225 research outputs found


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    The notion of clusters, as a tool of the local and regional development policy in Poland is a completely new one in our economic reality: it is only recently that it has raised considerable interest on the part of both economic theory and practice. In order that clusters could provide an effective tool of policy that serves the purpose of development and increase the level of competitiveness of the economy, it is indispensable to provide a precise definition of the term. However, defining it is far from an easy task, yet indispensable as regards cognitive procedures exerting a strong influence on the ąuality of scientific knowledge created by researchers of a given phenomenon. Moreover, defining is particularly important if its goal is description or analysis of a given phenomenon since precision in doing so facilitates establishing a proper scope of research and helps exclude from it immaterial features or elements.   &nbsp

    Lifetimes and Gj factors in excited states of chromium. Hyperfine structure of Cr53

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    Electronic and nuclear properties of excited chromium isotopes using level crossing and double resonance spectroscopy technique

    Det gode selskab. Jødiske indvandrere i Det Kongelige Kjøbenhavnske Skydeselskab og Danske Broderskab

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    The Great Society The Royal Shooting Society of Copenhagen and Danish Brotherhood can be traced back to the 14thcentury and is likely Denmark’s oldest, still existing, society. Throughout the centuries, Danish monarchs, members of the aristocracy, the military, and the state, businessmen, master craftsmen, and other successful citizens have been shooting brothers in the Royal Shooting Society. Once accepted as a brother in the prestigious Society, a ‘painted target’ has to be given. Thee painted target traditionally depicts a motif that represents the shooting brother - his life, time and history. Jewish shooting brothers do not appear in the Royal Shooting Society until the beginning of the 19th century. Not until the so-called ‘Letter of Freedom’ (the Decree of 1814 issued by King Frederik VI) did the Danish Jews become – almost – equal, with similar rights, to their fellow Christian citizens. After the changed legislation, it became easier for Danish Jews to pursue a career, to gain status, and, ultimately, to become members of the Shooting Society. Complete religious freedom, however, was not introduced until the Constitution of 1849. The first preserved target given by a Jewish shooting brother is from 1828. Targets from 1828-1850 depict symbolic or allegorical-mythological subjects. From 1850-1900, the estate, or the company, owned by the shooting brother is typically depicted on the targets to an extent that seems to suggest a particular Jewish preference for these kinds of motifs. New motifs appear from 1900; amongst them, motifs dealing explicitly with dual Danish-Jewish cultural identity. The targets given by Jewish shooting brothers reflect a piece of Danish-Jewish assimilation history

    Fra outsider til insider - Paul Fischer og den moderne by

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    In spring 2019 The Museum of Copenhagen will open its first temporary exhibition at the museum’s new venue in Stormgade 18, featuring the work of the artist Paul Fischer. He was a descendent of poor Jewish immigrants, but ended up becoming one of the most persistent and successful portrayers of the city of Copenhagen. While art buyers and collectors loved him for his numerous images of modern, idyllic and atmospheric Copenhagen city life, depicted in paintings, posters, postcards and in magazine illustrations, art critics and art historians despised him for the same reason. The article deals with this dualism in Paul Fischer’s life: Being an outsider and an insider at the same time. While Fischer was successful and financially independent, his art and use of photography for art production were considered too commercial by art critics. Art professionals have primarily granted him significance as a conveyer of Copenhagen’s cultural history from his images of street scenes of the city, retrospectively often considered nostalgic and outdated. However, there is also a modern side to Paul Fischer’s art; in the way he used photography, often merging photos, his awareness of a growing visual culture with a demand for images, his depiction of social life in public spaces and the presence of his images in public spaces. The article has been written for the upcoming exhibition of Paul Fischer’s works at The Museum of Copenhagen

    Rozwijanie kompetencji wychowawczych nauczyciela. Drogowskazy

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    Nauczyciel jako osoba znacząca towarzyszy uczniowi i wspomaga jego rozwój – wzmacnia wiarę we własne możliwości, buduje poczucie własnej wartości, stawia przed nim wyzwania rozwojowe, ale też zaspokaja jego potrzeby rozwojowe.Myśląc o rozwoju osobistym nauczyciela, przekazujemy Państwu podręcznik, który składa się z pięciu części: 1. Coaching jako metoda rozwoju kompetencji wychowawczych nauczycieli; 2. Doświadczenia w procesie wspierania pracy wychowawczej nauczycieli metodami coachingowymi w obszarze zarządzania zachowaniem uczniów; 3 Autocoaching (selfcoaching); 4. Rozwój kompetencji osobistych i wychowawczych nauczyciela; 5. Drogowskazy. Pragniemy, aby nasza książka posłużyła wychowawcom jako ekwipunek – umieściłyśmy tu mapy z wyraźnie zaznaczonym kierunkiem podróży, a także bogaty prowiant, który pomaga podróżnikom przebyć ścieżki ich osobistego rozwoju

    Aufbau der Materie

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    Die Lösung von organischem Kohlenstoff führt zu einer verminderten Wasserstabilität bei Mikroaggregaten in einem Ackerboden mit Texturgradienten

