40 research outputs found

    LOCAL GOVERNMENT INNOVATIONS IN THE COVID-19 PANDEMIC: Public Perceptions of the Implementation of the Behambinan Local e-Commerce Application in Samarinda City

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    In this study, the authors looked at local government innovations that focused on the Samarinda City Government in the midst of the Covid-19 pandemic. The focus of this research is on people's perceptions of local e-commerce applications which are the innovations of the Samarinda City Government in Handling Covid-19. This research is qualitative research using a qualitative descriptive approach. The data used in this study are premiere data obtained through online surveys and the play.google.com website as support. In addition, the author also made observations on the Behambinan application to obtain more in-depth data. The results showed that only 24 percent of respondents knew about the Behambinan e-commerce application. This is because the socialization carried out by the Samarinda City Government is not optimal. The lack of socialization affects people to prefer e-commerce that is familiar in society. In addition, the local e-commerce application Behambinan is not only used as innovation during a pandemic, but its realization must touch and have an impact on society


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    This study uses qualitative descriptive analysis, the type of data used in this study is secondary data and literature study survey by taking from previous research and collecting data from websites related to this research. The local government of Wakatobi Regency continues to innovate to create tourist attractions that can attract visitors. To achieve the success rate of local government in making innovations will be seen in the development of the region itself. So that the government of Wakatobi Regency continues to innovate in tourism. Wakatobi regency has natural tourism and cultural tourism, 195 natural tourism, and 451 cultural tourism. And not only that good transportation will also support the development of tourism and provide comfort to visitors who come


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    The research problem raised in this paper is seeing how the impact of education decentralization in the border area of ​​Kalimantan Island. This study also aims to see how the implementation of decentralization policies for education services in the Kalimantan border area. The results of this study state that the implementation of decentralization has no significant effect on education services in border areas. This is based on the fact that educational facilities such as school units, teaching staff, and public awareness of going to school are still very worrying. The centralized civil servant recruitment system creates a separate obstacle for local governments to facilitate the fulfillment of teaching staff in border areas. Poor education services in the border areas of Kalimantan have resulted in the occurrence of hummand trafficking against children, the large number of people who choose to exodus, and the fading of the nationalism of border children who attend school in Malaysia. Thus, decentralization has not been able to maximize control over public services and achieve equal distribution of services throughout the country and democratic welfare of the people. Everything is still in terms of efforts with not optimal results. Keywords: Decentralization, Education Services, Kalimantan Border.Problem penelitian yang di angkat dalam tulisan ini yakni melihat bagaimana dampak desentralisasi pendidikan di kawasan perbatasan Pulau Kalimantan. Penelitian ini juga bertujuan untuk melihat bagaimana pelaksanaan kebijakan desentralisasi terhadap pelayanan pendidikan di wilayah perbatasan Kalimantan. Hasil dari penelitian ini menyatakan bahwa pelaksanaan desentralisasi secara signifikan tidak berpengaruh terhadap pelayanan pendidikan di wilayah perbatasan. Hal ini didasari kepada fasilitas pendidikan seperti unit sekolah, tenaga pengajar, kesadaran masyarak untuk bersekolah masih sangat memperihatinkan. Sistem rekruitmen PNS yang terpusat menjadikan kendala tersendiri bagi pemerintah daerah untuk memfasilitasi pemenuhan tenaga pengajar di wilayah perbatasan. Buruknya pelayanan pendidikan di wilayah perbatasan Kalimantan menyebabkan terjadinya hummand trafficking terhadap anak-anak, banyaknya masyarakat yang memilih eksodus, dan lunturnya nasionalisme anak-anak perbatasan yang bersekolah di Malaysia. Dengan demikian, desentralisasi belum mampu untuk memaksimalkan kontrol terhadap pelayanan public dan mencapai pemerataan pelayanan keseluruh penjuru negeri serta kesejahteraan rakyat yang demokratis. Semuanya masih dalam hal pengupayaan dengan hasil belum maksimal. Kata kunci: Desentralisasi, Pelayanan Pendidikan, Perbatasan Kalimantan

    Comparative Study: Penggunaan Media Sosial oleh Pemerintah Kota Bandung dan Kota Gold Coast

