334 research outputs found

    Foodstuffs - Simultaneous Determination of Nine Sweeteners by High Performance Liquid Chromatography and Evaporate Light Scattering Detection

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    No abstract available since it is a standard operationg procedure for a validated testing method !!JRC.D.8-Food safety and qualit

    Validation of an Analytical Method for the Simultaneous Determination of Nine Intense Sweeteners by HPLC-ELSD

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    A collaborative trial was conducted to validate an analytical method for the simultaneous determination of nine intense sweeteners, i.e., acesulfame-K, alitame, aspartame, cyclamic acid, dulcin, neotame, neohesperidine dihydrochalcone, saccharin and sucralose in carbonated and non-carbonated soft drinks, and canned or bottled fruits. The procedure involves an extraction of the nine sweeteners with a buffer solution, sample clean-up using solid-phase extraction cartridges followed by an HPLC-ELSD analysis. Trueness, expressed in terms of recovery rates, was demonstrated in most cases by values ranging from 90 to 108%. High comparability of results obtained by individual testing laboratories was ensured by RSDR values <10% for the majority of results. Moreover, HorRAT values of less than 1.1 suggested for all sweeteners and matrices tested good performance of the method.JRC.D.8-Food safety and qualit

    Potential of ten alternative grass species under different cutting regimes in Central Europe

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    Die Bedeutung von mehrjährigem Grasland als großflächige CO2-Senke ist hoch. Auf diesen Flächen könnten neben Futtermitteln auch Nachwachsende Rohstoffe ökologisch verträglich produziert werden. Aufgrund des fortschreitenden Klimawandels werden die Grünlandflächen Mitteleuropas künftig häufiger von Trockenheit betroffen sein als bisher.Um deren Anbaupotenzial unter mitteleuropäischen Bedingungen zu testen, wurden zehn trockentolerante Gräser (Agropyron elongatum, Agropyron intermedium, Agropyron desertorum, Agropyron trachycaulum, Elymus hoffmannii, Elymus junceus, Bromus inermis, Bromus marginatus, Festuca arundinacea und Panicum virgatum) angebaut und mit vier standortüblichen, leistungsfähigen Futtergräsern in Vergleich gestellt (Dactylis glomerata, Arrhenatherum elatius, Agrostis gigantea und Agropyron repens). Die Parzellenversuche wurden an zwei Stand­orten über zwei Versuchsjahre bei Ein- und Mehrschnittnutzung durchgeführt.Bei Einschnittnutzung lieferte P. virgatum den höchsten bereinigten Jahresertrag (14 258 kg TM ha–1), gefolgt von A. elongatum (13 086 kg TM ha–1). Die mehrjährige Ausdauer dieser zwei Arten war unter den Versuchs­bedingungen aber nur gegeben, wenn P. virgatum nicht vor dem Abfrosten und A. elongatum nur einmal pro Jahr geerntet wurde. Die Lageranfälligkeit der beiden Arten muss beachtet werden. Bei Mehrschnittnutzung konnte F. arundinacea sowohl in der Ertragshöhe (12 533 kg TM ha–1 korrigierter Jahresertrag) als auch durch das geringe Aufkommen an Begleitflora (0,1% Fläche) überzeugen. Beim Anbau dieser Grasart ist die nur mäßige Konkurrenzkraft während der Etablierungsphase zu berücksichtigen. Aufgrund der raschen Jungendentwicklung von A. trachycaulum wird erwartet, dass sich die Art für den Einsatz als Deckfrucht in Saatgutmischungen eignet. A. desertorum, A. trachycaulum, A. repens, E. junceus und B. marginatus lagen im Ertrag unterhalb des Versuchsdurchschnittes (9254,5 kg DM ha–1 bei Zweischnittnutzung). DOI: 10.5073/JfK.2014.06.01, https://doi.org/10.5073/JfK.2014.06.01Perennial grasslands play an important role as an extensive CO2 sink. Fodder and biofuels can be produced in an ecologically acceptable manner on such sites. Projected future climate-change scenarios suggest that Central Europe’s grasslands will be increasingly affected by drought. In order to determine whether there is potential for some alternative drought-adapted grass species to contribute to herbage production for either forage or biomass, we tested the agronomic performance of ten grass species (Agropyron elongatum, Agropyron intermedium, Agropyron desertorum, Agropyron trachycaulum, Elymus hoffmannii, Elymus junceus, Bromus inermis, Bromus marginatus, Festuca arundinacea and Panicum virgatum) in comparison to four reference grasses (Dactylis glomerata, Arrhenatherum elatius, Agrostis gigantea and Agropyron repens). Experiments were conducted in small-plot cutting trials at two sites across two growing seasons with either one or multiple cuts per season.In the one-cut system, P. virgatum provided the highest average annual dry matter (DM) yield (14 258 kg ha–1), followed by A. elongatum (13 086 kg ha–1). The multi-annual persistence of these two species under the experimental conditions was given only when P. virgatum was not harvested before freezing off and A. elongatum was harvested only once per year. Moreover, both species are susceptible to lodging. In the multiple-cut system, F. arundinacea showed a high yield (12 533 kg DM ha–1 average annual yield) and a low presence of associated weeds (only 0.1% surface area). Cultivating this grass species requires considering its only moderate competitiveness during the establishment phase. Based on the rapid establishment of A. trachycaulum, this species is expected to be best suited as a cover crop in seed mixtures. The yields of A. desertorum, A. trachycaulum, A. repens, E. junceus and B. marginatus were below the experimental average (9255 kg DM ha–1 at multiple cuttings). DOI: 10.5073/JfK.2014.06.01, https://doi.org/10.5073/JfK.2014.06.0

