706 research outputs found

    The role of working memory for cognitive control in anorexia nervosa versus substance use disorder

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    Prefrontal cortex executive functions, such as working memory (WM) interact with limbic processes to foster impulse control. Such an interaction is referred to in a growing body of publications by terms such as cognitive control, cognitive inhibition, affect regulation, self-regulation, top-down control, and cognitive-emotion interaction. The rising trend of research into cognitive control of impulsivity, using various related terms reflects the importance of research into impulse control, as failure to employ cognitions optimally may eventually result in mental disorder. Against this background, we take a novel approach using an impulse control spectrum model - where anorexia nervosa (AN) and substance use disorder (SUD) are at opposite extremes - to examine the role of WM for cognitive control. With this aim, we first summarize WM processes in the healthy brain in order to frame a systematic review of the neuropsychological, neural and genetic findings of AN and SUD. In our systematic review of WM/cognitive control, we found n = 15 studies of AN with a total of n = 582 AN and n = 365 HC participants; and n = 93 studies of SUD with n = 9106 SUD and n = 3028 HC participants. In particular, we consider how WM load/capacity may support the neural process of excessive epistemic foraging (cognitive sampling of the environment to test predictions about the world) in AN that reduces distraction from salient stimuli. We also consider the link between WM and cognitive control in people with SUD who are prone to 'jumping to conclusions' and reduced epistemic foraging. Finally, in light of our review, we consider WM training as a novel research tool and an adjunct to enhance treatment that improves cognitive control of impulsivity. © 2017 Brooks, Funk, Young and Schiöth

    Subliminal Emotional Faces Elicit Predominantly Right-Lateralized Amygdala Activation: A Systematic Meta-Analysis of fMRI Studies

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    Prior research suggests that conscious face processing occurs preferentially in right hemisphere occipito-parietal regions. However, less is known about brain regions associated with non-conscious processing of faces, and whether a right-hemispheric dominance persists in line with specific affective responses. We aim to review the neural responses systematically, quantitatively, and qualitatively underlying subliminal face processing. PubMed was searched for Functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging (fMRI) publications assessing subliminal emotional face stimuli up to March 2022. Activation Likelihood Estimation (ALE) meta-analyses and narrative reviews were conducted on all studies that met ALE requirements. Risk of bias was assessed using the AXIS tool. In a meta-analysis of all 22 eligible studies (merging clinical and non-clinical populations, whole brain and region of interest analyses), bilateral amygdala activation was reported in the left (x = −19.2, y = 1.5, z = −17.1) in 59% of studies, and in the right (x = 24.4, y = −1.7, z = −17.4) in 68% of studies. In a second meta-analysis of non-clinical participants only (n = 18), bilateral amygdala was again reported in the left (x = −18, y = 3.9, z = −18.4) and right (x = 22.8, y = −0.9, z = −17.4) in 56% of studies for both clusters. In a final meta-analysis of whole-brain studies only (n=14), bilateral amygdala was also reported in the left (x = −20.2, y = 2.9, z = −17.2) in 64% of studies, and right (x = 24.2, y = −0.7, z = −17.8) in 71% of studies. The findings suggest that non-consciously detected emotional faces may influence amygdala activation, especially right-lateralized (a higher percentage of convergence in studies), which are integral for pre-conscious affect and long-term memory processing

    Ankyrin-B is a PI3P effector that promotes polarized α5β1-integrin recycling via recruiting RabGAP1L to early endosomes

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    Endosomal membrane trafficking requires coordination between phosphoinositide lipids, Rab GTPases, and microtubule-based motors to dynamically determine endosome identity and promote long-range organelle transport. Here we report that ankyrin-B (AnkB), through integrating all three systems, functions as a critical node in the protein circuitry underlying polarized recycling of α5β1-integrin in mouse embryonic fibroblasts, which enables persistent fibroblast migration along fibronectin gradients. AnkB associates with phosphatidylinositol 3-phosphate (PI3P)-positive organelles in fibroblasts and binds dynactin to promote their long-range motility. We demonstrate that AnkB binds to Rab GTPase Activating Protein 1-Like (RabGAP1L) and recruits it to PI3P-positive organelles, where RabGAP1L inactivates Rab22A, and promotes polarized trafficking to the leading edge of migrating fibroblasts. We further determine that α5β1-integrin depends on an AnkB/RabGAP1L complex for polarized recycling. Our results reveal AnkB as an unexpected key element in coordinating polarized transport of α5β1-integrin and likely of other specialized endocytic cargos

    BDNF polymorphisms are linked to poorer working memory performance, reduced cerebellar and hippocampal volumes and differences in prefrontal cortex in a Swedish elderly population

