28 research outputs found

    Struktur und Dynamik Ligand-abhängiger regulatorischer RNA-Motive

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    Obwohl zahlreiche zelluläre Funktionen von RNAs in direktem Zusammenhang mit Proteinen stehen, wurde auch eine Vielzahl von, unter anderem regulatorischen, RNA-Motiven identifiziert, die ihre Funktion ohne eine initiale Beteiligung von Proteinen ausßben. Das detaillierte Verständnis der zu Grunde liegenden Regulationsmechanismen beinhaltet die Charakterisierung von beteiligten RNA-Architekturen und deren funktionaler Stabilitäten, von dynamischen Aspekten der RNA-Faltungsprozesse sowie die Korrelation dieser Charakteristika mit zellulären Funktionen. Im Rahmen dieser Arbeit wurden strukturelle, thermodynamische und kinetische Aspekte der Ligand-bindenden Guanin Riboswitch-RNA Aptamerdomäne des xpt-pbuX Operons aus B. subtilis und eines Cofaktor-abhängigen katalytischen RNA-Motivs, des 'Adenin-abhängigen Hairpin Ribozyms', untersucht. ..

    Carpet Beater Molecules: Synthesis and Characterization of Functional Hexa‐peri‐benzocoronene–Alkyne Coupling Products

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    Abstract Within the scope of this paper, nine π‐expanded mono‐substituted 5,8,11,14,17‐pentakis‐(tert‐butyl)‐hexa‐peri‐hexabenzocoronenes (HBC) are introduced. 2‐Iodo‐5,8,11,14,17‐pentakis‐(tert‐butyl)‐hexa‐peri‐hexabenzocoronene served as precursor and was reacted with ethynyltrimethylsilane in a Sonogashira coupling reaction. The acetylene unit is used as a linker and can undergo another Sonogashira coupling reaction combining different phenyl coupling partners with the HBC core. The electron‐withdrawing groups such as nitrile, pyridine and carbonyl species (aldehyde, methylester, carboxylic acid) as well as the three quinoxaline based species (diphenylquinoxaline, dibenzo[a,c]phenazine, phenanthro[4’,5’‐a,b,c]phenazine) serve as substitution moieties. Their influence on the optoelectronic properties were investigated by UV/Vis absorption spectroscopy demonstrating a maximum redshift of 7 nm compared to starting compound 2‐Iodo‐5,8,11,14,17‐pentakis‐(tert‐butyl) HBC. As for the phenanthro[4’,5’‐a,b,c]phenazine substituted HBC a dramatic decrease in the intensity of the absorption of the UV/Vis spectrum was observed. The fluorescence spectroscopy pointed out that the dibenzo[a,c]phenazine and phenanthro[4’,5’‐a,b,c]phenazine substitution changed the spectra to one broad peak departing from the characteristic HBC‐like emission pattern

    Interplay of ‘induced fit’ and preorganization in the ligand induced folding of the aptamer domain of the guanine binding riboswitch

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    Riboswitches are highly structured elements in the 5′-untranslated regions (5′-UTRs) of messenger RNA that control gene expression by specifically binding to small metabolite molecules. They consist of an aptamer domain responsible for ligand binding and an expression platform. Ligand binding in the aptamer domain leads to conformational changes in the expression platform that result in transcription termination or abolish ribosome binding. The guanine riboswitch binds with high-specificity to guanine and hypoxanthine and is among the smallest riboswitches described so far. The X-ray-structure of its aptamer domain in complex with guanine/hypoxanthine reveals an intricate RNA-fold consisting of a three-helix junction stabilized by long-range base pairing interactions. We analyzed the conformational transitions of the aptamer domain induced by binding of hypoxanthine using high-resolution NMR-spectroscopy in solution. We found that the long-range base pairing interactions are already present in the free RNA and preorganize its global fold. The ligand binding core region is lacking hydrogen bonding interactions and therefore likely to be unstructured in the absence of ligand. Mg(2+)-ions are not essential for ligand binding and do not change the structure of the RNA-ligand complex but stabilize the structure at elevated temperatures. We identified a mutant RNA where the long-range base pairing interactions are disrupted in the free form of the RNA but form upon ligand binding in an Mg(2+)-dependent fashion. The tertiary interaction motif is stable outside the riboswitch context

    Influence of ground-state structure and Mg2+ binding on folding kinetics of the guanine-sensing riboswitch aptamer domain

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    Riboswitch RNAs fold into complex tertiary structures upon binding to their cognate ligand. Ligand recognition is accomplished by key residues in the binding pocket. In addition, it often crucially depends on the stability of peripheral structural elements. The ligand-bound complex of the guanine-sensing riboswitch from Bacillus subtilis, for example, is stabilized by extensive interactions between apical loop regions of the aptamer domain. Previously, we have shown that destabilization of this tertiary loop–loop interaction abrogates ligand binding of the G37A/C61U-mutant aptamer domain (Gswloop) in the absence of Mg2+. However, if Mg2+ is available, ligand-binding capability is restored by a population shift of the ground-state RNA ensemble toward RNA conformations with pre-formed loop–loop interactions. Here, we characterize the striking influence of long-range tertiary structure on RNA folding kinetics and on ligand-bound complex structure, both by X-ray crystallography and time-resolved NMR. The X-ray structure of the ligand-bound complex reveals that the global architecture is almost identical to the wild-type aptamer domain. The population of ligand-binding competent conformations in the ground-state ensemble of Gswloop is tunable through variation of the Mg2+ concentration. We quantitatively describe the influence of distinct Mg2+ concentrations on ligand-induced folding trajectories both by equilibrium and time-resolved NMR spectroscopy at single-residue resolution

    Structure and dynamics of the deoxyguanosine-sensing riboswitch studied by NMR-spectroscopy

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    The mfl-riboswitch regulates expression of ribonucleotide reductase subunit in Mesoplasma florum by binding to 2′-deoxyguanosine and thereby promoting transcription termination. We characterized the structure of the ligand-bound aptamer domain by NMR spectroscopy and compared the mfl-aptamer to the aptamer domain of the closely related purine-sensing riboswitches. We show that the mfl-aptamer accommodates the extra 2′-deoxyribose unit of the ligand by forming a more relaxed binding pocket than these found in the purine-sensing riboswitches. Tertiary structures of the xpt-aptamer bound to guanine and of the mfl-aptamer bound to 2′-deoxyguanosine exhibit very similar features, although the sequence of the mfl-aptamer contains several alterations compared to the purine-aptamer consensus sequence. These alterations include the truncation of a hairpin loop which is crucial for complex formation in all purine-sensing riboswitches characterized to date. We further defined structural features and ligand binding requirements of the free mfl-aptamer and found that the presence of Mg2+ is not essential for complex formation, but facilitates ligand binding by promoting pre-organization of key structural motifs in the free aptamer

    Dissecting the influence of Mg2+ on 3D architecture and ligand-binding of the guanine-sensing riboswitch aptamer domain

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    Long-range tertiary interactions determine the three-dimensional structure of a number of metabolite-binding riboswitch RNA elements and were found to be important for their regulatory function. For the guanine-sensing riboswitch of the Bacillus subtilis xpt-pbuX operon, our previous NMR-spectroscopic studies indicated pre-formation of long-range tertiary contacts in the ligand-free state of its aptamer domain. Loss of the structural pre-organization in a mutant of this RNA (G37A/C61U) resulted in the requirement of Mg2+ for ligand binding. Here, we investigate structural and stability aspects of the wild-type aptamer domain (Gsw) and the G37A/C61U-mutant (Gswloop) of the guanine-sensing riboswitch and their Mg2+-induced folding characteristics to dissect the role of long-range tertiary interactions, the link between pre-formation of structural elements and ligand-binding properties and the functional stability. Destabilization of the long-range interactions as a result of the introduced mutations for Gswloop or the increase in temperature for both Gsw and Gswloop involves pronounced alterations of the conformational ensemble characteristics of the ligand-free state of the riboswitch. The increased flexibility of the conformational ensemble can, however, be compensated by Mg2+. We propose that reduction of conformational dynamics in remote regions of the riboswitch aptamer domain is the minimal pre-requisite to pre-organize the core region for specific ligand binding

    13C-direct detected NMR experiments for the sequential J-based resonance assignment of RNA oligonucleotides

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    We present here a set of 13C-direct detected NMR experiments to facilitate the resonance assignment of RNA oligonucleotides. Three experiments have been developed: (1) the (H)CC-TOCSY-experiment utilizing a virtual decoupling scheme to assign the intraresidual ribose 13C-spins, (2) the (H)CPC-experiment that correlates each phosphorus with the C4′ nuclei of adjacent nucleotides via J(C,P) couplings and (3) the (H)CPC-CCH-TOCSY-experiment that correlates the phosphorus nuclei with the respective C1′,H1′ ribose signals. The experiments were applied to two RNA hairpin structures. The current set of 13C-direct detected experiments allows direct and unambiguous assignment of the majority of the hetero nuclei and the identification of the individual ribose moieties following their sequential assignment. Thus, 13C-direct detected NMR methods constitute useful complements to the conventional 1H-detected approach for the resonance assignment of oligonucleotides that is often hindered by the limited chemical shift dispersion. The developed methods can also be applied to large deuterated RNAs

    The genetic architecture of type 2 diabetes

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    The genetic architecture of common traits, including the number, frequency, and effect sizes of inherited variants that contribute to individual risk, has been long debated. Genome-wide association studies have identified scores of common variants associated with type 2 diabetes, but in aggregate, these explain only a fraction of heritability. To test the hypothesis that lower-frequency variants explain much of the remainder, the GoT2D and T2D-GENES consortia performed whole genome sequencing in 2,657 Europeans with and without diabetes, and exome sequencing in a total of 12,940 subjects from five ancestral groups. To increase statistical power, we expanded sample size via genotyping and imputation in a further 111,548 subjects. Variants associated with type 2 diabetes after sequencing were overwhelmingly common and most fell within regions previously identified by genome-wide association studies. Comprehensive enumeration of sequence variation is necessary to identify functional alleles that provide important clues to disease pathophysiology, but large-scale sequencing does not support a major role for lower-frequency variants in predisposition to type 2 diabetes