62 research outputs found

    La práctica de la responsabilidad social empresarial en el Hotel Santa María de la ciudad de Huamachuco, región La Libertad 2022

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    Los establecimientos de hospedaje tienen un papel importante dentro de la industria turística, por lo que, muchos de estos buscan ser más competitivos realizando distintas actividades dentro de su gestión, una de ellas es implementar la Responsabilidad Social Empresarial. Ser una empresa responsable dentro del sector turístico hace más competitivo, generando menos impacto negativo en el medio ambiente, más beneficios económicos y su aporte al desarrollo local. El trabajo de investigación tuvo como objetivo determinar el nivel de Responsabilidad Social Empresarial que desarrolla el Hotel Santa María de Huamachuco. El estudio es de tipo descriptiva con diseño no experimental y enfoque cuantitativo, se aplicó la técnica de encuesta a sus colaboradores cuyo resultado reflejó el estado del establecimiento al concluir, que presenta un nivel medio de aplicación de Responsabilidad Social Empresarial

    Carbon molecular sieve membranes for gas separation

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    Membrane separations are simple, energy efficient processes, which can be economically competitive with traditional separation technologies. In the case of gas separation both dense and porous materials have been developed for different application where hydrogen production is one of the most important niches of development. Hydrogen is being one of the most important vectors to develop alternative clean power generation sources. Nowadays, a lot of processes require the fabrication of pure hydrogen for efficiency and better performance. Different materials have been reported as gas separation membranes but still numerous problems related to stability, cost and fabrication must be overcome. The actual goal is to achieve materials that report good separation properties in new type of configuration facing industrial applications. Carbon molecular sieve membranes (CMSM) achieve high separation factors and permeance values than polymeric membranes. During the last 30 years they have gained importance due to their excellent performance as gas separation membranes. However, most research work has been focused on flat or hollow fiber configurations and minor attention has been done to supported CMSM. The main reason is due the difficulties associated to fabricate a defect free membrane using a highly reproducible fabrication method that allow to obtain a carbon layer after one polymer precursor coating step. In tubular configuration, these hybrid membranes are suitable for scaling up towards industrial applications, being more competitive than commercial unsupported hollow fiber membranes and films, especially under high pressure and temperature. The main objective of this work was to explore alternative fabrication methods for the fabrication of supported CMSM. In order to achieve this objective polyimide was coated over inorganic supports using two different approaches. The two methods reported in this thesis were spinning-coating and dip-coating. The idea of spinning¬coating was adapted from fabrication of supported carbon planar film. In this work it was developed the same idea coating TiO2 tubular supports under rotation with polyimide (Matrimid®). The thickness of the carbon membranes was controlled adjusting the viscosity of the polymeric solution, and after an exhaustive solvent i elimination it was possible to obtain a defect free carbon membrane. The influence of methanol washing, pyrolysis temperature (550-700ºC), and presence of the support allowed to extracting conclusions about the characteristics of the carbon material. Single gas permeance of H2, CO, CO2, N2, CH4 were obtained and ideal selectivity computed from this measurements indicated the presence of pinholes on the carbon membrane. However, the characterization of this carbon obtained after 550º and 700º C by adsorption-desorption analysis allowed to confirm the microporosity of the carbon layer. As an important contribution of this work the influence of the support as pore modifier of the carbon structure is presented after analysis of supported and unsupported samples. Different characterization techniques are presented and integrated in this work to analyze the microporous character of the carbon layer (immersion calorimetry, AFM) and to evaluate the mesoporous characteristics of the asymmetric membrane (liquid-liquid displacement porosimetry). An additional coating procedure with polydimethylsiloxane (PDMS) was performed to decrease the influence of pinholes which caused a permeance decrease but increase on ideal selectivity values over Knudsen theoretical index. As a second fabrication technique, the modification of Al2O3 inorganic support allowed to achieve microporosity in the support that allowed the fabrication of CMSM by dip¬coating procedure. Similarly to the dip-coating method, viscosity and polymer concentration were optimized in order to achieve high ideal separation factors for hydrogen pairs. For the type of membranes obtained by this method single gas permeance of H2, He, CO2, O2, N2, CH4, Propane, n-butane, 1-butene, SF6 was performed. Influence of pyrolysis temperature, aging, non-solvent immersion, and support were also studied as pore modifier of the carbon membrane. However, for these membranes the characterization was focused on the effect on permeance and selectivity more than in the characterization of the material. The findings described in this PhD thesis open new perspectives for alternative fabrication techniques of CMSM. This work reports not only the permeance and selective properties of CMSM as the traditional approaches rule. Moreover, brings how each fabrication variable could affect the final properties of the membrane. Integration of structure and properties are presented as an alternative strategy to design new pore architecture on CMSM

