77 research outputs found


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    Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui pengaruh model pembelajaran TPSR (Teaching Personal and Social Responsibility) terhadap peningkatan perilaku respek dan regulasi diri siswa dalam pembelajaran pendidikan jasmani. Metode penelitian yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah metode eksperimen dengan menggunakan desain Randomize Pretest-Posttest Control Group Design. Penelitian ini dilakukan di SMA Negeri 2 Padalarang, Kabupaten Bandung Barat dengan jumlah sampel sebanyak 83 siswa (2 kelas) yang dipilih menggunakan teknik cluster random sampling dari jumlah populasi keseluruhan siswa kelas XI sebanyak 520 siswa. Pada penelitian ini penulis menggunakan instrumen angket perilaku respek hasil pengembangan dari teori yang dikemukakan oleh Wuest (1999) dan angket regulasi diri pengembangan dari teori yang dikemukakan oleh Kermarrec dkk (2004) dan Budiana (2012). Hasil penelitian diperoleh melalui teknik analisis statistik Teknik Paired Sample T test pada taraf signifikansi α= 0,05 yang menunjukkan bahwa untuk peningkatan perilaku respek diperoleh nilai (Sig.) sebesar 0,000<0,05 dengan gain rata-rata yang diperoleh 9,5366. Sedangkan untuk regulasi diri diperoleh nilai (Sig.) sebesar 0,001<0,05 dengan gain rata-rata yang diperoleh 7,0732. Sehingga dalam penelitian ini dapat diperoleh kesimpulan bahwa 1). Terdapat peningkatan pada perilaku respek siswa melalui model TPSR (Teaching Personal and Social Responsibility), 2). Terdapat peningkatan pada regulasi diri siswa melalui model TPSR (Teaching Personal and Social Responsibility), 3) Perilaku respek lebih meningkat dibandingkan dengan regulasi diri siswa setelah melalui penerapan model model pembelajaran TPSR (Teaching Personal and Social Responsibility). Kata kunci: Teaching Personal and Social Responsibility, respek, regulasi diri The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of TPSR (Teaching Personal and Social Responsibility) learning model to student’s respect behavior and self regulation improvement in physical education learning. Research method used in this study was experimental method with design of pretest-posttest control group design. This research was conducted in SMA Negeri 2 Padalarang, West Bandung regency with the number of samples only 83 students (2 classes) selected using cluster random sampling technique from the total population of 520 students of XI grade. In this study the authors used a questionnaire instrument of respect behavior resulting from the theory proposed by Wuest (1999) and self-regulation questionnaire resulting development of the theory proposed by Kermarrec et al. (2004) and Budiana (2012). The result of this research is obtained by statistical analysis technique of Paired Sample T test at significance level α = 0,05 which shows that to increase the respect behavior obtained value (Sig.) Of 0.000 <0,05 with the average gain obtained 9,5366. As for self-regulation obtained value (Sig.) Of 0.001 <0.05 with an average gain of 7.0732. So in this study can be obtained the conclusion that 1). There is an increase in student respect behavior through the TPSR model (Teaching Personal and Social Responsibility), 2). There is an increase in self-regulation of students through the TPSR model (Teaching Personal and Social Responsibility), 3) Respect behavior is increased compared with student self-regulation after the application of TPSR model teaching model (Teaching Personal and Social Responsibility). Keyword : Teaching Personal and Social Responsibility, respect, self regulatio


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    Analisa elemen pelat terus berkembang sehubungan dengan semakin kompleksnya bentuk struktur. Menganalisa elemen pelat yang kompleks, peneliti menggunakan metode numerik, dalam hal ini metode elemen hingga. Metode elemen hingga sudah banyak digunakan dalam menganalisa pelat elemen, peneliti terus berlomba dalam mengembangkan elemen pelat dan cangkang yang dapat diaplikasi dalam berbagai kondisi dan mempunyai akurasi yang tinggi. Penggunaan elemen segitiga menarik perhatian peneliti karena simplisitas dan fleksibilitas dalam mendiskritisasi elemen yang kompleks. Elemen segitiga tiga nodal MITC3 (Mixed Interpolation of Tensorial Components) merupakan salah satu elemen pelat yang menggunakan elemen segitiga dan merupakan elemen pelat yang terkenal serta banyak digunakan oleh perangkat lunak komersial. Penelitian tentang elemen MITC3 sudah banyak dilakukan terutama dalam kasus statik, pada penelitian ini peneliti menganalisa elemen pelat isotropik MITC3 pada kasus tekuk yang diberi beban mekanikal berupa beban in-plane uniaksial dan biaksial. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk melihat tingkat konvergensi elemen pelat isotropik MITC3 pada kasus tekuk, penelitian ini diawali dengan melakukan studi literatur, selanjutnya menguji kinerja dan prilaku konvergensi elemen pelat MITC3 pada kasus pelat persegi dengan memvariasikan rasio panjang terhadap tebalnya. Hasil analisa akan dibandingkan dengan referensi yang ada di literatur

