41 research outputs found


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    Abstrak  Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh penggunaan Software Multisim sebagai media pembelajaran terhadap hasil belajar siswa pada standart kopetensi teknik elektronika. Jenis penelitian yang dilakukan adalah penelitian eksperimen yang bertujuan untuk mengetahui akibat dari suatu perlakuan dalam proses pembelajaran. Subyek penelitian dilakukan dengan mengambil sampel sebanyak 29 siswa kelas X Jurusan Teknik Audio Video SMK Negeri 1 Grati-Pasuruan. Tahapanan yang dilakukan sebelum pengumpulan data berupa observasi dan wawancara. Selanjutnya dilakukan penyusunan instrumen penelitian serta validasi instrumen penelitian, validasi instrumen penelitian ini adalah melalui pendapat para ahli (expert judgment) kemudian di uji coba melalui pre-test dan post-test pada siswa SMKN 1 Grati-Pasuruan. serta teknik analis data yang digunakan untuk menganalisis data hasil belajar adalah uji t melalui program SPSS 17. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa: bahwa terdapat pengaruh penggunaan software multisim sebagai media pembelajaran terhadap hasil belajar siswa dengan pembuktian hasil analisis menggunakan SPSS 17 diketahui hasil uji Koefisien Regresi (uji t) menunjukkan t-hitung sebesar 6.968 dimana nilai tersebut lebih kecil daripada t-tabel 1.706. Kata Kunci: media pembelajaran, multisim, hasil belajar siswa.   Abstract The purpose of this research to understanding about The effect of using software multisim as the media learning curve toward students ability result standard competence on  electronic technique. The design of the research was experiment research. This research find the effect of treating on the learning process. The subject was used for the research were 29 students in Audio video technique X class at SMK Negeri 1 Grati. The first step are observation and interview. Next step is the preparation of research instruments and validation of research instruments, validation instrument of this research is through the opinion of experts (expert judgment) and then tested through a pre-test and post-test on the students SMK 1 Grati-Pasuruan. As well as data analysts techniques used to analyze the data result of learning is the t test by SPSS 17. The results showed that: that there is influence the use of software multisim as a medium of learning to the learning outcomes of students with proof of the results of analysis using SPSS 17 known test result Regression Coefficients (t-test) shows the t-count of 6968 where the value is smaller than t-table 1706. Keysword  : the media learning , multisim, learning students result

    TINGKAT KETAHANAN BATANG BAMBU BETUNG (Dendrocalamus asper Backer) TERHADAP SERANGAN RAYAP TANAH (Coptotermes curvignathus Homgren) DAN RAYAP KAYU KERING (Cryptotermes cynocephalus Light)

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    Bambu merupakan salah satu bahan yang dapat dijadikan alternatif penggunaan kayu karena memiliki daur yang relatif pendek (3-4 tahun). Bambu betung (Dendrocalamus asper Backer) adalah salah satu jenis bambu yang memiliki karakter batang yang tergolong kuat dan keras, oleh sebab itu bambu betung sering digunakan untuk bahan kontruksi dan bangunan. Bambu memiliki kelemahan pada tingkat ketahanan terhadap serangan rayap tanah dan rayap kayu kering. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisa bagian batang bambu yang rentan dan mengidentifikasi tingkat ketahanan ruas batang bambu terhadap serangan rayap tanah dan rayap kayu kering. Penelitian ini dilaksanakan pada bulan Agustus 2017 sampai dengan bulan Oktober 2017 di laboratorium jurusan Kehutanan (untuk pengujian ketahanan bambu terhadap serangan rayap kayu kering) dan disekitar GB II Universitas Bengkulu (untuk pengujian ketahanan bambu terhadap serangan rayap tanah). Bambu betung diambil di Desa Babakan Bogor Kabupateng Kepahiang. Variabel yang diamati yaitu kehilangan berat (rayap tanah dan rayap kayu kering), tingkat kerusakan serangan rayap tanah, dan mortalitas rayap kayu kering. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa tingkat ketahanan rayap tanah dan rayap kayu kering berbeda. Ketahanan bambu betung terhadap serangan rayap tanah dikategorikan sangat buruk (kelas ketahanan V) dan pada serangan rayap kayu kering dikategorikan sedang (kelas ketahanan III). Selanjutnya ditinjau dari serangan rayap tanah pada berbagai posisi ruas di batang tidak terdapat perbedaan nyata yang artinya rayap tanah menyerang seluruh bagian posisi ruas di batang dan ketahanan bambu betung terhadap rayap kayu kering dari posisi ruas 14 menuju posisi ruas 38 cenderung menurun, dimana pada posisi ruas 14 dan 17 dikategorikan ketahanan kelas II (Tahan) dan pada posisi ruas 20 sampai 38 dikategorikan ketahanan kelas III (Sedang), Ditinjau dari serangan rayap kayu kering pada berbagai posisi ruas di batang terdapat perbedaan nyata yang artinya posisi ruas mempengaruhi tingkat serangan rayap kayu kering

