62 research outputs found

    Botulinum toxin type A in the treatment of patients with cervical dystonia

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    Dystonia is an involuntary movement involving twisting and turning of agonist and antagonist muscles. Cervical dystonia is isolated to neck musculature. Botulinum toxin type A is a safe and effective treatment of this disabling and often painful syndrome. Three forms of botulinum toxin type A are available worldwide to treat patients with cervical dystonia. This is a review of the studies of botulinum toxin type A to treat cervical dystonia

    Mutations in the Na+/K+-ATPase α3 Gene ATP1A3 Are Associated with Rapid-Onset Dystonia Parkinsonism

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    AbstractRapid-onset dystonia-parkinsonism (RDP, DYT12) is a distinctive autosomal-dominant movement disorder with variable expressivity and reduced penetrance characterized by abrupt onset of dystonia, usually accompanied by signs of parkinsonism. The sudden onset of symptoms over hours to a few weeks, often associated with physical or emotional stress, suggests a trigger initiating a nervous system insult resulting in permanent neurologic disability. We report the finding of six missense mutations in the gene for the Na+/K+-ATPase α3 subunit (ATP1A3) in seven unrelated families with RDP. Functional studies and structural analysis of the protein suggest that these mutations impair enzyme activity or stability. This finding implicates the Na+/K+ pump, a crucial protein responsible for the electrochemical gradient across the cell membrane, in dystonia and parkinsonism

    Rapid-onset dystonia-parkinsonism associated with the I758S mutation of the ATP1A3 gene: a neuropathologic and neuroanatomical study of four siblings

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    Rapid-onset dystonia-parkinsonism (RDP) is a movement disorder associated with mutations in the ATP1A3 gene. Signs and symptoms of RDP commonly occur in adolescence or early adulthood and can be triggered by physical or psychological stress. Mutations in ATP1A3 are also associated with alternating hemiplegia of childhood (AHC). The neuropathologic substrate of these conditions is unknown. The central nervous system of four siblings, three affected by RDP and one asymptomatic, all carrying the I758S mutation in the ATP1A3 gene, was analyzed. This neuropathologic study is the first carried out in ATP1A3 mutation carriers, whether affected by RDP or AHC. Symptoms began in the third decade of life for two subjects and in the fifth for another. The present investigation aimed at identifying, in mutation carriers, anatomical areas potentially affected and contributing to RDP pathogenesis. Comorbid conditions, including cerebrovascular disease and Alzheimer disease, were evident in all subjects. We evaluated areas that may be relevant to RDP separately from those affected by the comorbid conditions. Anatomical areas identified as potential targets of I758S mutation were globus pallidus, subthalamic nucleus, red nucleus, inferior olivary nucleus, cerebellar Purkinje and granule cell layers, and dentate nucleus. Involvement of subcortical white matter tracts was also evident. Furthermore, in the spinal cord, a loss of dorsal column fibers was noted. This study has identified RDP-associated pathology in neuronal populations, which are part of complex motor and sensory loops. Their involvement would cause an interruption of cerebral and cerebellar connections which are essential for maintenance of motor control. Electronic supplementary material The online version of this article (doi:10.1007/s00401-014-1279-x) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users

    Research conference summary from the 2014 International Task Force on

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    OBJECTIVE: METHODS: In 2014, the Alternating Hemiplegia of Childhood Foundation hosted a multidisciplinary workshop intended to address fundamental challenges surrounding the diagnosis and management of individuals with RESULTS: Workshop attendees were charged with the following: (1) to achieve consensus on expanded diagnostic criteria to facilitate the identification of additional patients, intended to supplement existing syndrome-specific diagnostic paradigms; (2) to standardize definitions for the broad range of paroxysmal manifestations associated with AHC to disseminate to families; (3) to create clinical recommendations for common recurrent issues facing families and medical care providers; (4) to review data related to the death of individuals in the Alternating Hemiplegia of Childhood Foundation database to guide future efforts in identifying at-risk subjects and potential preventative measures; and (5) to identify critical gaps where we most need to focus national and international research efforts. CONCLUSIONS: This report summarizes recommendations of the workshop committee, highlighting the key phenotypic features to facilitate the diagnosis of possibl

    Skuteczność i bezpieczeństwo leczenia toksyną botulinową typu A (abobotulinum toxin A) pacjentów ze spastycznością kończyny dolnej. Randomizowane badanie kliniczne

