6 research outputs found

    Il ruolo della DWIBS nell'identificazione e caratterizzazione dei noduli polmonari

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    Abstract in italiano OBIETTIVO: Lo scopo dello studio è la valutazione dell’accuratezza diagnostica della DWIBS nell’identificazione e nella caratterizzazione dei noduli polmonari indeterminati. MATERIALI E METODI: Da Novembre 2012 a Settembre 2015 abbiamo arruolato 42 pazienti con diagnosi di nodulo polmonare indeterminato, identificato ad un precedente esame TC. Tutti i pazienti sono stati sottoposti ad esame RM con tecnica DWIBS per identificare le lesioni nodulari. Successivamente su ognuno dei noduli è stato calcolato il valore medio di ADC attraverso il posizionamento di ROI circolari utili per una valutazione quantitativa. I pazienti sono stati successivamente sottoposti ad esame bioptico ed il referto istopatologico ha rappresentato il gold-standard di riferimento per il nostro studio. RISULTATI: All’esame RM sono state identificate 38 delle 42 lesioni polmonari. Utilizzando un valore soglia di ADC di 1.57 x 10-3 mm2/s è stato possibile differenziare le lesioni nodulari benigne da quelle maligne con una sensibilità del 96%., specificità del 100%, un VVP del 100% ed un VPN del 89%. CONCLUSIONI: Dai risultati ottenuti dal nostro studio si evince che la tecnica DWIBS può rappresentare una valida alternativa futura nell’imaging dei noduli polmonari. Tuttavia sono necessari ulteriori lavori con una più omogenea ed ampia numerosità campionaria , per la validazione della tecnica. Abstract in English PURPOSE: The aim of our study was to evaluate the diagnostic accuracy of DWIBS MRI technique in the identification and characterization of indeterminate pulmonary nodules. METHODS AND MATERIALS: From November 2012 to September 2015, we enrolled 42 patients with a diagnosis of indeterminate pulmonary nodule identified at a previous CT examination. All patients underwent DWIBS MRI and we calculated the ADC values, for all of the identified nodules, through the positioning of circular ROIs. The histopathological findings of the subsequent bioptic examination represented the diagnostic gold standard for our study. RESULTS: DWIBS identified 38 of the total 42 pulmonary nodules. The ADC values in malignat lesions were significantly lower than those in benign ones. Using a threshold ADC value of 1.57 x 10-3 mm2/s it was possible to differentiate benign from malignant nodules with Sensitivity, Specificity, PPV and NPV of 96%, 100%, 100%, 89%, respectively. CONCLUSIONS: The results obtained from our study demonstrated that DWIBS may have a significant role, in the future, for the identification and characterization of indeterminate pulmonary nodules. However further studies, with more homogeneous and larger sample sizes, are needed to confirm the validity of this technique

    Power Doppler Ultrasound Findings before and after Focused Extracorporeal Shock Wave Therapy for Achilles Tendinopathy: A Pilot Study on Pain Reduction and Neovascularization Effect

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    Extracorporeal shock wave therapy (ESWT) has been found to have a positive effect in the treatment of pain in Achilles tendinopathy, although the exact mechanism is not yet completely understood. Among the mechanisms suggested to underlie ESWT effects are direct stimulation of healing, neovascularization and direct suppressive effects on nociceptors and hyperstimulation, which would block the gate-control system. The neovascularization observed in flogistic tissue is associated with stimulated nerve fibers around tendons and induces a painful condition. The objectives of the present study were to evaluate the effect of ESWT on pain and function in patients with non-insertional Achilles tendinopathy (NIAT) and to assess the neovascularization phenomenon using power Doppler ultrasound (PDU). Twelve patients with NIAT underwent five sessions of focused ESWT over 5 wk. Outcome measures were the visual analogue scale, the Victorian Institute of Sport Assessment–Achilles questionnaire and active dorsiflexion and plantar flexion ankle articular range of motion. Moreover, the patients’ clinical impressions of treatment results after ESWT were investigated using the Roles and Maudsley score. Patients were assessed at baseline and 1 and 3 mo after treatment. They had a significant reduction in pain with improvement of arthrokinematic motion and functionality and a positive clinical impression of treatment outcome (50% of patients considered their clinical picture as good/excellent after 3 mo). However, the pulse Doppler ultrasound exam did not reveal neovascularization in 91.7% of the patients 1 and 2 mo after focused ESWT, and in some patients there was a reduction in blood vessels related to flogistic processes. The present observational study confirmed the efficacy of ESWT in pain reduction in NIAT, with a higher degree of patient satisfaction, although doubt persists over the neovascularization effect on the Achilles tendons treated

    Power Doppler Ultrasound Findings before and after Focused Extracorporeal Shock Wave Therapy for Achilles Tendinopathy: A Pilot Study on Pain Reduction and Neovascularization Effect