    Analisis Pengaruh Pemberian Ekstrak Etanol Buah Rambusa (Passiflora foetida L.) Terhadap Zona Hambat Pertumbuhan Bakteri Escherichia coli

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    Tumbuhan yang salah satunya berkhasiat di Indonesia adalah Rambusa (Passiflora foetida L.). Buah Rambusa terkandung beberapa zat kimia diantaranya flavonoid, alkaloid, triterpenoid dan steroid yang memberi efek sebagai antibakteri. Tanaman ini bagi masyarakat awam sebagai antibakteri jarang digunakan. Tujuan dari penelitian ini untuk mengetahui aktivitas dan konsentrasi antibakteri yang efektif dari ekstrak buah rambusa terhadap pertumbuhan bakteri Escherechia coli. Metode penelitian ini merupakan penelitian Eksperimental yang menggunakan metode Only Post Test Control Group Design. Uji antibakteri dilakukan dengan menggunakan disc diffusion dengan menggunakan Media Agar Mueller Hinton dengan besar sampel yang diambil adalah 24 sampel dengan masing-masing sampel terdapat 4 kali pengulangan yang terdiri 6 kelompok yaitu konsentrasi uji 20%, 40%, 80%, 100%, kontrol positif (Chloramphenicol) dan kontrol negatif (Aquabidest). Hasil penelitian ini yaitu konsentrasi hambat minimal terhadap pertumbuhan bakteri Escherichia coli di konsentrasi 20% dan 40% adalah 0 mm sedangkan di konsentrasi 80% rata-rata diameter zona hambat 11,75 mm dan juga di konsentrasi 100% rata-rata diameter zona hambat 11,65 mm. Bagian dari kontrol negatif dengan rata-rata diameter zona hambat 0 mm sedangkan kontrol positif dengan rata-rata diameter zona hambat 35,25 mm. Kata kunci: Passiflora foetida L, Escherichia coli, Antibakteri

    The Effects Of Migration On Income, Health, And Education: A Data Analysis Of Indonesia National Social Economic Survey 2018

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    This research is aim to get a better understanding of the impact of migration on the welfare of migrants in Indonesia. Using Instrumental Variable 2sls (IV) and IV probit, this study finds that migration has a positive effect on income. Nevertheless, it was discovered that migration increases the likelihood of children being unhealthy and that it causes schooling to be interrupted when they should be in high school. migration's potential detrimental influence on health and education should be anticipated by policymakers


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    Pada infrastruktur Pelabuhan Pulang Pisau mengalami kerusakan struktur, sehingga perlu adanya rehabilitasi berat. Rehabilitasi dilakukan dengan mengganti material dermaga kayu menjadi dermaga beton. Pada proyek rehabilitasi ini menggunakan penerapan Building Information Modelling (BIM) model 3D dalam proses perencanaan, pelaksanaan dan pengawasannya. Proses perencanaan dibantu dengan software dengan sofware SAP2000 dan Sketchup. Aplikasi Tekla Structures digunakan dalam proses pelaksanaan dan pengawasan selama proyek berlangsung. Dengan memakai data perencanaan, dokumen teknik dan jadwal pelaksanaan proyek maka dalam proyek rehabilitasi berat Pelabuhan Pulang Pisau ini dapat menerapkan sistem Building Information Modelling (BIM) baik dari awal perencanaan sampai akhir dari proyek