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    Cel: Wykazanie skuteczności jednorazowego wstrzyknięcia toksy­ny botulinowej typu A (abobotulinum toxin A [Dysport]) podawanej do mięśni kończyny dolnej w porównaniu z placebo u dorosłych z przewlekłym niedowładem połowiczym. Ocena długotrwałego bezpieczeństwa i skuteczności wielokrotnych wstrzyknięć. Metody: W wieloośrodkowym badaniu klinicznym prowadzonym metodą podwójnie ślepej próby, z randomizacją, kontrolą placebo i pojedynczym cyklem leczenia dorośli uczestnicy po co najmniej 6 miesiącach od udaru/uszkodzenia mózgu otrzymali pojedynczą iniekcję badanego leku (abobotulinum toxin A 1000 j., 1500 j., placebo) do mięśni kończyny dolnej. Po badaniu zasadniczym badanie przedłużono o rok w fazie otwartej, w trakcie której uczestnicy otrzymywali nie więcej niż 4 cykle leczenia (1000 j., 1500 j.) podawane w co najmniej 12-tygodniowych odstępach. Skuteczność leczenia oceniano według zmodyfikowanej skali Ashwortha (MAS, Modified Ashworth Scale) dla kompleksu mięśnia trójgłowego łydki (GSC, gastrocnemius-soleus complex; pierwszorzędowy punkt końcowy badania metodą podwójnie śle­pej próby). W badaniu określono również odpowiedź na leczenie w łącznej ocenie lekarzy (PGA, physician global assessment), a także szybkość swobodnego chodu boso. Bezpieczeństwo leczenia stanowiło pierwszorzędowy punkt końcowy badania prowadzonego metodą próby otwartej. Wyniki: Średnia zmiana (95-proc. przedział ufności) wartości MAS GSC w okresie od początku do 4. tygodnia (faza leczenia metodą podwójnie ślepej próby, n = 381) po jednokrotnym podaniu leku wyniosła: –0,5 (od –0,7 do –0,4) (placebo, n = 128), –0,6 (od –0,8 do –0,5) (toksyna botulinowa typu A 1000 j., n = 125; p = = 0,28 wobec placebo) i –0,8 (od –0,9 do –0,7) (toksyna abobotu­linowa typu A 1500 j., n = 128; p = 0,009 wobec placebo). Średnie wartości oceny PGA w 4. tygodniu były następujące: 0,7 (0,5–0,9) (placebo), 0,9 (0,7–1,1) (1000 j.; p = 0,067 wobec placebo) i 0,9 (0,7–1,1) (1500 j.; p = 0,067). Szybkość chodu nie poprawiła się statystycznie znamiennie w porównaniu z placebo. W 4. tygodniu 4. cyklu leczenia (faza otwarta) średnia zmiana oceny MAS GSC wyniosła –1,0. W cyklach badania w fazie otwartej odnotowano stopniową poprawę oceny PGA i szybkości chodu. W 4. tygodniu 4. cyklu leczenia średnia ocena PGA wyniosła 1,9, a szybkość chodu wzrosła o 25,3% (17,5–33,2), przy czym 16% uczestni­ków badania osiągnęło szybkość ponad 0,8 m/s (odpowiadającą chodowi samodzielnemu; 0% na początku badania). Tolerancja leczenia była dobra i zgodna ze znanym profilem bezpieczeństwa toksyny abobotulinowej typu A. Wnioski: Wśród pacjentów z przewlekłym niedowładem po­łowiczym jednokrotne podanie toksyny abobotulinowej typu A (Dysport, Ipsen) spowodowało obniżenie napięcia mięśniowego. Wielokrotne podanie leku w fazie rocznego przedłużenia badania zasadniczego było dobrze tolerowane oraz przyczyniło się do zwiększenia szybkości chodu i prawdopodobieństwa osiągnięcia chodu samodzielnego. Numery identyfikacyjne na portalu Clinicaltrial.gov: NCT01249404, NCT01251367. Klasyfikacja dowodu naukowego: z fazy badania prowadzonej metodą podwójnie ślepej próby uzyskano dane naukowe klasy I, na podstawie których stwierdza się, że jednokrotne wstrzyknięcie toksyny botulinowej typu A u dorosłych z przewlekłym niedowładem spastycznym zmniejsza napięcie mięśniowe w kończynie dolnej. Neurology® 2017; 89: 2245–225

    Potential causal association between gut microbiome and posttraumatic stress disorder

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    Background: The causal effects of gut microbiome and the development of posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) are still unknown. This study aimed to clarify their potential causal association using mendelian randomization (MR). Methods: The summary-level statistics for gut microbiome were retrieved from a genome-wide association study (GWAS) of the MiBioGen consortium. As to PTSD, the Freeze 2 datasets were originated from the Psychiatric Genomics Consortium Posttraumatic Stress Disorder Working Group (PGC-PTSD), and the replicated datasets were obtained from FinnGen consortium. Single nucleotide polymorphisms meeting MR assumptions were selected as instrumental variables. The inverse variance weighting (IVW) method was employed as the main approach, supplemented by sensitivity analyses to evaluate potential pleiotropy and heterogeneity and ensure the robustness of the MR results. We also performed reverse MR analyses to explore PTSD’s causal effects on the relative abundances of specific features of the gut microbiome. Results: In Freeze 2 datasets from PGC-PTSD, eight bacterial traits revealed a potential causal association between gut microbiome and PTSD (IVW, all P < 0.05). In addition, Genus.Dorea and genus.Sellimonas were replicated in FinnGen datasets, in which eight bacterial traits revealed a potential causal association between gut microbiome and the occurrence of PTSD. The heterogeneity and pleiotropy analyses further supported the robustness of the IVW findings, providing additional evidence for their reliability. Conclusion: Our study provides the potential causal impact of gut microbiomes on the development of PTSD, shedding new light on the understanding of the dysfunctional gut-brain axis in this disorder. Our findings present novel evidence and call for investigations to confirm the association between their links, as well as to illuminate the underlying mechanisms

