflection, and revision for two rounds. The results based on the results obtained from test results to learn lap I, it is known that the classical completeness obtained by 67.5%. Based on the results obtained in the second round of tests, it is known that in round 2 the number of students who have not achieved individually less than exhaustiveness I round that is to be 5 people who have not completed the existing students, so that classical exhaustiveness in round 2 of 87.5%. Classroom action research can be concluded that the management of cooperative learning by the lecturer showed an increase from round 1 to round 2. Student learning outcomes obtained in the second round of learning outcomes has increased from the previous round. Activities of students during cooperative learning activities with a model of type STAD very good, this shows that the model of cooperative learning can increase student activity in the process of teaching and learning activities. Key words: cooperative type STAD, Media electric motor, the Lorentz Forc


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    AbstractDiabetes Mellitus is currently still a global health problem. Telenursing is the use of telecommunications and information technology to provide remote nursing practice. Purpose: This scoping review aims to find out the application of telenursing models in the management of diabetes mellitus. Methods: This study is a scoping review of the literature related to telenursing media applications in DM management. The inclusion criteria were articles in the last 5 years, in English and Indonesian, full text, pure research (non-literature, and protocol studies). With the main content related to telenursing applications in DM sufferers. Results: There are ten literatures that fall into the inclusion criteria. Conclusion: There are several media that can be used in carrying out telenursing in DM management. These media are telenursing based on telephone, text messaging, virtual visits, and website based. Telenursing also has various benefits and can be an alternative of intervention methods in long-distance diabetes nursing management.Abstract Diabetes Mellitus is currently still a global health problem. Telenursing is the use of telecommunications and information technology to provide remote nursing practice. Purpose: This scoping review aims to find out the application of telenursing models in the management of diabetes mellitus. Methods: This study is a scoping review of the literature related to telenursing media applications in DM management. The inclusion criteria were articles in the last 5 years, in English and Indonesian, full text, pure research (non-literature, and protocol studies). With the main content related to telenursing applications in DM sufferers. Results: There are ten literatures that fall into the inclusion criteria. Conclusion: There are several media that can be used in carrying out telenursing in DM management. These media are telenursing based on telephone, text messaging, virtual visits, and website based. Telenursing also has various benefits and can be an alternative of intervention methods in long-distance diabetes nursing management. Keywords: Telenursing, Diabetes mellitus, Media Telenursin

    The Role of Competitive Advantage as Mediating The Effect of Strategic Planning on Company Performance

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    Purpose: The purposes of this research are to determine the role of competitive advantage as mediating the effect of strategic planning on company performance. Design/methodology/approach: The steps are first, determine the influence of strategic planning on competitive advantages; second, determine the influence of competitive advantages on company performance, third determine the role of competitive advantages as a mediating variable from the influence of strategic planning on company performance. Findings: The results showed that strategic planning has a positive and significant effect on competitive advantages and organizational performance. Competitive advantage has a positive and significant effect on organizational performance. Competitive advantage played a role in mediating the effect of strategic planning on company performance. Research limitations/implications: The research data set had collected using a questionnaire. After the data set had collected, an analysis had been finished using PLS Practical implications: Strategic planning can improve company performance through increased competitive advantage as an intervening variable. Originality/value: The paper is original. Paper type: The type of this research is causal research because the purpose of this study is to determine the effect of variables on other variables


