651 research outputs found

    European organization of telecom regulators and the impact on the pace of telecom innovations, Is EU modesty hampering innovation in telecom? Think global, act local…

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    In a recent political discussion about the optimal division of power and competence between national and European regulatory bodies for telecommunication markets, the European Commission, the Parliament and the Council fundamentally disagreed about the necessity and most suitable arrangement (if any) for a newly established regulatory body. In the end, a body of European Regulators for Electronic Communications (BEREC) resulted as a compromise. This paper initially describes the decision making process from which BEREC resulted and subsequently critically assesses the expected contribution of BEREC to the innovativeness of the internal telecommunication markets by confronting BEREC with innovation theory and general principles for effective market authority. One result of this analysis is that a more centralized model of market authority (as initially considered by the Commission) might contribute more to the innovative potential of the internal telecommunication markets than BEREC is expected to

    Mitigating Charge Transfer Inefficiency in the Chandra X-ray Observatory's ACIS Instrument

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    The ACIS front-illuminated CCDs onboard the Chandra X-ray Observatory were damaged in the extreme environment of the Earth's radiation belts, resulting in enhanced charge transfer inefficiency (CTI). This produces a row dependence in gain, event grade, and energy resolution. We model the CTI as a function of input photon energy, including the effects of de-trapping (charge trailing), shielding within an event (charge in the leading pixels of the 3X3 event island protect the rest of the island by filling traps), and non-uniform spatial distribution of traps. This technique cannot fully recover the degraded energy resolution, but it reduces the position dependence of gain and grade distributions. By correcting the grade distributions as well as the event amplitudes, we can improve the instrument's quantum efficiency. We outline our model for CTI correction and discuss how the corrector can improve astrophysical results derived from ACIS data.Comment: Accepted by ApJ Letters; see http://www.astro.psu.edu/users/townsley/cti

    Structure of the Cytoplasmic Loop between Putative Helices II and III of the Mannitol Permease of Escherichia coli: A Tryptophan and 5-Fluorotryptophan Spectroscopy Study

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    In this work, four single tryptophan (Trp) mutants of the dimeric mannitol transporter of Escherichia coli, EIImtl, are characterized using Trp and 5-fluoroTrp (5-FTrp) fluorescence spectroscopy. The four positions, 97, 114, 126, and 133, are located in a region shown by recent studies to be involved in the mannitol translocation process. To spectroscopically distinguish between the Trp positions in each subunit of dimeric EIImtl, 5-FTrp was biosynthetically incorporated because of its much simpler photophysics compared to those of Trp. The steady-state and time-resolved fluorescence methodologies used point out that all four positions are in structured environments, both in the absence and in the presence of a saturating concentration of mannitol. The fluorescence decay of all 5-FTrp-containing mutants was highly homogeneous, suggesting similar microenvironments for both probes per dimer. However, Stern-Volmer quenching experiments using potassium iodide indicate different solvent accessibilities for the two probes at positions 97 and 133. A 5 Ă… two-dimensional (2D) projection map of the membrane-embedded IICmtl dimer showing 2-fold symmetry is available. The results of this work are in better agreement with a 7 Ă… projection map from a single 2D crystal on which no symmetry was imposed.

    The Elephant Trunk Nebula and the Trumpler 37 cluster: Contribution of triggered star formation to the total population of an HII region

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    Rich young stellar clusters produce HII regions whose expansion into the nearby molecular cloud is thought to trigger the formation of new stars. However, the importance of this mode of star formation is uncertain. This investigation seeks to quantify triggered star formation (TSF) in IC 1396A (a.k.a., the Elephant Trunk Nebula), a bright rimmed cloud (BRC) on the periphery of the nearby giant HII region IC 1396 produced by the Trumpler 37 cluster. X-ray selection of young stars from Chandra X-ray Observatory data is combined with existing optical and infrared surveys to give a more complete census of the TSF population. Over 250 young stars in and around IC 1396A are identified; this doubles the previously known population. A spatio-temporal gradient of stars from the IC 1396A cloud toward the primary ionizing star HD 206267 is found. We argue that the TSF mechanism in IC 1396A is the radiation-driven implosion process persisting over several million years. Analysis of the X-ray luminosity and initial mass functions indicates that >140 stars down to 0.1 Msun were formed by TSF. Considering other BRCs in the IC 1396 HII region, we estimate the TSF contribution for the entire HII region exceeds 14-25% today, and may be higher over the lifetime of the HII region. Such triggering on the periphery of HII regions may be a significant mode of star formation in the Galaxy.Comment: Accepted for publication in MNRAS; 28 pages, 18 figure