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    Mikroaggregate (<250 µm) gelten als Bausteine von größeren Aggregaten. Über deren Aufbau und Stabilität ist bisher jedoch wenig bekannt. Lösbarer organischer Kohlenstoff (engl. dissolved organic carbon; DOC) ist ein bedeutender Teil des organischen Kohlenstoffs im Boden und könnte als stabilisierende Komponente in Mikroaggregaten dienen. Um den Einfluss von DOC auf die Stabilität von Mikroaggregaten besser zu verstehen, wurde in dieser Arbeit untersucht, ob eine erhöhte DOC-Freisetzung zu einem verstärkten Zerfall bei Mikroaggregaten führt. Zusätzlich wurde überprüft, ob erhöhter Tongehalt der Bodenproben bei diesem Prozess die Aggregatstabilität erhöht. Die untersuchten Proben wurden aus dem Oberboden (0-20 cm) einer ackerbaulich genutzten Parabraunerde in Scheyern (Bayern, Deutschland) mit unterschiedlichem Tongehalt (19-37 %) entnommen. Die Bodenproben wurden feldfeucht mit Wasser in drei Temperaturstufen (10 °C, 20 °C, 80 °C) behandelt und die dabei freigesetzte DOC-Menge bestimmt. Anschließend wurde die Größenverteilung der Mikroaggregate mittels dynamischer Bildanalyse gemessen und untersucht, ob eine höhere DOC-Freisetzung zu mehr kleinen Aggregaten und Partikeln führt. Eine Behandlung mit 80 °C warmem Wasser führte gegenüber 10 °C warmem Wasser zu einer mehr als doppelt so hohen DOC-Freisetzung (Faktor 2,1; p=0,004) und zu 8 % mehr kleinen Partikeln und Mikroaggregaten (8-50 µm; p=0,02). Der Tongehalt der untersuchten Proben hatte bei diesem Prozess keinen Einfluss auf die gemessene Aggregatstabilität. Die Analyse der Partikel und Aggregate mittels dynamischer Bildanalyse ergab, dass die Behandlung mit Wasser unterschiedlicher Temperatur vor allem in den Größenbereichen 8-50 µm, 50-100 µm und 100-200 µm zu einer Veränderung in der Partikelgrößenverteilung führte. Die Ergebnisse dieser Arbeit bestätigen, dass DOC in Mikroaggregaten eine stabilisierende Funktion innehat und leicht durch eine Behandlung mit Wasser freigesetzt werden kann. Daher muss bei einer Messung der Aggregatgrößenverteilung mittels Nasssiebung berücksichtigt werden, dass dabei freigesetzte DOC-Mengen die gemessene Aggregatstabilität verringern könnten. In weiteren Untersuchungen soll der Anteil vorhandener Primärpartikel quantifiziert und die Größenverteilung der gemessenen Partikel eindeutig von wasserstabilen Aggregaten abgegrenzt werden

    Astrophysical Reaction Rates for 10^{10}B(p,α\alpha)7^{7}Be and 11^{11}B(p,α\alpha)8^{8}Be From a Direct Model

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    The reactions 10^{10}B(p,α\alpha)7^{7}Be and 11^{11}B(p,α\alpha)8^{8}Be are studied at thermonuclear energies using DWBA calculations. For both reactions, transitions to the ground states and first excited states are investigated. In the case of 10^{10}B(p,α\alpha)7^{7}Be, a resonance at ERes=10E_{Res}=10 keV can be consistently described in the potential model, thereby allowing the extension of the astrophysical SS-factor data to very low energies. Strong interference with a resonance at about ERes=550E_{Res}=550 keV require a Breit-Wigner description of that resonance and the introduction of an interference term for the reaction 10^{10}B(p,α1\alpha_1)7^{7}Be^*. Two isospin T=1T=1 resonances (at ERes1=149E_{Res1}=149 keV and ERes2=619E_{Res2}=619 keV) observed in the 11^{11}B+p reactions necessitate Breit-Wigner resonance and interference terms to fit the data of the 11^{11}B(p,α\alpha)8^{8}Be reaction. SS-factors and thermonuclear reaction rates are given for each reaction. The present calculation is the first consistent parametrization for the transition to the ground states and first excited states at low energies.Comment: 27 pages, 5 Postscript figures, uses RevTex and aps.sty; preprint also available at http://quasar.physik.unibas.ch/ Phys. Rev. C, in pres

    Visualizing RAD51-mediated joint molecules: implications for recombination mechanism and the effect of sequence heterology

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    The defining event in homologous recombination is the exchange of base-paired partners between a single-stranded (ss) DNA and a homologous duplex driven by recombinase proteins, such as human RAD51. To understand the mechanism of this essential genome maintenance event, we analyzed the structure of RAD51–DNA complexes representing strand exchange intermediates at nanometer resolution by scanning force microscopy. Joint molecules were formed between substrates with a defined ssDNA segment and homologous region on a double-stranded (ds) partner. We discovered and quantified several notable architectural features of RAD51 joint molecules. Each end of the RAD51-bound joints had a distinct structure. Using linear substrates, a 10-nt region of mispaired bases blocked extension of joint molecules in all examples observed, whereas 4 nt of heterology only partially blocked joint molecule extension. Joint molecules, including 10 nt of heterology, had paired DNA on either side of the heterologous substitution, indicating that pairing could initiate from the free 3′end of ssDNA or from a region adjacent to the ss–ds junction. RAD51 filaments covering joint ss–dsDNA regions were more stable to disassembly than filaments covering dsDNA. We discuss how distinct structural features of RAD51-bound DNA joints can play important roles as recognition sites for proteins that facilitate and control strand exchange