1,074 research outputs found

    Naturrecht und sowjetideologie

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    Menschenrechte von Minderheiten: Individualrechte, Gruppenrechte oder Selbstbestimmungsrecht?

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    The Inverted Classroom Model (ICM) and e-lectures in music-related university teaching. An exploratory comparative study

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    Der folgende Beitrag beschäftigt sich mit dem Inverted Classroom Model (ICM) und der E-Lecture im Vergleich zu einem traditionellen Vorlesungsformat als Konzept für die Hochschullehre. Nach kurzen Ausführungen zu den Konzepten stehen die Intervention sowie das Forschungsdesign im Mittelpunkt. Mittels qualitativer und quantitativer Forschungsmethoden sowie unter Nutzung von Kennzahlen soll geklärt werden, welche Auswirkungen das jeweilige Konzept auf die Anwesenheit in den Präsenzphasen hat, wie Studierende im ICM und in der E-Lecture mit den Videos umgehen, wie sie das Konzept und speziell die Präsenzphasen bewerten sowie welche Auswirkungen die jeweiligen Formate auf den Lernerfolg haben. Die Studie gibt Hinweise, dass ein E-Lecture-Setting sinnvoll in die Lehre integriert werden kann. In der Bewertung scheinen die Präsenzphasen aufgrund der Möglichkeit auch zu (fach-)praktischen Anteilen vom ICM deutlich zur Akzeptanz beizutragen. Eine Integration beider Formate als unterstützende Lerntools für Fachpraxis oder Musiktheorie ist erstrebenswert. (DIPF/Orig.)This article examines the use of the inverted classroom model (ICM) and e-lectures as a concept for university teaching by setting them against a traditional lecture format. The intervention and the research design of the underlying study will be detailed, following a brief definition of the concepts in question. By way of qualitative and quantitative research methods, and using key indicators, the objectives of the study were to clarify what effects the respective concept has on student attendance during attendance phases, examine how students in ICM and e-lectures use the videos for their learning process, gather insights on how students evaluate the concept and the attendance phases in particular, and examine what effects the respective formats have on students’ learning success. The study results indicate that an e-lecture setting can be meaningfully integrated into teaching. In the assessment, the attendance phases seemed to contribute significantly to the acceptance of ICM because of the (specialist) practical parts of ICM. The article concludes that the integrative use of both formats as supportive learning tools for professional practice or music theory is desirable. (DIPF/Orig.

    Artificial Intelligence and Intellectual Property Law: From Diagnosis to Action

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    The use of “artificial intelligence” systems becomes ever more widespread and far-reaching. Technological and economic concepts for an AI-based future are about to be implemented. It is, hence, time for the intellectual property system to develop answers to the challenges brought about by AI. Against this background, Zurich University’s Center for Intellectual Property and Competition Law (CIPCO) has initiated a joint research project on AI/IP with the Swiss Intellectual Property Institute (IPI). A first stage of this project has evaluated the state of the legal and economic discourse. These insights form the basis for policy recommendations on how the intellectual property system ought to be adapted to AI-related developments. The present paper describes – as draft work in progress – the project setup and summarizes its results gained so far. In doing so, it addresses key AI/IP issues, including business models of AI innovation leaders, inventorship/creatorship of AI systems de lege lata and de lege ferenda, the DABUS litigation, the discussion on whether new types of IP rights are necessary to protect AI inventions, the allocation of entitlements and liability regarding such innovations, AI-related revisions in the guidelines of important patent and trademark offices, the use such offices make of AI tools, the need for new protection carve-outs (e.g. to foster text and data mining), as well as AI’s potential raising the bar-effect. Der Einsatz von Systemen der „künstlichen Intelligenz“ wird immer verbreiteter und weitreichender. Viele technische und ökonomische Zukunftsszenarien stehen an der Schwelle zur Realisierung. Damit wird es auch für das Immaterialgüterrecht dringender, dort Antworten zu entwickeln, wo es sich durch KI herausgefordert sieht. Das Center for Intellectual Property and Competition Law (CIPCO) der Universität Zürich hat daher ein KI/IP-Kooperationsprojekt mit dem Schweizerischen Institut für Geistiges Eigentum (IGE) aufgenommen. Eine erste Projektphase hat den Stand des ökonomischen und rechtlichen Diskurses ermittelt und bildet damit die Grundlage für Empfehlungen zur künftigen Ausgestaltung des Immaterialgüterrechts in diesem Bereich. Der vorliegende Beitrag – bei dem es sich noch um einen weiterzuentwickelnden Entwurf handelt – legt hierüber Rechenschaft ab. Er beleuchtet nicht nur die Projektausgestaltung, sondern auch die gegenwärtigen KI/IP-Zentralthemen, etwa die Geschäftsmodelle von KI-Innovationsführern, Erfinder- bzw. Urheberschaft von KI-Systemen de lege lata und de lege ferenda, die Rechtsprechung zu DABUS, die Diskussion um die Notwendigkeit neuer Schutzrechte für KI-Innovationen, die Allokation von Rechtspositionen und Haftungsverantwortung an solchen Innovationen jenseits der Erfinder /Urheberfrage, die KI-bezogenen Neuerungen in den Leitlinien wichtiger Patent- und Markenämter sowie den Einsatz von KI-Instrumenten durch diese Ämter, neue Schutzschranken zur Förderung von KI und KI als Schutzhürden erhöhender Faktor

    Strong Attraction of the Parasitoid Cotesia marginiventris Towards Minor Volatile Compounds of Maize

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    Plants infested with herbivorous arthropods emit complex blends of volatile compounds, which are used by several natural enemies as foraging cues. Despite detailed knowledge on the composition and amount of the emitted volatiles in many plant-herbivore systems, it remains largely unknown which compounds are essential for the attraction of natural enemies. In this study, we used a combination of different fractionation methods and olfactometer bioassays in order to examine the attractiveness of different compositions of volatile blends to females of the parasitoid Cotesia marginiventris. In a first step, we passed a volatile blend emitted by Spodoptera littoralis infested maize seedlings over a silica-containing filter tube and subsequently desorbed the volatiles that were retained by the silica filter (silica extract). The volatiles that broke through the silica filter were collected on and subsequently desorbed from a SuperQ filter (breakthrough). The silica extract was highly attractive to the wasps, whereas the breakthrough volatiles were not attractive. The silica extract was even more attractive than the extract that contained all herbivore-induced maize volatiles. Subsequently, we fractioned the silica extract by preparative gas-chromatography (GC) and by separating more polar from less polar compounds. In general, C. marginiventris preferred polar over non-polar compounds, but several fractions were attractive to the wasp, including one that contained compounds emitted in quantities below the detection threshold of the GC analysis. These results imply that the attractiveness of the volatile blend emitted by Spodoptera-infested maize seedlings to C. marginiventris females is determined by a specific combination of attractive and repellent/masking compounds, including some that are emitted in very small amounts. Manipulating the emission of such minor compounds has the potential to greatly improve the attraction of certain parasitoids and enhance biological control of specific insect pest

    Pseudo-Ranks: How to Calculate Them Efficiently in R

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    Many popular nonparametric inferential methods are based on ranks. Among the most commonly used and most famous tests are for example the Wilcoxon-Mann-Whitney test for two independent samples, and the Kruskal-Wallis test for multiple independent groups. However, recently, it has become clear that the use of ranks may lead to paradoxical results in case of more than two groups. Luckily, these problems can be avoided simply by using pseudo-ranks instead of ranks. These pseudo-ranks, however, suffer from being (a) at first less intuitive and not as straightforward in their interpretation, (b) computationally much more expensive to calculate. The computational cost has been prohibitive, for example, for large-scale simulative evaluations or application of resampling-based pseudorank procedures. In this paper, we provide different algorithms to calculate pseudo-ranks efficiently in order to solve problem (b) and thus render it possible to overcome the current limitations of procedures based on pseudo-ranks

    Teaching music (education) digitally in comparison to pre- and post-COVID-19-times at universities

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    The COVID-19-pandemic obviously had an impact on music teacher education. A team of researchers from Germany, Austria and Switzerland report on a study focusing on teaching staff in music teacher education. Through a questionnaire, the authors collected information about (remote) teaching practice before and during the pandemic, and about the after effects, in the early post-pandemic period. The results show clear differences between the work of “academic” and “artistic” teaching staff. This article is part of the anthology European Perspectives on Music Education, Volume 11, which focusses on music practices in the classroom, diversity in music making, learning and teaching and praxeological perspectives on music education. (DIPF/Orig.
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