13,635 research outputs found

    An ultra-compact low temperature scanning probe microscope for magnetic fields above 30 T

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    We present the design of a highly compact High Field Scanning Probe Microscope (HF-SPM) for operation at cryogenic temperatures in an extremely high magnetic field, provided by a water-cooled Bitter magnet able to reach 38 T. The HF-SPM is 14 mm in diameter: an Attocube nano-positioner controls the coarse approach of a piezo resistive AFM cantilever to a scanned sample. The Bitter magnet constitutes an extreme environment for SPM due to the high level of vibrational noise; the Bitter magnet noise at frequencies up to 300 kHz is characterized and noise mitigation methods are described. The performance of the HF-SPM is demonstrated by topographic imaging and noise measurements at up to 30 T. Additionally, the use of the SPM as a three-dimensional dilatometer for magnetostriction measurements is demonstrated via measurements on a magnetically frustrated spinel sample.Comment: 6 pages, 5 figure

    Exploring the phase diagram of the two-impurity Kondo problem

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    A system of two exchange-coupled Kondo impurities in a magnetic field gives rise to a rich phase space hosting a multitude of correlated phenomena. Magnetic atoms on surfaces probed through scanning tunnelling microscopy provide an excellent platform to investigate coupled impurities, but typical high Kondo temperatures prevent field-dependent studies from being performed, rendering large parts of the phase space inaccessible. We present an integral study of pairs of Co atoms on insulating Cu2N/Cu(100), which each have a Kondo temperature of only 2.6 K. In order to cover the different regions of the phase space, the pairs are designed to have interaction strengths similar to the Kondo temperature. By applying a sufficiently strong magnetic field, we are able to access a new phase in which the two coupled impurities are simultaneously screened. Comparison of differential conductance spectra taken on the atoms to simulated curves, calculated using a third order transport model, allows us to independently determine the degree of Kondo screening in each phase.Comment: paper: 14 pages, 4 figures; supplementary: 3 pages, 1 figure, 1 tabl

    Controlled complete suppression of single-atom inelastic spin and orbital cotunnelling

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    The inelastic portion of the tunnel current through an individual magnetic atom grants unique access to read out and change the atom's spin state, but it also provides a path for spontaneous relaxation and decoherence. Controlled closure of the inelastic channel would allow for the latter to be switched off at will, paving the way to coherent spin manipulation in single atoms. Here we demonstrate complete closure of the inelastic channels for both spin and orbital transitions due to a controlled geometric modification of the atom's environment, using scanning tunnelling microscopy (STM). The observed suppression of the excitation signal, which occurs for Co atoms assembled into chain on a Cu2_2N substrate, indicates a structural transition affecting the dz_z2^2 orbital, effectively cutting off the STM tip from the spin-flip cotunnelling path.Comment: 4 figures plus 4 supplementary figure

    Distinguishing Hope and Optimism: Two Sides of a Coin, or Two Separate Coins?

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    Structural equation modeling was used to test hypotheses about (a) the dimensionality of measures of dispositional hope (the Adult Hope Scale, AHS) and dispositional optimism (the Life Orientation Test, LOT), (b) the extent and source of conceptual overlap and divergence between hope and optimism, and (c) patterns of discriminant validity for each trait. Separate two-factor models best fit the hope (Agency and Pathways, r = .68) and optimism (Optimism and Pessimism, r = -.63) data. Analyzing the combined AHS and LOT data, a measurement model with separate, correlated second-order factors of Hope and Optimism ( r = .80) provided a better fit than did a higher-order model with a single second-order factor. Optimism correlated equally with both Agency and Pathways, whereas Pessimism was more strongly correlated with Agency than with Pathways. Confirming hypotheses, second-order Optimism had a stronger influence on the use of positive reappraisal as a coping strategy than did second-order Hope, whereas second-order Hope had a stronger influence on level of general self-efficacy than did second-order Optimism. We suggest that hope focuses more directly on the personal attainment of specific goals, whereas optimism focuses more broadly on the expected quality of future outcomes in general

