298 research outputs found

    Development of mirrors made of chemically tempered glass foils for future X-ray telescopes

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    Thin slumped glass foils are considered good candidates for the realization of future X-ray telescopes with large effective area and high spatial resolution. However, the hot slumping process affects the glass strength, and this can be an issue during the launch of the satellite because of the high kinematical and static loads occurring during that phase. In the present work we have investigated the possible use of Gorilla glass (produced by Corning), a chemical tempered glass that, thanks to its strength characteristics, would be ideal. The un-tempered glass foils were curved by means of an innovative hot slumping technique and subsequently chemically tempered. In this paper we show that the chemical tempering process applied to Gorilla glass foils does not affect the surface micro-roughness of the mirrors. On the other end, the stress introduced by the tempering process causes a reduction in the amplitude of the longitudinal profile errors with a lateral size close to the mirror length. The effect of the overall shape changes in the final resolution performance of the glass mirrors was studied by simulating the glass foils integration with our innovative approach based on glass reinforcing ribs. The preliminary tests performed so far suggest that this approach has the potential to be applied to the X-ray telescopes of the next generation.Comment: Accepted for publication in Experimental Astronomy. Author's accepted manuscript posted to arXiv.org as permitted by Springer's Self-Archiving Polic

    A compact light readout system for longitudinally segmented shashlik calorimeters

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    The longitudinal segmentation of shashlik calorimeters is challenged by dead zones and non-uniformities introduced by the light collection and readout system. This limitation can be overcome by direct fiber-photosensor coupling, avoiding routing and bundling of the wavelength shifter fibers and embedding ultra-compact photosensors (SiPMs) in the bulk of the calorimeter. We present the first experimental test of this readout scheme performed at the CERN PS-T9 beamline in 2015 with negative particles in the 1-5~GeV energy range. In this paper, we demonstrate that the scheme does not compromise the energy resolution and linearity compared with standard light collection and readout systems. In addition, we study the performance of the calorimeter for partially contained charged hadrons to assess the e/πe/\pi separation capability and the response of the photosensors to direct ionization.Comment: To appear in Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research,

    The Dilemma of Pneumatosis Intestinalis with Pneumoperitoneum: Nonoperative or Surgical Management—Analysis of a Case

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    Pneumatosis intestinalis (PI) is an uncommon condition and can be associated with a wide spectrum of diseases, ranging from life-threatening to innocuous conditions. We report the case of a 46-year-old women coming to our attention for an acute abdominal pain, nausea, vomiting, constipation, and increased inflammatory marks, with a CT showing pneumoperitoneum and pneumatosis intestinalis. The previous diagnosis was advanced neoplasia of unknown origin. Despite the surgical intervention, which excluded an ischemic colitis, the patient died in the early postoperative period. The postmortem diagnosis was carcinoma of thymus gland, and the presence of pneumatosis was put down to metastasis nodes in the pulmonary parenchima. This case demonstrates the wide spectrum of presentation of pneumatosis intestinalis, the importance of a careful radiologic evaluation beside the clinical history, since the identification of correct pathogenesis and treatment can be very difficult

    A narrow band neutrino beam with high precision flux measurements

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    The ENUBET facility is a proposed narrow band neutrino beam where lepton production is monitored at single particle level in the instrumented decay tunnel. This facility addresses simultaneously the two most important challenges for the next generation of cross section experiments: a superior control of the flux and flavor composition at source and a high level of tunability and precision in the selection of the energy of the outcoming neutrinos. We report here the latest results in the development and test of the instrumentation for the decay tunnel. Special emphasis is given to irradiation tests of the photo-sensors performed at INFN-LNL and CERN in 2017 and to the first application of polysiloxane-based scintillators in high energy physics.Comment: Poster presented at NuPhys2017 (London, 20-22 December 2017). 5 pages, 2 figure

