1,414 research outputs found

    Verschraenkung versus Stosszahlansatz: Disappearance of the Thermodynamic Arrow in a High-Correlation Environment

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    The crucial role of ambient correlations in determining thermodynamic behavior is established. A class of entangled states of two macroscopic systems is constructed such that each component is in a state of thermal equilibrium at a given temperature, and when the two are allowed to interact heat can flow from the colder to the hotter system. A dilute gas model exhibiting this behavior is presented. This reversal of the thermodynamic arrow is a consequence of the entanglement between the two systems, a condition that is opposite to molecular chaos and shown to be unlikely in a low-entropy environment. By contrast, the second law is established by proving Clausius' inequality in a low-entropy environment. These general results strongly support the expectation, first expressed by Boltzmann and subsequently elaborated by others, that the second law is an emergent phenomenon that requires a low-entropy cosmological environment, one that can effectively function as an ideal information sink.Comment: 4 pages, REVTeX

    Distortion and regulation characterization of a Mapham inverter

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    Output voltage Total Harmonic Distortion (THD) of a 20kHz, 6kVA Mapham resonant inverter is characterized as a function of its switching-to-resonant frequency ratio, f sub s/f sub r, using the EASY5 engineering analysis system. EASY5 circuit simulation results are compared with hardware test results to verify the accuracy of the simulations. The effects of load on the THD versus f sub s/f sub r ratio is investigated for resistive, leading, and lagging power factor load impedances. The effect of the series output capacitor on the Mapham inverter output voltage distortion and inherent load regulation is characterized under loads of various power factors and magnitudes. An optimum series capacitor value which improves the inherent load regulation to better than 3 percent is identified. The optimum series capacitor value is different than the value predicted from a modeled frequency domain analysis. An explanation is proposed which takes into account the conduction overlap in the inductor pairs during steady-state inverter operation, which decreases the effective inductance of a Mapham inverter. A fault protection and current limit method is discussed which allows the Mapham inverter to operate into a short circuit, even when the inverter resonant circuit becomes overdamped

    Diverse corrugation pattern in radially shrinking carbon nanotubes

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    Stable cross-sections of multi-walled carbon nanotubes subjected to electron-beam irradiation are investigated in the realm of the continuum mechanics approximation. The self-healing nature of sp2^2 graphitic sheets implies that selective irradiation of the outermost walls causes their radial shrinkage with the remaining inner walls undamaged. The shrinking walls exert high pressure on the interior part of nanotubes, yielding a wide variety of radial corrugation patterns ({\it i.e.,} circumferentially wrinkling structures) in the cross section. All corrugation patterns can be classified into two deformation phases for which the corrugation amplitudes of the innermost wall differ significantly.Comment: 8 pages, 4 figure

    Class of dilute granular Couette flows with uniform heat flux

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    In a recent paper [F. Vega Reyes et al., Phys. Rev. Lett. 104, 028001 (2010)] we presented a preliminary description of a special class of steady Couette flows in dilute granular gases. In all flows of this class the viscous heating is exactly balanced by inelastic cooling. This yields a uniform heat flux and a linear relationship between the local temperature and flow velocity. The class (referred to as the LTu class) includes the Fourier flow of ordinary gases and the simple shear flow of granular gases as special cases. In the present paper we provide further support for this class of Couette flows by following four different routes, two of them being theoretical (Grad's moment method of the Boltzmann equation and exact solution of a kinetic model) and the other two being computational (molecular dynamics and Monte Carlo simulations of the Boltzmann equation). Comparison between theory and simulations shows a very good agreement for the non-Newtonian rheological properties, even for quite strong inelasticity, and a good agreement for the heat flux coefficients in the case of Grad's method, the agreement being only qualitative in the case of the kinetic model.Comment: 15 pages, 10 figures; v2: change of title plus some other minor change

    Fluid/solid transition in a hard-core system

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    We prove that a system of particles in the plane, interacting only with a certain hard-core constraint, undergoes a fluid/solid phase transition

