1,371 research outputs found

    Sphagnum restoration on degraded blanket and raised bogs in the UK using micropropagated source material: a review of progress

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    There is a growing demand for a supply of Sphagnum to re-introduce to degraded peatlands. However, available supplies of Sphagnum of the desired species are often limited. We describe the propagation of Sphagnum from vegetative material in sterile tissue culture and the introduction of juvenile mosses into the field. Sphagnum produced in the laboratory in three different forms (beads, gel and plugs) was introduced to different peatland surfaces on upland degraded blanket bog and lowland cut-over peatland in northern England. On degraded blanket bog, the establishment of mixed-species Sphagnum plugs was typically 99 % while the survival of beads was much lower, ranging from little above zero on bare eroding peat to a maximum of 12 % on stabilised peat surfaces. On lowland cut-over peatland, all trials took place on peat with an expanding cover of Eriophorum angustifolium and tested Sphagnum gel as well as beads and plugs. This work showed that survival and establishment of plugs was high (99 %) and greater than for beads. Sphagnum gel reached a cover of 95 % in two years. The vegetative micropropagation of Sphagnum offers an effective source of Sphagnum for re-introduction to degraded peatlands

    Rapid Genomic Characterization of the Genus Vitis

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    Next-generation sequencing technologies promise to dramatically accelerate the use of genetic information for crop improvement by facilitating the genetic mapping of agriculturally important phenotypes. The first step in optimizing the design of genetic mapping studies involves large-scale polymorphism discovery and a subsequent genome-wide assessment of the population structure and pattern of linkage disequilibrium (LD) in the species of interest. In the present study, we provide such an assessment for the grapevine (genus Vitis), the world's most economically important fruit crop. Reduced representation libraries (RRLs) from 17 grape DNA samples (10 cultivated V. vinifera and 7 wild Vitis species) were sequenced with sequencing-by-synthesis technology. We developed heuristic approaches for SNP calling, identified hundreds of thousands of SNPs and validated a subset of these SNPs on a 9K genotyping array. We demonstrate that the 9K SNP array provides sufficient resolution to distinguish among V. vinifera cultivars, between V. vinifera and wild Vitis species, and even among diverse wild Vitis species. We show that there is substantial sharing of polymorphism between V. vinifera and wild Vitis species and find that genetic relationships among V. vinifera cultivars agree well with their proposed geographic origins using principal components analysis (PCA). Levels of LD in the domesticated grapevine are low even at short ranges, but LD persists above background levels to 3 kb. While genotyping arrays are useful for assessing population structure and the decay of LD across large numbers of samples, we suggest that whole-genome sequencing will become the genotyping method of choice for genome-wide genetic mapping studies in high-diversity plant species. This study demonstrates that we can move quickly towards genome-wide studies of crop species using next-generation sequencing. Our study sets the stage for future work in other high diversity crop species, and provides a significant enhancement to current genetic resources available to the grapevine genetic community

    Localization of 102 exons to a 2.5 Mb region involved in Down syndrome

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    Exon amplification has been applied to a 2.5 Mb region of chromosome 21 that has been associated with some features of Down syndrome (DS). Identification of the majority of genes from this region will facilitate the correlation of the over-expression of particular genes with specific phenotypes of DS. Over 100 gene fragments have been isolated from this 2.5 Mb segment. The exons have been characterized by sequence analysis, comparison with public databases and expansion to cDNA clones. Localization of the exons to chromosome 21 has been determined by hybridization to genomic Southern blots and to YAC and cosmid clones representing the region. This has resulted in a higher resolution physical map with a marker approximately every 25 kb. This integrated physical and transcript map will be valuable for fine mapping of DNA from individuals with partial aneuploidy of chromosome 21 as well as for assessing and ultimately generating a complete gene map of this segment of the genom

    Molecular Diversity, Structure and Domestication of Grasses

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    Over the last 10,000 years, crop domestication has been the single most important human cultural development. Grasses are prominent among these crops, and provide the vast majority of the world\u27s food. Similar traits have been selected during the domestication and breeding of these critically important grasses, and since they share a similar complement of genes, the same set of genes may have been selected. Even though the process of domestication occurred over the same 5000 to 10,000 year period, the domesticated grasses have major differences in genome structure, diversity, and life history. Molecular investigations of grass domestication have succeeded in identifying progenitor species and are beginning to catalog genetic resources. Additionally, research is now elucidating some of the basic processes by which crops have evolved over the last few millennia. In this review, we discuss our present knowledge of molecular diversity among the grass crops and relate that diversity to the genes involved in domestication and to yield gains. Understanding the connection between diversity and genome structure will be critical to future crop breeding

    Association of Progressive CD4+ T Cell Decline in SIV Infection with the Induction of Autoreactive Antibodies

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    The progressive decline of CD4+ T cells is a hallmark of disease progression in human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) and simian immunodeficiency virus (SIV) infection. Whereas the acute phase of the infection is dominated by virus-mediated depletion of memory CD4+ T cells, chronic infection is often associated with a progressive decline of total CD4+ T cells, including the naïve subset. The mechanism of this second phase of CD4+ T cell loss is unclear and may include immune activation–induced cell death, immune-mediated destruction, and regenerative or homeostatic failure. We studied patterns of CD4+ T cell subset depletion in blood and tissues in a group of 20 rhesus macaques inoculated with derivatives of the pathogenic SIVsmE543-3 or SIVmac239. Phenotypic analysis of CD4+ T cells demonstrated two patterns of CD4+ T cell depletion, primarily affecting either naïve or memory CD4+ T cells. Progressive decline of total CD4+ T cells was observed only in macaques with naïve CD4+ T cell depletion (ND), though the depletion of memory CD4+ T cells was profound in macaques with memory CD4+ T cell depletion (MD). ND macaques exhibited lower viral load and higher SIV-specific antibody responses and greater B cell activation than MD macaques. Depletion of naïve CD4+ T cells was associated with plasma antibodies autoreactive with CD4+ T cells, increasing numbers of IgG-coated CD4+ T cells, and increased incidence of autoreactive antibodies to platelets (GPIIIa), dsDNA, and phospholipid (aPL). Consistent with a biological role of these antibodies, these latter antibodies were accompanied by clinical features associated with autoimmune disorders, thrombocytopenia, and catastrophic thrombotic events. More importantly for AIDS pathogenesis, the level of autoreactive antibodies significantly correlated with the extent of naïve CD4+ T cell depletion. These results suggest an important role of autoreactive antibodies in the CD4+ T cell decline observed during progression to AIDS
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