3,016 research outputs found

    Spatial homogenization of diffusion theory parameters

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    Originally presented as the first author's thesis, (Ph. D.)--in the M.I.T. Dept. of Nuclear Engineering, 1977Includes bibliographical referencesPrepared under ERDA Research ad Development EY-76-S-02-226

    Sin Nombre Virus Infection in Deer Mice, Channel Islands, California

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    A comparison of tourist evaluation of beaches in Malta, Romania and Turkey

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    The characteristics, perceptions, attitudes and behaviour of beach users at three locations: St George's Bay, Malta, Mamaia, Romania and Olu Deniz, Turkey, were determined from questionnaire surveys. Respondents comprised locals, domestic and foreign tourists. Results for these parameters had substantial agreement both across the three beaches and with previous studies. The amounts beach users were willing to pay (WTP), via the contingent valuation method and their consumer surpluses (CS), via the travel cost method were determined. The average amount beach users were willing to pay per visit, was Ā£0.64 on St George's bay, Ā£0.32 on Mamaia and Ā£0.94 on Olu Deniz. The willingness to pay varied with social class, earnings, amount of beach use and between local, domestic and foreign user groups. The consumer surplus also varied for these groups as British tourists had a CS of Ā£0.62 per visit, with domestic Turkish and Romanian users having values of Ā£0.46 and Ā£0.69, respectively. Diminishing marginal utility, as measured by WTP, with beach use was found in all three surveys. Charging for actual use would be acceptable for the majority of beach users. Coastal zone managers could realise significant revenues from beach users if they charge adults on a per visit basis (the favoured mode of payment) and spend the revenue on the maintenance and improvements identified by the users. Only one of the beaches (Olu Deniz, Turkey) currently has restricted access, which would facilitate such a payment method.peer-reviewe

    Generation of Mars Helicopter Rotor Model for Comprehensive Analyses

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    The present research is aimed at providing a performance model for the Mars Helicopter (MH), to understand the complexity of the flow, and identify future regions of improvement. The low density of the Martian atmosphere and the relatively small MH rotor, result in very low chord-based Reynolds number flows. The low density and Reynolds numbers reduce the lifting force and lifting efficiency, respectively. The high drag coefficients in subcritical flow, especially for thicker sections, are attributed to laminar separation from the rear of the airfoil. In the absence of test data, efforts have been made to explore these effects using prior very low Reynolds number research efforts. The rotor chord-based Reynolds number range is observed to be subcritical, which makes boundary layer transition unlikely to occur. The state of the two-dimensional rotor boundary layer in hover is approximated by calculating the instability point, laminar separation point, and the transition location to provide understanding of the flow state in the high Mach-low Reynolds number regime. The results are used to investigate the need for turbulence modeling in Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) calculations afterwards. The goal is to generate a performance model for the MH rotor for a free wake analysis, because the computational budget for a complete Navier-Stokes solution for a rotating body-fitted rotor is substantial. In this study, a Reynolds-Averaged Navier-Stokes (RANS) based approach is used to generate the airfoil deck using C81Gen with stitched experimental data for very high angles of attack. A full Grid Resolution Study is performed and over 4,500 cases are completed to create the full airfoil deck. The laminar separation locations are predicted within the accuracy of the approximate method when compared with the CFD calculations. The model is presented through airfoil data tables (c81 files) that are used by comprehensive rotor analysis codes such as CAMRADII, or the mid-fidelity CFD solver RotCFD. Finally, the rotor performance is compared with experimental data from the 25ft Space Simulator at the NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory (JPL) and shows good correlation for the rotor Figure of Merit over the available thrust range

    Fitting statistical distributions to sea duck count data: Implications for survey design and abundance estimation