    Composition of prokaryotic and eukaryotic microbial communities in waters around the Florida reef tract

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    The Florida Keys, a delicate archipelago of sub-tropical islands extending from the southeastern tip of Florida, host the vast majority of the only coral barrier reef in the continental United States. Abiotic as well as microbial components of the surrounding waters are pivotal for the health of reef habitats, and thus could play an important role in understanding the development and transmission of coral diseases in Florida. In this study, we analyzed microbial community structure and abiotic factors in waters around the Florida Reef Tract. Both bacterial and eukaryotic community structure were significantly linked with variations in temperature, dissolved oxygen, and total organic carbon values. High abundances of copiotrophic bacteria as well as several potentially harmful microbes, including coral pathogens, fish parasites and taxa that have been previously associated with Red Tide and shellfish poisoning were present in our datasets and may have a pivotal impact on reef health in this ecosystem

    La lúdica como instrumento para mejorar la motivación escolar en niños preescolar

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    Hoy en día es común encontrar la falta de herramientas pedagógicas llamativas para los niños, desde el inicio escolar se imparten clases monótonas y catedráticas que generan en los niños una alta desmotivación para adquirir su aprendizaje, lo que dificulta lograr los objetivos planteados en el proceso de enseñanza, a su vez fomenta que este solo sea momentáneo pero no significativo y que puedan practicar en su vida cotidiana, por lo que desde muy pequeños les puede generar frustración y puede llegar a suceder que cogen apatía al estudio, fomentando comportamientos inadecuados y más adelante una posible deserción escolar, de aquí surge la importancia de la presente propuesta de intervención, que consiste en generar diferentes estrategias Lúdico pedagógicas que faciliten la adquisición de aprendizajes y aumente la motivación escolar desde el inicio de la vida escolar. La presente propuesta se desarrolló en Colegio Santa librada I.E.D con los estudiantes del grado transición 01 jornada tarde, se planteó desde la metodología mixta ya que de esta manera permite determinar un diagnóstico de la población a estudiar frente a su estado motivacional, realizándose por medio de una encuesta; identificados los factores, se pretende proponer estrategias lúdico - pedagógicos con el fin de plantear una posible solución a la situación mencionada anteriormente y permitir que el aprendizaje sea más significativo. La propuesta de intervención en mención tendrá como nombre Juego, imagino, me divierto y aprendo en mi Colegio, esta a su vez constará de cinco talleres integrales donde se realizarán diferentes actividades lúdicas, que van a posibilitar que los niños exploren, participen y empleen su imaginación para adquirir un aprendizaje más significativo.Nowadays is so common to find the absence of striking pedagogical tools for children, from the beginning of school , monotonous and lectures are taught and generate in children a high demotivation to acquire their learning process, which makes so difficult to achieve the objectives that are set in the process of teaching, instead, it promotes this will be fleetig but not significant and that they can practice it in their daily lives, so from a very young age it can generate frustration and would happen that they become apathetic to study, promoting inappropriate behaviors and later a possible school dropout, starting from there, emerge the importance of the present intervention proposal, which consists of generating different pedagogical playful strategies that facilitate the acquisition of learning and increase school motivation from the beginning of school life. This pedagogical proposal was developed in Colegio Santa Librada IED with the students of the transition degree course (01) in the afternoon day, it was proposed from the mixed methodology since in this way it allows to determine a diagnosis of the study population against their motivational state, being carried out through a survey; Once the factors have been identified, it is intended to propose playful-pedagogical strategies in order to propose a possible solution to the aforementioned situation and allow learning to be more meaningful. The intervention proposal in question is called “I play, imagine, have fun and learn in my School”, and it will consist of five comprehensive workshops where different recreational activities will be carried out, which will enable children to explore, participate and use their imagination to acquire more meaningful learning

    Implicaciones profesionales en la implementación de guías y protocolos de intervención psicológica en victimas del desplazamiento forzado

