389 research outputs found

    Influence of mechanical strains on electromagnetic signals of a microstrip antenna. FEM/BIM model

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    A hybrid numerical technique is proposed for a characterization of the radar cross section of a microstrip patch antenna residing in a dielectric filled cavity which is loaded by a sinusoidal mechanical pressure. A new 3D hexahedral finite element is developed in order to take into account the deformed shape of the antenna within the electromagnetic computations. The numerical tool combines the finite element and boundary integral methods to formulate a system for the solution of the fields at the aperture and those inside the cavity. In this work, numerical examples are presented for demonstrating the ability and the validity of the hexahedral element

    Genomic Analysis of Carbon Monoxide Utilization and Butanol Production by Clostridium carboxidivorans Strain P7T

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    Increasing demand for the production of renewable fuels has recently generated a particular interest in microbial production of butanol. Anaerobic bacteria, such as Clostridium spp., can naturally convert carbohydrates into a variety of primary products, including alcohols like butanol. The genetics of microorganisms like Clostridium acetobutylicum have been well studied and their solvent-producing metabolic pathways characterized. In contrast, less is known about the genetics of Clostridium spp. capable of converting syngas or its individual components into solvents. In this study, the type of strain of a new solventogenic Clostridium species, C. carboxidivorans, was genetically characterized by genome sequencing. C. carboxidivorans strain P7T possessed a complete Wood-Ljungdahl pathway gene cluster, involving CO and CO2 fixation and conversion to acetyl-CoA. Moreover, with the exception of an acetone production pathway, all the genetic determinants of canonical ABE metabolic pathways for acetate, butyrate, ethanol and butanol production were present in the P7T chromosome. The functionality of these pathways was also confirmed by growth of P7T on CO and production of CO2 as well as volatile fatty acids (acetate and butyrate) and solvents (ethanol and butanol). P7T was also found to harbour a 19 Kbp plasmid, which did not include essential or butanol production related genes. This study has generated in depth knowledge of the P7T genome, which will be helpful in developing metabolic engineering strategies to improve C. carboxidivorans's natural capacity to produce potential biofuels from syngas

    L’information en reconstruction mammaire

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    Twist solitons in complex macromolecules: from DNA to polyethylene

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    DNA torsion dynamics is essential in the transcription process; simple models for it have been proposed by several authors, in particular Yakushevich (Y model). These are strongly related to models of DNA separation dynamics such as the one first proposed by Peyrard and Bishop (and developed by Dauxois, Barbi, Cocco and Monasson among others), but support topological solitons. We recently developed a ``composite'' version of the Y model, in which the sugar-phosphate group and the base are described by separate degrees of freedom. This at the same time fits experimental data better than the simple Y model, and shows dynamical phenomena, which are of interest beyond DNA dynamics. Of particular relevance are the mechanism for selecting the speed of solitons by tuning the physical parameters of the non linear medium and the hierarchal separation of the relevant degrees of freedom in ``master'' and ``slave''. These mechanisms apply not only do DNA, but also to more general macromolecules, as we show concretely by considering polyethylene.Comment: New version substantially longer, with new applications to Polyethylene. To appear in "International Journal of Non-Linear Mechanics

    Salerno's model of DNA reanalysed: could solitons have biological significance?

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    We investigate the sequence-dependent behaviour of localised excitations in a toy, nonlinear model of DNA base-pair opening originally proposed by Salerno. Specifically we ask whether ``breather'' solitons could play a role in the facilitated location of promoters by RNA polymerase. In an effective potential formalism, we find excellent correlation between potential minima and {\em Escherichia coli} promoter recognition sites in the T7 bacteriophage genome. Evidence for a similar relationship between phage promoters and downstream coding regions is found and alternative reasons for links between AT richness and transcriptionally-significant sites are discussed. Consideration of the soliton energy of translocation provides a novel dynamical picture of sliding: steep potential gradients correspond to deterministic motion, while ``flat'' regions, corresponding to homogeneous AT or GC content, are governed by random, thermal motion. Finally we demonstrate an interesting equivalence between planar, breather solitons and the helical motion of a sliding protein ``particle'' about a bent DNA axis.Comment: Latex file 20 pages, 5 figures. Manuscript of paper to appear in J. Biol. Phys., accepted 02/09/0

    Modeling DNA Structure, Elasticity and Deformations at the Base-pair Level

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    We present a generic model for DNA at the base-pair level. We use a variant of the Gay-Berne potential to represent the stacking energy between neighboring base-pairs. The sugar-phosphate backbones are taken into account by semi-rigid harmonic springs with a non-zero spring length. The competition of these two interactions and the introduction of a simple geometrical constraint leads to a stacked right-handed B-DNA-like conformation. The mapping of the presented model to the Marko-Siggia and the Stack-of-Plates model enables us to optimize the free model parameters so as to reproduce the experimentally known observables such as persistence lengths, mean and mean squared base-pair step parameters. For the optimized model parameters we measured the critical force where the transition from B- to S-DNA occurs to be approximately 140pN140{pN}. We observe an overstretched S-DNA conformation with highly inclined bases that partially preserves the stacking of successive base-pairs.Comment: 15 pages, 25 figures. submitted to PR

    Oleogranulomatous Mastitis: A Topical Subject:

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    Paraffin and petrolatum have been known for more than 100 years as volumizing products. Certain countries still use them despite important complications. The authors report the case of a 39-year-old patient presenting a bilateral oleogranulomatous mastitis. An injection of petrolatum had been realized 2 years ago in Chechnya for cosmetic reasons. Clinically, she presented dense, erythemic, and painful breasts. The radiological examination found diffuse oily cysts. After first abdominal expansion, a bilateral mastectomy with immediate reconstruction was performed. The authors present a literature review about the clinical and radiological data and the possible treatments, and underline the numerous risks of this procedure, which should be strictly forbidden

    Estimates of recent and historical effective population size in turbot, seabream, seabass and carp selective breeding programmes

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    BACKGROUND: The high fecundity of fish species allows intense selection to be practised and therefore leads to fast genetic gains. Based on this, numerous selective breeding programmes have been started in Europe in the last decades, but in general, little is known about how the base populations of breeders have been built. Such knowledge is important because base populations can be created from very few individuals, which can lead to small effective population sizes and associated reductions in genetic variability. In this study, we used genomic information that was recently made available for turbot (Scophthalmus maximus), gilthead seabream (Sparus aurata), European seabass (Dicentrarchus labrax) and common carp (Cyprinus carpio) to obtain accurate estimates of the effective size for commercial populations. METHODS: Restriction-site associated DNA sequencing data were used to estimate current and historical effective population sizes. We used a novel method that considers the linkage disequilibrium spectrum for the whole range of genetic distances between all pairs of single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs), and thus accounts for potential fluctuations in population size over time. RESULTS: Our results show that the current effective population size for these populations is small (equal to or less than 50 fish), potentially putting the sustainability of the breeding programmes at risk. We have also detected important drops in effective population size about five to nine generations ago, most likely as a result of domestication and the start of selective breeding programmes for these species in Europe. CONCLUSIONS: Our findings highlight the need to broaden the genetic composition of the base populations from which selection programmes start, and suggest that measures designed to increase effective population size within all farmed populations analysed here should be implemented in order to manage genetic variability and ensure the sustainability of the breeding programmes. SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: The online version contains supplementary material available at 10.1186/s12711-021-00680-9
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