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    Determining appropriate statistical distributions for modeling animal count data is important for accurate estimation of abundance, distribution, and trends. In the case of sea ducks along the U.S. Atlantic coast, managers want to estimate local and regional abundance to detect and track population declines, to define areas of high and low use, and to predict the impact of future habitat change on populations. In this paper, we used a modified marked point process to model survey data that recorded flock sizes of Common eiders, Long-tailed ducks, and Black, Surf, and White-winged scoters. The data come from an experimental aerial survey, conducted by the United States Fish & Wildlife Service (USFWS) Division of Migratory Bird Management, during which east-west transects were flown along the Atlantic Coast from Maine to Florida during the winters of 2009ā€“2011. To model the number of flocks per transect (the points), we compared the fit of four statistical distributions (zero-inflated Poisson, zero-inflated geometric, zero-inflated negative binomial and negative binomial) to data on the number of species-specific sea duck flocks that were recorded for each transect flown. To model the flock sizes (the marks), we compared the fit of flock size data for each species to seven statistical distributions: positive Poisson, positive negative binomial, positive geometric, logarithmic, discretized lognormal, zeta and Yuleā€“Simon. Akaikeā€™s Information Criterion and Vuongā€™s closeness tests indicated that the negative binomial and discretized lognormal were the best distributions for all species for the points and marks, respectively. These findings have important implications for estimating sea duck abundances as the discretized lognormal is a more skewed distribution than the Poisson and negative binomial, which are frequently used to model avian counts; the lognormal is also less heavy-tailed than the power law distributions (e.g., zeta and Yuleā€“Simon), which are becoming increasingly popular for group size modeling. Choosing appropriate statistical distributions for modeling flock size data is fundamental to accurately estimating population summaries, determining required survey effort, and assessing and propagating uncertainty through decision-making processes

    A human infertility-associated KASH5 variant promotes mitochondrial localization

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    KASH5 is the most recently identified member of the KASH domain family of tail anchored, outer nuclear membrane (ONM) and endoplasmic reticulum (ER) proteins. During meiosis prophase I, KASH5 and SUN1 form a complex that spans the nuclear envelope and which links the telomeres of meiotic chromosomes to cytoplasmic dynein. This connection is essential for homologous chromosome dynamics and pairing. A recent study identified a variant in human KASH5 (L535Q) that correlated with male infertility associated with azoospermia. However, no molecular mechanism was described. Here, we report that this amino acid substitution, within the KASH5 transmembrane domain (TMD) has no predicted effects on secondary structure. However, the overall hydrophobicity of the L535Q TMD, is calculated to be lower than the wild-type KASH5, based on the GES (Goldmanā€“Engelmanā€“Steitz) amino acid hydrophobicity scale. This change in hydrophobicity profoundly affects theĀ subcellular localization of KASH5. Through a series of amino acid substitution studies, we show that the L535Q substitution perturbs KASH5 localization to the ER and ONM and instead results in mistargeting to the mitochondria membrane. We suggest that this mislocalization accounts for the infertility and azoospermia phenotype in patients.Other Information Published in: Scientific Reports License: https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0See article on publisher's website: http://dx.doi.org/10.1038/s41598-021-89439-2</p

    Alveolar Soft Part Sarcoma Metastatic to Small Bowel Mucosa Causing Polyposis and Intussuseption

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    A report of alveolar soft part sarcoma metastatic to the small bowel is presented. Hematogenous metastases to the small bowel from primary tumors outside the abdominal cavity are uncommon, and most remain asymptomatic and are not discovered until autopsy. However, small bowel metastases can lead to intestinal obstruction, intussuseption or even perforation. While metastases to the small bowel have been described for other tumor types, including melanoma and lung cancer, this is extremely uncommon for sarcoma, especially alveolar soft part sarcoma. We describe a 42-year-old male with a long history of alveolar soft part sarcoma, metastatic to the lung and brain, who developed an intussuseption from metastases to the small bowel

    Statistical analyses to support guidelines for marine avian sampling: Final report. [Digital Supplements A-G attached]

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    Interest in development of offshore renewable energy facilities has led to a need for high-quality, statistically robust information on marine wildlife distributions. A practical approach is described to estimate the amount of sampling effort required to have sufficient statistical power to identify species specific ā€œhotspotsā€ and ā€œcoldspotsā€ of marine bird abundance and occurrence in an offshore environment divided into discrete spatial units (e.g., lease blocks), where ā€œhotspotsā€ and ā€œcoldspotsā€ are defined relative to a reference (e.g., regional) mean abundance and/or occurrence probability for each species of interest. For example, a location with average abundance or occurrence that is three times larger the mean (3x effect size) could be defined as a ā€œhotspot,ā€ and a location that is three times smaller than the mean (1/3x effect size) as a ā€œcoldspot.ā€ The choice of the effect size used to define hot and coldspots will generally depend on a combination of ecological and regulatory considerations. A method is also developed for testing the statistical significance of possible hotspots and coldspots. Both methods are illustrated with historical seabird survey data from the USGS Avian Compendium Database
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