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    En el país según disposición de la Ley de Salud Mental (Ley 1616 de 2013) se exige el uso de guías y protocolos para la intervención psicológica. Lo que implica la estandarización de procedimientos y la limitación de la autonomía profesional generando interrogantes acerca de la funcionalidad de las mismas y las implicaciones éticas y profesionales que su empleo conlleva, además de sus limitaciones al utilizarlas en problemáticas psicosociales derivadas del conflicto armado. El tema es abordado desde la problemática del desplazamiento forzado teniendo en cuenta que es una problemática frecuente y antigua en Colombia que ha dejado y continua dejando un gran número de víctimas que requieren además de la asistencia del estado para suplir necesidades básicas, la atención integral que incluye una intervención psicológica que debería ser eficiente y centrarse más que en el seguir un procedimiento en la persona

    Comportamento agressivo em uma amostra de estudantes de três escolas na cidade de Bucaramanga, Colombia /

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    La presente investigación5 tiene como objetivo principal analizar la prevalencia de la conducta agresiva en adolescentes estudiantes de tres colegios de la ciudad de Bucaramanga. El estudio fue descriptivo, con un diseño transversal, y se aplicó el Inventario de Habilidades Sociales para Adolescentes (TISS; Teenage Inventory of Social Skills, Inderbitzen y Foster, 1992; Inglés, Hidalgo, Méndez e Inderbitzen, 2003), prueba que evalúa la competencia social de los adolescentes en las relaciones con sus iguales. Con esta investigación se pretende determinar la frecuencia de adolescentes agresivos a partir de una muestra representativa de adolescentes estudiantes de tres colegios de la ciudad de Bucaramanga teniendo en cuenta variables como género, edad y curso académico. Los resultados muestran que la prevalencia de la conducta agresiva fue del 16.3%. Además, la prevalencia de chicos agresivos fue sustancialmente superior a la de chicas en todas las edades y los cursos académicos analizados.Universidad Autónoma del Caribe

    Planeamiento estratégico de la Región Junín

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    La globalización ha traído oportunidades y nuevas demandas para muchos países alrededor del mundo, llevando a sus líderes políticos a pensar de manera integral y global para aumentar la competitividad de sus países, logrando una mayor participación de mercado, frente a otros países que ofrecen productos con una mayor calidad y menor coste. Esto trae consigo una mejora en las economías de los países debido al aumento de las exportaciones, contribuyendo al crecimiento del PIB. El recurso humano se torna vital para lograr la competitividad de la Región, por tanto, la educación se constituye como el principal factor a potenciar para encaminar el rumbo de Junín dentro de las economías más importantes del mundo. La salud de los pobladores constituye otro factor vital por el cual el recurso humano será sostenible en el tiempo al garantizar que la población estará apta para realizar las actividades destinadas al crecimiento económico de la Región. El presente estudio tiene como objetivo el desarrollo de un plan estratégico que presente una alternativa al Gobierno Regional de Junín, dando la dirección a seguir para lograr la competitividad, valorando el recurso humano, tomando como pilares referenciales la educación y la salud, reformulando las actividades económicas tradicionales en no tradicionales ya que generan un mayor valor en el mercado. Para la realización de este estudio se ha utilizado el modelo de Planificación Estratégica desarrollado por el profesor Fernando D'Alessio. Los resultados obtenidos indican que, a pesar de las adversidades del entorno, Junín tiene potencial suficiente para ser una de las regiones más competitivas del Perú. Esto requiere seguir un proceso estratégico que agregue valor a sus ventajas comparativas, transformándolas en ventajas competitivasGlobalization has brought opportunities and new demands for many countries around the world, leading its political leaders to think in a comprehensive and global way to increase the competitiveness of their countries, achieving a greater market share, compared to other countries offering products with Higher quality and lower cost. This brings with it an improvement in the economies of the countries due to the increase of the exports, contributing to the growth of the GDP. The human resource becomes vital to achieve the competitiveness of the Region, therefore, education is constituted as the main factor to strengthen to guide the course of Junín within the most important economies of the world. The health of the population is another vital factor through which human resources will be sustainable over time by ensuring that the population will be able to carry out activities aimed at economic growth in the Region. The present study aims to develop a strategic plan that presents an alternative to the Regional Government of Junín, giving the direction to follow to achieve competitiveness, valuing the human resource, taking as referential pillars education and health, reformulating the activities Traditional and non-traditional as they generate greater market value. For the realization of this study, the Strategic Planning model, which was developed by Professor D'Alessio, is used. The results indicate that, despite the adversity of the environment, Junín has sufficient potential to be one of the most competitive regions in Peru. This requires following a strategic process that adds value to their comparative advantages, transforming them into competitive advantagesTesi

    Characterization of Carbon Molecular Sieve Membranes Supported on Ceramic Tubes

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    Carbon molecular sieve membranes have been analyzed in supported and unsupported configurations in this experimental study. The membranes were used to adsorb CO2, N2 and CH4, and their adsorption data were analyzed to establish differences in rate and capacity of adsorption between the two types of samples (supported and unsupported). Experimental results show an important effect of the support, which can be considered as an additional parameter to tailor pore size on these carbon membranes. Immersion calorimetry values were measured by immersing the membranes into liquids of different molecular dimensions (dichloromethane, benzene, n-hexane, 2,2-dimethylbutane). Similarities were found between adsorption and calorimetric analysis. The pore volume of the samples analyzed ranged from 0.016 to 0.263 cm3/g. The effect of the pyrolysis temperature, either 550 or 700 °C, under N2 atmosphere was also analyzed. Quantification of the pore-size distribution of the support was done by liquid-liquid displacement porosimetry. The composite membrane was used for CO2/CH4 separation before and after pore plugging was done. The ideal selectivity factors value (4.47) was over the Knudsen theoretical factor (0.60) for membrane pyrolyzed at 600 °C, which indicates the potential application of these membranes for the separation of low-molecular weight gases.The authors are indebted to the Spanish Government for financial support (Project CTQ2008-02491, partially funded by the FEDER program of the European Union) and to the commission of European Communities Specific OpenTok Project MTKD-LT-2005-030040

    Preparation, Characterization and Gas Permeation Investigation of Resorcinol-Formaldehyde Polymer or Carbon Xerogels/Tubular Ceramic Composites

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    New very stable composites prepared by deposition of resorcinol-formaldehyde polymer (RF-) or carbon (C-) xerogels into walls of commercial porous tubular ceramics (TiO2-ZrO2 and αAl2O3-γAl2O3) were obtained by a sol-gel process followed by a drying and a pyrolytic (only for C-xerogel/ceramic composites) step. They were characterized by nitrogen adsorption-desorption, SEM and XRD, and tested for gas (H2, CH4, CO2 and CO) separation applications. Additional morpho-structural information about the open-interconnected ultramicropore structure of composites was found by gas permeation investigation. Interesting results for H2 permeance was obtained especially for RF-polymer/ceramic composites respecting Knudsen diffusion mechanism of gas permeance: H2 > CH4 > CO > CO2. The coexistence of Knudsen and surface diffusion mechanisms were confirmed.Postprint (published version

    Consumption of psychoactive substances before and after admission to prison in fourteen prisons in Colombia

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    Objetivo: describir la frecuencia del consumo de sustancias psicoactivas y las sustancias consumidas antes y después del ingreso a prisión, en personas recluidas en 14 establecimientos penitenciarios y carcelarios adscritos a la Dirección Regional Oriente del Instituto Nacional Penitenciario y Carcelario de Colombia (INPEC). Método: la muestra de este estudio estuvo constituida por 323 internos (hombres n = 303, mujeres n = 20), a quienes se les administró el cuestionario “Vigilancia Epidemiológica del Uso y Abuso de Sustancias Psicoactivas” (VESPA). Resultados: existe una reducción del consumo de drogas estadísticamente significativa, por sustancia, tras el ingreso a prisión, y solo los barbitúricos y la heroína dejan de consumirse en su totalidad. Conclusiones:el consumo de sustancias ilícitas sigue la tendencia mundial y nacional, lo cual debe preocupar a las instituciones competentes, puesto que los efectos del uso y abuso de sustancias psicoactivas constituyen un factor de riesgo que impiden cumplir con la finalidad resocializadora que persigue la pena privativa de la libertad. © Revista Colombiana de Ciencias Sociales.Objective: to describe the frequency of psychoactive substances and substances used before and after being admitted to prison, inmates in 14 prisons and detention facilities assigned to the Regional East Directorate of the Colombian National Institute Penitentiary and Prisons (INPEC). Methods: The study sample was made up of 323 inmates (men n = 303, women n = 20) who were administered the questionnaire “Epidemiological Monitoring of Use and Substance Abuse” (VESPA). Results: there is a statistically significant reduction of use, per drug, after being admitted to prison; quitting barbiturates and heroin consumption in its entirety. Conclusions: The use of illicit substances follows the global and national trend; which should concern the competent institutions, since the effects of the use and abuse of psychoactive substances constitute a risk factor preventing the re-socializing objective of deprivation of liberty. © Revista Colombiana de Ciencias Sociales