12 research outputs found

    Rapid calibration to dynamic temporal contexts

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    The prediction of future events and the preparation of appropriate behavioural reactions rely on an accurate perception of temporal regularities. In dynamic environments, temporal regularities are subject to slow and sudden changes, and adaptation to these changes is an important requirement for efficient behaviour. Bayesian models have proven a useful tool to understand the processing of temporal regularities in humans; yet an open question pertains to the degree of flexibility of the prior that is required for optimal modelling of behaviour. Here we directly compare dynamic models (with continuously changing prior expectations) and static models (a stable prior for each experimental session) with their ability to describe regression effects in interval timing. Our results show that dynamic Bayesian models are superior when describing the responses to slow, continuous environmental changes, whereas static models are more suitable to describe responses to sudden changes. In time perception research, these results will be informative for the choice of adequate computational models and enhance our understanding of the neuronal computations underlying human timing behaviour

    Biomechanical analysis of the camelid cervical intervertebral disc

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    Chronic low back pain (LBP) is a prevalent global problem, which is often correlated with degenerative disc disease. The development and use of good, relevant animal models of the spine may improve treatment options for this condition. While no animal model is capable of reproducing the exact biology, anatomy, and biomechanics of the human spine, the quality of a particular animal model increases with the number of shared characteristics that are relevant to the human condition. The purpose of this study was to investigate the camelid (specifically, alpaca and llama) cervical spine as a model of the human lumbar spine. Cervical spines were obtained from four alpacas and four llamas and individual segments were used for segmental flexibility/biomechanics and/or morphology/anatomy studies. Qualitative and quantitative data were compared for the alpaca and llama cervical spines, and human lumbar specimens in addition to other published large animal data. Results indicate that a camelid cervical intervertebral disc (IVD) closely approximates the human lumbar disc with regard to size, spinal posture, and biomechanical flexibility. Specifically, compared with the human lumbar disc, the alpaca and llama cervical disc size are approximately 62%, 83%, and 75% with regard to area, depth, and width, respectively, and the disc flexibility is approximately 133%, 173%, and 254%, with regard to range of motion (ROM) in axial-rotation, flexion-extension, and lateral-bending, respectively. These results, combined with the clinical report of disc degeneration in the llama lower cervical spine, suggest that the camelid cervical spine is potentially well suited for use as an animal model in biomechanical studies of the human lumbar spine

    Fire effects on the population structure of Zanthoxylum rhoifolium Lam (Rutaceae) in a Brazilian savanna

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    Since cerrado fires may impede the growth of seedlings into trees, they may shape the population of woody species. In this study, we assessed the effects of a severe fire on the population structure and spatial distribution of Zanthoxylum rhoifolium, a widespread cerrado tree. We were interested to know the importance of the resprouting and sexual reproduction in regenerating the population. The study area had been for about six years protected from fire, before a severe fire at the end of the dry season in 2006. We sampled and measured all individuals of Z. rhoifolium found in 80 plots of 25 m². We found 149 individuals before the fire and 112 after the fire, of which 77 were resprouts from burned seedlings and saplings. We did not find significant differences between the population structure before and after the fire. The spatial distribution of the population remained clumped after the fire. Thus, the Z. rhoifolium population was very resilient to a severe fire. We did not find any new seedlings. As a consequence, resprouting seems to be more important than sexual reproduction in promptly regenerating the Z. rhoifolium populations

    A review of wetland inventory and classification in Australia

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