3,104 research outputs found

    Cytosolic Phospholipase A2α and Eicosanoids Regulate Expression of Genes in Macrophages Involved in Host Defense and Inflammation

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    Acknowledgments: We thank Dr. Robert Barkley and Charis Uhlson for mass spectrometry analysis. Funding: This work was supported by grants from the National Institutes of Health HL34303 (to C.C.L., R.C.M. and D.L.B), DK54741 (to J.V.B.), GM5322 (to D.L.W.) and the Wellcome Trust (to N.A.R.G. and G.D.B.). The funders had no role in study design, data collection and analysis, decision to publish, or preparation of the manuscript.Peer reviewedPublisher PD

    BITC Sensitizes Pancreatic Adenocarcinomas to TRAIL-Induced Apoptosis

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    Pancreatic adenocarcinoma is an aggressive cancer with a greater than 95% mortality rate and short survival after diagnosis. Chemotherapeutic resistance hinders successful treatment. This resistance is often associated with mutations in codon 12 of the K-Ras gene (K-Ras 12), which is present in over 90% of all pancreatic adenocarcinomas. Codon 12 mutations maintain Ras in a constitutively active state leading to continuous cellular proliferation. Our study determined if TRAIL resistance in pancreatic adenocarcinomas with K-Ras 12 mutations could be overcome by first sensitizing the cells with Benzyl isothiocyanate (BITC). BITC is a component of cruciferous vegetables and a cell cycle inhibitor. BxPC3, MiaPaCa2 and Panc-1 human pancreatic adenocarcinoma cell lines were examined for TRAIL resistance. Our studies show BITC induced TRAIL sensitization by dual activation of both the extrinsic and intrinsic apoptotic pathways

    Fixed point sets of fiber-preserving maps

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    An Observational Analysis of ‘Me Too’ Narratives from YouTube

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    The ‘me too’ movement originated to help survivors of sexual violence by providing resources and building a community of advocates to exemplify the magnitude of sexual violence victimization. This movement gained momentum via Twitter due to the viral hashtag—#metoo. YouTube is often used as a means of expression in younger generations, thus sexual violence survivors began using the platform as a way to disseminate ‘me too’ narratives. Therefore, this study aimed to examine how sexual violence narratives resulting from the ‘me too’ movement are being told on YouTube and understand the components of the narratives related to self-blaming mindsets. Based on predetermined search criteria, researchers identified and screened YouTube videos of people sharing ‘me too’ narratives, and developed themes and codes (e.g., type of violence, perpetrator characteristics). Descriptive statistics and a logistic regression were conducted using demographic, experience, and attitudinal data to predict self-blaming mindsets. Sixty-two YouTube videos were included, consisting of 96 individual ‘me too’ stories. The sample was mostly female, and perpetrators were predominately strangers. The model explained 19.3% of the variance in self-blaming attitudes. Odds of self-blaming rose 4.589 times for those who experienced sexual harassment, and 6.109 times for those who experienced rape. If the perpetrator was not mentioned in the video, odds of self-blaming dropped by 89.4%. This study suggests self-blaming beliefs are prominent among victims, even when they have the space to share their story. Overall, our findings support the continued need for further education and support for victims

    Generating topological order from a 2D cluster state using a duality mapping

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    In this paper we prove, extend and review possible mappings between the two-dimensional Cluster state, Wen's model, the two-dimensional Ising chain and Kitaev's toric code model. We introduce a two-dimensional duality transformation to map the two-dimensional lattice cluster state into the topologically-ordered Wen model. Then, we subsequently investigates how this mapping could be achieved physically, which allows us to discuss the rate at which a topologically ordered system can be achieved. Next, using a lattice fermionization method, Wen's model is mapped into a series of one-dimensional Ising interactions. Considering the boundary terms with this mapping then reveals how the Ising chains interact with one another. The relationships discussed in this paper allow us to consider these models from two different perspectives: From the perspective of condensed matter physics these mappings allow us to learn more about the relation between the ground state properties of the four different models, such as their entanglement or topological structure. On the other hand, we take the duality of these models as a starting point to address questions related to the universality of their ground states for quantum computation.Comment: 5 Figure

