63 research outputs found
Varieties of Spiritual Sense: Cusanus and John Smith
This chapter offers a window into the theologies of Cusanus and the Cambridge Platonist John Smith (1618–52) by illuminating their contrasting appropriations of Origen’s concept of the spiritual senses. Both early modern Neoplatonists of sorts, they evince many common concerns even while a definitive link between them remains elusive. This traditional notion in mystical theology is essential to a proper account of Christian experience not adequately addressed by the scholasticism of their times. While both use the language of spiritual sensation throughout their extant works, their understandings thereof are markedly different. Each appropriated and reformulated the spiritual senses to meet their intellectual and religious contexts. Cusa attempted what has been called a synthesis of Aristotelian and Origenist aesthetics while Smith’s Reformed Neoplatonism led him to reject peripatetic philosophy outright. For Cusanus, spiritual sensation is a fundamentally apophatic process whereby we come to “see that we do not see” which points back to the sacramental practices and eschatological hope of the Catholic Church. For Smith, spiritual sensation is a direct and personal kataphatic process whereby we leave unfitting modes of perception behind in exchange for the divine intellect within us. For the Cardinal, ordinary sense perception, including contemplating images, is central. But this sacramental showing includes hiddenness within itself. For this reason spiritual sensation supplies a mediated “foretaste” of things only fully revealed in the eschatological future. Smith, on the other hand, allows little to no positive role for ordinary sense perception. Instead, he emphasizes that spiritual sensation is an intellectual matter more or less achievable in this life. Both sought to reform the Origenist tradition for their own situations sure that contemplation of the divine is more tasted than calculated
Time, History, and Providence in the Philosophy of Nicholas of Cusa
Although Nicholas of Cusa occasionally discussed how the universe must be understood as the unfolding of the absolutely infinite in time, he left open questions about any distinction between natural time and historical time, how either notion of time might depend upon the nature of divine providence, and how his understanding of divine providence relates to other traditional philosophical views. From texts in which Cusanus discussed these questions, this paper will attempt to make explicit how Cusanus understood divine providence. The paper will also discuss how Nicholas of Cusa’s view of the question of providence might shed light on Renaissance philosophy’s contribution in the historical transition in Western philosophy from an overtly theological or eschatological understanding of historical time to a secularized or naturalized philosophy of history
Cuevas ludens. Rhetorical and graphic games in Homage to Quevedo (1969)
From Homage to Quevedo (1969) of the Mexican artist Jose Luis Cuevas, I present the question of the game in Francisco de Quevedo, and, especially, in the illustrations that have inspired J. L. Cuevas. I put special attention in the rewritings of Quevedo’s universe in the drawings of J. L. Cuevas. I use critical and methodological references inspired in structuralism, formalism and constructivism, to that I add the contributions of Hans Belting, George Didi-Hubermann, W. J. T. Mitchell, and of the philosophers of postmodernism like G. Deleuze or J. Derrida
The Standard Model Higgs in Collisions
For a Higgs boson below the threshold, the collider
option of a future linear machine is compelling. In this case one can
measure the ``gold-plated'' loop induced partial width to high precision, testing various extensions of the
Standard Model. With recent progress in the expected luminosity
at TESLA, we find that for a Higgs of 115 GeV a statistical accuracy of the two
photon partial width of 1.4 % is possible. The total width depends thus solely
