32 research outputs found

    Pathologies related to abnormal deposits in dermatology : a physico-chemical approach

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    Although numerous pathologies are associated with abnormal skin deposits, these remain poorly described, as accurate characterization continues to present a challenge for dermatologists. Their submicrometer size as well as their diverse chemistry require various characterization tools. We aim to exemplify characterization of endogenous and exogenous skin deposits in some selected skin diseases using different physico-chemical techniques. We begin with a presentation of selected dis-eases associated with skin deposits. We then present those of our results which show their variety of structure, location and chemical composition, obtained with various tools: Field Emission Scanning Electron Microscopy coupled with Energy Dispersive X-ray Spectroscopy, X-ray fluorescence, vibra-tional spectroscopies, as well as techniques specific to synchrotron radiation. Our results constitute a real opportunity to improve diagnosis, and to understand the pathogenesis of many skin diseases, and opportunities for therapeutic intervention.Peer reviewe

    RÎle de l'interleukine-17 dans les infections cutanées induites par les papillomavirus humains

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    To date, the mechanisms underlying the onset of cutaneous lesions induced by human papillomavirus (HPV) remain poorly understood, whereas mucosal HPV infections have been extensively studied, notably the cervical HPV infection. However, cutaneous manifestations related to HPV constitute one of the most frequent reasons for dermatology consultation and can be challenging in case of profuse or recalcitrant lesions since there are no available antiviral drugs for HPV. Following the clinical observations of recalcitrant warts regressing after the introduction of an anti-interleukin-17 (anti-IL-17) therapy in several patients, and in the context of emerging data related to the proliferative effect of IL-17 in the setting of mucosal HPV infection, this work was initiated with the aim of exploring the role of IL-17 in cutaneous HPV infections. In order to perform this work, virological assays were designed for the detection of cutaneous HPV and implemented in the department of virology of Bichat-Claude Bernard Hospital, firstly with a broad spectrum PCR and thereafter with probe based capture coupled with next generation sequencing. We conducted three studies, showing an inhibitory effect of anti-IL-17 in vivo on cutaneous HPV proliferation, as well as a favorable evolution of genital HPV infection. A strong expression of IL-17 in wart samples was also highlighted in vitro. These first data lead to the patenting of anti-IL-17 use for the management of HPV infection. These preliminary results also constitute a strong rationale for a clinical trial in order to confirm our results.La physiopathologie exacte des manifestations cutanĂ©es induites par les papillomavirus humains (HPV) n'est Ă  ce jour que partiellement Ă©lucidĂ©e et demeure largement moins bien Ă©tudiĂ©e que celle des infections muqueuses par HPV, notamment au niveau du col de l’utĂ©rus. Pourtant les atteintes cutanĂ©es des HPV, en particulier les verrues, constituent l’un des premiers motifs de consultation en dermatologie et leur prise en charge peut ĂȘtre difficile en cas d’atteinte profuse ou de lĂ©sions rĂ©calcitrantes car les traitements actuellement disponibles n’ont que peu ou pas d’effet sur la prolifĂ©ration virale. Suite Ă  plusieurs observations cliniques de rĂ©gression de verrues rĂ©calcitrantes sous traitement par anti-interleukine 17 (anti-IL-17) et dans un contexte de publications Ă©mergentes suggĂ©rant un effet prolifĂ©ratif de l'IL-17 dans les infections muqueuses par HPV, ce travail a Ă©tĂ© initiĂ© avec l'objectif d'explorer le rĂŽle potentiel de l'IL-17 dans les infections cutanĂ©es par HPV. Afin de rĂ©aliser ce travail, des outils virologiques permettant la dĂ©tection des HPV cutanĂ©s ont Ă©tĂ© dĂ©veloppĂ©s dans le laboratoire de virologie de l’hĂŽpital Bichat Claude-Bernard avec l'Ă©laboration d'une PCR avec amorces Ă  large spectre et dans un second temps la mise en place d'un outil de capture avec sondes d'hybridation couplĂ©e au sĂ©quençage haut-dĂ©bit. Trois travaux ont Ă©tĂ© finalisĂ©s, mettant en Ă©vidence in vivo un effet inhibiteur des anti-IL-17 sur les prolifĂ©rations cutanĂ©es d'HPV ainsi qu’une diminution du portage muqueux d'HPV; et d'autre part la mise en Ă©vidence in vitro d'une forte expression d'IL-17 dans les verrues cutanĂ©es. Ces premiĂšres donnĂ©es ont permis le dĂ©pĂŽt d'un brevet couvrant l'utilisation des thĂ©rapies anti-IL-17 dans les pathologies induites par HPV et ouvrent des perspectives de recherche clinique afin de prĂ©ciser l'efficacitĂ© de ces traitements dans la prise en charge des diverses pathologies en lien avec l’infection HPV

