12 research outputs found

    Hypothalamic UDP Increases in Obesity and Promotes Feeding via P2Y6-Dependent Activation of AgRP Neurons

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    Activation of orexigenic AgRP-expressing neurons in the arcuate nucleus of the hypothalamus potently promotes feeding, thus defining new regulators of AgRP neuron activity could uncover potential novel targets for obesity treatment. Here, we demonstrate that AgRP neurons express the purinergic receptor 6 (P2Y6), which is activated by uridine-diphosphate (UDP). In vivo, UDP induces ERK phosphorylation and cFos expression in AgRP neurons and promotes action potential firing of these neurons in brain slice recordings. Consequently, central application of UDP promotes feeding, and this response is abrogated upon pharmacologic or genetic inhibition of P2Y6 as well as upon pharmacogenetic inhibition of AgRP neuron activity. In obese animals, hypothalamic UDP content is elevated as a consequence of increased circulating uridine concentrations. Collectively, these experiments reveal a potential regulatory pathway in obesity, where peripheral uridine increases hypothalamic UDP concentrations, which in turn can promote feeding via PY6-dependent activation of AgRP neurons

    Inhibition of P2Y6 Signaling in AgRP Neurons Reduces Food Intake and Improves Systemic Insulin Sensitivity in Obesity

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    Uridine-diphosphate (UDP) and its receptor P2Y6 have recently been identified as regulators of AgRP neurons. UDP promotes feeding via activation of P2Y6 receptors on AgRP neurons, and hypothalamic UDP concentrations are increased in obesity. However, it remained unresolved whether inhibition of P2Y6 signaling pharmacologically, globally, or restricted to AgRP neurons can improve obesity-associated metabolic dysfunctions. Here, we demonstrate that central injection of UDP acutely promotes feeding in diet-induced obese mice and that acute pharmacological blocking of CNS P2Y6 receptors reduces food intake. Importantly, mice with AgRP-neuron-restricted inactivation of P2Y6 exhibit reduced food intake and fat mass as well as improved systemic insulin sensitivity with improved insulin action in liver. Our results reveal that P2Y6 signaling in AgRP neurons is involved in the onset of obesity-associated hyperphagia and systemic insulin resistance. Collectively, these experiments define P2Y6 as a potential target to pharmacologically restrict both feeding and systemic insulin resistance in obesity

    Hypothalamic Pomc Neurons Innervate the Spinal Cord and Modulate the Excitability of Premotor Circuits

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    Locomotion requires energy, yet animals need to increase locomotion in order to find and consume food in energy-deprived states. While such energy homeostatic coordination suggests brain origin, whether the central melanocortin 4 receptor (Mc4r) system directly modulates locomotion through motor circuits is unknown. Here, we report that hypothalamic Pomc neurons in zebrafish andmice have long-range projections into spinal cord regions harboring Mc4r-expressing V2a interneurons, crucial components of the premotor networks. Furthermore, in zebrafish, Mc4r activation decreases the excitability of spinal V2a neurons as well as swimming and foraging, while systemic or V2a neuron-specific blockage of Mc4r promotes locomotion. In contrast, in mice, electrophysiological recordings revealed that two-thirds of V2a neurons in lamina X are excited by the Mc4r agonist alpha-MSH, and acute inhibition of Mc4r signaling reduces locomotor activity. In addition, we found other Mc4r neurons in spinal lamina X that are inhibited by alpha-MSH, which is in line with previous studies in rodents where Mc4r agonists reduced locomotor activity. Collectively, our studies identify spinal V2a interneurons as evolutionary conserved second-order neurons of the central Mc4r system, providing a direct anatomical and functional link between energy homeostasis and locomotor control systems. The net effects of this modulatory system on locomotor activity can vary between different vertebrate species and, possibly, even within one species. We discuss the biological sense of this phenomenon in light of the ambiguity of locomotion on energy balance and the different living conditions of the different species

