22 research outputs found

    Sobre l'autenticitat del segell de Mossé ben Nahman de Girona trobat a la plana d'Acre

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    Segell personal de Mossé ben Nahman trobat fortuïtament l'any 1972 a la plana d'Acre. Atès que hom ha posat en dubte la seva autenticitat, els autors d'aquest article decidiren de sotmetre'l a un assaig de fluorescència de raigs X a fi de determinar la composició del coure de què està fet. Havent realitzat la comparació amb tres monedes mameluques de la segona meitat del segle XIII, és a dir, del temps de l'estada de Nahmànides a Terra Santa, els resultats obtinguts mostraren una gran semblança. Per tant, és molt probable que el segell sigui autèntic.On the authenticity of RaMBaN?s seal found in the Plain of Acre The seal of Nahmanides was fortuitously found in 1972 at ground level in the Plain of Acre As doubts were cast about its authenticity, the authors decided to submit it to an X-ray fluorescence comparative test in order to ascertain the composition of the copper of which it is made. The comparison was made with three Mameluk coins of the second half of the thirteenth century, that is to say, contemporaneous with Nahmanides? stay in the Land of Israel, and results showed a great similarity. Therefore, it is highly probable that the seal is authentic

    Sobre l'autenticitat del segell de Mossé ben Nahman de Girona trobat a la plana d'Acre

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    Segell personal de Mossé ben Nahman trobat fortuïtament l'any 1972 a la plana d'Acre. Atès que hom ha posat en dubte la seva autenticitat, els autors d'aquest article decidiren de sotmetre'l a un assaig de fluorescència de raigs X a fi de determinar la composició del coure de què està fet. Havent realitzat la comparació amb tres monedes mameluques de la segona meitat del segle XIII, és a dir, del temps de l'estada de Nahmànides a Terra Santa, els resultats obtinguts mostraren una gran semblança. Per tant, és molt probable que el segell sigui autèntic

    A New Fragment of Xjudges

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    Radiocarbon Dating of Fourteen Dead Sea Scrolls

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    From the 14th International Radiocarbon Conference held in Tucson, AZ, May 20-24, 1991.The name Dead Sea Scrolls refers to some 1200 manuscripts found in caves in the hills on the western shore of the Dead Sea during the last 45 years. They range in size from small fragments to complete books from the holy scriptures (the Old Testament). The manuscripts also include uncanonized sectarian books, letters and commercial documents, written on papyrus and parchment. In only a few cases, direct information on the date of writing was found in the scrolls. In all other cases, the dating is based on indirect archaeological and paleographical evidence. To check this evidence, radiocarbon ages of 14 selected scrolls were determined using accelerator mass spectrometry. The calibrated radiocarbon ages agree well, except in one case, with the paleographic estimates or the specific dates noted on the scrolls.This material was digitized as part of a cooperative project between Radiocarbon and the University of Arizona Libraries.The Radiocarbon archives are made available by Radiocarbon and the University of Arizona Libraries. Contact [email protected] for further information.Migrated from OJS platform February 202