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk meliahat bagaimana pemerintah pada kota yang menerapkan konsep smart city memanfaatkan platform media sosisal. Kasus yang diambil adalah akun twitter Majelis Kota Gold Coast dan Pemerintah Kota Bandung. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian deskriptif kualitatif dengan memanfaatkan software NVivo 12 Plus sebagai alat analisis. Data yang digunakan berasal dari akun twitter resmi @cityofgoldcoast milik Majelis Kota Gold Coast dan akun @humasbdg milik Pemerintah Kota Bandung. Hasil dari penelitian ini adalah kedua akun tersebut memiliki kesamaan dalam hal penyampaian informasi dan pola interaksi. Kedua akun dalam menyampaikan informasi tidak secara lengkap, melainkan mencantumkan tautan yang terhubung ke website resmi pemerintah. Selanjutnya kedua akun melakukan pola interaksi yang hanya satu arah. Perbedaan kedua akun terletak pada topik pembahasan disetiap akun dan persebaran informasi. Akun @cityofgoldcoast cenderung mentweet terkait kondisi aktual yang terjadi. Berbeda dengan akun @humasbdg yang memiliki topik pembahasan seputar keprotokoleran. Selain itu kedua akun memiliki persebaran informasi yang menyesuaikan dengan interaksi yg dilakukan. Diakhir penulis memberikan catatan terkait penelitian lanjutan dari pada penelitian ini


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    Technological advances in the era of globalization are now unavoidable. All countries in the world are competing in developing technology to facilitate human life. This technological advancement is inseparable from the threats that lurk in every activity. Of course, the role of the state as an actor must protect its citizens from every threat, including technological threats. This makes cyber security required by all countries, including Indonesia. With various challenges faced, as well as several policies implemented, Indonesia is still a country that is vulnerable to attacks in cyberspace. By using a qualitative research method that focuses on describing phenomena through the literature read, this study concludes that optimizing the role of national cyber defense policy can overcome problems that arise due to the advancement of technology in the present timeKemajuan teknologi di era-Globalisasi sekarang tidak dapat dihindarkan. Semua negara di Dunia berlomba lomba dalam mengembangkan teknologi guna mempemudah kehidupan manusia. Kemajuan teknologi ini pun tidak terlepas dari ancaman yang mengintai di setiap aktifitas nya. Tentu peran negara sebagai aktor yang harus melindungi warga negaranya dari setiap ancaman termasuk ancaman teknologi. Hal tersebut membuat keamanan siber diperlukan oleh seluruh negara, termasuk Indonesia. Dengan berbagai tantangan yang dihadapi, serta beberapa kebijakan yang diimplementasi, Indonesia masih menjadi negara yang rentan untuk diserang diruang siber. Dengan menggunakan metode penelitian kualitatif di mana berfokus dengan mendeskripsikan fenomena melalui literatur-literatur yang dibaca, penelitian ini menyimpulkan bahwa upaya yang dilakukan oleh pemerintah masih belum efektif dan optimal dalam menjaga keamanan siber Indonesia


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    Penelitian ini membahas tentang penganggaran dana pendidikan dan kesehatan dalam perspektif akuntabilitas legal di Kabupaten Bantul. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian kualitatif dengan menggunakan metode studi kepustakaan dengan menanalisis laporan kinerja Pemerintah Kabupaten Bantul dalam kurun waktu tahun 2014 hingga tahun 2017. Hasil dari penelitian ini menyebutkan bahwa Pemerintah Kabupaten Bantul belum bisa melaksanakan akuntabilitas legal pada alokasi anggaran pendidikan. Akan tetapi dalam alokasi anggaran kesehatan Pemerintah Kabupaten Bantul sudah mampu melaksanakan dengan baik. Selain itu penulis juga beranggapan bahwa evaluasi yang dilakukan oleh Mendagri hanya bersifat formalitas dalam rangka menitipkan kepentingan pusat kepada daerah. Penulis merekomendasikan dalam penganggaran dana pendidikan dan kesehatan harus proporsionis dan seimbang agar tercapainya tujuan serta akuntabilitas di Kabupaten Bantul

    Customary Forest Managements and Its Challenges in East Nusa Tenggara, Indonesia: An Implication of Constitutional Court Decision 2012

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    Customary forests have not been adequately recognized in state forest management in Indonesia for a long time. However, in the last decades, several fundamental policy changes occurred, and the roles of local communities significantly recognized in forest management. The forest tenure reforms for customary communities are actively addressed after the Constitutional Court Decision (CCD) Number 35 in 2012. The objectives of this study are (1) to determine the changes in customary forest management in response to the CCD and (2) to discuss policy challenges after the CCD in East Nusa Tenggara Province. This study employed qualitative descriptive analysis methods. The result showed the different responses of customary communities related to the institutional development towards CCD. The lack of local regulations regarding customary peoples' rights still need to be solved. Besides, the claims of customary communities for customary forests overlapping with state conservation areas and other customary forests can make the problem more complicated


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    Threat to banking industries, other than Fintech in sector of payment such as the GoPay, threat is also come out of Fintech and Startup in sector of loan such as the UangTeman. Revolution in digital technology produced by the Fintech and the Startup changes people’s behavior to access financial services, from coming to bank office to be an access in using smart phone. Objectives and research methods use qualitative and quantitative approaches as follows: to identify existing core competencies of the Bank ABC using the VRIO (Valuable, Rare, Inimitable, Organized to Capture Value) and recommendation of future competencies using the industry foresight; to formulate and to look into strategic alternative using the Porter's Five Force, the Internal-External matrix, the SWOT matrix, and the QSPM; to recommend road maps to strategic implementation of the digital banking using the AHP. Research results recommend 3 future competencies that the Bank ABC needs to have in the digital banking development from development of 13 existing core competencies by implication in competitive advantage. The main strategic alternative for calculation result of the AHP is reengineering bank products that are able to be marketed by the Bank ABC or the Fintech and the Startup. Based on calculation of the AHP, the main future competency is the Two-Way Digitalization. Keywords: core competency, digital banking, digital technology, fintech, industry foresigh

    Another Law in Indonesia: Customary Land Tenure System Coexisting with State Order in Mutis Forest

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    Local wisdom has been coexisting with the state system in several places in Indonesia. The Mountain Mutis Nature Reserve in East Nusa Tenggara province is the strict nature reserves, but a customary land tenure system, called suf, exists so far in the nature reserve. The objectives of this study are (1) to organize the historical territorialization process, (2) to clarify the customary land tenure system and activities for livelihoods by local people, and (3) to discuss the challenges of its land tenure system to manage forests sustainably as well as policy methods to harmonize legal pluralism in Mutis Area. Field observation and in-depth interviews with key informants were employed for data collection, and the collected data were analyzed by a qualitative descriptive method. The findings showed the traditional reward and punishment systems regarding extracting non-timber forest products, grazing livestock, and preventing forest fires were working well for sustainable forest management. However, increased pressure on forests due to future population growth appears to have an impact on the traditional system. It also showed the government officers and local people started some discussions to recognize the suf in the formal legal order. However, there were institutional problems to introduce current state systems. Therefore, it is required to flexibly operate or revise the state laws according to the actual situation to harmonize society between state and people


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    COVID-19 menjadi masalah terbesar abad ini. Pandemi yang membuat interaksi antar manusia berkurang yang berdampak pada aktivitas-aktivitas ekonomi menjadi terhambat. Karena hal teresebut perlu adanya solusi untuk bangkit dari masalah ini. ASEAN sebagai salah organisasi regional, membuat solusi yakni dengan kembali menggunakan ASEAN Plus Three yang disesuaikan dengan kondisi saat ini, sebagai solusi kebangkitan ekonomi negara-negara ASEAN. Terdapat beberapa point yang dimiliki oleh ASEAN Plus Three yang bisa dijadikan visi dan misi untuk bangkit dari keterpurukan, yang akan dibahas melalui artikel ini. Dalam artikel ini, akan menggunakan metode penelitian kualitatif sebagai alat untuk menjelaskan. Kata kunci: Covid-19, Asean Plus Three, Ekonomi Politik Internasiona