2,962 research outputs found

    Damage mapping after the 2017 Puebla Earthquake in Mexico using high-resolution Alos2 Palsar2 data

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    On September 19, 2017, the Mw7.1 Puebla Earthquake caused significant destruction in several cities in central Mexico. In this paper, two pre- and one post-event ALOS2-PALSAR2 data were used to detect the damaged area around Izucar de Matamoros town in Mexico. First, we identify the built-up areas using pre-event data. Second, we evaluate the earthquake-induced damage areas using an RGB color-coded image constructed from the pre- and co-event coherence images. Our analysis showed that the green and red bands display a great potential to discriminate the damaged areas.Accepted manuscrip

    A framework of rapid regional tsunami damage recognition from post-event TerraSAR-X imagery using deep neural networks

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    Near real-time building damage mapping is an indispensable prerequisite for governments to make decisions for disaster relief. With high-resolution synthetic aperture radar (SAR) systems, such as TerraSAR-X, the provision of such products in a fast and effective way becomes possible. In this letter, a deep learning-based framework for rapid regional tsunami damage recognition using post-event SAR imagery is proposed. To perform such a rapid damage mapping, a series of tile-based image split analysis is employed to generate the data set. Next, a selection algorithm with the SqueezeNet network is developed to swiftly distinguish between built-up (BU) and nonbuilt-up regions. Finally, a recognition algorithm with a modified wide residual network is developed to classify the BU regions into wash away, collapsed, and slightly damaged regions. Experiments performed on the TerraSAR-X data from the 2011 Tohoku earthquake and tsunami in Japan show a BU region extraction accuracy of 80.4% and a damage-level recognition accuracy of 74.8%, respectively. Our framework takes around 2 h to train on a new region, and only several minutes for prediction.This work was supported in part by JST CREST, Japan, under Grant JPMJCR1411 and in part by the China Scholarship Council. (JPMJCR1411 - JST CREST, Japan; China Scholarship Council

    Ambiance Rose Production And Nutrient Supply In Soil Irrigated With Treated Sewage

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    Effluents from secondary sewage treatment plants may contain amount of nutrients with the potential to cause eutrophication of water bodies. One of the ways to decrease this influx of nutrients would be the agricultural reuse. Therefore, the objective of this study was to evaluate the irrigation of roses of the Ambiance variety with the effluent from an anaerobic reactor and an intermittent sand filter (nitrified effluent). The trial lasted for 152 days. The dose of nitrogen applied via effluent was 91% of the crop requirement; of phosphorus, 3.5% (very low); and of potassium, 23%. There was no difference among treatments for the evaluated variables: diameter and length of stem, diameter and length of bud, and fresh weight of flower buds. The production of floral stems was higher in treatments with effluents without conventional fertilization. It is concluded that the irrigation with a treated effluent is an alternative for the fertilization of ambiance roses.19875575

    Coconut shells as filling material for anaerobic filters

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    In rural areas of developing countries, there is a lack of sanitation services and the installation of such infrastructure is hampered by the high investment costs for initial implementation and by the limited availability of qualified personnel. An alternative to traditional sanitation services include an anaerobic filter, but the high cost of appropriate filling material can be an obstacle to its wide-spread implementation. To decrease this construction cost, the objective of this work was to study the use of coconut shells as filling material for anaerobic filters. Anaerobic filters were built and filled with the studied material and operated with up flow and hydraulic retention time of 9 hours. The reactors provided a removal of 79 ± 16% in BOD terms, indicating that the coconut shell filling had efficiency consistent with the literature data. In addition, the husks were found to retain their tensile strength following use in the reactors. Coconut husks have more empty bed volume than other low cost materials, such as crushed stone, nearing properties of traditional materials. The results of this study indicate that coconut husks may prove to be a low cost alternative to traditional fillers for anaerobic treatment in rural communities

    Pesquisa qualitativa e fenomenológica em saúde mental : mapeamento como proposta de método descritivo

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    O modelo de Atenção em Saúde Mental vem sendo discutido no Brasil há décadas. Nos últimos anos, passou da atenção hospitalar para Atenção Psicossocial territorializada, modelos que convivem lado a lado, demandando conhecer como se arranjam os processos assistenciais. Este trabalho apresenta o método fenomenológico como potencial para esta compreensão. Discute-se o objeto da pesquisa em Saúde, seus limites e desafios com a mudança no perfil da população e seus hábitos. Aborda o conceito de Saúde Mental em sua esfera subjetiva e heurística - o vivido - e sua possibilidade de conhecimento pela pesquisa fenomenológica. Apresenta-se a Rede como um processo de comunicação vivido pelos seus componentes, e propõe o Mapeamento como método descritivo de pesquisa e conhecimento da Saúde Mental.The Brazilian Mental Health Care model has been discussed for four decades. In recent years, it has shifted from hospital care to a community Psychosocial Attention. Both models coexist, demanding to know how care processes are delivered. This study proposes a qualitative and phenomenological method enough to understand this composition. To this end, we discuss the object of health research, its limits and challenges with the change in population profile and habits, address the concept of Mental Health in its subjective and heuristic sphere - the experience - and its possibility of knowledge through phenomenological research. As a result, we present Network as a communication process experienced by its components. Mapping is proposed as a descriptive method of research and knowledge in Mental Health

