18 research outputs found

    The Relationship between Dorsiflexion Range of Motion and Knee Kinematics in a Land-and-Jump Task

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    The study examined the relationship between weight-bearing and non weight-bearing dorsiflexion range of motion and frontal knee kinematics at initial ground contact and maximal knee flexion in a land-and-jump task. Thirteen male participants (age = 23 + 2.35 y, height = 181.4 + 5.68 cm, mass = 84.5 + 17.2 kg) proficient in landing and jumping techniques and free from lower limb injury participated in the study. Measurement of ankle range of motion was conducted utilizing non weight-bearing and weight-bearing positions prior to participating in the land-and jump task. During the jump, a 10-camera Vicon 3D Motion Analysis System captured knee and ankle kinematics at initial ground contact (IC) and at the point of maximal knee flexion (MKF). Correlational analyses were undertaken to determine the relationships among measured dorsiflexion range of motion in non weight-bearing and weight-bearing conditions and knee alignment in the frontal plane at IC and MKF during the land-and-jump task. There was a significant correlation between weight-bearing dorsiflexion measurement and knee valgus at IC on the right side only (r = 0.62, p \u3c 0.05). No other significant correlations were seen at any condition with the weight-bearing condition. No statistically significant correlations were noted for the non-weight bearing measurement of dorsiflexion at IC or MKF on either side of the body. Fisher z-tests showed no significant difference between the conditions of weight-bearing dorsiflexion and non weight-bearing dorsiflexion range of motion measurements and jumping kinematics for any condition tested. Establishing a relationship between a weight-bearing lunge measurement and frontal plane knee kinematics is the first step in bringing validity to the measurements as a means of identifying at risk behavior for ACL injury incidence

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