200 research outputs found

    El vacio intercultural de las políticas culturales ne América Latina

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    I Congresso Internacional América Latina e Interculturalidade: América Latina e Caribe: cenários linguístico-culturais contemporâneos, 07, 08 e 09 de novembro de 2013 - UNILADe un tiempo a esta parte, venimos desarrollando junto con un grupo de estudiosos de la cultura y las políticas culturales de estas latitudes, algunas reflexiones en torno de la decolonialidad, la interculturalidad y el pensamiento latinoamericano. Este ensayo es un pequeño ejercicio sobre el universo de posibilidades que nos ofrece la perspectiva geocultural. Para Rodolfo Ksuch, un diálogo es ante todo un problema de interculturalidad. Y a partir de sus reflexiones, pensamos que la gestión de las políticas culturales en la democracia contemporánea asume un enorme desafío, ya que hay un límite entre el gestor y el campo cultural que pretende representar, que procura racionalizar, una tierra de nadie, un espacio intercultural que tiene una función determinante en la propuesta que el gestor se hace, la del poder acercase y comunicarse con el beneficiario siquiera a los efectos del conocimiento. Siguiendo a Kusch, la posibilidad de ser del observador como gestor, y la posibilidad de ser del observado como artista o productor del campo cultural son propuestas de comunicación que no se encuentran, no se comunican por el vacio intercultural y en cierto modo existencial que existe entre ambos. Esto hace un problema existencial. Podríamos afirmar, también, que las políticas culturales del mundo moderno aplicadas en muchos países de América Latina son un símbolo de la silenciosa mudez de nuestro saber culto, que ha perdido el contacto con su contenido. Nuestro silencio, diríamos con Kusch, no tiene la sabiduría del silencio de la cultura popular, que manifiesta una verdad que nosotros perdimos. De ahí la necesidad de volver a América, de pensar desde el suelo, gravitados, en busca de nuevos sentidos geoculturales que orienten la gestión de las políticas públicas para el campo de la cultura

    Improving elevation resolution in phased-array inspections for NDT

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    The Phased Array Ultrasonic Technique (PAUT) offers great advantages over the conventional ultrasound technique (UT), particularly because of beam focusing, beam steering and electronic scanning capabilities. However, the 2D images obtained have usually low resolution in the direction perpendicular to the array elements, which limits the inspection quality of large components by mechanical scanning. This paper describes a novel approach to improve image quality in these situations, by combining three ultrasonic techniques: Phased Array with dynamic depth focusing in reception, Synthetic Aperture Focusing Technique (SAFT) and Phase Coherence Imaging (PCI). To be applied with conventional NDT arrays (1D and non-focused in elevation) a special mask to produce a wide beam in the movement direction was designed and analysed by simulation and experimentally. Then, the imaging algorithm is presented and validated by the inspection of test samples. The obtained images quality is comparable to that obtained with an equivalent matrix array, but using conventional NDT arrays and equipments, and implemented in real time.Fil: Brizuela, Jose David. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas; ArgentinaFil: Camacho, J.. Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas; EspañaFil: Cosarinsky, Guillermo Gerardo. Comisión Nacional de Energía Atómica; ArgentinaFil: Iriarte, Juan Manuel. Comisión Nacional de Energía Atómica; ArgentinaFil: Cruza, Jorge F.. Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas; Españ

    Estudio de procesos para la producción de amoniaco a partir de H2 obtenido mediante electrólisis desde recursos renovables

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    En este trabajo se estudia el proceso de producción de amoniaco. Este compuesto es uno de los principales energy carrier del hidrógeno, al que muchos proyectos y políticas actuales se refieren como uno de los e-fuels de futuro por su mayor densidad energética. El proceso convencional de producción de NH3, conocido como proceso Haber Bosch, debe acometer nuevos retos de I+D como son utilizar directamente H2 renovable, adaptarse a escalas de producción menores e integrarse con la intermitencia de producción de H2 desde electrólisis. Se analizan bibliográficamente estos nuevos catalizadores que permiten acometer los anteriores retos y se simula el proceso de producción de amoniaco con la finalidad de analizar el interés de introducirlos. Especialmente se estudia el efecto de las condiciones de operación del reactor de síntesis de amoniaco y el separador del amoniaco licuado del proceso, observándose una disminución notable en el consumo energéticoIn this work the ammonia production process is studied. This compound is one of the main hydrogen energy carriers, at which many projects and current policies refer to it as one of the future e-fuels due to its energy density. The traditional NH3 production process, known as Haber-Bosch, must undertake new I+D challenges such as using directly renewable H2, adapt to smaller scales of production and integrate with the intermittency of H2 production from electrolysis. New catalysts that are able to tackle the previous challenges are analyzed bibliographically and the production process is modeled with the purpose of studying the interest of using them. Specially, the impact from ammonia synthesis reactor and the flash drum to liquefy the ammonia, with a significant decrease on energy consumptionDepartamento de Ingeniería Energética y FluidomecánicaGrado en Ingeniería Químic