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    Extracorporeal shock wave therapy (ESWT) has been found to have a positive effect in the treatment of pain in Achilles tendinopathy, although the exact mechanism is not yet completely understood. Among the mechanisms suggested to underlie ESWT effects are direct stimulation of healing, neovascularization and direct suppressive effects on nociceptors and hyperstimulation, which would block the gate-control system. The neovascularization observed in flogistic tissue is associated with stimulated nerve fibers around tendons and induces a painful condition. The objectives of the present study were to evaluate the effect of ESWT on pain and function in patients with non-insertional Achilles tendinopathy (NIAT) and to assess the neovascularization phenomenon using power Doppler ultrasound (PDU). Twelve patients with NIAT underwent five sessions of focused ESWT over 5 wk. Outcome measures were the visual analogue scale, the Victorian Institute of Sport Assessment–Achilles questionnaire and active dorsiflexion and plantar flexion ankle articular range of motion. Moreover, the patients’ clinical impressions of treatment results after ESWT were investigated using the Roles and Maudsley score. Patients were assessed at baseline and 1 and 3 mo after treatment. They had a significant reduction in pain with improvement of arthrokinematic motion and functionality and a positive clinical impression of treatment outcome (50% of patients considered their clinical picture as good/excellent after 3 mo). However, the pulse Doppler ultrasound exam did not reveal neovascularization in 91.7% of the patients 1 and 2 mo after focused ESWT, and in some patients there was a reduction in blood vessels related to flogistic processes. The present observational study confirmed the efficacy of ESWT in pain reduction in NIAT, with a higher degree of patient satisfaction, although doubt persists over the neovascularization effect on the Achilles tendons treated

    The surgical safety checklist and patient outcomes after surgery: a prospective observational cohort study, systematic review and meta-analysis

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    © 2017 British Journal of Anaesthesia Background: The surgical safety checklist is widely used to improve the quality of perioperative care. However, clinicians continue to debate the clinical effectiveness of this tool. Methods: Prospective analysis of data from the International Surgical Outcomes Study (ISOS), an international observational study of elective in-patient surgery, accompanied by a systematic review and meta-analysis of published literature. The exposure was surgical safety checklist use. The primary outcome was in-hospital mortality and the secondary outcome was postoperative complications. In the ISOS cohort, a multivariable multi-level generalized linear model was used to test associations. To further contextualise these findings, we included the results from the ISOS cohort in a meta-analysis. Results are reported as odds ratios (OR) with 95% confidence intervals. Results: We included 44 814 patients from 497 hospitals in 27 countries in the ISOS analysis. There were 40 245 (89.8%) patients exposed to the checklist, whilst 7508 (16.8%) sustained ≥1 postoperative complications and 207 (0.5%) died before hospital discharge. Checklist exposure was associated with reduced mortality [odds ratio (OR) 0.49 (0.32–0.77); P\u3c0.01], but no difference in complication rates [OR 1.02 (0.88–1.19); P=0.75]. In a systematic review, we screened 3732 records and identified 11 eligible studies of 453 292 patients including the ISOS cohort. Checklist exposure was associated with both reduced postoperative mortality [OR 0.75 (0.62–0.92); P\u3c0.01; I2=87%] and reduced complication rates [OR 0.73 (0.61–0.88); P\u3c0.01; I2=89%). Conclusions: Patients exposed to a surgical safety checklist experience better postoperative outcomes, but this could simply reflect wider quality of care in hospitals where checklist use is routine

    Prospective observational cohort study on grading the severity of postoperative complications in global surgery research

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    Background The Clavien–Dindo classification is perhaps the most widely used approach for reporting postoperative complications in clinical trials. This system classifies complication severity by the treatment provided. However, it is unclear whether the Clavien–Dindo system can be used internationally in studies across differing healthcare systems in high- (HICs) and low- and middle-income countries (LMICs). Methods This was a secondary analysis of the International Surgical Outcomes Study (ISOS), a prospective observational cohort study of elective surgery in adults. Data collection occurred over a 7-day period. Severity of complications was graded using Clavien–Dindo and the simpler ISOS grading (mild, moderate or severe, based on guided investigator judgement). Severity grading was compared using the intraclass correlation coefficient (ICC). Data are presented as frequencies and ICC values (with 95 per cent c.i.). The analysis was stratified by income status of the country, comparing HICs with LMICs. Results A total of 44 814 patients were recruited from 474 hospitals in 27 countries (19 HICs and 8 LMICs). Some 7508 patients (16·8 per cent) experienced at least one postoperative complication, equivalent to 11 664 complications in total. Using the ISOS classification, 5504 of 11 664 complications (47·2 per cent) were graded as mild, 4244 (36·4 per cent) as moderate and 1916 (16·4 per cent) as severe. Using Clavien–Dindo, 6781 of 11 664 complications (58·1 per cent) were graded as I or II, 1740 (14·9 per cent) as III, 2408 (20·6 per cent) as IV and 735 (6·3 per cent) as V. Agreement between classification systems was poor overall (ICC 0·41, 95 per cent c.i. 0·20 to 0·55), and in LMICs (ICC 0·23, 0·05 to 0·38) and HICs (ICC 0·46, 0·25 to 0·59). Conclusion Caution is recommended when using a treatment approach to grade complications in global surgery studies, as this may introduce bias unintentionally

    Critical care admission following elective surgery was not associated with survival benefit: prospective analysis of data from 27 countries

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    This was an investigator initiated study funded by Nestle Health Sciences through an unrestricted research grant, and by a National Institute for Health Research (UK) Professorship held by RP. The study was sponsored by Queen Mary University of London