555 research outputs found

    A Symbolic Characterisation of Open Bisimulation for the Spi Calculus

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    Open hedged bisimulation was proposed as a generalisation to the spi calculus of the pi calculus'open bisimulation. In this paper, we extend previous work on open hedged bisimulation. We show that open hedged bisimilarity is closed under respectful substitutions and give a symbolic characterisation of open hedged bisimulation. The latter result is an important step towards mechanisation of open hedged bisimilarity

    Theory and tool support for the formal verification of cryptographic protocols

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    Cryptographic protocols are an essential component of network communications. Despite their relatively small size compared to other distributed algorithms, they are known to be error-prone. This is due to the obligation to behave robustly in the context of unknown hostile attackers who might want to act against the security objectives of the jointly interacting entities. The need for techniques to verify the correctness of cryptographic protocols has stimulated the development of new frameworks and tools during the last decades. Among the various models is the spi calculus: a process calculus which is an extension of the pi calculus that incorporates cryptographic primitives. Process calculi such as the spi calculus offer the possibility to describe in a precise and concise way distributed algorithms such as cryptographic protocols. Moreover, spi calculus offers an elegant way to formalise some security properties of cryptographic protocols via behavioural equivalences. At the time this thesis began, this approach lacked tool support. Inspired by the situation in the pi calculus, we propose a new notion of behavioural equivalence for the spi calculus that is close to an algorithm. Besides, we propose a "coq" formalisation of our results that not only validates our theoretical developments but also will eventually be the basis of a certified tool that would automate equivalence checking of spi calculus terms. To complete the toolchain, we propose a formal semantics for an informal notation to describe cryptographic protocols, so called protocol narrations. We give a rigorous procedure to translate protocol narrations into spi calculus terms; this constitutes the foundations of our automatic translation tool "spyer"

    Le Cénozoïque du bassin de Paris : un enregistrement sédimentaire haute résolution des déformations lithosphériques en régime de faible subsidence

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    The Paris basin is currently considered as a typical example of intracratonic basin (sag) affected by long term thermal subsidence. The Cenozoic is a period a low subsidence (less than 300m thick) and correspond to the end of the Paris basin sedimentation. Moreover, it is a period of strong deformation of the European plate related to Africa Europe convergence and North Atlantic opening, well known through numerous grabens inversions in northern and eastern Europe. While hiatus have been highlighted within Paris Basin sedimentation, cenozoic deformations of this thicker crust basin still poorly known. This thesis aims at recompose high resolution temporal and spatial evolution of 3D sedimentary geometries and palaeogeographies from Thanetian to Lower Oligocene. This work is firstly based on available and newly acquired biostratigraphic data. Facies sedimentolgy and well data correlations based on sequence stratigraphy principles allowed to recompose the basin evolution at 1Ma timescale. 2 orders of sequences were identified. Third order sequences (1My duration) seems to be controlled by climate-eustasy. Five main (2nd order) sequences bounded by unconformities and/or palaeogeographic reorganization are highlighted : (1) Maastrichtian-Danian ; (2) Thanetian-Ypresian ; (3) Lutetian-Bartonian ; (4) Bartonian-top Priabonian et (5) Top Priabonian-Chattian. Sequences 1 to 4 correspond to basin scale flexure which control their architecture. Following emersion during the main flexural phases, flooding start with relatively steep depositional profiles. As flexure progressively relax, flatter depositional profiles take place together with overall transgression. This work yield high resolution constraints for the understanding and thermomechanical modelling of intraplate deformations various lenght of flexures form 150 to 300km and more are identified and traduces different thickness of deformed lithosphere. From Thanetian to Bartonian, successives E-W oriented flexures take place which ages are congruent with the main phases of Iberia-Eurasia convergence. A short term deformation in basal Ypresian is attributed to the onset of North Atlantic opening. Finally major basin-scale reorientation during Priabonian could be linked to the onset of Apulia- Eurasia continental collision.Le bassin de Paris est considéré comme un exemple typique de bassin intracratonique (sag) affecté par une subsidence thermique long terme. Le Cénozoïque correspond à une période de faible subsidence (épaisseurs inférieures à 350m) et marque la fin du fonctionnement de ce bassin. C'est en outre une période de forte déformation de la plaque européenne, dans un contexte de convergence Afrique-Eurasie et d'ouverture de l'Atlantique Nord caractérisée par des inversions de grabens dans le Nord et l'Est de l'Europe. Si de nombreux hiatus ont été identifiés, les déformations cénozoïques du bassin de Paris, situées sur une croûte à l'équilibre et leur relation aux contraintes en limite de plaque restent méconnues. Cette thÚse a pour objectif de recomposer à haute résolution spatiale et temporelle (de l'ordre du million d'années) les géométries sédimentaires 3D et les paléogéographies successives du PaléocÚne au début de l'OligocÚne. Ce travail qui s'appuie sur de nombreuses données biostratigraphiques consiste en une approche couplée de sédimentologie de faciÚs et de corrélations diagraphiques (500 puits) selon les principes de la stratigraphie séquentielle. Trois ordres de séquences sont définis. Les cycles d'ordre supérieur (4Úme et 3Úme ordre) enregistrent les variations climato-eustatiques. Cinq séquences de dépÎt (2e ordre), limitées par des discontinuités et/ou des réorganisations paléogéographiques sont identifiées : (1) Maastrichtien-Danien ; (2) Thanétien-Yprésien ; (3) Lutétien-Bartonien ; (4) Bartonien-Priabonien terminal et (5) Priabonien terminal-Chattien. Les architectures des séquences (1) à (4) sont contrÎlées par des phases de flexures. AprÚs des émersions lors des paroxysmes de flexuration, la relaxation progressive des flexures se traduit tout d'abord par la mise en place de profils pentés et ouverts, puis par des profils de plus en plus plats et confinés associés à une transgression généralisée. Du Thanétien au Bartonien s'observent des flexures d'axe E-W, dont les ùges sont compatibles avec les différentes phases de la convergence Ibérie-Eurasie. En outre, une déformation de courte durée à l'Yprésien basal est rattachée à l'ouverture de l'Atlantique Nord. Enfin, une réorientation majeure du bassin possiblement liée au début de la collision Apulie-Eurasie est observée au Priabonien. Ce travail fournit un calage à haute résolution pour la compréhension et la modélisation des déformations intraplaques. Différentes tailles de flexure, de l'ordre de 150 à plus 300 km sont observées traduisant une implication d'épaisseurs plus ou moins importantes de la lithosphÚre