    Optimizing Single Axis Tracking for Bat Algorithm-based Solar Cell

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    Adding the solar tracking control system was an attempt to increase the efficiency of solar panels. The solar tracking control system was a control system that follows the sun position. The purpose of this solar tracking system was to position the cross-section always to face the sun. The Single Axis system in solar tracking was intended to follow the sun’s angle or solar azimuth angle from the east to the west. There needed a control optimization to get the position as desired. Optimization often used artificial intelligence to obtain the automatic best optimization, such as Bat Algorithm (BA). This research compared several methods: without control, using PID control, using PID-Auto control, and using PID-BA control. The simulations showed that the smallest elevation angle deviation was found in PID-BA controller. In conclusion, PID-BA was the best controller in this research. This research could be used as a future reference with other controllers to get the most optimized controller


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    perkembangan teknologi perangkat lunak mengalami perkembangan yang sangat pesat, baik pada sektor industri perangkat lunak, game ataupun perangkat lunak yang berbasis aplikasi bisnis dan layanan masyarakat, baik perangkat lunak berbasis komputer desktop/laptop, web ataupun mobile. Perkembangan perangkat lunak tersebut tidak terlepas dari infrastruktur (engine) perangkat lunak dimana engine prangkat lunak tersebut dikembangkan melalui algoritma, cara berpikir logis dan cara penyelesaian secara matematis dan sistematis yang dituangkan lewat pemrograman komputer sehingga perangkat lunak canggih dapat dikembangkan dari engine perangkat lunak tersebut. Bahkan saat buku ini ditulis, sudah ada programming class yang diselenggarakan secara online untuk siswa-siswa sekolah dasar dan telah ada mata pelajaran programming sebagai mata pelajaran pilihan pada sekolah-sekolah terkemuka di kota-kota besar di tingkat SLTA

    The Brain Jogging Training: Solution for Increasing Playing Skill in Field Hockey Athlete

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    The brain jogging training method is a training method that further sharpens the cognitive abilities of an athlete. The purpose of this study was to find out how the impact this brain jogging exercise had on the playing skills of field hockey athletes. The research method used is an experimental research method with a research design in the form of a one group pre-test post-test design. A total of 23 STKIP Pasundan field hockey athletes were used as research samples. The research treatment was carried out for 8 weeks excluding the pre-test and post-test. The research instrument used is the Game Performance Assessment Instrument (GPAI). The results showed that the increase in playing skills was 0.2 (2%), and showed that there was a significant effect of the application of brain jogging exercises on the playing skills of field hockey athletes (sig. 0.000). So that it can be concluded that the brain jogging training method is very feasible to be applied to the training process of field hockey athletes, especially to improve their playing skills


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    ABSTRAK Pakaian saat ini buka hanya sekedar pelindung namun juga harus menghadirkan rasa nyaman, untuk membuat sebuah pakaian seseorang akan membutuhkan layanan jasa jahit, namun dalam layanan jasa jahit konvensional ini terdapat beberapa masalah di antaranya efesiensi waktu yang di butuhkan.Seiring berkembangnya kemajuan teknologi informasi saat ini telah banyak yang memanfaat kan layanan e-commerce untuk menunjang layanan bisnis nya, e-commerce atau electronic commerce merupakan perdagangan elektronik dimana layanan tidak terkendala antara ruang dan waktu, Dari permasalahan diatas munculah gagasan untuk membuat aplikasi layanan jasa jahit berbasis website, dimana di dalamnya pengguna dapat melakukan proses bisnis layanan jasa jahit ini tanpa terkendala ruang dan waktu penelitian ini dilakukan untuk mengidentifikasi proses bisnis layanan jasa jahit, dan mengimplementasikanya pada prototipe aplikasi berbasis web menggunakan untuk menganalisa sistem informasi yang akan dikembangkan penulis menggunakan pendekatan Work system Framework, lalu dibangun prototipe berbasis website menggunakan framework PHP Codeigniter. Dan sebuah penyimpanan menggunakan MySQL Kata kunci : E-Commerce,Aplikasi berbasis website,PHP,Code Igite


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    ALI BUDIMAN (1500276) 2022. FICTIONAL COMIC FANTASY GENRE THE CHRONICLE OF MAJAPAHIT “THE RISING OF THE SUN” Thesis of Creation, Department of Fine Arts Education Study Program, Faculty of Art and Design Education, University of Education Indonesia, Bandung. The background of this research is due to the phenomenon of the younger generation, who appreciating foreign history and its culture more than their own, by processing the history of Majapahit into a comic work which is a form of historical delivery media made by combining the historical genre with the fantasy genre. The purpose of this research is to stimulate the younger generation to dig deeper into the history of the Indonesian kingdom. The creation method used in this research is using Design Thinking theory with a qualitative approach. The Scope of the comic story will only tell the transitions of the Singhasari Kingdom into the Majapahit Kingdom, which is added with fictitious side story of the fantasy genre. Data collection techniques using literature studies related to Majapahit history, the comic making of “The Rise of the Sun” is using a hybrid technique by going through the following processes: 1) Synopsis; 2) Storyline creation; 3) Creation of character designs; 4) Storyboarding; 5) Inking through a digital process; 6) Coloring; 7) Giving word balloons. This process produced a 90 pages of comic entitled “The Rise of The Sun”. Based on the creation, it can be seen that the segmentation of this comic is aimed at teenagers aged 16+ and the visualization of this comic uses a semi-realist drawing style based on the characteristics of Japanese comics. The recommendation in this study is to use another Indonesian history as a source of ideas in creating fantasy genre comics. Keywords: Fantasy Genre, Chronicle of Majapahit, Fictional Comic, Comic Making of “The Rising of The Sun

    The Involvement of Preservice Teachers in Delivering of Sport Education

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    Competence of a teacher should have been obtained when studying in college. However, college students or preservice teachers feel lack of competence during their study in college. It is important for colleges to provide a learning experience for students to have competence in teaching before they become a teacher. Sport Education (SE) has its own uniqueness because in its implementation, it can directly include several learning models as a provision to teach students when becoming a teacher. The purpose of this study was to determine the enjoyment of students using SE based on the characteristics of SE, increased skills and understanding of sports, and the pleasure of using SE. This research uses survey type of descriptive methods. Participants of this study are 35 college students who will finish their studies in the eastern part of West Java province. The instrument of this study used the Sport Education Season Survey. Data analyzing techniques employed in this study were descriptive statistics and paired samples t-test. The results of the study stated that college students enjoyed the use of SE based on the characteristics of SE, that college students have increased skills and understanding of sports, and that college students preferred SE compared to conventional learning. Further investigation related to college students teaching skills in the use of SE needs to be conducted.Competence of a teacher should have been obtained when studying in college. However, college students or preservice teachers feel lack of competence during their study in college. It is important for colleges to provide a learning experience for students to have competence in teaching before they become a teacher. Sport Education (SE) has its own uniqueness because in its implementation, it can directly include several learning models as a provision to teach students when becoming a teacher. The purpose of this study was to determine the enjoyment of students using SE based on the characteristics of SE, increased skills and understanding of sports, and the pleasure of using SE. This research uses survey type of descriptive methods. Participants of this study are 35 college students who will finish their studies in the eastern part of West Java province. The instrument of this study used the Sport Education Season Survey. Data analyzing techniques employed in this study were descriptive statistics and paired samples t-test. The results of the study stated that college students enjoyed the use of SE based on the characteristics of SE, that college students have increased skills and understanding of sports, and that college students preferred SE compared to conventional learning. Further investigation related to college students teaching skills in the use of SE needs to be conducted

    The Role Of The Local Government In Realizing The Universal Health Coverage For The Community

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    In order to improve the development of the welfare of the Indonesian citizens, the government is gradually determined to improve the lives and social security in accordance with the mandate of the 1945 Indonesian Constitution Article 28 H Paragraph (1) which states: "Every person has the right to live in prosperity, physically and mentally, to live, and to have a good and healthy living environment and the right to obtain health services Article 34 paragraph (3) states: "The state is responsible for the provision of good health facilities and public service facilities", but in fact, Indonesia still faced the problem of low public access to quality of health services. Implementation of the health service is unable to answer the complexity of the organization and financing of health care, which is really dependent on expensive health technologies. WHO has agreed to achieve Universal Health Coverage


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    Kegiatan pengabdian pada masyarakat ini bertujuan untuk memberikan pemahaman kepada Madrasah Tsanawiyah (MTs)  mengenai pengimplementaian konsep belajar berbasis High Order Thinking Skill (HOTS). Kegiatan pengabdian ini dilakukan di Kabupaten Bandung. Partisipan dalam penelitian ini adalah guru Madrasah Tsanawiyah (MTs) swasta yang berada di wilayah Kabupaten Bandung yang berjumlah 50 orang. Dilihat dari hasil post test terdapat peningkatan dibandingkan dengan hasil posttest mengenai pemahaman guru akan konsep belajar berbasis HOTS. Sehingga dapat disimpulkan bahwa kegiatan ini sangat membantu para guru dalam meningkatkan wawasan dan kemampuan pengimplementasian konsep belajar berbasis HOTS
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