81 research outputs found

    Modelling tools for cost-effective water management

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    Vlaanderen als regio wordt geconfronteerd met een hele reeks van waterbeheerskwesties zoals een ontoereikende oppervlaktewater- en grondwaterkwaliteit, een toenemend risico op overstromingen, sedimentbeheer en een slechte ecologische kwaliteit. Het identificeren van kosten-effectieve maatregelenprogramma’s die in staat zijn om deze kwesties geheel of gedeeltelijk op te lossen tegen zo laag mogelijke kosten is hierbij een belangrijke stap. De doelstelling van dit onderzoek is modellen en instrumenten te ontwikkelen die beleidsmakers ondersteunen bij het samenstellen van kosten-effectieve maatregelenprogramma’s voor waterbeleid. Belangrijk hierbij is dat de modellen enerzijds geschikt zijn om besluitvorming te ondersteunen op nationale of regionale schaal (macro-schaal), maar anderzijds ook gedetailleerd genoeg zijn om inzichten te geven op het lokale project-niveau (micro-schaal). Toepassingen die o.a. aan bod komen zijn een kosten-effectiviteitsanalyse voor oppervlaktewaterkwaliteit, een kosten-batenanalyse voor risico-gebaseerd overstromingsbeheer en hoe door de waardering van ecosysteemdiensten win-win situaties kunnen geïdentificeerd worden voor diverse wateraspecten gelijktijdig

    A spatial approach to identify priority areas for pesticide pollution mitigation

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    Identifying priority areas is an essential step in developing management strategies to reduce pesticide loads in surface water. A spatially explicit model-based approach was developed to detect priority areas for diffuse pesticide pollution at catchment scale. The method uses available datasets and considers different pesticide pathways in the environment post-application. The approach was applied in a catchment area in SE Flanders (Belgium) as a case study. Calculated risk areas were obtained using detailed landscape data and combining pesticide emissions and hydrological connectivity. The risk areas obtained were further compared with an alternative observation-based method, developed specifically for this study site that includes long-term field observations and local expert knowledge. Both methods equally classified 50% of the areas. The impact of crop rotation on the calculated risk was analysed. High-risk areas were identified and added to a cumulative map over all five years to evaluate temporal variations. The model-based approach was used for the initial identification of risk areas at the study site. The tool helps to prioritise zones and detect particular fields to target landscape mitigation measures to reduce diffuse pesticide pollution reaching surface water bodies

    BALANCE 4P: Balancing decisions for urban brownfield redevelopment. Technical report of the BALANCE 4P project of the SNOWMAN Network coordinated call IV.

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    Land take as a result of urbanization is one of the major soil threats in Europe. One of the key measures to prevent further urban sprawl and additional land take, is redevelopment of urban brownfields: underused urban areas with, in many cases, soil and groundwater pollution. The latter issue can be a bottleneck for redevelopment of brownfields instead of green fields. A difficulty for brownfield redevelopments is that in urban projects the responsibilities, tools and knowledge of subsurface engineering and urban planning and design are not integrated; they depend heavily on each other but work in sectors. The urban designer usually deals with opportunities for socio-economic benefits while the subsoil engineer deals with the technical challenges of the site. Balance 4P suggests a holistic approach to brownfield redevelopment that (i) recognizes all phases of the urban redevelopment process which are influenced by the planning conditions set by laws, regulations, policy and institutions; (ii) acknowledges multiple subsurface qualities in the brownfield redevelopment project; (iii) promotes knowledge exchange between the surface and the subsurface sectors, across disciplines within each sector, and over time, about the subsurface qualities of the specific project; (iv) focus on the urban redevelopment project by identifying strategies for redevelopment that can fulfil a good quality of the built environment; (v) assesses the three P’s (People, Planet, Profit/Prosperity) in each urban redevelopment phase; and (vi) puts the Process in focus rather than specific instruments by focusing on identification of WHO should be involved in the knowledge exchange process and HOW it can be mediated. The developed decision support framework is aimed to guide project teams willing to implement a more holistic approach in practice. The framework includes four steps carried out in iterative manner: (1) stakeholder analysis, (2) generation of redevelopment alternatives, (3) sustainability assessment of the alternatives, and (4) synthesis of the assessment results, including uncertainty analysis. The guidance describing the steps in the decision support framework and activities within each step can help to structure the decision process and provide support to project teams. The anticipated advantages of the holistic approach are redevelopment plans that allow for smart, cost-effective and sustainable solutions in the implementation process by making explicit use of subsurface information and knowledge in the planning process, and possibilities for more long-term sustainable planning with regard to the subsurface by increased awareness of the subsurface as a resource and the associated risks and possibilities

    A new method for fine-scale assessments of the average urban Heat island over large areas and the effectiveness of nature-based solutions

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    People living in cities experience extra heat stress due to the so-called Urban Heat Island (UHI) effect. To gain an insight into the spatial variability of the UHI for the Netherlands, a detailed map (10 m horizontal resolution) has been calculated that shows the summer-averaged daily maximal UHI situation. The map is based on a relationship between the UHI, mean wind speed at 10 m height and the number of people living within a distance of 10 km, derived from simulations of over 100 European cities with the extensively validated urban climate model UrbClim. The cooling effect of green and blue infrastructure is also taken into account in the map, based on these simulation results. The presented map will help local authorities in defining target areas for climate adaptation measures and estimate the impact of nature-based solutions

    Ecosystem services mapping and assessment for policy- and decision-making: Lessons learned from a comparative analysis of European case studies

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    This paper analyses and compares a set of case studies on ecosystem services (ES) mapping and assessment with the purpose of formulating lessons learned and recommendations. Fourteen case studies were selected during the EU Horizon 2020 “Coordination and Support Action” ESMERALDA to represent different policy- and decision-making processes throughout the European Union, across a wide range of themes, biomes and scales. The analysis is based on a framework that addresses the key steps of an ES mapping and assessment process, namely policy questions, stakeholder identification and involvement, application of mapping and assessment methods, dissemination and communication and implementation. The analysis revealed that most case studies were policy-orientated or gave explicit suggestions for policy implementation in different contexts, including urban, rural and natural areas. Amongst the findings, the importance of starting stakeholder engagement early in the process was confirmed in order to generate interest and confidence in the project and to increase their willingness to cooperate. Concerning mapping and assessment methods, it was found that the integration of methods and results is essential for providing a comprehensive overview from different perspectives (e.g. social, economic). Finally, lessons learned for effective implementation of ES mapping and assessment results are presented and discussed