305 research outputs found

    Fast Iterative Combinatorial Auctions via Bayesian Learning

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    Iterative combinatorial auctions (CAs) are often used in multi-billion dollar domains like spectrum auctions, and speed of convergence is one of the crucial factors behind the choice of a specific design for practical applications. To achieve fast convergence, current CAs require careful tuning of the price update rule to balance convergence speed and allocative efficiency. Brero and Lahaie (2018) recently introduced a Bayesian iterative auction design for settings with single-minded bidders. The Bayesian approach allowed them to incorporate prior knowledge into the price update algorithm, reducing the number of rounds to convergence with minimal parameter tuning. In this paper, we generalize their work to settings with no restrictions on bidder valuations. We introduce a new Bayesian CA design for this general setting which uses Monte Carlo Expectation Maximization to update prices at each round of the auction. We evaluate our approach via simulations on CATS instances. Our results show that our Bayesian CA outperforms even a highly optimized benchmark in terms of clearing percentage and convergence speed.Comment: 9 pages, 2 figures, AAAI-1

    Raconter, imprimer et archiver les temps forts de la vie de cour (Savoie, XVe-XVIIe s.)

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    L’importance croissante prise par les cérémonies royales et princières à la fin du Moyen Âge a mené les cours à générer une documentation plus importante que par le passé. Cet article présente les nouveaux types de textes spécifiquement voués aux rituels dynastiques qui commencèrent à être produits et diffusés à la Renaissance (scénarios, récits, imprimés…). Puis il s’intéresse à la manière dont ces documents traversèrent les frontières et le temps: autrement dit, comment les cours archivaient les célébrations d’ailleurs et celles du passé. Il s’agissait de conserver la mémoire de ces événements exceptionnels, mais aussi de pouvoir s’en inspirer au moment d’élaborer une cérémonie.The significant development of princely and royal ceremonies at the end of the Middle Ages led the courts to an increase in documentation regarding these matters. This article presents the new types of texts specifically dedicated to dynastic rituals produced in the Renaissance (scripts, narrative accounts, printed booklets and so on). It then focuses on how these documents crossed not only the borders but also the centuries; in other words, how courts archived celebrations from other countries and from the past. It was necessary to keep the memory of these exceptional events, but also to be able to draw on them when inspiration was needed in planning a new ceremony


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    In questa tesi è stato svolto un lavoro di approfondimento sull’argomento riscaldamento globale con particolare attenzione all’effetto serra. Si sono presi in esame i materiali didattici a disposizione per affrontare questo argomento con gli studenti di scuola superiore. Sono stati svolti in prima persona esperimenti da proporre in un eventuale piano di studio che preveda l’inserimento di tale argomento. E' stato proposto un piano di studi sul riscaldamento globale e l’effetto serra. Sono state fornite delle domande da poter utilizzare come introduzione all’argomento, come supporto alle esperienze e come verifica delle conoscenze degli studenti. E' stato valutato l’impatto che una presentazione di alcuni degli esperimenti possa avere all’interno di una classe quarta di un liceo scientifico. Viene ora valutato materiale multimediale di supporto. Infine vengono tratte le conclusioni e elaborate proposte di proseguimento del lavoro eseguito

    Nuclear topology during cellular differentiation in mouse

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    Valuatios of innovative ICT activities in enviromental eucation by training teachers

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    In a training proposal, consisting of five phases which are divided into two roles for the Pre service Secondary Science Teacher (PSST) -firstly, in the role of student, and secondly in the role of PSST- this work analyzes, according to the second role, the evaluations carried out by the PSST from the Master's Degree in Teacher of Science Education (MDTSE) at the University of Málaga (Spain) on ICT activities, using the annotations on video in a significant environmental situation. Regarding these evaluations, they had to identify contents and educational competences, as well as highlight and argue the advantages and disadvantages of the annotations on video as a teaching resource. The results show a majority tendency to associate the contents with ecological sciences over environmental sciences; for its part, the most frequently cited competition is that of science and technology. Finally, the development of digital skills and the motivating component stand out as advantages."This work was supported by the Spanish government through it 2017 research calls [EDU2017-82197-P, R&D Project]

    La reflexión sobre la práctica en la formación inicial del profesorado de ciencias/tecnología. Una propuesta formativa

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    Se fundamenta y se describe un proyecto en marcha, en el contexto de las asignaturas de prácticas externas y de trabajo fin de titulo, con la finalidad incentivar la reflexión sobre la práctica y fomentar la capacidad de autoevaluación y de aprendizaje autónomo en la formación inicial del profesorado. Se desarrolla en el Máster en Profesorado de Educación Secundaria y en Grado en Educación Primaria en la Universidad de Málaga. El proyecto se centra en la planificación y el desarrollo conjunto de ambas asignaturas, con objeto de optimizar y seleccionar muy bien las actividades formativas y de evaluación para pueden ayudar a potenciar la reflexión sobre la práctica. También se presta especial atencióna la coordinación y el trabajo conjunto en estas asignaturas de los tutores académicos y la articulación de cauces y mecanismos de coordinación y colaboración entre éstos y los tutores profesionales implicados en las prácticas.Esta comunicación ha sido elaborada como parte del trabajo del PIE 13-131 de la Convocatoria 2013-2015 de Proyectos de Innovación Educativa de la Universidad de Málaga.Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech