103 research outputs found

    Re-evaluation of the Jesse Ewing Canyon Formation : Implications for Neoproterozoic Paleogeography and Tectonic Setting of Northeastern Utah

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    Detailed analysis of the basal unit of the Uinta Mountain Group, the Jesse Ewing Canyon Formation, of northeastern Utah and northwestern Colorado, expands on previous work by further documenting the character of the unit and proposing a revision of the description of the formation and interpretation. The Jesse Ewing Canyon Formation is -s1 ,000 meters thick as opposed to s225 meters thick, and the dominant lithology is not conglomerate, but rather finer-grained facies. The Jesse Ewing Canyon Formation reveals multiple alluvial fan point sources feeding a shallow body of water in an active rift basin at-781 Ma. Stratigraphic mapping, measured sections, and facies analysis of the Jesse Ewing Canyon Formation have allowed the designation of two members defined by changes in lithology. The coarse-grained Head of Cottonwood member (-0-200 meters thick) represents alluvial fan deposition along the basin bounding faults to the north. The fine-grained Willow Creek member (-150-1,000 meters thick) represents distal alluvial fan, braided stream, fan delta, and nearshore deposition and records the complex interaction of transverse and longitudinal alluvial systems with an intermittent shallow body of water. The stratigraphy and distribution of the two members of the Jesse Ewing Canyon Formation suggest sedimentation along the basin-bounding east-west trending fault system was dominated by alluvial fans that graded laterally into finer sediments basinward. Changes in thickness and (or) lithology across Laramide and younger structures are attributed to synextensional deposition. A crude, overall fining-upward trend within the Willow Creek member suggests alluvial fan retrogradation that was likely controlled by coincident northward transition in fault slip along related structures. Preliminary subdivisions were made within the overlying Uinta Mountain Group based on the presence of a middle shale and conglomeratic unit. The designation of the lower, middle, and upper Uinta Mountain Group establishes a stratigraphic framework for the correlation between the northern and southern margins of Browns Park, and ultimately the eastern and western domes of the Uinta Mountains. Repetition of the lithostratigraphic units in the overlying undifferentiated Uinta Mountain Group may be due to a blind thrust fault as opposed to deposition

    Substantial optical dielectric enhancement by volume compression in LiAsSe2_2

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    Based on first-principles calculations, we predict a substantial increase in the optical dielectric function of LiAsSe2_2 under pressure. We find that the optical dielectric constant is enhanced threefold under volume compression. This enhancement is mainly due to the dimerization strength reduction of the one-dimensional (1D) As--Se chains in LiAsSe2_2, which significantly alters the wavefunction phase mismatch between two neighboring chains and changes the transition intensity. By developing a tight-binding model of the interacting 1D chains, the essential features of the low-energy electronic structure of LiAsSe2_2 are captured. Our findings are important for understanding the fundamental physics of LiAsSe2_2 and provide a feasible way to enhance the material optical response that can be applied to light harvesting for energy applications.Comment: 13 pages, 6 figure

    Excretory/Secretory-Products of Echinococcus multilocularis Larvae Induce Apoptosis and Tolerogenic Properties in Dendritic Cells In Vitro

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    Parasitic helminths are inducers of chronic diseases and have evolved mechanisms to suppress the host immune response. Mostly from studies on roundworms, a picture is currently emerging that helminths secrete factors (E/S-products) that directly act on sentinels of the immune system, dendritic cells, in order to achieve an expansion of immunosuppressive, regulatory T cells (T-reg). Parasitic helminths are currently also intensely studied as therapeutic agents against autoimmune diseases and allergies, which is directly linked to their immunosuppressive activities. The immunomodulatory products of parasitic helminths are therefore of high interest for understanding immunopathology during infections and for the treatment of allergies. The present work was conducted on larvae of the tapeworm E. multilocularis, which grow like a tumor into surrounding host tissue and thus cause the lethal disease alveolar echinococcosis. The authors found that E/S-products from early infective larvae are strong inducers of tolerogenic DC in vitro and show that E/S-products of larvae of the chronic stage lead to an in vitro expansion of Foxp3+ T cells, suggesting that both the expansion of these T cells and poorly responsive DC are important for the establishment and persistence of E. multilocularis larvae within the host

    The question-behaviour effect: a theoretical and methodological review and meta-analysis