    Le Cénozoïque du bassin de Paris : un enregistrement sédimentaire haute résolution des déformations lithosphériques en régime de faible subsidence

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    International audienceLe bassin de Paris est considĂ©rĂ© comme un exemple typique de bassin intracratonique affectĂ© par une subsidence thermique long terme. Le CĂ©nozoĂŻque correspond Ă  une pĂ©riode de faible subsidence (Ă©paisseurs infĂ©rieures Ă  350m) et marque la fin du fonctionnement de ce bassin. C’est en outre une pĂ©riode de forte dĂ©formation de la plaque europĂ©enne, dans un contexte de convergence Afrique-Eurasie et d’ouverture de l'Atlantique Nord caractĂ©risĂ©e par des inversions de grabens dans le Nord et l’Est de l’Europe. Si de nombreux hiatus ont Ă©tĂ© identifiĂ©s, les dĂ©formations cĂ©nozoĂŻques du bassin de Paris, situĂ©es sur une croute Ă  l’équilibre et leur relation aux contraintes en limite de plaque restent mĂ©connues. Cette thĂšse a pour objectif de recomposer Ă  haute rĂ©solution spatiale et temporelle (de l’ordre du million d’annĂ©es) les gĂ©omĂ©tries sĂ©dimentaires 3D et les palĂ©ogĂ©ographies successives du PalĂ©ocĂšne au dĂ©but de l’OligocĂšne. Ce travail qui s’appuie sur de nombreuses donnĂ©es biostratigraphiques consiste en une approche couplĂ©e de sĂ©dimentologie de faciĂšs et de corrĂ©lations diagraphiques (500 puits) selon les principes de la stratigraphie sĂ©quentielle. Trois ordres de sĂ©quences sont dĂ©finis. Les cycles d’ordre supĂ©rieur (4Ăšme et 3Ăšme ordre) enregistrent les variations climato-eustatiques. Cinq sĂ©quences de dĂ©pĂŽt (2e ordre), limitĂ©es par des discontinuitĂ©s et/ou des rĂ©organisations palĂ©ogĂ©ographiques sont identifiĂ©es : (1) Maastrichtien-Danien ; (2) ThanĂ©tien-YprĂ©sien ; (3) LutĂ©tien-Bartonien ; (4) Bartonien-Priabonien terminal et (5) Priabonien terminal-Chattien. Les architectures des sĂ©quences (1) Ă  (4) sont contrĂŽlĂ©es par des phases de flexures. AprĂšs des Ă©mersions lors des paroxysmes de flexuration, la relaxation progressive des flexures se traduit tout d’abord par la mise en place de profils pentĂ©s et ouverts, puis par des profils de plus en plus plats et confinĂ©s associĂ©s Ă  une transgression gĂ©nĂ©ralisĂ©e. Du ThanĂ©tien au Bartonien s’observent des flexures d’axe E-W, dont les Ăąges sont compatibles avec les diffĂ©rentes phases de la convergence IbĂ©rie-Eurasie. En outre, une dĂ©formation de courte durĂ©e Ă  l’YprĂ©sien basal est rattachĂ©e Ă  l'ouverture de l'Atlantique Nord. Enfin, une rĂ©orientation majeure du bassin possiblement liĂ©e au dĂ©but de la collision Apulie-Eurasie est observĂ©e au Priabonien. Ce travail fournit un calage Ă  haute rĂ©solution pour la comprĂ©hension et la modĂ©lisation des dĂ©formations intraplaques. DiffĂ©rentes tailles de flexure, de l’ordre de 150 Ă  plus 300 km sont observĂ©es traduisant une implication d’épaisseurs plus ou moins importantes de la lithosphĂšre

    Mobile Objects "Must" Move Safely

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    Øjeblik is a lexically-scopted, object-based calculus that represents a distribution-free subset of the LAN-based programming language Obliq. The surrogate operation on Øjeblik-objects, which is the abstraction of migration on Obliq-objects, is a combined operation derived from the more primitive operations cloning and aliasing

    A formal study of two physical countermeasures against side channel attacks

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    Secure electronic circuits must implement countermeasures against a wide range of attacks. Often, the protection against side channel attacks requires to be tightly integrated within the functionality to be protected. It is now part of the designer\u27s job to implement them. But this task is known to be error-prone, and with current development processes, countermeasures are evaluated often very late (at circuit fabrication). In order to improve the confidence of the designer in the efficiency of the countermeasure, we suggest in this article to resort to formal methods early in the design flow for two reasons. First of all, we intend to check that the process of transformation of the design from the vulnerable description to the protected one does not alter the functionality. Second, we wish to prove that the security properties (that can derive from a formal security functional specification) are indeed met after transformation. Our first contribution is to show how such a framework can be setup (in COQ) for netlist-level protections. The second contribution is to illustrate that this framework indeed allows to detect vulnerabilities in dual-rail logics, with the examples of wave differential dynamic logic (WDDL) and balanced cell-based differential logic (BCDL)

    Efficient Java Code Generation of Security Protocols Specified in AnB/AnBx

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    The implementation of security protocols is challenging and error-prone, as experience has proved that even widely used and heavily tested protocols like TLS and SSH need to be patched every year due to low-level implementation bugs. A model-driven development approach allows automatic generation of an application, from a simpler and abstract model that can be formally verified. In this work we present the AnBx compiler, a tool for automatic generation of Java code of security protocols specified in the popular Alice & Bob notation, suitable for agile prototyping. In contrast with the existing tools, the AnBx compiler uses a simpler specification language and computes the consistency checks that agents has to perform on reception of messages. This is an important feature for robust implementations. Moreover, the tool applies various optimization strategies to achieve efficiency both at compile time and at run time. A support library interfaces the Java Cryptographic Architecture allowing for easy customization of the application

    Time scales of melt extraction revealed by distribution of lava composition across a ridge axis

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    International audienceTemporal fluctuations of magmatic processes during the last 800 kyr have been investigated for the slow spreading Central Indian Ridge. The fluctuations are recorded by variations in lava chemistry along a 40 km long profile across the ridge. The temporal relations of the basalts were accurately restored using magnetic microanomalies. We report on the occurrence of ancient lavas enriched in incompatible elements whereas on-axis samples are typical normal mid-ocean ridge basalts. The enriched lavas are symmetrically distributed on either side of the ridge, implying that enriched melts reached the seafloor at intervals of about 150–200 kyr. This periodicity is viewed as a characteristic time scale in the aggregation processes of the melts produced from a heterogeneous mantle source. Geochemical variations of zero-age mid-ocean ridge basalts may primarily reflect such periodic processes rather than the spatial distribution of mantle heterogeneities

    A Fully Abstract Symbolic Semantics for Psi-Calculi

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    We present a symbolic transition system and bisimulation equivalence for psi-calculi, and show that it is fully abstract with respect to bisimulation congruence in the non-symbolic semantics. A psi-calculus is an extension of the pi-calculus with nominal data types for data structures and for logical assertions representing facts about data. These can be transmitted between processes and their names can be statically scoped using the standard pi-calculus mechanism to allow for scope migrations. Psi-calculi can be more general than other proposed extensions of the pi-calculus such as the applied pi-calculus, the spi-calculus, the fusion calculus, or the concurrent constraint pi-calculus. Symbolic semantics are necessary for an efficient implementation of the calculus in automated tools exploring state spaces, and the full abstraction property means the semantics of a process does not change from the original