    Low cost computer based system for quality evaluation and preservation of grains stored in silobags

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    Grain growers in Latin America are concerned on how to ensure the quality and safety of the storage method for their crops. This concern is derived from the fact that the storage conditions strongly influence both the quality of the food that people consume and the profits that growers can obtain from their production. To preserve the quality of the grains, the storage strategy must fulfill several requirements e.g. to protect grains against bad weather, to diminish the badly effect produced by insects and microorganisms and to maintain for the longer time as possible the initial quality conditions in which grains have been received. In addition to those requirements, in the last years, some factors have leaded the growers, specially small and medium ones, to develop ad-hoc strategies for the storage and quality assurance of their grains. For example, most small farmers cannot afford the cost of traditional storage methods (such as galvanized silos), there is an insufficiency (and in some cases an absence) of suitable routes or railroads to send out the production to the storage places, the market conditions are subjected to significant variations that make it more convenient for farmers to sell their crop not close to harvest time. In this context, we observe a great expansion in Argentina, Uruguay and Chile of an ad-hoc low-cost storage technique named “harvest bags” that consists in keeping the grains into hermetic polyethylene bags which are stored in the same field of crop (on-farm). The term “harvest bags” is colloquial and other terms are often used, e.g. “silobags”. In Argentina the most common term is “silobolsas”.Eje: Innovación en Sistemas de SoftwareRed de Universidades con Carreras en Informática (RedUNCI

    Microstructural evolution of a modified HP alloy: experimental and complementary computational study

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    In this work is presented results of the microstructural characterization of austenitic stainless steel (HP series) modified with Nb, aged at temperatures of 750, 800, 850, 900 and 950oC in air at different times. Microstructural changes were analyzed using optical microscopy, scanning electron microscopy (SEM) equipped with (EDS), x-ray diffraction and Vickers hardness. In the as-cast condition, the microstructure consists of an austenitic matrix and eutectic carbides network, Cr, Nb-rich carbides. The Cr-rich carbides are M7C3 type, whereas, those rich in Nb are NbC. During aging, there is a second precipitation in the matrix of very fine needle form of M23C6 carbides, which leads to an increase in hardness. After that, the decreasing in hardness is associated with a coalescence phenomenon of the secondary precipitates. Computational modeling shows that M23C6 is lesser stable than M7C3 carbide

    Improving Software Quality Through the Use of Statistics: An Initial Approach

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    Information systems development is a very important activity that is performed continuously in Information Systems departments. We can say that quality is a complex measurement of a product or service that people demands. However, quality is a measurement that is composed by a set of aspects. Quality measurement can be performed in concrete or abstract form. Software quality is a very important issue that developers must address properly, but a lot has to do with abstract aspects of it nonetheless. We proposed an approach that could reduce the abstractness of software quality measurement. In order to prove it, we conducted a study with encouraging results. We found that end-user participation in the evaluation IS quality can be improved

    Low cost computer based system for quality evaluation and preservation of grains stored in silobags

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    Grain growers in Latin America are concerned on how to ensure the quality and safety of the storage method for their crops. This concern is derived from the fact that the storage conditions strongly influence both the quality of the food that people consume and the profits that growers can obtain from their production.\nTo preserve the quality of the grains, the storage strategy must fulfill several requirements e.g. to protect grains against bad weather, to diminish the badly effect produced by insects and microorganisms and to maintain for the longer time as possible the initial quality conditions in which grains have been received.\nIn addition to those requirements, in the last years, some factors have leaded the growers, specially small and medium ones, to develop ad-hoc strategies for the storage and quality assurance of their grains. For example, most small farmers cannot afford the cost of traditional storage methods (such as galvanized silos), there is an insufficiency (and in some cases an absence) of suitable routes or railroads to send out the production to the storage places, the market conditions are subjected to significant variations that make it more convenient for farmers to sell their crop not close to harvest time.\nIn this context, we observe a great expansion in Argentina, Uruguay and Chile of an ad-hoc low-cost storage technique named “harvest bags” that consists in keeping the grains into hermetic polyethylene bags which are stored in the same field of crop (on-farm). The term “harvest bags” is colloquial and other terms are often used, e.g. “silobags”. In Argentina the most common term is “silobolsas”.Eje: Innovación en Sistemas de Softwar

