92 research outputs found


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    Tujuan dilakukannya penelitian adalah untuk mengetahui bagaimana Proses Jual Beli Hak Atas Tanah serta Fungsi PPAT dalam Peralihan Hak Atas Tanah dan bagaimana akibat hukum jika terjadi pembatalan akta jual beli hak atas tanah karena tidak terlaksananya suatu proses peralihan hak atas tanah, yang dengan metode penelitian hukum normatif disimpulkan bahwa: 1. Menurut sistem hukum tanah yang sekarang berlaku, jual beli merupakan suatu perbuatan hukum, dimana pemilik selaku penjual, menyerahkan hak atas tanah yang dijualnya itu kepada pembeli dan pembeli seketika itu juga membayar harganya kepada penjual. Guna memberikan kepastian hukum bagi kedua belah pihak (penjual dan pembeli) peran PPAT sangat penting terkait dengan pembuatan akta jual beli sebagai alat pembuktian legalitas jual beli tanah yang dilakukan di hadapan dan oleh PPAT. 2. Akta jual beli tanah menurut sistem hukum yang berlaku tidak dapat di batalkan oleh siapapun termasuk PPAT tanpa ada kehendak kedua belah pihak yang mengadakan transaksi jual beli tanah. Jika diantara para pihak membatalkan akta jual beli tanah secara sepihak tanpa diketahui/disetujui pihak lainnya maka tindakan tersebut berakibat hukum sebagai perbuatan melawan hukum yang berakibat pihak yang merasa dirugikan dapat menempuh jalur hukum. Kata kunci: tanah; pembatalan juakl beli

    Flamingo Vol. II N 6

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    Keeler, Clyde. Cover. Picture. 0. Wasp. Untitled. Prose. 1. Sun Dial. Wisdom . Prose. 1. Phoenix. Untitled. Prose. 1. Anonymous. Ham and Yeggs . Picture. 6. Leet, L. Don. The Watch . Prose. 7. R. The Musician . Poem. 8. G.C. Evolution . Poem. 8. W.A.V. Roaming . Poem. 8. F. The Miracle . Poem. 8. R.N.E. Evening, The Sixteenth . Poem. 8. Bogardus, Ethel. Graft . Prose. 9. J.M.P. Theseus Up-To-Date or The Modern Minotaur . Prose. 10. Mather, W.G. The Denison Masquers Club . Prose. 11. Vogel, W.A. \u27Twas Always Thus . Poem. 12. Anonymous. Untitled. Prose. 12. C.I. Stuck, By Gum . Picture. 12. Anonymous. Deliver Me From . Prose. 12. Anonymous. At The Tryouts . Prose. 12. Anonymous. A Popular Air . Picture. 12. Anonymous. Stage Staggers . Prose. 13. Anonymous. Now We Know Where The Flapper Got Her Name . Picture. 13. Anonymous. Untitled. Prose. 13. Anonymous. Untitled. Picture. 13. Anonymous. Untitled. Prose. 14. Anonymous. Untitled. Prose. 18. Anonymous. Untitled. Picture. 18. Potter, W.M. Wana . Prose. 18. Anonymous. Benny Says . Prose. 18. George. Untitled. Picture. 18. Anonymous. Untitled. Prose. 18. Bridge, Edgar. Our Own Stage Terms . Cartoon. 18. Anonymous. Comme Ci- A Dialogue . Prose. 20. Anonymous. Let Him Rave . Prose. 20. Anonymous. Untitled. Prose. 20. Anonymous. Untitled. Picture. 20. Anonymous. Untitled. Prose. 22. Lord Jeff. Untitled. Prose. 22. Williams, Grace. Untitled. Picture. 22. Orange Peel. Rah! Rah! Rah! . Prose. 22. Anonymous. Untitled. Prose. 23. Goblin. Untitled. Prose. 23. Scalper Untitled. Prose. 23. Mercury. Untitled. Prose. 23. Judge. Untitled. Prose. 24. Octopus. Untitled. Prose. 24. Gargoyle. It\u27s A Gift . Prose. 24. Sun Dodger. Untitled. Prose. 24. Octopus. Untitled. Prose. 25. Panther. Untitled. Prose. 25. Lord Jeff. Untitled. Prose. 25. Anonymous. Untitled. Prose. 25. Green Gander. Untitled. Prose. 25. Froth. Untitled. Prose. 25. Purple Parrot. Untitled. Prose. 25. Bean Pot. Untitled. Prose. 25. Purple Cow. Untitled. Prose. 26. Wasp. Untitled. Prose. 26. Siren. Doity Work . Prose. 26. Anonymous. Untitled. Prose. 26. Yale Record. Untitled. Prose. 26. Voo-Doo. Untitled. Prose. 26. Jay. Untitled. Prose. 26. Anonymous. Untitled. Prose. 26. Anonymous. Ad In! . Prose. 26. Orange Peel. Untitled. Prose. 29. Sun Dial. Fancy . Prose. 29. Reel, Virginia. Same Method . Prose. 29. Bear Skin. A Tight Show . Prose. 29. Anonymous. Untitled. Prose. 29. Goblin. Untitled. Prose. 29. Cracker. Untitled. Prose. 29. Octopus. Untitled. Prose. 29. Anonymous. Untitled. Prose. 32. Dirge. For The Worse . Prose. 32. Octopus. Daily Reminder . Prose. 32. Voo-Doo. Untitled. Prose. 32. Lord Jeff. Untitled. Prose. 32