    PNOCARC Neurons Promote Hyperphagia and Obesity upon High-Fat-Diet Feeding

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    Calorie-rich diets induce hyperphagia and promote obesity, although the underlying mechanisms remain poorly defined. We find that short-term high-fat-diet (HFD) feeding of mice activates prepronociceptin (PNOC)-expressing neurons in the arcuate nucleus of the hypothalamus (ARC). PNOCARC neurons represent a previously unrecognized GABAergic population of ARC neurons distinct from well-defined feeding regulatory AgRP or POMC neurons. PNOCARC neurons arborize densely in the ARC and provide inhibitory synaptic input to nearby anorexigenic POMC neurons. Optogenetic activation of PNOCARC neurons in the ARC and their projections to the bed nucleus of the stria terminalis promotes feeding. Selective ablation of these cells promotes the activation of POMC neurons upon HFD exposure, reduces feeding, and protects from obesity, but it does not affect food intake or body weight under normal chow consumption. We characterize PNOCARC neurons as a novel ARC neuron population activated upon palatable food consumption to promote hyperphagia

    Chronic endoplasmic reticulum stress in myotonic dystrophy type 2 promotes autoimmunity via mitochondrial DNA release

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    Abstract Myotonic dystrophy type 2 (DM2) is a tetranucleotide CCTG repeat expansion disease associated with an increased prevalence of autoimmunity. Here, we identified an elevated type I interferon (IFN) signature in peripheral blood mononuclear cells and primary fibroblasts of DM2 patients as a trigger of chronic immune stimulation. Although RNA-repeat accumulation was prevalent in the cytosol of DM2-patient fibroblasts, type-I IFN release did not depend on innate RNA immune sensors but rather the DNA sensor cGAS and the prevalence of mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) in the cytoplasm. Sublethal mtDNA release was promoted by a chronic activation of the ATF6 branch of the unfolded protein response (UPR) in reaction to RNA-repeat accumulation and non-AUG translated tetrapeptide expansion proteins. ATF6-dependent mtDNA release and resulting cGAS/STING activation could also be recapitulated in human THP-1 monocytes exposed to chronic endoplasmic reticulum (ER) stress. Altogether, our study demonstrates a novel mechanism by which large repeat expansions cause chronic endoplasmic reticulum stress and associated mtDNA leakage. This mtDNA is, in turn, sensed by the cGAS/STING pathway and induces a type-I IFN response predisposing to autoimmunity. Elucidating this pathway reveals new potential therapeutic targets for autoimmune disorders associated with repeat expansion diseases

    p53 in AgRP neurons is required for protection against diet-induced obesity via JNK1.

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    p53 is a well-known tumor suppressor that has emerged as an important player in energy balance. However, its metabolic role in the hypothalamus remains unknown. Herein, we show that mice lacking p53 in agouti-related peptide (AgRP), but not proopiomelanocortin (POMC) or steroidogenic factor-1 (SF1) neurons, are more prone to develop diet-induced obesity and show reduced brown adipose tissue (BAT) thermogenic activity. AgRP-specific ablation of p53 resulted in increased hypothalamic c-Jun N-terminal kinase (JNK) activity before the mice developed obesity, and central inhibition of JNK reversed the obese phenotype of these mice. The overexpression of p53 in the ARC or specifically in AgRP neurons of obese mice decreased body weight and stimulated BAT thermogenesis, resulting in body weight loss. Finally, p53 in AgRP neurons regulates the ghrelin-induced food intake and body weight. Overall, our findings provide evidence that p53 in AgRP neurons is required for normal adaptations against diet-induced obesity

    AgRP Neurons Control Systemic Insulin Sensitivity via Myostatin Expression in Brown Adipose Tissue

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    Activation of Agouti-related peptide (AgRP) neurons potently promotes feeding, and chronically altering their activity also affects peripheral glucose homeostasis. We demonstrate that acute activation of AgRP neurons causes insulin resistance through impairment of insulin-stimulated glucose uptake into brown adipose tissue (BAT). AgRP neuron activation acutely reprograms gene expression in BAT toward a myogenic signature, including increased expression of myostatin. Interference with myostatin activity improves insulin sensitivity that was impaired by AgRP neurons activation. Optogenetic circuitry mapping reveals that feeding and insulin sensitivity are controlled by both distinct and overlapping projections. Stimulation of AgRP → LHA projections impairs insulin sensitivity and promotes feeding while activation of AgRP → anterior bed nucleus of the stria terminalis (aBNST)(vl) projections, distinct from AgRP → aBNST(dm) projections controlling feeding, mediate the effect of AgRP neuron activation on BAT-myostatin expression and insulin sensitivity. Collectively, our results suggest that AgRP neurons in mice induce not only eating, but also insulin resistance by stimulating expression of muscle-related genes in BAT, revealing a mechanism by which these neurons rapidly coordinate hunger states with glucose homeostasis