120 research outputs found


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    One of the variables that has influence on the effects of punishing contingencies is reinforcement history. Studies with electric shock demonstrated that continuous reinforcement schedules produce less resistance to punishment than intermittent reinforcement schedules. The aim of this study was to verify the effect of an alternative punisher - hot blast air (HBA) - presented continuously and contingent to responses with different reinforcement histories. Six rats were exposed to different histories of reinforcement during eight sessions (continuous reinforcement, variable ratio and variable interval). Then, the animals went through six sessions in which each bar pressing produced an HBA and a drop of water. In the last phase, the animal went through six reconditioning sessions, with the same schedules used in conditioning phase. During punishment, all subjects, regardless of reinforcement history show completely suppression of responding. When punishment was discontinued all subjects returned to the previous response levels compatible with their reinforcement history, the subjects which passed by continuous reinforcement, however, took more time to recover the responses rates. Methodological limitations that compromised the study conclusions are discussed for improvement. Key words: punishment; reinforcement history; hot blast air; aversive control.Uma das variáveis que tem influência sobre os efeitos de contingências punitivas é a história de reforçamento. Estudos com choque elétrico demonstram que esquemas de reforçamento contínuo produzem menor resistência à punição, do que esquemas de reforçamento intermitentes. O objetivo desse estudo foi verificar o efeito de um estímulo punidor alternativo - o jato de ar quente (JAQ) - apresentado de acordo com um esquema FR1, sobre a frequência de respostas operantes fortalecidas por diferentes histórias de reforçamento. Seis ratos foram expostos a diferentes histórias de reforçamento durante oito sessões (reforçamento contínuo, razão variável e intervalo variável). Em seguida, os animais passaram por seis sessões em que cada resposta de pressão à barra produzia um JAQ e uma gota de água. Por fim, os animais passaram por seis sessões de recondicionamento, com os mesmos esquemas utilizados na fase de fortalecimento. Durante as sessões de punição, todos sujeitos, independente da história de reforçamento apresentaram total supressão do responder. Quando a punição foi descontinuada todos sujeitos retornaram aos níveis prévios de resposta compatíveis com suas respectivas histórias de reforçamento, os sujeitos do grupo de reforçamento contínuo, contudo, levaram mais tempo para recuperar as taxas de respostas. Limitações metodológicas que comprometeram as conclusões do estudo são discutidas no intuito de aperfeiçoamento.Palavras-chave: punição; história de reforçamento; jato de ar quente; controle aversivo


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    Leveduras do filoplano são susceptíveis a uma grande variedade de variaçõesambientais, tais como poluição do ar urbano e industrial. Pesquisas de qualidade do arusando leveduras foliares como bioindicadores são pouco realizados no Brasil. Aoutilizar o método da queda de esporos, populações de leveduras foliares forampesquisadas a partir da filosfera de Tabebuia sp., espécie de árvores de grandepropagação em ambientes urbanos do Brasil. Dois locais da cidade de Campina Grande-PB foram selecionados, representando alto nível de poluição (Centro da cidade) e ar deboa qualidade (viveiro de plantas da UEPB), folhas das árvores foram coletadas noinverno e no verão de 2012 e 2013. Os resultados demonstraram contagens mais baixasde leveduras foliares para a área urbana indicando que estas leveduras são sensíveis aospoluentes do ar, especificamente para dióxido enxofre. A maioria das leveduras isoladaspertencia à espécie Sporobolomyces roseus, uma espécie basidiomiceto. Outrasleveduras balistosporos, colônias das quais eram tipicamente brancas, foram raramenteisolada pelo método utilizado (<5%). Os resultados podem ter validade para outras áreastropicais onde os estudos devem ser abordados ao prático uso de leveduras foliarescomo bioindicadores para monitoramento da qualidade do ar

    Composição corporal de praticantes de musculação e atletas de judô de academias de Campo Grande-MS

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    The objective was to it assessed the body composition of bodybuilders and judo athletes. Descriptive cross-sectional study with 50 participants of both sexes, between 18 and 35 years, with regular practice at least three times a week for 60 minutes / day, with a minimum of practice of 6 months and who have signed long the term of consent. Were measured weight, height, skinfold thickness and circumferences. To calculate the percentage of body fat was used in three skinfolds protocol, obtaining the body density, which was converted into percentage of corporal fat (GC). From total participants, 29 were females and 21 males. In the weight method was found mean weight 63.77kg, height of 1.66m, waist circumference (WC) of 73.4cm and Waist Hip Ratio (WHR) of 0.76cm, predominantly females in this category. In judo was observed average weight of 74.50kg, height 1.70 m, DC 81.6cm and WHR of 0.83cm, with male predominance. There was a statistically significant difference (p<0.0001) between the two categories analyzed, with predominance of lean mass in athletes of judo (57.95%) at the expense of bodybuilders (50.27%). When assessing the fat mass, the prevalence was in bodybuilders with an average of 28.4% over the judo athletes (18.8%). Thus, we emphasize the importance of knowing the nutritional profile of this public based on nutritional diagnosis and can make a difference in physical performance.Objetivou-se avaliar a composição corporal de praticantes de musculação e atletas de judô. Estudo transversal descritivo com 50 participantes, de ambos os sexos, entre 18 e 35 anos, com prática regular de pelo menos três vezes por semana, duração de 60 minutos/dia, com tempo mínimo de prática de 6 meses e que assinaram o Termo de Consentimento Livre e Esclarecido. As medidas aferidas foram peso, estatura, pregas cutâneas e circunferências. Para cálculo do percentual de gordura corporal foi utilizado protocolo de três pregas cutâneas, obtendo-se a densidade corporal, a qual foi convertida em percentual de gordura corporal (GC). Do total de participantes, 29 eram do sexo feminino e 21 do masculino. Na modalidade de musculação foi encontrada média de peso de 63,77kg, estatura de 1,66m, circunferência da cintura (CC) de 73,4cm e Relação Cintura Quadril (RCQ) de 0,76cm, predominando o sexo feminino nesta categoria.  No judô foi observada média de peso de 74,50kg, estatura de 1,70m, CC de 81,6cm e RCQ de 0,83cm, com predominância masculina. Houve uma diferença estatística significante (p<0,0001) entre as duas categorias analisadas, apresentando predominância de massa magra nos atletas de judô (57,95%) em detrimento dos praticantes de musculação (50,27%). Ao se avaliar a massa gorda, a predominância foi nos praticantes de musculação com média de 28,4% em relação aos atletas de judô (18,8%). Dessa forma, ressalta-se a importância de se conhecer o perfil nutricional desse público, com base no diagnóstico nutricional, podendo fazer a diferença no desempenho físico

    Tetraciclinas e glicilciclinas: uma visão geral

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    Tetracyclines exhibits activity to a broad range of Gram-negative and Gram-positive bacteria and this fact allied to the low toxicity, low cost, and the advantage of administration by oral route led to their indiscriminate use, which caused the appearance of bacterial resistance to these agents, wich has restricted its clinical utility, though new applications have emerged. On the other hand, the glycylcyclines, semi-synthetic products are similar to tetracyclines, which are active against many bacteria resistant to tetracycline and other classes of antibiotics. The purpose of this paper is to give an overview of this important class of antibiotics focusing on its coordination chemistry and possible applications

    Ilium and femur osteosynthesis in crab-eating fox (Cerdocyon thous)

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    Background: Fractures and dislocations are common orthopedic conditions arising from traumas from anthropic interaction on wild species, such as those caused by road trampling. Among the treatments, osteosynthesis is considered the method of choice in the treatment of fractures, such as ilium body fractures and femoral fractures. Based on this context, with regard to the incidence of auto accidents and few studies describing osteosynthesis techniques for crab-eating fox, the present study aimed to report the osteosynthesis performed on the body of the ileum and femur of a wild specimen of Cerdocyon thous. Case: A female, adult, crab-eating fox (Cerdocyon thous), coming from wild life was referred to hospital care with a history of run over. After specific examinations, it was diagnosed a complete transverse femoral shaft fracture, an oblique ilium body fracture, a pubic and ischial fracture, and pelvic canal narrowing. The treatment instituted was osteosynthesis of the femoral and ilium body fractures through the use of a 2.7 mm locking plate and screws. In the postoperative period, radiographic examination was performed, where bone callus formation was observed in the 5th week and bone remodeling and consolidation in the 11th week. After 140 days of rehabilitation, the animal was able to be released in the wild, with effective return of function of the pelvic limbs. The release was performed by environmental agencies in a national natural reserve, using radio necklace monitoring Discussion: Osteosynthesis techniques and preoperative and postoperative management proved to be effective for the return of adequate function of the pelvic limbs in Cerdocyon thous. For wild animals, the use of internal orthopedic implants (plate and screws, for example) become the most suitable for osteosynthesis. They decrease the risks of complications resulting from the management, since they require minimal postoperative manipulation. Thus, they maintain the wild behavior of the animal even in captivity. Among the complications observed in the clinical case, we can mention the use of long plate in the osteosynthesis of the ilium body and the narrowing of the pelvic canal as the most relevant. In relation to the pelvic canal narrowing and the reproductive cycle of the species, the crab-eating fox presents monogamous behavior, gestation of 3 to 6 pups per litter and breastfeeding for approximately 3 months. Because litters are relatively large (number of individuals per calving), the pups are relatively small - approximately 120 g at birth -, so it is expected that no complications occur during the gestational period. The treatment of fractures with the use of locking plates was efficient, obtaining bone consolidation at 10 weeks postoperatively, thus corroborating the scientific descriptions for bone consolidation in canids. Finally, the destination for release and monitoring by radiotelemetry was a joint decision between the environmental agencies of the State and the Union. The release decision was based on the maintenance of the wild behavior without evidence of meekness of the specimen, the absence of sanitary restrictions, as well as the population biology and the genetic flow since the release of the animal was carried out near the rescue site. It is concluded that the surgical treatment instituted by the femoral and ilium osteosynthesis was effective for the Cerdocyon thous specimen, cu

    Importance of detection of Strongyloides stercoralis DNA in fecal samples from patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus

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    Objective: The association between diabetes and Strongyloides infection remains controversial. This study aimed to detect Strongyloides stercoralis DNA in the feces of patients with Diabetes Mellitus type 2 (DM2). Methods: Fecal samples were analyzed via the Lutz, Rugai, and agar plate culture methods. PCR amplification was performed using two targets (PCR-genus and PCR-species) located on the S. stercoralis 18S ribosomal. Results: The positivity for S. stercoralis using parasitological methods was 1.1%. PCR-genus (14.13%) demonstrated a higher positivity than PCR-species (9.78%). Conclusion: The results confirm the greater positivity of the molecular diagnosis in relation to parasitological methods, reinforcing its use as an additional tool for the diagnosis of S. stercoralis infection in patients with DM2 living in endemic areas for this helminthiasis

    Periostin as a modulator of chronic cardiac remodeling after myocardial infarction

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    OBJECTIVE: After acute myocardial infarction, during the cardiac repair phase, periostin is released into the infarct and activates signaling pathways that are essential for the reparative process. However, the role of periostin in chronic cardiac remodeling after myocardial infarction remains to be elucidated. Therefore, the objective of this study was to investigate the relationship between tissue periostin and cardiac variables in the chronic cardiac remodeling induced by myocardial infarction. METHODS: Male Wistar rats were assigned to 2 groups: a simulated surgery group (SHAM; n = 8) and a myocardial infarction group (myocardial infarction; n = 13). After 3 months, morphological, functional and biochemical analyses were performed. The data are expressed as means±SD or medians (including the lower and upper quartiles). RESULTS: Myocardial infarctions induced increased left ventricular diastolic and systolic areas associated with a decreased fractional area change and a posterior wall shortening velocity. With regard to the extracellular matrix variables, the myocardial infarction group presented with higher values of periostin and types I and III collagen and higher interstitial collagen volume fractions and myocardial hydroxyproline concentrations. In addition, periostin was positively correlated with type III collagen levels (r = 0.673, p = 0.029) and diastolic (r = 0.678, p = 0.036) and systolic (r = 0.795, p = 0.006) left ventricular areas. Considering the relationship between periostin and the cardiac function variables, periostin was inversely correlated with both the fractional area change (r = -0.783, p = 0.008) and the posterior wall shortening velocity (r = -0.767, p = 0.012). CONCLUSIONS: Periostin might be a modulator of deleterious cardiac remodeling in the chronic phase after myocardial infarction in rats