    La constitución económica peruana de 1993 como cláusula pétrea: ¿constitucionalización del desarrollo o menoscabo a la democracia?

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    El objeto del presente trabajo de investigación académica es estudiar cuáles son los alcances de la Constitución económica peruana de 1993 como cláusula pétrea para luego analizar si la petrificación de dicha parte de la Constitución es compatible con los derechos civiles y políticos de los ciudadanos, el pluralismo político y la democracia en su conjunto. Asimismo, para la realización de este estudio, se buscará desarrollar cómo es que el derecho puede jugar un rol decisivo, más no exclusivo, en el desarrollo de instituciones con vocación de permanencia en el interior de un país, de conformidad con la teoría económica institucional y cómo estos elementos se vinculan con el concepto de desarrollo en un sentido amplio. Luego, se analizaran las fuentes antes indicadas conjuntamente con doctrina y jurisprudencia, nacional e internacional, en materia de reformas constitucionales, para así, ensayar una respuesta crítica frente a la petrificación de la Constitución económica peruana de 1993.Trabajo académic

    From Police To Politics: Analyzing The Profile Of Candidates From The State Repressive Forces To The Chamber Of Deputies

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    Este artigo investiga o perfil social e a preferência partidária dos integrantes das Forças Repressivas do Estado que se lançaram na política institucional nas duas últimas décadas no Brasil. Por meio de estatística descritiva, ressaltamos as especificidades de integrantes das Forças Policiais e Militares que se candidataram a deputado federal. Achados desta pesquisa mostraram mudanças bruscas, de uma eleição a outra, entre os tipos de partidos nos quais essas candidaturas mais se concentraram. Se a passagem da polícia à política era feita, nos anos 1990, via grandes partidos de direita, nos anos 2010 ela se dá por meio de pequenos partidos sem identidade ideológica muito clara (“partidos fisiológicos”). Além do impedimento constitucional de militares filiarem-se a partidos políticos, a ausência de preferência sistemática por um tipo de agremiação partidária pode ser o efeito de um comportamento estratégico, já que obter um lugar na lista desses pequenos partidos não é apenas mais simples, mas há mais abertura a discursos personalistas, tais como os sustentados por esses candidatos-policiais. Esse comportamento também está relacionado à sua visão negativa da política tradicional e dos políticos estabelecidos nos grandes partidos e à crítica a programas com apelos ideológicos muito genéricos. Esses candidatos preferem representar agendas determinadas, como as demandas de suas próprias corporações.217712

    Cálculo das perdas de redes de distribuição com as medidas dos smart-meters

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    As perdas elétricas resultantes do processo de distribuição de energia elétrica representam uma parcela considerável nos custos dos respetivos sistemas de distribuição. Deste modo, o cálculo destas perdas, nomeadamente, das perdas técnicas, assume um papel relevante na gestão das redes de distribuição e são, por esse motivo, alvo de inúmeros estudos. Neste trabalho pretende-se fazer uma análise do impacto no cálculo das perdas técnicas através do trânsito de potências numa rede de distribuição quando se usam cargas com valores de energia em vez de medidas de potência. Estes valores de energia obtidos dos smart-meters são valores médios, tipicamente de 15 minutos, e ao serem usados podem no limite não representar nenhum ponto de operação do sistema. Por simulação, utilizando o Método de Monte Carlo, pode-se fazer uma avaliação da distribuição do desvio existente entre as perdas reais nesses 15 minutos com as obtidas pelo trânsito de potências com as energiasThe electrical losses resulting from the electricity distribution process represent a considerable portion of the costs of the respective distribution systems. Therefore, the calculation of these losses, specifically technical losses, plays an important role in the management of the distribution networks and are therefore the target of many studies.The main purpose of this thesis is to analyze the impact of technical losses calculation through the power flow in a distribution network using loads with energy values instead of power measurements. These energy values obtained from the smart meters are average values, typically 15 minutes, and when used they may represent no point of operation of the system. By simulation, using the Monte Carlo Method, it is possible to evaluate the distribution of the existing deviation between the real losses in those 15 minutes with the energy values obtained by the power flow