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    BACKGROUND: Brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) links learning, memory and cognitive decline in elderly, but evidence linking BDNF allele variation, cognition and brain structural differences is lacking. METHODS: 367 elderly Swedish men (n = 181) and women (n = 186) from Prospective Investigation of the Vasculature in Uppsala seniors (PIVUS) were genotyped and the BDNF functional rs6265 SNP was further examined in subjects who completed the Trail Making Task (TMT), verbal fluency task, and had a magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) scan. Voxel-based morphometry (VBM) examined brain structure, cognition and links with BDNF. RESULTS: The functional BDNF SNP (rs6265,) predicted better working memory performance on the TMT with positive association of the Met rs6265, and was linked with greater cerebellar, precuneus, left superior frontal gyrus and bilateral hippocampal volume, and reduced brainstem and bilateral posterior cingulate volumes. CONCLUSIONS: The functional BDNF polymorphism influences brain volume in regions associated with memory and regulation of sensorimotor control, with the Met rs6265 allele potentially being more beneficial to these functions in the elderly

    The development of a new measure of quality of life in the management of gastro-oesophageal reflux disease: the Reflux Questionnaire.

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    INTRODUCTION This paper reports on the development of a new measure of health-related quality of life for use among patients with gastro-oesophageal reflux disease (GORD), funded as part of the REFLUX trial. This is a large UK multi centre trial that aims to compare the clinical and cost effectiveness of minimal access surgery with best medical treatment for patients with GORD within the NHS. Method Potential items were identified via a series of interviews and focus groups carried out with patients who were receiving/had received medical or surgical treatment for GORD. The final measure consisted of 31 items covering 7 categories (Heartburn; Acid reflux; Wind; Eating and swallowing; Bowel movements; Sleep; Work, physical and social activities). The measure produced two outputs: a quality of life score (RQLS) and five Reflux symptom scores. Reliability (internal consistency), criterion validity with the SF-36 and, sensitivity to change in terms of relationship with reported change in prescribed medication were assessed amongst a sample of 794 patients recruited into the trial. RESULTS The measure was shown to be internally consistent, to show criterion validity with the SF-36 and sensitive to changes in patients use of prescribed medication at baseline and 3 month follow-up. DISCUSSION The Reflux questionnaire is a new self-administered questionnaire for use amongst patients with GORD. Initial findings suggest that the new measure is valid, reliable, acceptable to respondents and simple to administer in both a clinical and research context

    Evaluation of Beef Steak Flavor Development in Vacuum Rollstock Packaging Under Two Lighting Sources

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    The objective of this study was to determine the influence of lighting type and display duration on flavor development in multiple beef muscles. Paired beef top sirloin butts, strip loins, and tenderloins were collected from USDA Low Choice carcasses (Small00 to Small100 marbling score, n=16). Subprimals were wet aged in the absence of light for 7 d postmortem at 0°C to 4°C before being fabricated into 2.5-cm steaks representing the Gluteus medius, Longissimus lumborum (LL), and Psoas major. Steaks were packaged individually in vacuum rollstock packaging and assigned to either light-emitting diode (LED) or fluorescent (FLUR) display cases for a display period of 0, 2, 6, or 10 d. All steaks were assigned to either trained descriptive panel analysis (n=384) or volatile compound analysis (n=384) and cooked to a medium degree of doneness (71°C). Two-way interactions occurred between lighting type and display duration, showing increased tenderness sooner during display for LED steaks, and lower umami intensity in FLUR steaks after 10 d (P<0.001). Lighting and muscle type showed more tender LL and Psoas major steaks in LED lighting (P≤0.001). Lighting and display duration interactions also showed increased concentrations of 2,3-butanedione under FLUR light and ethyl benzene under LED display (P≤0.043), whereas lighting and muscle type showed greater concentrations of alcohols and carboxylic acids in LL steaks under LED lighting (P≤0.046). Furthermore, discriminant function analyses were per-formed, suggesting that the most successful retail display period was within 2 to 6 d, with no difference between lighting types (P=0.212). Overall, these data reveal little differentiation between lighting types, implying that newer LED lighting does not detrimentally influence beef quality when vacuum packaging is utilized

    Prevalence of maternal complications and neonatal outcomes at a Midwest academic health center

