19 research outputs found

    La transition énergétique à l’échelle locale: la production décentralisée d’électricité et le rôle des entreprises municipales et des fournisseurs régionaux

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    Dans le débat actuel sur l’avenir de l’approvisionnement électrique de l’Allemagne, il ne s’agit pas seulement de la contribution des énergies renouvelables à la transition énergétique; mais de la question des rôles futurs respectifs que pourraient jouer les formes de production centralisées et décentralisées. Avec la libéralisation du secteur économique de l’énergie depuis les années 1990, la production d’électricité décentralisée a connu un essor. À côté de différents types de producteurs indépendants, les entreprises municipales et les producteurs régionaux ont découvert le nouveau secteur d’activité de la production décentralisée à partir des énergies renouvelables. Ils pourraient dans l’avenir jouer un rôle important dans la transition énergétique.The debate on the future of the German „Energiewende“, i.e. the transition to renewable energy, is not only about renewable energy technologies, but also about the role of centralized versus decentralized electricity generation. Decentralized electricity generation has grown continuously since electricity market liberalization in Germany took off in the 1990s. Simultaneously the diversity of actors involved in electricity generation has increased. Whereas centralized electricity generation has traditionally been the domain of utilities utilizing fossil and nuclear sources, decentralized electricity generation has at first been dominated by independent power producers from other sectors and is mainly based on renewable energies and combined heat and power plants. In addition to various types of independent power producers, local and regional utilities have now also discovered decentralized electricity generation from renewable energies as a profitable business segment. Because of their local embeddedness and the resulting advantages in realizing decentralized renewable energy projects, they are likely to play a key role for the German “Energiewende” in the future.In der aktuellen Debatte über die Zukunft der deutschen Stromversorgung geht es nicht nur um den Beitrag der erneuerbaren Energien zur Energiewende, sondern auch um die Frage, welche Rolle zentrale versus dezentrale Erzeugungsformen zukünftig spielen sollen. Die dezentrale Stromerzeugung hat mit der Liberalisierung der Energiewirtschaft seit den 1990er Jahren einen Aufschwung erlebt. Gleichzeitig hat sich die Vielfalt der an der Stromerzeugung beteiligten Akteure deutlich erhöht. Neben unterschiedlichen Typen von unabhängigen Produzenten haben insbesondere Stadtwerke und Regionalversorger die dezentrale Erzeugung aus erneuerbaren Energien als neues Geschäftsfeld entdeckt und könnten in Zukunft eine maßgebliche Rolle für die Energiewende in Deutschland spielen

    La transition énergétique à l’échelle locale: la production décentralisée d’électricité et le rôle des entreprises municipales et des fournisseurs régionaux

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    Dans le débat actuel sur l’avenir de l’approvisionnement électrique de l’Allemagne, il ne s’agit pas seulement de la contribution des énergies renouvelables à la transition énergétique; mais de la question des rôles futurs respectifs que pourraient jouer les formes de production centralisées et décentralisées. Avec la libéralisation du secteur économique de l’énergie depuis les années 1990, la production d’électricité décentralisée a connu un essor. À côté de différents types de producteurs indépendants, les entreprises municipales et les producteurs régionaux ont découvert le nouveau secteur d’activité de la production décentralisée à partir des énergies renouvelables. Ils pourraient dans l’avenir jouer un rôle important dans la transition énergétique.The debate on the future of the German „Energiewende“, i.e. the transition to renewable energy, is not only about renewable energy technologies, but also about the role of centralized versus decentralized electricity generation. Decentralized electricity generation has grown continuously since electricity market liberalization in Germany took off in the 1990s. Simultaneously the diversity of actors involved in electricity generation has increased. Whereas centralized electricity generation has traditionally been the domain of utilities utilizing fossil and nuclear sources, decentralized electricity generation has at first been dominated by independent power producers from other sectors and is mainly based on renewable energies and combined heat and power plants. In addition to various types of independent power producers, local and regional utilities have now also discovered decentralized electricity generation from renewable energies as a profitable business segment. Because of their local embeddedness and the resulting advantages in realizing decentralized renewable energy projects, they are likely to play a key role for the German “Energiewende” in the future.In der aktuellen Debatte über die Zukunft der deutschen Stromversorgung geht es nicht nur um den Beitrag der erneuerbaren Energien zur Energiewende, sondern auch um die Frage, welche Rolle zentrale versus dezentrale Erzeugungsformen zukünftig spielen sollen. Die dezentrale Stromerzeugung hat mit der Liberalisierung der Energiewirtschaft seit den 1990er Jahren einen Aufschwung erlebt. Gleichzeitig hat sich die Vielfalt der an der Stromerzeugung beteiligten Akteure deutlich erhöht. Neben unterschiedlichen Typen von unabhängigen Produzenten haben insbesondere Stadtwerke und Regionalversorger die dezentrale Erzeugung aus erneuerbaren Energien als neues Geschäftsfeld entdeckt und könnten in Zukunft eine maßgebliche Rolle für die Energiewende in Deutschland spielen

    Online Assessment of Value Preferences by Paired Comparisons:Paper presented at the 14th European Conference on Personality, July 16-20, 2008, Tartu, Estonia

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    The importance of personal values has usually been investigated by ranking or by rating procedures. We used an alternative approach in a series of online studies: Subjects received a total of 45 graded paired comparison tasks. On each trial, two of the ten value types proposed by Schwartz (1992) were presented. Subjects were asked to indicate the degree to which one value type is more important than the other. To validate this approach, the resulting importance scores were correlated with scores from an online version of Schwartz' Portrait Values Questionnaire (PVQ). In addition, structural analyses, including a "weak-confirmatory" MDS approach, were conducted to examine whether and to what extent data from the paired comparison task match Schwartz' assumptions about the structure of human values. The central findings of these analyses are presented

    A computational visual analysis of image design in social media car model communities

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    While user-generated images represent important information sources in IS in general and in social media in particular, there is little research that analyzes image design and its effects on image popularity. We introduce an innovative computational approach to extract image design characteristics that includes convolutional neural network-based image classification, a dimensionality reduction via principal component analysis, manual measurement validation, and a regression analysis. An analysis of 790,775 car images from 17 brands posted in 68 car model communities on a social media platform reveals several effects of product presentation on image popularity that relate to the levels of utility reference, experience reference, and visual detail. A comparison of economy cars and premium cars shows that car class moderates these image design effects. Our results contribute to the extant literature on brand communities and content popularity in social media. The proposed computational visual analysis methodology may inform the study of other image-based IS

    Weaning in der neurologisch-neurochirurgischen Frührehabilitation – Ergebnisse der „WennFrüh“-Studie der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Neurorehabilitation

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    Neurological and neurosurgical early rehabilitation patients are often so critically ill that they must be weaned from mechanical ventilation in addition to early rehabilitative treatment. The German Society for Neurorehabilitation (DGNR) carried out a survey and asked neurological weaning units to provide information on structural characteristics of the facility, including personnel and technical resources and the number of cases and outcome based on anonymous data. In total 36 weaning units from 11 federal states with a total of 496 beds participated in the survey. From 2516 weaning cases documented in 2019, 2097 (83.3%) could primarily be successfully weaned from mechanical ventilation and only 120 (4.8%) had to be discharged with home ventilation. The mortality in this sample was 11.0% (n = 276). The results of the survey demonstrate that prolonged weaning during early neurological and neurosurgical rehabilitation is an important and effective component of healthcare provision for critically ill patients in Germany