    The ENUBET Beamline

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    The ENUBET ERC project (2016-2021) is studying a narrow band neutrino beam where lepton production can be monitored at single particle level in an instrumented decay tunnel. This would allow to measure νμ\nu_{\mu} and νe\nu_{e} cross sections with a precision improved by about one order of magnitude compared to present results. In this proceeding we describe a first realistic design of the hadron beamline based on a dipole coupled to a pair of quadrupole triplets along with the optimisation guidelines and the results of a simulation based on G4beamline. A static focusing design, though less efficient than a horn-based solution, results several times more efficient than originally expected. It works with slow proton extractions reducing drastically pile-up effects in the decay tunnel and it paves the way towards a time-tagged neutrino beam. On the other hand a horn-based transferline would ensure higher yields at the tunnel entrance. The first studies conducted at CERN to implement the synchronization between a few ms proton extraction and a horn pulse of 2-10 ms are also described.Comment: Poster presented at NuPhys2018 (London 19-21 December 2018). 4 pages, 3 figure

    Strong Reduction of the Effective Radiation Length in an Axially Oriented Scintillator Crystal

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    We measured a considerable increase of the emitted radiation by 120 GeV/c electrons in an axially oriented lead tungstate scintillator crystal, if compared to the case in which the sample was not aligned with the beam direction. This enhancement resulted from the interaction of particles with the strong crystalline electromagnetic field. The data collected at the external lines of the CERN Super Proton Synchrotron were critically compared to Monte Carlo simulations based on the Baier-Katkov quasiclassical method, highlighting a reduction of the scintillator radiation length by a factor of 5 in the case of beam alignment with the [001] crystal axes. The observed effect opens the way to the realization of compact electromagnetic calorimeters or detectors based on oriented scintillator crystals in which the amount of material can be strongly reduced with respect to the state of the art. These devices could have relevant applications in fixed-target experiments, as well as in satellite-borne γ telescopes

    A high-performance custom photodetection system to probe the light yield enhancement in oriented crystals

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    Scintillating homogeneous detectors represent the state of the art in electromagnetic calorimetry. Moreover, the currently neglected crystalline nature of the most common inorganic scintillators can be exploited to achieve an outstanding performance boost in terms of compactness and energy resolution. In fact, it was recently demonstrated by the AXIAL/ELIOT experiments that a strong reduction in the radiation length inside PWO, and a subsequent enhancement in the scintillation light emitted per unit thickness, are attained when the incident particle trajectory is aligned with a crystal axis within 1\sim 1^\circ. A SiPM-based system has been developed to directly probe this remarkable effect by measuring the scintillation light emitted by a PWO sample. The same concept could be applied to full-scale detectors that would feature a design significantly more compact than currently achievable and unparalleled resolution in the range of interest for present and future experiments

    Cryogenic SiPM arrays for the DUNE photon detection system

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    In this paper we report on the characterization of SiPM tiles developed for the R & D on the DUNE Photon Detection System. The tiles were produced by Fondazione Bruno Kessler (FBK) employing NUV-HD-SF SiPMs. Special emphasis is given on cryo-reliability of the sensors, i.e. the stability of electric and mechanical properties after thermal cycles at room and 77K temperature. The characterization includes the determination of the I-V curve, a high sensitivity measurement of Dark Count Rate at different overvoltages, and correlated noise. The single p.e. sensitivity is measured as a function of the number of sensors connected to a single electronic channel, after amplification at 77K using a dedicated cold amplifier.Comment: 17 pages, 10 figures, 4 table, submitted to NIM-

    Muon detection in electron-positron annihilation for muon collider studies

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    The investigation of the energy frontier in physics requires novel concept for future colliders. The idea of a muon collider is very appealing since it would aim to study particle collisions up to tens of TeV energy while offering a cleaner experimental environment with respect to hadronic colliders. One key element in the muon collider design is muon production with small emittance. Recently, the Low EMittance Muon Accelerator (LEMMA) collaboration has explored the close-to-threshold muon production by 45 GeV positron annihilating in a low Z material target. Muons are emerging with a natural small emittance. In this paper we describe the performance of a system of segmented absorbers with alternating active layers realized with fast Cherenkov detectors and a muon identification technique based on it. Passive layers were made of tungsten. Muons and electron beams data were collected in September 2018 at the H2 line in the North Area of the Conseil Européen pour la Recherche Nucléaire (CERN)