    Characterization of antifungal C-type lectin receptor expression on murine epithelial and endothelial cells in mucosal tissues

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    Funding Information: We thank P. Asamaphan, A. Clark, and B. Kerscher for providing NIH overexpression cell lines, S. Yamasaki for the anti‐Mincle antibody, the staff of the University of Aberdeen animal facility for the care for our animals, and the Iain Fraser Cytometry Centre at the University of Aberdeen for their assistance. This work was supported by funding from the Wellcome Trust (102705, 217163), the Medical Research Council Centre for Medical Mycology, and the University of Exeter (MR/N006364/2).Peer reviewedPublisher PD

    Arterial Switch for Transposition of the Great Arteries

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    Background Reports of long-term mortality and reintervention after transposition of the great arteries with intact ventricular septum treatment, although favorable, are mostly limited to single-center studies. Even less is known about hospital resource utilization (days at hospital) and the impact of treatment choices and timing on outcomes. Objectives The purpose of this study was to describe survival, reintervention and hospital resource utilization after arterial switch operation (ASO) in a national dataset. Methods Follow-up and life status data for all patients undergoing ASO between 2000 and 2017 in England and Wales were collected and explored using multivariable regressions and matching. Results A total of 1,772 patients were identified, with median ASO age of 9.5 days (IQR: 6.5-14.5 days). Mortality and cardiac reintervention at 10 years after ASO were 3.2% (95% CI: 2.5%-4.2%) and 10.7% (95% CI: 9.1%-12.2%), respectively. The median time spent in hospital during the ASO spell was 19 days (IQR: 14, 24). Over the first year after the ASO patients spent 7 days (IQR: 4-10 days) in hospital in total, decreasing to 1 outpatient day/year beyond the fifth year. In a subgroup with complete risk factor data (n = 652), ASO age, and balloon atrial septostomy (BAS) use were not associated with late mortality and reintervention, but cardiac or congenital comorbidities, low weight, and circulatory/renal support at ASO were. After matching for patient characteristics, BAS followed by ASO and ASO as first procedure, performed within the first 3 weeks of life, had comparable early and late outcomes, including hospital resource utilization. Conclusions Mortality and hospital resource utilization are low, while reintervention remains relatively frequent. Early ASO and individualized use of BAS allows for flexibility in treatment choices and a focus on at-risk patients

    Latitudinal variation in ecological opportunity and intraspecific competition indicates differences in niche variability and diet specialization of Arctic marine predators

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    Individual specialization (IS), where individuals within populations irrespective of age, sex, and body size are either specialized or generalized in terms of resource use, has implications on ecological niches and food web structure. Niche size and degree of IS of near-top trophic-level marine predators have been little studied in polar regions or with latitude. We quantified the largescale latitudinal variation of population- and individual-level niche size and IS in ringed seals (Pusa hispida) and beluga whales (Delphinapterus leucas) using stable carbon and nitrogen isotope analysis on 379 paired ringed seal liver and muscle samples and 124 paired beluga skin and muscle samples from eight locations ranging from the low to high Arctic. We characterized both withinand between-individual variation in predator niche size at each location as well as accounting for spatial differences in the isotopic ranges of potential prey. Total isotopic niche width (TINW) for populations of ringed seals and beluga decreased with increasing latitude. Higher TINW values were associated with greater ecological opportunity (i.e., prey diversity) in the prey fish community which mainly consists of Capelin (Mallotus villosus) and Sand lance (Ammodytes sp.) at lower latitudes and Arctic cod (Boreogadus saida) at high latitudes. In beluga, their dietary consistency between tissues also known as the within-individual component (WIC) increased in a near 1:1 ratio with TINW (slope = 0.84), suggesting dietary generalization, whereas the slope (0.18) of WIC relative to TINW in ringed seals indicated a high degree of individual specialization in ringed seal populations with higher TINWs. Our findings highlight the differences in TINW and level of IS for ringed seals and beluga relative to latitude as a likely response to large-scale spatial variation in ecological opportunity, suggesting species-specific variation in dietary plasticity to spatial differences in prey resources and environmental conditions in a rapidly changing ecosystem