317 research outputs found

    Will Travel : Journey Memoirs

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    Memoirs and poetry. Concerns the travels of a West Virginian woman, the granddaughter of a first generation Sicilian West Virginian, within the U.S., the Bahamas, Thailand, and China, where she taught English as a second language for two years from 2000-2002. Themes include identity (Appalachian, Persian, African-American, Chinese, and even Uigur), ethnicity and gender in West Virginia, fatalism, religion, poverty, Diaspora, travel, discrimination, the Ugly American/European, Ah Q, Imperialism, Orientalism, otherness, political asylum, victims and survival, substance abuse in West Virginia, feminist narrative, West Virginian authors, mountaintop removal, environmentalism, and protest

    Monitoreo de Dinoflagelados Causantes de Ciguatera en las Aguas de Punta Galeta, Colón, Panamá

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    Los océanos son la clave para la conservación de la vida y son la conexión para los ecosistemas y el mercado mundial. Los seres humanos somos atraídos a las zonas costeras por los múltiples beneficios que nos brinda, siendo el principal la pesca. A través de los productos del mar que consumimos, podemos resultar contaminados con toxinas que producen unos microorganismos acuáticos llamados  dinoflagelados que a su vez pueden causar la enfermedad ciguatera. En Panamá dentro el Paisaje Protegido de Punta Galeta se está realizando una investigación desde junio 2016 hasta la fecha y se han encontrado tres géneros de dinoflagelados que pueden causar esta enfermedad (Gambierdiscus, Prorocentrum y Ostreopsis), siendo el primero el más abundante. Los datos  obtenidos de pH en campo van en un rango de 8.02 hasta 8.63 siendo estos de poca variación, mientras que en los análisis de laboratorio para estos mismos cinco puntos se han obtenido datos en un rango de 7.89 a 8.33. Ambos resultados indican que las condiciones de pH para Punta Galeta son buenas ya que estudios previos determinan que el agua de mar presenta, de forma estable, pH comprendido entre 7-9 unidades, siendo 8 unidades el valor normal en superficie.Palabras claves: Ciguatera, dinoflagelados, mariscos, pH, algas

    Taphonomic characteristics of fossils on the burgessshale-type spectrum

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    Prof. James D. Schiffbauer, Dissertation Supervisor.Field of study: Geology."May 2018.""Study of exceptional fossil preservation tends to yield exciting results. Since soft-bodied organisms and the soft tissues of biomineralizing organisms are usually not preserved in the fossil record, instances of soft-tissue preservation are of immense value to paleontology and biology. Anatomical details of soft tissues are invaluable for understanding the phylogenetic relationships between organisms, as well as interpreting their life modes. Soft-bodied organisms are not only valuable phylogenetically, but they also are important members of ecological community structure. Without soft-tissue preservation, the interpretation of past environments, ecologies, and evolutionary lineages becomes extremely limited. That soft-tissue preservation is relatively rare is an unfortunate phenomenon that not only decreases the amount of available information, but also imposes biases on our understanding of the past. Soft-bodied organisms represent the vast majority of diversity, but are the minority of diversity in the fossil record. In fact, only about 30% of modern marine benthic macroorganisms contain hard parts suitable for easy preservation (Johnson, 1964) and in the Phyllopod Bed of the Cambrian Burgess Shale, only about 14% of species or 2% of individuals have hard parts (Morris, 1986), and consequently would not be preserved in most fossiliferous deposits." -- IntroductionIncludes bibliographical reference

    Severe flea infestation in dairy calves

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    In June 1991, an investigation was conducted of a severe flea infestation in 23 Holstein dairy calves in South Central Kansas. Inspection of the dairy revealed massive numbers of fleas on calves and in the barn where they were housed. Analysis of blood samples from 10 calves revealed that nine of them had mild to severe anemia. A management program was initiated consisting of treatments of calves and premises with insecticide and insect growth regulator and removal of straw bedding from the barn. Inspection of the dairy 9 wk after this complete control program was initiated revealed that fleas were not evident on calves or on the premises

    Enhancing family functioning to buffer risk during middle school transition: Development of the Multiple Family Group Weekend Retreat.

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    Children experience changes in multiple levels of their social ecologies when they transition into middle school (Eccles, 1999; Jozefowicz-Simbeni, 2008). These biological, psychological, social, and environmental changes create increased risk for dropout and other factors related to academic adjustment (Cataldi, Laird & KewalRamani, 2009). For low- income minority children these risks can be magnified by environmental and social factors (Ge et al., 2002). Healthy family functioning, including balanced levels of cohesion and flexibility, has been shown to buffer these risks (Burchinal, Roberts, Zeisel & Rowley, 2008; Olson, 2010; Wampler, Munsch, & Adams, 2002) and was targeted by a Multiple Family Group (MFG) intervention. The Multiple Family Group Weekend Retreat intervention, adapted from a previous version to address the family support needs of children transitioning to middle school, was tested in a feasibility study as a method for increasing family functioning. 14 families of rising 6th grade students from public schools on the South side of Richmond, VA participated in one of three MFG retreats. The intervention consisted of a series of group components focused on building knowledge and skills in areas of trust, communication, stress and coping, family organization, and family unity. Key evaluation objectives included measuring changes in children’s family functioning and academic adjustment and collecting fidelity data to assess feasibility and further clarify the intervention. No significant outcomes were found between pretest and follow-up

    Insecticide-impregnated ear tags for range cattle

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    When both cows and calves were double-tagged (one tag per ear) with ear tags impregnated with fenvalerate (Ectrin) or permethrin (Atroban), the calves gained faster (P\u3c.01) than when neither cows nor calves were tagged. Double-tagged yearling heifers gained faster (P\u3c.05) than did heifers without tags. When all cows had been double-tagged, tagging the calves did not increase calf weight gain

    Brain Networks Supporting Literacy Development

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    The development of fluent reading requires coordinated development of key fiber pathways. While several fiber pathways have been implicated in reading, including the recently re-identified vertical occipital fasciculus (VOF), inferior longitudinal fasciculus (ILF), arcuate fasciculus and its 3 components, and inferior fronto-occipital fasciculus (IFOF), whether these fiber pathways support reading in young children with little to no exposure to print remains poorly understood. Consequently, over the course of three studies, the current dissertation aimed to narrow this research gap by addressing the following research questions: 1) Which fiber pathways support early literacy skill in young children 5-10 years old? 2) Are microstructural properties of these tracts predictive of age-related changes in reading across an interval of two years? 3) Do different components of the recently identified VOF differentially support reading? To answer these questions, we used diffusion-weighted imaging to measure white-matter development and to relate the microstructural properties of each fiber pathway to early literacy and literacy development. We report several novel findings that contribute to our growing understanding of the white matter connections supporting early literacy and literacy. For the first time, these studies revealed that the re-identified VOF can be reliably tracked in young children, bilaterally and is composed of three main components, which project from occipital temporal sulcus to angular, and middle and superior occipital gyri. We also found that the left AF, bilateral ILF, and particular components of the VOF play a role in early literacy and literacy development. Implications for contemporary models of reading development are discussed

    Presupuestos procesales generales y fundamentales de la acción contencioso administrativa de plena jurisdicción en el ordenamiento jurídico panameño

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    In this investigation we carry out a dogmatic and normative analysis of the Contentious Administrative Action of Full Jurisdiction in the Panamanian-positive law, which has its genesis in the 1946 Constitution, and that creates the Contentious Administrative Jurisdiction in Panama, as a court of only agency, independent of the other State bodies, whose mission was to guarantee the control of the legality of the actions of public sector entities,  and if any subjective right has been violated due to the illegal action of the public administration, its main objective is to restore or repair the violated right. This action is aimed at challenging administrative acts that have directly violated the rights of individuals; therefore, anyone who files the process in question must request the restoration of the broken right and specify the claims that are sought with the process. In that sense, we will provide a concept of the action that is the object of this article. In addition we will analyze the characteristics and general procedural assumptions fundamental for the presentation of the action and the requirements that any demand that is established before the Third Chamber must contain. Contentious-Administrative Matters in Panama.La presente investigación se fundamenta en un análisis dogmático y normativo de la Acción Contencioso Administrativa de Plena Jurisdicción en el derecho positivo panameño, el cual tiene su génesis en la Constitución de 1946, que crea la Jurisdicción Contencioso Administrativa en Panamá, como tribunal de única instancia, independiente de los demás órganos del Estado, que tenía como misión garantizar el control de legalidad de las actuaciones de las entidades del sector público, y en caso de haberse conculcado algún derecho subjetivo por la actuación ilegal de la administración pública, su objetivo principal es restablecer o reparar el derecho violado. Esta acción va dirigida a impugnar actos administrativos que hayan vulnerado, directamente, derechos de particulares; por lo tanto, todo aquel que interponga el proceso en mención, debe solicitar el restablecimiento del derecho quebrantado y especificar las pretensiones que se pretenden con el proceso. En ese sentido, se conocerá el concepto de la acción objeto de este artículo, además de realizar un análisis de las características, presupuestos procesales generales y fundamentales para la presentación de la acción y los requisitos de forma que debe contener toda demanda que se instaure ante la Sala Tercera de lo Contencioso Administrativo en Panamá

    Presupuestos procesales generales y fundamentales de la acción contencioso administrativa de plena jurisdicción en el ordenamiento jurídico panameño

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    La presente investigación se fundamenta en un análisis dogmático y normativo de la Acción Contencioso Administrativa de Plena Jurisdicción en el derecho positivo panameño, el cual tiene su génesis en la Constitución de 1946, que crea la Jurisdicción Contencioso Administrativa en Panamá, como tribunal de única instancia, independiente de los demás órganos del Estado, que tenía como misión garantizar el control de legalidad de las actuaciones de las entidades del sector público, y en caso de haberse conculcado algún derecho subjetivo por la actuación ilegal de la administración pública, su objetivo principal es restablecer o reparar el derecho violado. Esta acción va dirigida a impugnar actos administrativos que hayan vulnerado, directamente, derechos de particulares; por lo tanto, todo aquel que interponga el proceso en mención, debe solicitar el restablecimiento del derecho quebrantado y especificar las pretensiones que se pretenden con el proceso. En ese sentido, se conocerá el concepto de la acción objeto de este artículo, además de realizar un análisis de las características, presupuestos procesales generales y fundamentales para la presentación de la acción y los requisitos de forma que debe contener toda demanda que se instaure ante la Sala Tercera de lo Contencioso Administrativo en Panamá
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