    Enhancing Discovery of Genetic Variants for Posttraumatic Stress Disorder Through Integration of Quantitative Phenotypes and Trauma Exposure Information

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    Funding Information: This work was supported by the National Institute of Mental Health / U.S. Army Medical Research and Development Command (Grant No. R01MH106595 [to CMN, IL, MBS, KJRe, and KCK], National Institutes of Health (Grant No. 5U01MH109539 to the Psychiatric Genomics Consortium ), and Brain & Behavior Research Foundation (Young Investigator Grant [to KWC]). Genotyping of samples was provided in part through the Stanley Center for Psychiatric Genetics at the Broad Institute supported by Cohen Veterans Bioscience . Statistical analyses were carried out on the LISA/Genetic Cluster Computer ( https://userinfo.surfsara.nl/systems/lisa ) hosted by SURFsara. This research has been conducted using the UK Biobank resource (Application No. 41209). This work would have not been possible without the financial support provided by Cohen Veterans Bioscience, the Stanley Center for Psychiatric Genetics at the Broad Institute, and One Mind. Funding Information: MBS has in the past 3 years received consulting income from Actelion, Acadia Pharmaceuticals, Aptinyx, Bionomics, BioXcel Therapeutics, Clexio, EmpowerPharm, GW Pharmaceuticals, Janssen, Jazz Pharmaceuticals, and Roche/Genentech and has stock options in Oxeia Biopharmaceuticals and Epivario. In the past 3 years, NPD has held a part-time paid position at Cohen Veterans Bioscience, has been a consultant for Sunovion Pharmaceuticals, and is on the scientific advisory board for Sentio Solutions for unrelated work. In the past 3 years, KJRe has been a consultant for Datastat, Inc., RallyPoint Networks, Inc., Sage Pharmaceuticals, and Takeda. JLM-K has received funding and a speaking fee from COMPASS Pathways. MU has been a consultant for System Analytic. HRK is a member of the Dicerna scientific advisory board and a member of the American Society of Clinical Psychopharmacology Alcohol Clinical Trials Initiative, which during the past 3 years was supported by Alkermes, Amygdala Neurosciences, Arbor Pharmaceuticals, Dicerna, Ethypharm, Indivior, Lundbeck, Mitsubishi, and Otsuka. HRK and JG are named as inventors on Patent Cooperative Treaty patent application number 15/878,640, entitled “Genotype-guided dosing of opioid agonists,” filed January 24, 2018. RP and JG are paid for their editorial work on the journal Complex Psychiatry. OAA is a consultant to HealthLytix. All other authors report no biomedical financial interests or potential conflicts of interest. Funding Information: This work was supported by the National Institute of Mental Health/ U.S. Army Medical Research and Development Command (Grant No. R01MH106595 [to CMN, IL, MBS, KJRe, and KCK], National Institutes of Health (Grant No. 5U01MH109539 to the Psychiatric Genomics Consortium), and Brain & Behavior Research Foundation (Young Investigator Grant [to KWC]). Genotyping of samples was provided in part through the Stanley Center for Psychiatric Genetics at the Broad Institute supported by Cohen Veterans Bioscience. Statistical analyses were carried out on the LISA/Genetic Cluster Computer (https://userinfo.surfsara.nl/systems/lisa) hosted by SURFsara. This research has been conducted using the UK Biobank resource (Application No. 41209). This work would have not been possible without the financial support provided by Cohen Veterans Bioscience, the Stanley Center for Psychiatric Genetics at the Broad Institute, and One Mind. This material has been reviewed by the Walter Reed Army Institute of Research. There is no objection to its presentation and/or publication. The opinions or assertions contained herein are the private views of the authors and are not to be construed as official or as reflecting true views of the U.S. Department of the Army or the Department of Defense. We thank the investigators who comprise the PGC-PTSD working group and especially the more than 206,000 research participants worldwide who shared their life experiences and biological samples with PGC-PTSD investigators. We thank Mark Zervas for his critical input. Full acknowledgments are in Supplement 1. MBS has in the past 3 years received consulting income from Actelion, Acadia Pharmaceuticals, Aptinyx, Bionomics, BioXcel Therapeutics, Clexio, EmpowerPharm, GW Pharmaceuticals, Janssen, Jazz Pharmaceuticals, and Roche/Genentech and has stock options in Oxeia Biopharmaceuticals and Epivario. In the past 3 years, NPD has held a part-time paid position at Cohen Veterans Bioscience, has been a consultant for Sunovion Pharmaceuticals, and is on the scientific advisory board for Sentio Solutions for unrelated work. In the past 3 years, KJRe has been a consultant for Datastat, Inc. RallyPoint Networks, Inc. Sage Pharmaceuticals, and Takeda. JLM-K has received funding and a speaking fee from COMPASS Pathways. MU has been a consultant for System Analytic. HRK is a member of the Dicerna scientific advisory board and a member of the American Society of Clinical Psychopharmacology Alcohol Clinical Trials Initiative, which during the past 3 years was supported by Alkermes, Amygdala Neurosciences, Arbor Pharmaceuticals, Dicerna, Ethypharm, Indivior, Lundbeck, Mitsubishi, and Otsuka. HRK and JG are named as inventors on Patent Cooperative Treaty patent application number 15/878,640, entitled ?Genotype-guided dosing of opioid agonists,? filed January 24, 2018. RP and JG are paid for their editorial work on the journal Complex Psychiatry. OAA is a consultant to HealthLytix. All other authors report no biomedical financial interests or potential conflicts of interest. Publisher Copyright: © 2021 Society of Biological PsychiatryBackground: Posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) is heritable and a potential consequence of exposure to traumatic stress. Evidence suggests that a quantitative approach to PTSD phenotype measurement and incorporation of lifetime trauma exposure (LTE) information could enhance the discovery power of PTSD genome-wide association studies (GWASs). Methods: A GWAS on PTSD symptoms was performed in 51 cohorts followed by a fixed-effects meta-analysis (N = 182,199 European ancestry participants). A GWAS of LTE burden was performed in the UK Biobank cohort (N = 132,988). Genetic correlations were evaluated with linkage disequilibrium score regression. Multivariate analysis was performed using Multi-Trait Analysis of GWAS. Functional mapping and annotation of leading loci was performed with FUMA. Replication was evaluated using the Million Veteran Program GWAS of PTSD total symptoms. Results: GWASs of PTSD symptoms and LTE burden identified 5 and 6 independent genome-wide significant loci, respectively. There was a 72% genetic correlation between PTSD and LTE. PTSD and LTE showed largely similar patterns of genetic correlation with other traits, albeit with some distinctions. Adjusting PTSD for LTE reduced PTSD heritability by 31%. Multivariate analysis of PTSD and LTE increased the effective sample size of the PTSD GWAS by 20% and identified 4 additional loci. Four of these 9 PTSD loci were independently replicated in the Million Veteran Program. Conclusions: Through using a quantitative trait measure of PTSD, we identified novel risk loci not previously identified using prior case-control analyses. PTSD and LTE have a high genetic overlap that can be leveraged to increase discovery power through multivariate methods.publishersversionpublishe