    Influence of Palm Sugar Water in the Native Chicken Performance

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    Palm sugar containing 66,18% sukrose is an additional source of energi quickly available to the chicken. A study to examine the effect of palm sugar in the native chicken performance was held in animal health training center, Cinagara-Bogor lasted from August until November 2012. This present experiment using 1274 native chicken that were kept starting DOC. Palm sugar concentrations given in the drinking water as much as one percent started to be given to the chcken when they were still DOC. After that, the palm sugar water was given continously intermittent interval by administering multivitamin. The control group was not given the palm sugar. Chicken aged 0 to 6 weeks were given palm sugar twice a day. After reaching over 6 weeks old, palm sugar water was only given onece a day. Result obtained showed that the administration of palm sugar water affected the increase in body weight gain, feed consumption and lower mortality as well. The result also showed that the FCR is lower than that of the control group until 6 weeks old

    Influence of Palm Sugar Water in the Native Chicken Performance

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    Abstract Palm sugar containing 66,18% sukrose is an additional source of energi quickly available to the chicken. A study to examine the effect of palm sugar in the native chicken performance was held in animal health training center, Cinagara-Bogor lasted from August until November 2012. This present experiment using 1274 native chicken that were kept starting DOC. Palm sugar concentrations given in the drinking water as much as one percent started to be given to the chcken when they were still DOC. After that, the palm sugar water was given continously intermittent interval by administering multivitamin. The control group was not given the palm sugar. Chicken aged 0 to 6 weeks were given palm sugar twice a day. After reaching over 6 weeks old, palm sugar water was only given onece a day. Result obtained showed that the administration of palm sugar water affected the increase in body weight gain, feed consumption and lower mortality as well. The result also showed that the FCR is lower than that of the control group until 6 weeks old

    The Dynamics of Forest Hegemony in Indonesia

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    Hegemony means as a victory for the dominant group that is controlled by the mechanism of consensus (consent). This article attempts to understand the dynamics of state and community relationships regarding the political dynamics of the mastery of forest resources from the feudalism era to the post-colonial era. This research was carried out by using the qualitative analytic approach with literature research method. The results of the study showed that during colonial era, the state hegemony over forests was mainly to maintain its domain against the forest, and it correlates with the use of alliance between the colonial state and local rulers. In the perspective of Gramscian, the existing national political law over the forest is much influenced by the Indonesian organic intellectuals who inherited the ideology of Domainverklaring. The present social forestry program is not actually a counter-hegemonic (victory) of society over state hegemony in forest areas that has been taken place since colonial times, but rather to reinforce state hegemony over forests. To avoid it from triggering a humanitarian crisis, the solution then will depend on the country's ability to uphold justice in forest resources management

    Kelayakan Bahasa Pada Buku Teks Siswa Kelas 1 Tema Kegemaranku

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    This study aimed to determine the eligibility of language in the textbook of first grade students in SD / MI with theme Kegemaranku in the 2013 curriculum which was published by the Ministry of Education and Culture in terms of conformity with the level of student development, communicative, and the alignment and integration of the flow of thought. The research is a qualitative descriptive study. The research design used content analysis (analysis content). Data analysis technique that used was interactive analysis. The results showed that: textbook of first grade students in SD / MI with theme Kegemaranku in the 2013 curriculum that published by the Ministry of Education and Culture was fulfilled the criteria in the eligibility with the percentage score of eligibility in terms of conformity with the level of student development at 94.79%, in terms of communicability was at 92,70%, and in terms of the alignment and integration of the flow of thought was at 96.35%