    Not poles apart: Antarctic soil fungal communities show similarities to those of the distant Arctic

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    Antarctica's extreme environment and geographical isolation offers a useful platform for testing the relative roles of environmental selection and dispersal barriers influencing fungal communities. The former process should lead to convergence in community composition with other cold environments, such as those in the Arctic. Alternatively, dispersal limitations should minimise similarity between Antarctica and distant northern landmasses. Using high-throughput sequencing, we show that Antarctica shares significantly more fungi with the Arctic, and more fungi display a bipolar distribution, than would be expected in the absence of environmental filtering. In contrast to temperate and tropical regions, there is relatively little endemism, and a strongly bimodal distribution of range sizes. Increasing southerly latitude is associated with lower endemism and communities increasingly dominated by fungi with widespread ranges. These results suggest that micro-organisms with well-developed dispersal capabilities can inhabit opposite poles of the Earth, and dominate extreme environments over specialised local specie

    Incorporation of a Horizontally Transferred Gene into an Operon during Cnidarian Evolution

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    Genome sequencing has revealed examples of horizontally transferred genes, but we still know little about how such genes are incorporated into their host genomes. We have previously reported the identification of a gene (flp) that appears to have entered the Hydra genome through horizontal transfer. Here we provide additional evidence in support of our original hypothesis that the transfer was from a unicellular organism, and we show that the transfer occurred in an ancestor of two medusozoan cnidarian species. In addition we show that the gene is part of a bicistronic operon in the Hydra genome. These findings identify a new animal phylum in which trans-spliced leader addition has led to the formation of operons, and define the requirements for evolution of an operon in Hydra. The identification of operons in Hydra also provides a tool that can be exploited in the construction of transgenic Hydra strains

    Finding Single Copy Genes Out of Sequenced Genomes for Multilocus Phylogenetics in Non-Model Fungi

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    Historically, fungal multigene phylogenies have been reconstructed based on a small number of commonly used genes. The availability of complete fungal genomes has given rise to a new wave of model organisms that provide large number of genes potentially useful for building robust gene genealogies. Unfortunately, cross-utilization of these resources to study phylogenetic relationships in the vast majority of non-model fungi (i.e. “orphan” species) remains an unexamined question. To address this problem, we developed a method coupled with a program named “PHYLORPH” (PHYLogenetic markers for ORPHans). The method screens fungal genomic databases (107 fungal genomes fully sequenced) for single copy genes that might be easily transferable and well suited for studies at low taxonomic levels (for example, in species complexes) in non-model fungal species. To maximize the chance to target genes with informative regions, PHYLORPH displays a graphical evaluation system based on the estimation of nucleotide divergence relative to substitution type. The usefulness of this approach was tested by developing markers in four non-model groups of fungal pathogens. For each pathogen considered, 7 to 40% of the 10–15 best candidate genes proposed by PHYLORPH yielded sequencing success. Levels of polymorphism of these genes were compared with those obtained for some genes traditionally used to build fungal phylogenies (e.g. nuclear rDNA, β-tubulin, γ-actin, Elongation factor EF-1α). These genes were ranked among the best-performing ones and resolved accurately taxa relationships in each of the four non-model groups of fungi considered. We envision that PHYLORPH will constitute a useful tool for obtaining new and accurate phylogenetic markers to resolve relationships between closely related non-model fungal species

    Understanding Downsizing in Later Life and its Implications for Housing and Urban Policy

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    The State of Australian Cities (SOAC) national conferences have been held biennially since 2003 to support interdisciplinary policy-related urban research. This paper was presented at SOAC 6, held in Sydney from 26-29 November 2013. SOAC 6was the largest conference to date, with over 180 papers published in collected proceedings. All papers presented at the SOAC 2013 have been subject to a double blind refereeing process and have been reviewed by at least two referees. In particular, the review process assessed each paper in terms of its policy relevance and the contribution to the conceptual or empirical understanding of Australian cities