    Potential causal association between gut microbiome and posttraumatic stress disorder

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    Background: The causal effects of gut microbiome and the development of posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) are still unknown. This study aimed to clarify their potential causal association using mendelian randomization (MR). Methods: The summary-level statistics for gut microbiome were retrieved from a genome-wide association study (GWAS) of the MiBioGen consortium. As to PTSD, the Freeze 2 datasets were originated from the Psychiatric Genomics Consortium Posttraumatic Stress Disorder Working Group (PGC-PTSD), and the replicated datasets were obtained from FinnGen consortium. Single nucleotide polymorphisms meeting MR assumptions were selected as instrumental variables. The inverse variance weighting (IVW) method was employed as the main approach, supplemented by sensitivity analyses to evaluate potential pleiotropy and heterogeneity and ensure the robustness of the MR results. We also performed reverse MR analyses to explore PTSD’s causal effects on the relative abundances of specific features of the gut microbiome. Results: In Freeze 2 datasets from PGC-PTSD, eight bacterial traits revealed a potential causal association between gut microbiome and PTSD (IVW, all P < 0.05). In addition, Genus.Dorea and genus.Sellimonas were replicated in FinnGen datasets, in which eight bacterial traits revealed a potential causal association between gut microbiome and the occurrence of PTSD. The heterogeneity and pleiotropy analyses further supported the robustness of the IVW findings, providing additional evidence for their reliability. Conclusion: Our study provides the potential causal impact of gut microbiomes on the development of PTSD, shedding new light on the understanding of the dysfunctional gut-brain axis in this disorder. Our findings present novel evidence and call for investigations to confirm the association between their links, as well as to illuminate the underlying mechanisms