    CERTIFICATION REPORT: The certification of the cold filter plugging point (CFPP) and cloud point (CP) in automotive diesel fuel containing a volume fraction of 7 % biodiesel: ERM®-EF004

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    This report describes the production of ERM®-EF004, which is an automotive diesel fuel material containing a volume fraction of 7 % fatty acid methyl ester (biodiesel) certified for the cold filter plugging point and the cloud point. This material was produced following ISO Guide 34:2009 and is certified in accordance with ISO Guide 35:2006. The material is an automotive diesel fuel containing a volume fraction of approximately 7 % biodiesel that is based on rapeseed oil fatty acid methyl ester with the addition of 1 g/kg antioxidant (butylhydroxytoluene). It was provided by a producer in Germany. The material was filled in amber glass ampoules. Between unit-homogeneity was quantified and stability during dispatch and storage were assessed in accordance with ISO Guide 35:2006 [ ]. Within-unit homogeneity was not quantified as the minimum sample intake is defined by the required sample volume stipulated in the respective documentary standard and comprises almost the whole volume of the two ampoules of every unit. The material was characterised by an interlaboratory comparison of laboratories of demonstrated competence and adhering to ISO/IEC 17025:2005). Technically invalid results were removed but no outlier was eliminated on statistical grounds only. Uncertainties of the certified values were calculated in accordance with the Guide to the Expression of Uncertainty in Measurement (GUM) [ ] and include uncertainties related to possible inhomogeneity, instability and characterisation. The material is intended for quality control and assessment of method performance. As with any reference material, it can be used for establishing control charts or validation studies. The certified reference material (CRM) is available in sets of two amber glass ampoules, each containing 27 mL of automotive diesel fuel material with a volume fraction of 7 % biodiesel closed under argon atmosphere.JRC.F.6-Reference Material

    Surface Roughness of one Nanofill and one Silorane Composite after Polishing

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    The aim of this study was to compare the roughness of the surface of one nanofill (Filtek Supreme XT, 3M Espe, St. Paul, USA) and one silorane (Filtek Silorane, 3MEspe, St. Paul, USA) composite after polishing. Five specimens of each composite were polymerized under a polyester strip for 40 seconds. After curing four probes were polished with different Sof-Lex discs and one probe with Pogo for ten seconds. For the surface appointment a contact stylus profilometer was used. The profilometer made ten tracings for each sample at different locations. There was a significant difference in roughness between both composites. The Ra (average surface roughness) results for the silorane composite were almost always significantly higher than for the nanofill composite (T-test). For both composites Sof-Lex fine and superfine discs produced smoother final surfaces than Pogo. The nanofill composite used showed the smoothest surfaces after the polishing and finishing procedures