    A real Lorentz-FitzGerald contraction

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    Many condensed matter systems are such that their collective excitations at low energies can be described by fields satisfying equations of motion formally indistinguishable from those of relativistic field theory. The finite speed of propagation of the disturbances in the effective fields (in the simplest models, the speed of sound) plays here the role of the speed of light in fundamental physics. However, these apparently relativistic fields are immersed in an external Newtonian world (the condensed matter system itself and the laboratory can be considered Newtonian, since all the velocities involved are much smaller than the velocity of light) which provides a privileged coordinate system and therefore seems to destroy the possibility of having a perfectly defined relativistic emergent world. In this essay we ask ourselves the following question: In a homogeneous condensed matter medium, is there a way for internal observers, dealing exclusively with the low-energy collective phenomena, to detect their state of uniform motion with respect to the medium? By proposing a thought experiment based on the construction of a Michelson-Morley interferometer made of quasi-particles, we show that a real Lorentz-FitzGerald contraction takes place, so that internal observers are unable to find out anything about their `absolute ' state of motion. Therefore, we also show that an effective but perfectly defined relativistic world can emerge in a fishbowl world situated inside a Newtonian (laboratory) system. This leads us to reflect on the various levels of description in physics, in particular regarding the quest towards a theory of quantum gravity.Comment: 6 pages, no figures. Minor changes reflect published versio


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    Recent developments in the classical theory of fully ionized gases and strong electrolyte solutions are reviewed, and are used to discuss the equation of state at high temperature and low densities. The pressure is calculated using the ring-integral approximation, and quantitative estimates of higher correction terms are given. The effect of short-range repulsive forces is shown by comparing the results with two kinds of potential functions: hard spheres of diameter a, and "soft" spheres for which the short-range potential cancels the Coulomb potential at the origin, and decreases exponentially with distance. It is found that the use of either type of potential extends the range of validity of the ring integral approximation to considerably higher densities and lower temperatures. Since there is little difference in the results for the hard spheres and the soft spheres in this range, the latter is investigated more extensively since it is more easily handled by analytical methods. The expressions derived for the free energy of a system of charged particles can also be used in ionization equilibrium calculations, and the effect of electrostatic interactions on the equilibrium concentrations of various kinds of ions is indicated

    Criticality in strongly correlated fluids

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    In this brief review I will discuss criticality in strongly correlated fluids. Unlike simple fluids, molecules of which interact through short ranged isotropic potential, particles of strongly correlated fluids usually interact through long ranged forces of Coulomb or dipolar form. While for simple fluids mechanism of phase separation into liquid and gas was elucidated by van der Waals more than a century ago, the universality class of strongly correlated fluids, or in some cases even existence of liquid-gas phase separation remains uncertain.Comment: Proceedings of Scaling Concepts and Complex Systems, Merida, Mexic

    The Hartree limit of Born's ensemble for the ground state of a bosonic atom or ion

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    The non-relativistic bosonic ground state is studied for quantum N-body systems with Coulomb interactions, modeling atoms or ions made of N "bosonic point electrons" bound to an atomic point nucleus of Z "electron" charges, treated in Born--Oppenheimer approximation. It is shown that the (negative) ground state energy E(Z,N) yields the monotonically growing function (E(l N,N) over N cubed). By adapting an argument of Hogreve, it is shown that its limit as N to infinity for l > l* is governed by Hartree theory, with the rescaled bosonic ground state wave function factoring into an infinite product of identical one-body wave functions determined by the Hartree equation. The proof resembles the construction of the thermodynamic mean-field limit of the classical ensembles with thermodynamically unstable interactions, except that here the ensemble is Born's, with the absolute square of the ground state wave function as ensemble probability density function, with the Fisher information functional in the variational principle for Born's ensemble playing the role of the negative of the Gibbs entropy functional in the free-energy variational principle for the classical petit-canonical configurational ensemble.Comment: Corrected version. Accepted for publication in Journal of Mathematical Physic