24 research outputs found

    Studi Tentang Pemanfaatan Software Manajemen Konstruksi Oleh Kontraktor Di Banjarmasin

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    Proses pengadaan bangunan secara tradisional (tradisional building procurement system) terdiri dari tahap pelelangan, tahap pelaksanaan dan tahap evaluasi. Setiap tahapan tersebut adalah berupa tindakan manajerial yang memerlukan banyak perhitungan, perencanaan dan pertimbangan. Para pengembang perangkat lunak membuat bermacam-macam perangkat lunak agar dapat membantu mempermudah dan mempercepat setiap kegiatan.Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mempelajari sejauh mana kontraktor-kontraktor di Banjarmasin memanfaatkan perangkat lunak manajemen kontruksi dalam menjalankan bisnis kontruksi yang kemudian dihubungkan dengan kinerja mereka.Penelitian ini terdiri dari 5 tahap yaitu tahap studi literatur, interview pada kontraktor tentang komputerisasi Perusahaan, pengumpulan data tentang kinerja setiap kontraktor, analisis data dan pengambilan kesimpulan.Beberapa hal yang dapat ditarik dari penelitian ini adalah :Jumlah komputer yang dipakai sedikit (rata-rata 3,1 unit/kontraktor)Jenis paket yang dipakai adalah jenis yang umum seperti word, Excel dan Lotus,Sedikit sekali kontraktor yang memakai komputer untuk menggambar

    Desain Framework Aplikasi sebagai Media Pendukung Simulation-based Learning dan Role-play pada Studi Adminstrasi Rekam Medis

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    Dewasa ini ada banyak media pembelajaran elektronik yang dikembangkan untuk mendukung suasana belajar dan peningkatan kualitas hasil belajar. Belajar adalah proses bagaimana memandang dan memahami dunia nyata disekitar kita. Dengan demikian dalam proses belajar membutuhkan media belajar yang dapat mendukung kualitas hasil pembelajaran. Dengan perkembangan teknologi informasi dapat dikembangkan media belajar dengan kerangka aplikasi yang dapat digunakan untuk membangun suasana belajar rekam medis berbasis simulasi. Simulasi merupakan suatu teknik untuk praktek dan pembelajaran yang dapat diterapkan untuk berbagai disiplin ilmu. Simulasi dapat memperkuat pengalaman secara mendalam dengan meniru aspek substansi dunia nyata secara penuh interaktif Dalam mengembangkan ProSIARS (Prototype Untuk Simulasi Adminstrasi Rekam Medis Rumah Sakit) untuk simulasi pendidikan administrasi rekam medis rumah sakit. Dengan ProSIARS dapat di bangun suasana belajar berbasis simulasi yang dinamis dan visualisasi yang merepresentasikan suasana waktu dan prilaku kerja yang sesungguhnya. ProSIARS dapat digabung dengan bahan ajar, bahan bimbingan dan alat bantu perangkat lunak pendukung lainnya, bahkan bisa digabungkan dengan antar disiplin ilmu yang berkaitant. Secara tradisonal dalam pendidikan administrasi rekam medis procedural dan pengetahuan diperoleh melalui konsep teoritis dan model magang. Arsitektur perangkat lunak memiliki kontribusi secara mandiri yang dikembangkan untuk mewakili konten pendidikan rekam medis (misalnya model simulasi, bahan bimbingan) dan rekayasa perangkat lunak (missal, antar muka).Penulis menyediakan templet antarmuka dan kumpulan modul aplikasi untuk disusun menjadi kerangka kebutuhan simulasi pendidikan administrasi rekam medis. TAM (Technology Acceptance Model) sebagai kerangka uji penerimaan ProSIARS sebagai media simulas

    Transfer of radiocarbon liquid releases from the AREVA La Hague spent fuel reprocessing plant in the English Channel

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    International audienceThe recent risk assessment by the North-Cotentin Radioecology Group (http://www.irsn.org/nord-cotentin/, 1999) outlined that 14 C has become one of the major sources of the low dose to man through seafood consumption. It was recommended that more data should be collected about 14 C in the local marine environment. The present study aims to respond to this recommendation. The estimation of 14 C activity in marine species is based on concentration factor values. The values reported here ranged from 1 Â 10 3 to 5 Â 10 3 Bq kg À1 ww/Bq L À1. A comparison was made between the observed and predicted values. The accuracy of 14 C activity calculations was estimated between underestimation by a factor of 2 and over-estimation by 50% (95% confidence interval). However, the use of the concentration factor parameter is based on the biological and seawater compartments being in steady state. This assumption may not be met at short distances from the point of release of discharges, where rapid changes in seawater concentration may be smoothed out in living organisms due to transfer kinetics. The data processing technique, previously published by Fiévet and Plet (2003. Estimating biological half-lives of radionuclides in marine compartments from environmental time-series measurements. Journal of Environmental Radioactivity 65, * Corresponding author. Tel.: þ33 2 33 01 41 01; fax: þ33 2 33 01 41 30. Journal of Environmental Radioactivity 90 (2006) 173e196 www.elsevier.com/locate/jenvrad 91e107), was used to deal with 14 C transfer kinetics, and carbon half-lives between seawater and a few biological compartments were thus estimated