on the accuracy of and is of .Comment: contribution to LCWS2000 at Fermila
Wernicke\u27s Encephalopathy after Gastrectomy and Adjuvant Chemotherapy Using S-1 for Gastric cancer :Report of a Case
Wernicke\u27s encephalopathy is a disease usually related to chronic alcoholism. We reported a case of Wernicke\u27sencephalopathy after distal gastrectomy and chemotherapy using S-1 despite of no history of alcoholism.A 58-year-old woman underwent distal gastrectomy for gastric carcinoma in February, 2005. Shereceived adjuvant chemotherapy using S-1, since histological examination of the removal specimens showedregional lymph nodes metastasis. After this therapy, she rapidly developed diplopia, ataxia and disturbanceof consciousness. Although brain CT and the routine laboratory data showed no abnormal changes, brainMRI showed a symmetrical high-intensity area in the third ventricle and periaqueductal regions;this wascharacteristic of Wernicke\u27s encephalopathy. She was immediately treated with thiamine, and recoveredconsciousness within a few hours. S-1 based on 5-fluorouracil( 5-FU) which reduced the thiamine levels inthe patient, may have worsened the thiamine deficiency caused by distal gastorectomy. Therefore, cliniciansshould pay attention to suspicious symptoms of thiamine deficiency in patients who have undergone gastrectomy,particularly those who receive adjuvant chemotherapy with S-1 or 5-FU
A study on internal laryngeal nerve-its variation in the course, branching, anastamosis and relation to inferior thyroid artery
Background: Recurrent laryngeal nerves sometimes may not follow the classically describe course. It does not always lie in the tracheo-oesophageal groove. The relations of the nerve to inferior thyroid artery may vary. Therefore, the present study was undertaken to study the variation in the relations and branches of recurrent laryngeal nerve.Methods: The present study was undertaken in postmortem specimen from Forensic department and cadavers in the dissection hall after the ethical clearance. The specimens were collected enbloc including tongue, oesophagus and trachea. Also, the specimens were used for modified Sihler’s technique. Specimen was dissected and recurrent laryngeal nerve was identified. Its relation and branches were noted. The data regarding the number of branches, level of branching, anastomoses were expressed as percentages.Results: The nerve was seen passing posterior to the cricothyroid joint to enter the larynx. In 56% of specimens, artery was anterior to the nerve on both sides, nerve was anterior to the artery on both sides in 19%, nerve and artery was found to be ascending in the same plane side artery lateral and nerve medial in 6%, nerve divides before entry into the larynx on both sides in 68%, nerve does not divide in 75%, Division of the nerve was observed about 4cm below the joint in 6% of specimen, 3cms below the joint in 19% of specimens, 2cm below the in 19% of specimens and 1cm below the joint in 38% of specimens.Conclusions: It was found that, the nerve was lying posterior to the artery more commonly. There no significant difference between right and left sides. The division of the nerve into anterior and posterior branches before entering the larynx was observed. In half of the specimens, nerve divided before entry into the larynx
Lean Management to Reduce Waiting Time for Routine Blood Service at Blood Transfusion Service Unit Cipto Mangunkusumo Hospital