    Role of interleukin-17 in cutaneous lesions induced by human papillomavirus

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    La physiopathologie exacte des manifestations cutanĂ©es induites par les papillomavirus humains (HPV) n'est Ă  ce jour que partiellement Ă©lucidĂ©e et demeure largement moins bien Ă©tudiĂ©e que celle des infections muqueuses par HPV, notamment au niveau du col de l’utĂ©rus. Pourtant les atteintes cutanĂ©es des HPV, en particulier les verrues, constituent l’un des premiers motifs de consultation en dermatologie et leur prise en charge peut ĂȘtre difficile en cas d’atteinte profuse ou de lĂ©sions rĂ©calcitrantes car les traitements actuellement disponibles n’ont que peu ou pas d’effet sur la prolifĂ©ration virale. Suite Ă  plusieurs observations cliniques de rĂ©gression de verrues rĂ©calcitrantes sous traitement par anti-interleukine 17 (anti-IL-17) et dans un contexte de publications Ă©mergentes suggĂ©rant un effet prolifĂ©ratif de l'IL-17 dans les infections muqueuses par HPV, ce travail a Ă©tĂ© initiĂ© avec l'objectif d'explorer le rĂŽle potentiel de l'IL-17 dans les infections cutanĂ©es par HPV. Afin de rĂ©aliser ce travail, des outils virologiques permettant la dĂ©tection des HPV cutanĂ©s ont Ă©tĂ© dĂ©veloppĂ©s dans le laboratoire de virologie de l’hĂŽpital Bichat Claude-Bernard avec l'Ă©laboration d'une PCR avec amorces Ă  large spectre et dans un second temps la mise en place d'un outil de capture avec sondes d'hybridation couplĂ©e au sĂ©quençage haut-dĂ©bit. Trois travaux ont Ă©tĂ© finalisĂ©s, mettant en Ă©vidence in vivo un effet inhibiteur des anti-IL-17 sur les prolifĂ©rations cutanĂ©es d'HPV ainsi qu’une diminution du portage muqueux d'HPV; et d'autre part la mise en Ă©vidence in vitro d'une forte expression d'IL-17 dans les verrues cutanĂ©es. Ces premiĂšres donnĂ©es ont permis le dĂ©pĂŽt d'un brevet couvrant l'utilisation des thĂ©rapies anti-IL-17 dans les pathologies induites par HPV et ouvrent des perspectives de recherche clinique afin de prĂ©ciser l'efficacitĂ© de ces traitements dans la prise en charge des diverses pathologies en lien avec l’infection HPV.To date, the mechanisms underlying the onset of cutaneous lesions induced by human papillomavirus (HPV) remain poorly understood, whereas mucosal HPV infections have been extensively studied, notably the cervical HPV infection. However, cutaneous manifestations related to HPV constitute one of the most frequent reasons for dermatology consultation and can be challenging in case of profuse or recalcitrant lesions since there are no available antiviral drugs for HPV. Following the clinical observations of recalcitrant warts regressing after the introduction of an anti-interleukin-17 (anti-IL-17) therapy in several patients, and in the context of emerging data related to the proliferative effect of IL-17 in the setting of mucosal HPV infection, this work was initiated with the aim of exploring the role of IL-17 in cutaneous HPV infections. In order to perform this work, virological assays were designed for the detection of cutaneous HPV and implemented in the department of virology of Bichat-Claude Bernard Hospital, firstly with a broad spectrum PCR and thereafter with probe based capture coupled with next generation sequencing. We conducted three studies, showing an inhibitory effect of anti-IL-17 in vivo on cutaneous HPV proliferation, as well as a favorable evolution of genital HPV infection. A strong expression of IL-17 in wart samples was also highlighted in vitro. These first data lead to the patenting of anti-IL-17 use for the management of HPV infection. These preliminary results also constitute a strong rationale for a clinical trial in order to confirm our results

    RÎle de l'interleukine-17 dans les infections cutanées induites par les papillomavirus humains