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    Research has demonstrated that asking people questions about a behaviour can lead to behaviour change. Despite many, varied studies in different domains, it is only recently that this phenomenon has been studied under the umbrella term of the question-behaviour effect (QBE) and moderators of the effect have been investigated. With a particular focus on our own contributions, this article: (1) provides an overview of QBE research; (2) reviews and offers new evidence concerning three theoretical accounts of the QBE (behavioural simulation and processing fluency; attitude accessibility; cognitive dissonance); (3) reports a new meta-analysis of QBE studies (k = 66, reporting 94 tests) focusing on methodological moderators. The findings of this meta-analysis support a small significant effect of the QBE (g = 0.14, 95% CI = 0.11, 0.18, p < .001) with smaller effect sizes observed in more carefully controlled studies that exhibit less risk of bias and (4) also considers directions for future research on the QBE, especially studies that use designs with low risk of bias and consider desirable and undesirable behaviour separately

    A Cilia-inspired Closed-loop Sensor-actuator Array

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    © 2018, Jilin University. Cilia are finger-like cell-surface organelles that are used by certain varieties of aquatic unicellular organisms for motility, sensing and object manipulation. Initiated by internal generators and external mechanical and chemical stimuli, coordinated undulations of cilia lead to the motion of a fluid surrounding the organism. This motion transports micro-particles towards an oral cavity and provides motile force. Inspired by the emergent properties of cilia possessed by the pond organism P. caudatum, we propose a novel smart surface with closed-loop control using sensor-actuators pairings that can manipulate objects. Each vibrating motor actuator is controlled by a localised microcontroller which utilises proximity sensor information to initiate actuation. The circuit boards are designed to be plug-and-play and are infinitely up-scalable and reconfigurable. The smart surface is capable of moving objects at a speed of 7.2 millimetres per second in forward or reverse direction. Further development of this platform will include more anatomically similar biomimetic cilia and control

    Identification of a humanized mouse model for functional testing of immune-mediated biomaterial foreign body response.

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    Biomedical devices comprise a major component of modern medicine, however immune-mediated fibrosis and rejection can limit their function over time. Here, we describe a humanized mouse model that recapitulates fibrosis following biomaterial implantation. Cellular and cytokine responses to multiple biomaterials were evaluated across different implant sites. Human innate immune macrophages were verified as essential to biomaterial rejection in this model and were capable of cross-talk with mouse fibroblasts for collagen matrix deposition. Cytokine and cytokine receptor array analysis confirmed core signaling in the fibrotic cascade. Foreign body giant cell formation, often unobserved in mice, was also prominent. Last, high-resolution microscopy coupled with multiplexed antibody capture digital profiling analysis supplied spatial resolution of rejection responses. This model enables the study of human immune cell-mediated fibrosis and interactions with implanted biomaterials and devices

    Murine CD4+ T Cell Responses Are Inhibited by Cytotoxic T Cell-Mediated Killing of Dendritic Cells and Are Restored by Antigen Transfer

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    Cytotoxic T lymphocytes (CTL) provide protection against pathogens and tumors. In addition, experiments in mouse models have shown that CTL can also kill antigen-presenting dendritic cells (DC), reducing their ability to activate primary and secondary CD8+ T cell responses. In contrast, the effects of CTL-mediated killing on CD4+ T cell responses have not been fully investigated. Here we use adoptive transfer of TCR transgenic T cells and DC immunization to show that specific CTL significantly inhibited CD4+ T cell proliferation induced by DC loaded with peptide or low concentrations of protein antigen. In contrast, CTL had little effect on CD4+ T cell proliferation induced by DC loaded with high protein concentrations or expressing antigen endogenously, even if these DC were efficiently killed and failed to accumulate in the lymph node (LN). Residual CD4+ T cell proliferation was due to the transfer of antigen from carrier DC to host APC, and predominantly involved skin DC populations. Importantly, the proliferating CD4+ T cells also developed into IFN-γ producing memory cells, a property normally requiring direct presentation by activated DC. Thus, CTL-mediated DC killing can inhibit CD4+ T cell proliferation, with the extent of inhibition being determined by the form and amount of antigen used to load DC. In the presence of high antigen concentrations, antigen transfer to host DC enables the generation of CD4+ T cell responses regardless of DC killing, and suggests mechanisms whereby CD4+ T cell responses can be amplified
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