    Parallelizing Synthesis from Temporal Logic Specifications by Identifying Equicontrollable States

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    For the synthesis of correct-by-construction control policies from temporal logic specifications the scalability of the synthesis algorithms is often a bottleneck. In this paper, we parallelize synthesis from specifications in the GR(1) fragment of linear temporal logic by introducing a hierarchical procedure that allows decoupling of the fixpoint computations. The state space is partitioned into equicontrollable sets using solutions to parametrized games that arise from decomposing the original GR(1) game into smaller reachability-persistence games. Following the partitioning, another synthesis problem is formulated for composing the strategies from the decomposed reachability games. The formulation guarantees that composing the synthesized controllers ensures satisfaction of the given GR(1) property. Experiments with robot planning problems demonstrate good performance of the approach

    Calibrated Sub-Bundles in Non-Compact Manifolds of Special Holonomy

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    This paper is a continuation of math.DG/0408005. We first construct special Lagrangian submanifolds of the Ricci-flat Stenzel metric (of holonomy SU(n)) on the cotangent bundle of S^n by looking at the conormal bundle of appropriate submanifolds of S^n. We find that the condition for the conormal bundle to be special Lagrangian is the same as that discovered by Harvey-Lawson for submanifolds in R^n in their pioneering paper. We also construct calibrated submanifolds in complete metrics with special holonomy G_2 and Spin(7) discovered by Bryant and Salamon on the total spaces of appropriate bundles over self-dual Einstein four manifolds. The submanifolds are constructed as certain subbundles over immersed surfaces. We show that this construction requires the surface to be minimal in the associative and Cayley cases, and to be (properly oriented) real isotropic in the coassociative case. We also make some remarks about using these constructions as a possible local model for the intersection of compact calibrated submanifolds in a compact manifold with special holonomy.Comment: 20 pages; for Revised Version: Minor cosmetic changes, some paragraphs rewritten for improved clarit

    Multiband theory of quantum-dot quantum wells: Dark excitons, bright excitons, and charge separation in heteronanostructures

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    Electron, hole, and exciton states of multishell CdS/HgS/CdS quantum-dot quantum well nanocrystals are determined by use of a multiband theory that includes valence-band mixing, modeled with a 6-band Luttinger-Kohn Hamiltonian, and nonparabolicity of the conduction band. The multiband theory correctly describes the recently observed dark-exciton ground state and the lowest, optically active, bright-exciton states. Charge separation in pair states is identified. Previous single-band theories could not describe these states or account for charge separation.Comment: 10 pages of ReVTex, 6 ps figures, submitted to Phys. Rev.

    Two universal results for Wilson loops at strong coupling

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    We present results for Wilson loops in strongly coupled gauge theories. The loops may be taken around an arbitrarily shaped contour and in any field theory with a dual IIB geometry of the form M x S^5. No assumptions about supersymmetry are made. The first result uses D5 branes to show how the loop in any antisymmetric representation is computed in terms of the loop in the fundamental representation. The second result uses D3 branes to observe that each loop defines a rich sequence of operators associated with minimal surfaces in S^5. The action of these configurations are all computable. Both results have features suggesting a connection with integrability.Comment: 1+12 pages. LaTeX. No figure

    Negative thermal expansion in the plateau state of a magnetically-frustrated spinel

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    We report on negative thermal expansion (NTE) in the high-field, half-magnetization plateau phase of the frustrated magnetic insulator CdCr2O4. Using dilatometry, we precisely map the phase diagram at fields of up to 30T, and identify a strong NTE associated with the collinear half-magnetization plateau for B > 27T. The resulting phase diagram is compared with a microscopic theory for spin-lattice coupling, and the origin of the NTE is identified as a large negative change in magnetization with temperature, coming from a nearly-localised band of spin excitations in the plateau phase. These results provide useful guidelines for the discovery of new NTE materials.Comment: 6 pages, 2 figure