    Measuring of sport specific skills of football players

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    The Institute of Sport Science at the University of West-Hungary, and the FH-Joanneum – together with students majoring in sport science – started a collaborative international research aimed at assessing the sport-specific skills of football players. The study closely monitored football players – from leagues at different levels – in terms of choice reaction time, short and long pass skills and agility skills with and without a ball. The most modern device available, the SmartSpeed – a photoelectric stopwatch system – was used for the measurements. The data obtained by the applied internationally standardized tests can be compared in terms of players from leagues at different levels. The study occurred using correlation analysis (p<0.05), and we used linear regression to compare laterality. The hypothesis that teams playing in higher league are significantly more successful in terms of the evaluated technical parameters has not been verified in all cases. There are interesting results regarding the differences between moving to the opposite side with and without ball. The results of the Hungarian team (N=97 players) can be compared to those of the Austrian and international players

    The Weak Spots of Saliva Buffering Tests

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    Saliva buffering test is in need of improvements. This article illustrates the most commonly used saliva buffering ca- pacity tests and its major problems. Starting with Ericsson and his laboratory buffer capacity test and all the way to Kitasako a lot of issues are to release. The aim of this paper is to put saliva buffering tests up to serious discussion

    CERTIFICATION REPORT: The certification of selected chemical and physical properties in automotive diesel fuel containing a volume fraction of 7 % biodiesel: ERM®-EF003

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    This report describes the production of ERM®-EF003, which is an automotive diesel fuel material containing a volume fraction of 7 % fatty acid methyl ester (biodiesel) certified for the volume fraction of the fatty acid methyl ester content, the mass fraction of mono-aromatic hydrocarbon, di-aromatic hydrocarbon, polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon, and total aromatic hydrocarbon content, and density, kinematic viscosity, and lubricity. This material was produced following ISO Guide 34:2009 [ ] and is certified in accordance with ISO Guide 35:2006 [2]. The material is an automotive diesel fuel containing a volume fraction of approximately 7 % biodiesel that is based on rapeseed oil fatty acid methyl ester with the addition of 1 g/kg antioxidant (butylhydroxytoluene). It was provided by a producer in Germany. The material was filled in amber glass ampoules. Between unit-homogeneity was quantified and stability during dispatch and storage were assessed in accordance with ISO Guide 35:2006 [ ]. The minimum sample intake is the required sample volume stipulated in the respective documentary standard. The material was characterised by an interlaboratory comparison of laboratories of demonstrated competence and adhering to ISO/IEC 17025:2005 [ ]. Technically invalid results were removed but no outlier was eliminated on statistical grounds only. Uncertainties of the certified values were calculated in accordance with the Guide to the Expression of Uncertainty in Measurement (GUM) [ ] and include uncertainties related to possible inhomogeneity, instability and characterisation. The material is intended for quality control and assessment of method performance. As with any reference material, it can be used for establishing control charts or validation studies. The certified reference material (CRM) is available in amber glass ampoules containing 27 mL of automotive diesel fuel material with a volume fraction of 7 % biodiesel closed under argon atmosphere.JRC.F.6-Reference Material

    Thermal properties of metal matrix composites with planar distribution of carbon fibres

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    High thermal conductivity (TC) and a tunable coefficient of thermal expansion are essential properties for heat management materials operating in a wide temperature range. We combine both properties in a composite with a low‐density metal matrix reinforced with pitch‐based carbon fibres. The thermal conductivity of the metal matrix was increased by 50%, the thermal expansion coefficient was reduced by a factor of five. The samples were produced by powder metallurgy and have a planar random distribution of fibres, leading to high performance in two dimensions

    Analysis of cod-liver oil adulteration using Fourier Transform Infrared (FTIR) spectroscopy.

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    Analysis of the adulteration of cod-liver oil with much cheaper oil-like animal fats has become attractive in recent years. This study highlights an application of Fourier transform infrared (FTIR) spectroscopy as a nondestructive and fast technique for the determination of adulterants in cod-liver oil. Attenuated total reflectance measurements were made on pure cod-liver oil and cod-liver oil adulterated with different concentrations of lard (0.5–50% v/v in cod-liver oil). A chemometrics partial least squares (PLS) calibration model was developed for quantitative measurement of the adulterant. Discriminant analysis method was used to classify cod-liver oil samples from common animal fats (beef, chicken, mutton, and lard) based on their infrared spectra. Discriminant analysis carried out using seven principal components was able to classify the samples as pure or adulterated cod-liver oil based on their FTIR spectra at the selected fingerprint regions (1,500–1,030 cm−1)