    HIF-1α-independent hypoxia-induced rapid PTK6 stabilization is associated with increased motility and invasion

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    This article has been made available through the Brunel Open Access Publishing Fund.PTK6/Brk is a non-receptor tyrosine kinase overexpressed in cancer. Here we demonstrate that cytosolic PTK6 is rapidly and robustly induced in response to hypoxic conditions in a HIF-1-independent manner. Furthermore, a proportion of hypoxic PTK6 subsequently re-localized to the cell membrane. We observed that the rapid stabilization of PTK6 is associated with a decrease in PTK6 ubiquitylation and we have identified c-Cbl as a putative PTK6 E3 ligase in normoxia. The consequences of hypoxia-induced PTK6 stabilization and subcellular re-localization to the plasma membrane include increased cell motility and invasion, suggesting PTK6 targeting as a therapeutic approach to reduce hypoxia-regulated metastatic potential. This could have particular significance for breast cancer patients with triple negative disease.A Breast Cancer Campaign pilot grant awarded to E.M.H. supported this study. I.M.P. is supported by University of Hull HEFCE funding, and Royal Society and Breast Cancer Campaign pilot grants. S.A.E. is supported by ICR HEFCE funding and Cancer Research UK program grant C309/A11566. A.H. is supported by Brunel University HEFCE funding. E.M.H. is supported by a Cancer Research UK grant

    Chandra observations of SN 1987A: the soft X-ray light curve revisited

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    We report on the present stage of SN 1987A as observed by the Chandra X-ray Observatory. We reanalyze published Chandra observations and add three more epochs of Chandra data to get a consistent picture of the evolution of the X-ray fluxes in several energy bands. We discuss the implications of several calibration issues for Chandra data. Using the most recent Chandra calibration files, we find that the 0.5-2.0 keV band fluxes of SN 1987A have increased by ~6 x 10 ^-13 erg s^-1 cm^-2 per year since 2009. This is in contrast with our previous result that the 0.5-2.0 keV light curve showed a sudden flattening in 2009. Based on our new analysis, we conclude that the forward shock is still in full interaction with the equatorial ring.Comment: Accepted for publication by ApJ, 7 pages, 5 figure

    Membership of the Orion Nebula Population from the Chandra Orion Ultradeep Project

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    The Chandra Orion Ultradeep project (COUP) observation described in a companion paper by Getman et al. provides an exceptionally deep X-ray survey of the Orion Nebula Cluster and associated embedded young stellar objects. Membership of the region is important for studies of the stellar IMF, cluster dynamics, and star formation. The COUP study detected 1616 X-ray sources. In this study we confirm cloud membership for 1315 stars, identify 16 probable foreground field stars having optical counterparts with discrepant proper motions, and classify the remaining 285 X-ray sources, of which 51 are lightly and 234 heavily obscured. The 51 lightly obscured sources without known counterparts fall into three groups. (i) Sixteen are likely new members of the Orion Nebula Cluster. (ii) Two with unusually soft and non-flaring X-ray emission appear to be associated with nebular shocks, and may be new examples of X-rays produced at the bow shocks of Herbig-Haro outflows. (iii) The remaining thirty three are very weak uncertain sources, possibly spurious. Out of 234 heavily absorbed sources without optical or near-infrared counterparts 75 COUP sources are likely new embedded cloud members (with membership for 42 confirmed by powerful X-ray flares), and the remaining 159 are likely extragalactic AGN seen through the molecular cloud, as argued by a careful simulation of the extragalactic background population. Finally, a few new binary companions to Orion stars may have been found, but most cases of proximate COUP sources can be attributed to chance superpositions in this crowded field.Comment: 49 pages, 6 figures, 5 tables. Accepted for publication in ApJS, special issue dedicated to Chandra Orion Ultradeep Project. A version with high quality figures can be found at http://www.astro.psu.edu/users/gkosta/COUP_Membership.pd
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