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    Introduction: The University of Iowa Hospitals and Clinics (UIHC) serves as the main referral center for Iowa and has seen increased delivery volumes following many hospital closures across the state. Maternal characteristics are also shifting as pre-pregnancy obesity of reproductive-age women is increasing nationally and in Iowa; average maternal age at first delivery has also increased over time. The aim of the current study was to characterize the outcomes of the delivering population at UIHC over a one-year period to better understand the population we serve, as well as compare our population to state and national delivering populations. Methods: This study is a secondary analysis of a pre-existing prospectively gathered database related to COVID-19 in pregnancy. The current study included all pregnant patients who delivered or underwent procedures for a spontaneous or induced second-trimester abortion on the labor and delivery unit at UIHC between May 1, 2020, and April 30, 2021. Demographic and clinical data including maternal characteristics, delivery information, maternal complications, and neonatal outcomes were obtained from the electronic medical record and double entered in a Research Electronic Data Capture (REDCap) database. Continuous and categorical variables were summarized using medians and ranges. Results: The median maternal age among the 2497 delivering patients was 30 (IQR 26, 33). The median pre-delivery body mass index (BMI) was 32 (IQR 28, 37), which included 439 patients (17.6%) with BMI >40 at time of delivery. 1769 (70.8%) patients listed White as their self-defined race and 2275 (91.0%) listed English as their preferred language. 23% had hypertensive disease of pregnancy. The patients delivered a total of 2603 neonates, with 907 (34.8%) born by cesarean section. 18.7% of deliveries were preterm and 16.6% of neonates had low birth weight. Discussion: The delivering population at UIHC has a high rate of obesity and preeclampsia, both of which place patients at higher risk for other obstetric complications. The cesarean section rate was significantly higher than the national rate of 31.8% (p=0.0017). Understanding common complications in our changing population will better equip providers to care for these patients; providing these data also creates a resource for other researchers

    Spatiotemporal characteristics of atrial fibrillation electrograms: a novel marker for arrhythmia stability and termination

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    Background: Sequentially mapped complex fractionated atrial electrograms (CFAE) and dominant frequency (DF) sites have been targeted during catheter ablation for atrial fibrillation (AF). However, these strategies have yielded variable success and have not been shown to correlate consistently with AF dynamics. Here, we evaluated whether the spatiotemporal stability of CFAE and DF may be a better marker of AF sustenance and termination. Methods: Eighteen sheep with 12 weeks of "one-kidney, one-clip" hypertension underwent open-chest studies. A total of 42 self-terminating (28–100 s) and 6 sustained (>15 min) AF episodes were mapped using a custom epicardial plaque and analyzed in 4-s epochs for CFAE, using the NavX CFE-m algorithm, and DF, using a Fast Fourier Transform. The spatiotemporal stability index (STSI) was calculated using the intraclass correlation coefficient of consecutive AF epochs. Results: A total of 67,733 AF epochs were analyzed. During AF initiation, mean CFE-m and the STSI of CFE-m/DF were similar between sustained and self-terminating episodes, although median DF was higher in sustained AF (p=0.001). During sustained AF, the STSI of CFE-m increased significantly (p=0.02), whereas mean CFE-m (p=0.5), median DF (p=0.07), and the STSI of DF remained unchanged (p=0.5). Prior to AF termination, the STSI of CFE-m was significantly lower (p<0.001), with a physiologically non-significant decrease in median DF (−0.3 Hz, p=0.006) and no significant changes in mean CFE-m (p=0.14) or the STSI of DF (p=0.06). Conclusions: Spatiotemporal stabilization of CFAE favors AF sustenance and its destabilization heralds AF termination. The STSI of CFE-m is more representative of AF dynamics than are the STSI of DF, sequential mean CFE-m, or median DF

    Flavor Development of Individually Vacuum-Packaged Beef Steaks During Extended Wet Aging

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    The objective of the study was to determine the effect of extended aging on the flavor development of various muscles, individually stored in vacuum rollstock packaging. Strip loins, paired tenderloins, and top sirloin butts (n=48) from USDA Low Choice carcasses (Small00 to Small100 marbling score, n=16). Subprimals were wet-aged in the absence of light for 28 d postmortem before fabrication into 2.54 cm steaks representing the longissimus lumborum (LL), psoas major (PM), and gluteus medius (GM). Steaks were individually packaged in vacuum rollstock packaging and assigned to an additional aging time of 28, 35, 42, 49, or 56 d. Cut steaks (n=240/test) were designated to trained descriptive panel analysis or volatile compound analysis. No interactions occurred for trained sensory analysis, but a main effect of days of age (P≤0.033) showed the greatest effect on negatively associated attributes, including liver-like, oxidized, fishy, bitter, and sour, after 42 d of aging. A main effect of muscle type also occurred (P≤0.040) for flavor attributes, in which GM and PM samples scored higher in off-flavor attributes compared with LL samples, including flavors such as liver-like, oxidized, and sour. An interaction between muscle type and days of age occurred for 2-pentyl-furan (P=0.021). One compound—3 hydroxy-2 butanone—was affected by muscle type (P=0.009). However, most compounds were affected by days of age (P≤0.046), in which compounds related to off-flavors increased in concentrations the most after 49 d. Additionally, discriminant function analyses were performed, suggesting the most effective aging time for individual steaks to be under 49 d when considering loadings for volatile compounds and flavor attributes corresponding with days of age. Overall, these data suggest individual packaging of GM, LL, and PM muscles is most optimal for up to 42 or49 d of age without a large impact from the presence of off-flavors, thus providing food service establishments the opportunity to individually package beef steaks for an extended period while maintaining consumer satisfaction through optimal flavor