    Iodine uptake in brown seaweed exposed to radioactive liquid discharges from the reprocessing plant of ORANO La Hague

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    International audienceIodine-129 is present in controlled liquid radioactive waste routinely released in seawater by the ORANO nuclear fuel reprocessing plant in La Hague (Normandy, France). Brown algae are known for their exceptional ability to concentrate iodine from seawater. They also potentially emit volatile iodine compounds in response to various stresses, such as during emersion at low tide. For these reasons, brown seaweed is routinely collected for radioactivity monitoring in the marine environment (Fucus serratus and Laminaria digitata). Despite the high concentration ratio, the exact mechanism of iodine uptake is still unclear. Chemical imaging by laser desorption/ionization mass spectrometry provided evidence that iodine is stored by kelps as I−. In this study we investigate in vivo iodine uptake in kelps (L. digitata) with an emphasis on seawater iodine chemical speciation. Our results showed that kelp plantlets were able to take up iodine in the forms of both IO3− and I−. We also observed transient net efflux of I− back to seawater but no IO3− efflux. Since the seaweed stores I− but takes up both IO3− and I−, IO3− was likely to be converted into I− at some point in the plantlet. One major outcome of our experiments was the direct observation of the kelp-based biogenic conversion of seawater IO3− into I−. On the basis of both IO3− and I− uptakes by the seaweed, we propose new steps in the possible iodine concentration mechanism used by brown algae

    Transfer of Tritium Released into the Marine Environment by French Nuclear Facilities Bordering the English Channel

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    International audienceControlled amounts of liquid tritium are discharged as tritiated water (HTO) by the nuclear industry into the English Channel. Because the isotopic discrimination between 3H and H is small, organically bound tritium (OBT) and HTO should show the same T/H ratio under steady-state conditions. We report data collected from the environment in the English Channel. Tritium concentrations measured in seawater HTO, as well as in biota HTO and OBT, confirm that tritium transfers from HTO to OBT result in conservation of the T/H ratio (ca. 1 × 10 −16). The kinetics of the turnover of tritium between seawater HTO, biota HTO, and OBT was investigated. HTO in two algae and a mollusk is shown to exchange rapidly with seawater HTO. However, the overall tritium turnover between HTO and the whole-organism OBT is a slow process with a tritium biological half-life on the order of months. Nonsteady-state conditions exist where there are sharp changes in seawater HTO. As a consequence, for kinetic reasons, the T/H ratio in OBT may deviate transiently from that observed in HTO of samples from the marine ecosystem. Dynamic modeling is thus more realistic for predicting tritium transfers to biota OBT under nonsteady-state conditions

    Histograms and cumulative percentages of the distributions of Rc and R values, showing the performance of the DPTM on demersal near-field fish presented in Fig 5.

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    <p>Histograms and cumulative percentages of the distributions of Rc and R values, showing the performance of the DPTM on demersal near-field fish presented in <a href="http://www.plosone.org/article/info:doi/10.1371/journal.pone.0172442#pone.0172442.g005" target="_blank">Fig 5</a>.</p

    The marine environment, to the east of Japan, was schematised as two embedded boxes: A coastal box above the continental shelf (red dashed line box), where radiocaesium discharges from the FDNPP occur and demersal species are confined, bioaccumulate and locally recycle caesium within the food web, and a larger off-shore box (grey dashed-line box enclosing the coastal box) where the radiocaesium from the FDNPP is further diluted and pelagic species live far from the source but may be caught in the inner, coastal box.

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    <p>The marine environment, to the east of Japan, was schematised as two embedded boxes: A coastal box above the continental shelf (red dashed line box), where radiocaesium discharges from the FDNPP occur and demersal species are confined, bioaccumulate and locally recycle caesium within the food web, and a larger off-shore box (grey dashed-line box enclosing the coastal box) where the radiocaesium from the FDNPP is further diluted and pelagic species live far from the source but may be caught in the inner, coastal box.</p