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    To date, the mechanisms underlying the onset of cutaneous lesions induced by human papillomavirus (HPV) remain poorly understood, whereas mucosal HPV infections have been extensively studied, notably the cervical HPV infection. However, cutaneous manifestations related to HPV constitute one of the most frequent reasons for dermatology consultation and can be challenging in case of profuse or recalcitrant lesions since there are no available antiviral drugs for HPV. Following the clinical observations of recalcitrant warts regressing after the introduction of an anti-interleukin-17 (anti-IL-17) therapy in several patients, and in the context of emerging data related to the proliferative effect of IL-17 in the setting of mucosal HPV infection, this work was initiated with the aim of exploring the role of IL-17 in cutaneous HPV infections. In order to perform this work, virological assays were designed for the detection of cutaneous HPV and implemented in the department of virology of Bichat-Claude Bernard Hospital, firstly with a broad spectrum PCR and thereafter with probe based capture coupled with next generation sequencing. We conducted three studies, showing an inhibitory effect of anti-IL-17 in vivo on cutaneous HPV proliferation, as well as a favorable evolution of genital HPV infection. A strong expression of IL-17 in wart samples was also highlighted in vitro. These first data lead to the patenting of anti-IL-17 use for the management of HPV infection. These preliminary results also constitute a strong rationale for a clinical trial in order to confirm our results.La physiopathologie exacte des manifestations cutanĂ©es induites par les papillomavirus humains (HPV) n'est Ă  ce jour que partiellement Ă©lucidĂ©e et demeure largement moins bien Ă©tudiĂ©e que celle des infections muqueuses par HPV, notamment au niveau du col de l’utĂ©rus. Pourtant les atteintes cutanĂ©es des HPV, en particulier les verrues, constituent l’un des premiers motifs de consultation en dermatologie et leur prise en charge peut ĂȘtre difficile en cas d’atteinte profuse ou de lĂ©sions rĂ©calcitrantes car les traitements actuellement disponibles n’ont que peu ou pas d’effet sur la prolifĂ©ration virale. Suite Ă  plusieurs observations cliniques de rĂ©gression de verrues rĂ©calcitrantes sous traitement par anti-interleukine 17 (anti-IL-17) et dans un contexte de publications Ă©mergentes suggĂ©rant un effet prolifĂ©ratif de l'IL-17 dans les infections muqueuses par HPV, ce travail a Ă©tĂ© initiĂ© avec l'objectif d'explorer le rĂŽle potentiel de l'IL-17 dans les infections cutanĂ©es par HPV. Afin de rĂ©aliser ce travail, des outils virologiques permettant la dĂ©tection des HPV cutanĂ©s ont Ă©tĂ© dĂ©veloppĂ©s dans le laboratoire de virologie de l’hĂŽpital Bichat Claude-Bernard avec l'Ă©laboration d'une PCR avec amorces Ă  large spectre et dans un second temps la mise en place d'un outil de capture avec sondes d'hybridation couplĂ©e au sĂ©quençage haut-dĂ©bit. Trois travaux ont Ă©tĂ© finalisĂ©s, mettant en Ă©vidence in vivo un effet inhibiteur des anti-IL-17 sur les prolifĂ©rations cutanĂ©es d'HPV ainsi qu’une diminution du portage muqueux d'HPV; et d'autre part la mise en Ă©vidence in vitro d'une forte expression d'IL-17 dans les verrues cutanĂ©es. Ces premiĂšres donnĂ©es ont permis le dĂ©pĂŽt d'un brevet couvrant l'utilisation des thĂ©rapies anti-IL-17 dans les pathologies induites par HPV et ouvrent des perspectives de recherche clinique afin de prĂ©ciser l'efficacitĂ© de ces traitements dans la prise en charge des diverses pathologies en lien avec l’infection HPV

    RÎle de l'interleukine-17 dans les infections cutanées induites par les papillomavirus humains