    Martin Buber y su contribución a la filosofía del lenguaje

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    Jewish philosophy has always had its own way of making it´s answers to the different questions that have been appearing in the history of thought. This indeed happen with the question about language, that involve Jewish thought not only from the philosophical point of view, but also from the religious one. Thereby, a current of thought arises, which can be called “Jewish nominalism” that proposes a new way to think about language, directly confronting the main intellectual tradition in Western thought that stretches from Ionia to Jena and inspires Martin Buber´s conception of language and anthropology. The objective of this work is to analyze the understanding of language from this “Jewish nominalism” and the strong influence it had on Martin Buber. The hypothesis that it presents is that the understanding of the name and the naming for the thinkers of “Jewish nominalism” gives shape and bases to the possibility of the human being to say Thou in Martin Buber, making, at the same time, Buber´s anthropology’s bases a valuable contribution to the philosophy of language.La filosofía judía siempre ha tenido su propia impronta a la hora de pensar las distintas preguntas filosóficas en la medida en que estas fueron apareciendo en la historia del pensamiento. Esto mismo sucede con la pregunta en torno al lenguaje, pregunta que involucra al pensamiento judío no solo desde lo filosófico, sino también desde lo religioso. De este modo surge una corriente de pensamiento, a la cual podemos llamar “nominalismo judío” que propone una mirada novedosa en torno al lenguaje, enfrentándose directamente a la tradición intelectual preponderante en el pensamiento occidental que se extiende de Jonia a Jena y que influye e inspira a Martin Buber en su concepción del lenguaje y su antropología. El objetivo de este trabajo es analizar la comprensión del lenguaje desde este “nominalismo judío” y la fuerte influencia que tuvo en Martin Buber. La hipótesis a defender es que la comprensión del nombre y del nombrar para los pensadores del “nominalismo judío” da forma y fundamenta, en la filosofía de Martin Buber, la posibilidad del ser humano de decir tú, permitiendo, a la vez, que la antropología de Buber sea un aporte valioso para la filosofía del lenguaje

    Study of the 1.25Cr-1Mo-0.25V steel microstructure after a carburization phenomenon

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    We studied the changes in the structure and carbide particle size in 1.25Cr-1Mo-0.25V steel under 600°C and 168. MPa, after 4000. h service. We used microscopy and microanalysis techniques to analyze the carbide particles. We performed a complementary theoretical study on the chemical bonding and electronic structure of the carbide-Fe matrix interaction. The results contribute to the understanding of the changes in the alloy microstructure caused by the carburization phenomenon.Fil: Simonetti, Sandra Isabel. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - Bahía Blanca. Instituto de Física del Sur. Universidad Nacional del Sur. Departamento de Física. Instituto de Física del Sur; ArgentinaFil: Lanz, C.. Universidad Nacional del Sur; ArgentinaFil: Brizuela, Graciela Petra. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - Bahía Blanca. Instituto de Física del Sur. Universidad Nacional del Sur. Departamento de Física. Instituto de Física del Sur; ArgentinaFil: Juan, Alfredo. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - Bahía Blanca. Instituto de Física del Sur. Universidad Nacional del Sur. Departamento de Física. Instituto de Física del Sur; Argentin

    Programa para la optimización de la productiva investigativa del docente universitario del Decanato de Ciencias de la Salud

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    We performed a study in order to propose a program for the optimization of research productivity of teachers that work in the Decanato de Ciencias de la Salud of the Universidad Centroccidental Lisandro Alvarado. The diagnostic phase investigated the need to develop a program to improve the research productivity of university teachers. The sample was 115 teachers and the results show that 43% of the respondents stated that the design of the proposal was necessary. The second phase consisted of the application of a survey to managers in order to evaluate the feasibility at the administrative, technical, institutional and socio-cultural level. The third phase corresponds to the design of the proposal which was organized with the results of the diagnostic and feasibility phase; it contains four parts: title, education, dissemination of institutional research (resources) and evaluation. This study will help raise awareness and/or motivate teachers to improve research productivity.Se realizó una investigación cuantitativa, tipo proyecto factible, con el objetivo de proponer un programa para la optimización de la productividad investigativa del docente universitario del Decanato de Ciencias de la Salud de la Universidad Centroccidental Lisandro Alvarado. El estudio comprendió inicialmente una fase diagnóstica donde se investigó la necesidad de elaborar un programa para mejorar la productividad investigativa del docente universitario. La muestra estuvo conformada por 115 docentes y los resultados evidencian que 43% de los encuestados manifestaron que el diseño de la propuesta es necesario. La segunda fase fue de factibilidad de tipo técnico administrativa, institucional y socio-cultural y para ello se aplicó una encuesta a los directivos con la finalidad de evaluar la viabilidad del programa obteniendo que es factible en los ámbitos estudiados. La tercera fase corresponde al diseño de la propuesta que fue organizada con los resultados de la fase diagnóstica y de factibilidad; contiene cuatro partes: el título, educación, divulgación de la investigación institucional (recursos) y evaluación. El estudio contribuirá a sensibilizar y/o motivar al docente para mejorar la productividad investigativa