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    Pemasaran merupakan suatu kegiatan pelaku usaha untuk menukarkan nilai-nilai tentang informasi suatu produk, ide, dan jasa terhadap pembeli atau pelanggan. Salah satu cara pemasaran agar membentuk suatu strategi pemasaran adalah dengan membuat suatu brand dan melakukan branding. Kegiatan branding merupakan aktivitas komunikasi dalam membuat karakter atau identitas suatu produk untuk menciptakan dan mempertahankan image produk pada konsumen. Metode kegiatan dimulai dengan koordinasi dengan mitra dilakukan untuk menentukan waktu pelaksanaan kegiatan pengabdian yang sesuai dengan aktivitas khalayak sasaran. Kemudian pemberian penyuluhan mengenai materi marketing atau pemasaran dan branding. Kegiatan pengabdian kepada masyarakat tentang pengendalian mutu produk pangan melalui perbaikan proses pengolahan pada ibu-ibu anggota KPPL Maju Bersama Desa Pal VIII, KPPL Karya Madiri Desa Tebat Tenong Luar, KPPL Sumber Jaya Desa Karang Jaya, KPPL Sejahtera Desa Sumber Bening. Pengabdian ini telah dilaksanakan dengan baik di hotel Syakila, Curup, Kabupaten Rejang Lebong. Hal ini terlihat dari antusias peserta dalam mengikuti penyuluhan yang dilakukan. Hal ini diharapkan dapat menambah wawasan dan pengetahuan peserta serta kemampuan menerapkan marketing atau pemasaran dan branding produk olahan

    Penatalaksanaan Fisioterapi Pada Kasus Close Frakture 1/3 Distal Humerus Sinistra Di RSUD Panembahan Senopati Bantul

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    Latar belakang : fraktur humeris 1/3 distal merupakan fraktur yang terjadi di antara 1/3 tengah dan suprakondiler, yang mengenai nervus radialis. Kodisi fraktur dapat menimbulkan kondisi nyeri, keterbatasan LGS serta gangguan fungsional. Tujuan : Untuk mengetahui manfaat Infrared, Electrical stimulation dan Terapi latiahn untuk mengurangi nyeri, menurunkan oedem dan spasme, meningkatkan lingkup gerak sendi (LGS) serta meningkatkan fungsional gerak extensi wrist pada kondisi fraktur 1/3 distal humeri sinistra. Hasil : Dari hasil terapi dapat di simpulkan bahwa adanya penurunan nyeri dengan VAS dari terapi T0 sampai T6 dapat dilihat, nyeri diam T0 sampai T6 nilai( 0 ), sedangkan nyeri tekan pada T0 sampai T4 nilai ( 2 ) belum ada penurunan pada T5 samapi T6 ada penurunan nilai ( 1 ), Nyeri Gerak dari T0 sampai T4 niali ( 4 ) sedangkan pada T5 sampai dengan T6 nilai ( 3 ). sedang nyeri gerak pada th0 sampai Th2 nilai (3). Oedem diukur dengan mideline dari epicodylus 5 cm ke proximal T0 samapi T3 nilai 27, T4 sampai T6 nilai 26 adanya penurunan Oedem. LGS dengan Goneometer dari T0 sampai T3 selisish gerak fleksi 1350, T4 sampai T6 hasil 1400 ada peningkata LGS. Kekuatan Otot pada pada gerak extensi T0 sampai T4 nialai 3-, T5 sampai T6 nilai 3. Fleksi T0 sampai T4 nilai 3-,T4 sampai T6 nilai 3. Gerak pronasi dari T0 sampai T4 nilai 2, T5 sampai T6 nilai 2+, Gerak supinasi dari T0 sampai T4 nilai 2, T5 sampai T6 nilaimenjadi 2+. Kesimpulan : Infrared dapat mengurangi nyeri, oedem, spasme, Terapi latihan dapat meningkatkan kekuatan otot. Hold relaxed dapat menambah lingkup gerak sendi (LGS), Electrical stimulation ( Arus faradic ) dapat mengotraksikan otot

    Word Of Mouth: The Role Of Satisfaction In Mediating The Influence Of Brand Image And Service Quality

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    Word of mouth can encourage decision to purchase through customer satisfaction. Customer satisfaction is influenced by brand image and service quality. This study aims to determine the effect of brand image and service quality on word of mouth through customer satisfaction as a mediating variable. This research is quantitative research. The data is collected through questionnaire. The data analysis technique uses static methods with modeling Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) Partial Least Square (PLS). The sample of this study is the Skin Care "R" Beauty’s consumers taken with accidental techniques in number of 100 respondents. Based on the results and discussion of the research, it can be concluded that 1) Brand image and service quality affect Word of Mouth, 2) Brand image and service quality affect Word of Mouth through satisfaction
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