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    To date, the mechanisms underlying the onset of cutaneous lesions induced by human papillomavirus (HPV) remain poorly understood, whereas mucosal HPV infections have been extensively studied, notably the cervical HPV infection. However, cutaneous manifestations related to HPV constitute one of the most frequent reasons for dermatology consultation and can be challenging in case of profuse or recalcitrant lesions since there are no available antiviral drugs for HPV. Following the clinical observations of recalcitrant warts regressing after the introduction of an anti-interleukin-17 (anti-IL-17) therapy in several patients, and in the context of emerging data related to the proliferative effect of IL-17 in the setting of mucosal HPV infection, this work was initiated with the aim of exploring the role of IL-17 in cutaneous HPV infections. In order to perform this work, virological assays were designed for the detection of cutaneous HPV and implemented in the department of virology of Bichat-Claude Bernard Hospital, firstly with a broad spectrum PCR and thereafter with probe based capture coupled with next generation sequencing. We conducted three studies, showing an inhibitory effect of anti-IL-17 in vivo on cutaneous HPV proliferation, as well as a favorable evolution of genital HPV infection. A strong expression of IL-17 in wart samples was also highlighted in vitro. These first data lead to the patenting of anti-IL-17 use for the management of HPV infection. These preliminary results also constitute a strong rationale for a clinical trial in order to confirm our results.La physiopathologie exacte des manifestations cutanĂ©es induites par les papillomavirus humains (HPV) n'est Ă  ce jour que partiellement Ă©lucidĂ©e et demeure largement moins bien Ă©tudiĂ©e que celle des infections muqueuses par HPV, notamment au niveau du col de l’utĂ©rus. Pourtant les atteintes cutanĂ©es des HPV, en particulier les verrues, constituent l’un des premiers motifs de consultation en dermatologie et leur prise en charge peut ĂȘtre difficile en cas d’atteinte profuse ou de lĂ©sions rĂ©calcitrantes car les traitements actuellement disponibles n’ont que peu ou pas d’effet sur la prolifĂ©ration virale. Suite Ă  plusieurs observations cliniques de rĂ©gression de verrues rĂ©calcitrantes sous traitement par anti-interleukine 17 (anti-IL-17) et dans un contexte de publications Ă©mergentes suggĂ©rant un effet prolifĂ©ratif de l'IL-17 dans les infections muqueuses par HPV, ce travail a Ă©tĂ© initiĂ© avec l'objectif d'explorer le rĂŽle potentiel de l'IL-17 dans les infections cutanĂ©es par HPV. Afin de rĂ©aliser ce travail, des outils virologiques permettant la dĂ©tection des HPV cutanĂ©s ont Ă©tĂ© dĂ©veloppĂ©s dans le laboratoire de virologie de l’hĂŽpital Bichat Claude-Bernard avec l'Ă©laboration d'une PCR avec amorces Ă  large spectre et dans un second temps la mise en place d'un outil de capture avec sondes d'hybridation couplĂ©e au sĂ©quençage haut-dĂ©bit. Trois travaux ont Ă©tĂ© finalisĂ©s, mettant en Ă©vidence in vivo un effet inhibiteur des anti-IL-17 sur les prolifĂ©rations cutanĂ©es d'HPV ainsi qu’une diminution du portage muqueux d'HPV; et d'autre part la mise en Ă©vidence in vitro d'une forte expression d'IL-17 dans les verrues cutanĂ©es. Ces premiĂšres donnĂ©es ont permis le dĂ©pĂŽt d'un brevet couvrant l'utilisation des thĂ©rapies anti-IL-17 dans les pathologies induites par HPV et ouvrent des perspectives de recherche clinique afin de prĂ©ciser l'efficacitĂ© de ces traitements dans la prise en charge des diverses pathologies en lien avec l’infection HPV

    Combined Therapy with Anti-PD1 and BRAF and/or MEK Inhibitor for Advanced Melanoma: A Multicenter Cohort Study

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    International audienceDespite significant progress in melanoma survival, therapeutic options are still needed in case of progression under immune checkpoint inhibitors (ICI), and resistance to targeted therapies (TT) in BRAF-mutated melanomas. This study aimed to assess the safety of combined ICI and TT as a rescue line in real-life clinical practice. We conducted a study within the prospective French multicentric MelBase cohort, including patients treated with a combination of anti-PD1 (pembrolizumab/nivolumab) and BRAF inhibitor (BRAFi: dabrafenib/vemurafenib) and/or MEK inhibitors (MEKi: trametinib/cobimetinib) for BRAF mutated or wild-type advanced melanoma. Fifty-nine patients were included: 30% received the triple combination, 34% an anti-PD1 and BRAFi, and 36% an anti-PD1 and MEKi. Grade 3–4 adverse events occurred in 12% of patients. Permanent discontinuation or dose reduction of one of the treatments for toxicity was reported in 14% and 7% of patients, respectively. In the BRAF wild-type subgroup, treatment with MEKi and anti-PD1 induced a tumor control rate of 83% and median progression-free survival of 7.1 months. The combination of anti-PD1 and BRAFi and/or MEKi was a safe rescue line for advanced melanoma patients previously treated with ICI/TT. The benefit of these combinations, specifically anti-PD1 and MEKi in BRAF wild-type melanoma patients, needs to be prospectively studied

    Histological Features Associated With Human Mpox Virus Infection in 2022 Outbreak in a Nonendemic Country

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    International audienceSkin histology of papules and pustules from 5 men having sex with men with mpox infection showed viral intracytoplasmic cytopathic changes, interface dermatitis, marked inflammatory dermic infiltrate including superficial neutrophils and perivascular and periadnexal deep lymphocytes. Histologic description of mpox lesions improves our understanding about clinical presentations and may have some therapeutic implications