Background:Blood supply at Cipto Mangunkusumo Hospital is done by the Blood Transfusion Service Unit which is responsible for the availability of safe, high-quality, and sufficient blood. The high number of routine blood demand at the same time makes the waiting time lengthen and exceed the standard time. The implementation of lean methods is needed to identify value added and work activities that do not add value in order to meet the waiting time standard for routine blood services.Methods: This is an action research conducted at UPTD RSCM from October to November 2019. Samples taken by consecutive sampling for 2 weeks during working hours and outside working hours, weekdays and weekend. Observation guidelines use value-added, non-value added, waiting time, cycle time, and lead time observation sheets. Waste is included in the DOWNTIME matrix. Followed by interviews and focus group discussions and the implementation of 5S and visual management (PRC order monitoring systems based on information technology).Results: Research on 50 samples of routine blood demand pre-intervention and 50 samples of post-intervention with PRC blood and first serial transfusion. The most samples pre- and post-intervention came from the Thalassemia Polyclinic, Inpatient Building A, and Emergency Room. Waste found includes over production, waiting, non-utilized talent, transportation, motion, and extra processing. Value added of routine blood service post-intervention decreased from 1 hour 26 minutes 49 seconds to 1 hour 22 minutes 52 seconds (5%). The post-intervention waiting time decreased from 48 minutes 19 seconds to 31 minutes 23 seconds (35%). The routine blood service lead time at the UPTD RSCM post-intervention decreased from 2 hours 35 minutes 31 seconds to 2 hours 7 minutes 47 seconds (18%). An efficient process of routine blood demand occurs with an increase in value added ratio from 56% to 65% (9%).Conclusion: Implementation of lean management, namely 5R and visual management (PRC order monitoring system based in information technology), can reduce the waiting time for routine blood services in UPTD RSCM. The routine blood service process at UPTD RSCM has become more efficient.Keywords: lean management, blood service, waiting time
بررسی رابطة تعهد سازمانی با ویژگیهای جمعیت شناختی در کارکنان مرکز مدیریت حوادث و فوریتهای پزشکی استان اصفهان
مقدمه: سازماندهی و نگهداری نظام سازمانی یکی از مهمترین وظایف و مسئولیتهای مدیريت سازمان محسوب میشود و انجام آن بدان معناست که تعهد سازمانی کارکنان و احساس مسئولیت شاغلان رشد روزافزونی داشته باشد. بنابراین مدیر یک سازمان، در واقع مسئول میزان و نوع تعهد کارکنان نسبت به ارزشهای رسمی است. تعهد سازماني يك متغير مهم در درک رفتار كاركنان ميباشد. تعهد سازماني با تأثير بر عملکرد کارکنان باعث افزايش بهرهوري، بهبود ارائه خدمات و افزايش کيفيت آن ميگردد. از اینرو این مطالعه در صدد بررسی رابطة تعهد سازمانی و ابعاد آن با ویژگیهای جمعیت شناختی در کارکنان مرکز مدیریت حوادث و فوریتهای پزشکی استان اصفهان برآمدهاست.
روشها: این مطالعه توصیفی- همبستگی است که به صورت مقطعی در سال 1390 در مرکز مدیریت حوادث و فوریتهای پزشکی استان اصفهان صورت پذیرفت. جامعة پژوهش شامل تمامي کارکنان شاغل در حوزة مدیریت حوادث و فوریتهای پزشکی استان اصفهان است. حجم جامعه نمونه با فرمول کوکران معادل 128 نفر است. برای انتخاب نمونهها از روش نمونهگيري تصادفی ساده استفاده شده است. بهمنظور گردآوری دادهها از پرسشنامة استاندارد شده تعهد سازمانی آلن و مایر بهره گرفته شد. برای بررسی فرضیههای پژوهشی با استفاده از بستة نرمافزاری SPSS از ضریب همبستگی پیرسون و آزمون مقایسه میانگینها (t-test) استفاده گردید.
یافتهها: بر اساس نتایج بهدست آمده میانگین تعهد سازمانی در کل نمونه مورد بررسی معادل 8/59 امتیاز بوده است و نتایج آزمون فرضیههای پژوهشی نشان داده است، بین شاخص تعهد سازمانی کارکنان و میزان تحصیلات آنان رابطة معنیدار وجود داشته است. بهعلاوه نتایج نشان داده است، این رابطه معکوس و شدت آن ضعیف بوده است. البته وجود این رابطه تنها در مؤلفه تعهد تکلیفی کارکنان مشاهده شده است. همچنین، بین میانگین شاخص تعهد سازمانی کارکنان و وضعیت استخدامی آنان تفاوت معنیدار وجود داشتهاست. بهطوریکه نتایج نشان داده است، میانگین تعهد سازمانی نیرویهای قراردادی بالاتر از سایر گروهها (رسمی- پیمانی) بوده است. البته این تفاوت میانگین در تعهد تکلیفی و تعهد مستمر نیز مشاهده شده است.
نتیجهگیری: ضروری است تا مدیران سازمان با توجه به نقش تکنسینهای فوریت پزشکی در تضمین سلامت مردم و نجات جان آنها در مواقع بروز حوادث و سوانح با اقداماتی نظیر بالا بردن امنیت شغلی، ایجاد تغییرات مثبت در فرهنگ سازمانی، ارائه آموزشهای مناسب و توجیهی قبل از استخدام و اجرای برنامههای تشویقی در افزایش تعهد سازمانی کارکنان خود تلاش كنند
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